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What Every Job In Music Requires [VIDEO]

Working in the music business is the dream of thousands around the planet, but not everyone has what it takes to make it in the world of entertainment.

Working in the music business is the dream of thousands around the planet, but not everyone has what it takes to make it in the world of entertainment.

Getting a job in music is tough. It’s not as difficult as fighting a tiger or holding your breath for seven minutes, but finding work in music today is certainly not easy. There are thousands, perhaps even millions of hopeful job-seekers, most with some level of education and experience, and only a limited number of roles. That is the way it has always been, and that is most likely the way it will remain.

Over the last several weeks, we’ve spoken to hiring managers from record labels, publicity firms, music venues, and numerous other industry businesses. They all claim to be consistently looking for new hires that bring something unique to the table that will help push their companies to higher levels of success. In fact, many say that they are willing to create jobs if the right person or persons come along.

In this episode of Music Biz, host James Shotwell breaks down the one requirement of every career in music. There are many roles you can take on, but they all demand one thing that may determine whether or not you get the job of dreams.

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