Inside Music Podcast #161: Jon Beatty (Brewtally Speaking)

Inside Music Podcast, Inside Music, Jon Beatty, Brewtally Speaking

The co-host of Brewtally Speaking, one of music’s most exciting podcasts, stops by Inside Music to talk about talking (and other stuff).

No two careers in music are the same. That saying applies to both artists and professionals. Anyone who has any kind of presence in music got there through a series of unpredictable events that propelled them more or less in the direction they were always trying to go. Sometimes life didn’t work out the way they planned, and it’s likely they flat-out failed a time or two, but people who make a career out of music know how to persevere whatever life throws their way. Just ask Jon Beatty, the latest guest on Inside Music.

Jon Beatty is the co-founder and co-host of Brewtally Speaking, a podcast that features interviews with rock and alternative musicians. There are many podcasts with a similar setup, but few — if any — dedicate as much time to curating the perfect interview as Beatty has through his show. Jon spends a lot of his time researching his future guests, and he is constantly seeking ways to make each interaction with talent unique. The result of that hard work is over 170 episodes of genuinely interesting conversation with a who’s who of modern rock. You can find his show on iTunes, Spotify, or anywhere you get podcasts.

On this episode of Inside Music, Jon chats with host James Shotwell about his journey through the world of music journalism. He shares how an early interaction with a publication James helped build pushed him to be the person he has become. The conversation also includes discussion of journalism and interview ethics, as well as the growing importance of podcasts in music as a whole.

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James Shotwell