Inside Music Podcast #143: INCITE (Richie Cavalera)

Inside Music Podcast presented by Haulix

The INCITE frontman and founding member opens up about his band’s forward-thinking new albu.

On this episode of Inside Music, host James Shotwell calls Richie Cavalera of INCITE to discuss his band’s new album, Built To Destroy. Richie details life in Vegas, his decision to leave Los Angeles, and how Incite’s latest release brings to life the vision he has had for the group since day one. James also asks Richie about the state of metal today, the differences between UK and US audiences, and where fans can expect to see Incite in the months to come.

We worked many metal bands and labels through Haulix, but something about INCITE’s latest release has stuck with us in recent weeks. Built To Destroy is a fast-paced, hard-hitting release that does not care about your opinions. As Richie Cavalera said when recording the podcast, this album finds INCITE doing precisely what they set out to do on day one. It is the culmination of a decade spent touring and recording, as well as a lifetime of experiences. INCITE want you to love it, but regardless of its performance in the marketplace the band is proud of what they have accomplished.

Built To Destroy takes a look at the world around us and demands that we consider why we live the lives we lead. Do you have a purpose, or do you merely follow orders? Do you aspire to greatness, or do you settle for the path of least resistance? INCITE recognizes how short our existence is, and they want their listeners not to let life pass by without doing whatever matters most to their heart.

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James Shotwell