Inside Music Podcast #153: All Them Witches

Inside Music Podcast presented by Haulix

All Them Witches vocalist and multi-instrumentalist Charles Michael Parks discusses the fusion of hard rock and jazz on our latest podcast.

If there is one complaint the world of modern rock cannot escape it’s the notion that everything sounds the same. Bands may still be filling arenas with their anthems for the underdogs and working class, but can the average consumer separate one act from another? More importantly, is there any need for them to?

All Them Witches offer an alternative to the plague of repetition that has infiltrated rock over the last decade. The trio delivers an original take on hard rock that channels legendary acts such as Black Sabbath without once coming across as a watered-down version of their influences. Instead, All Them Witches strive to be original above all else, and that focus has made all the difference in the trajectory of the group’s career.

On this episode of INSIDE MUSIC, host James Shotwell sits down with Charles Michael Parks of All The Witches to discuss the intersection of hard rock and jazz. All Them Witches exist in a space where creativity is favored over perfection. Night to night, city to city, no two performances are the same. That kind of unpredictability may scare amateurs, but for All Them Witches it is the only way to live.

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James Shotwell