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You, Me, And Everyone We Know Return To The Inside Music Podcast

In celebration of his band’s new EP, Ben Liebsch returns to Inside Music to discuss the crazy world we live in and how it’s shaping the future of entertainment.

In celebration of his band’s new EP, Ben Liebsch returns to Inside Music to discuss the crazy world we live in and how it’s shaping the future of entertainment.

You, Me, And Everyone We Know is about more than a single band or the music they create. The Pennsylvania-based group has made it their mission to help listeners everywhere appreciate that we are all in this thing called life together. They recognize that we are individuals with personal freedoms and desires, but at the end of the day, we are one species attempting to coexist with each other on a tiny rock spinning in infinite space.

With their latest EP, Radical! Change, You, Me, And Everyone We Know is taking steps to help people stay calm amidst the chaos of existence. The two-song release teases where the band is heading in the future with acoustic cuts of previously unreleased material that explores mindfulness and meditation. There are references to though leaders such as Ram Dass alongside grounding exercises meant to help people reconnect with their inner selves. That may seem heavy, and maybe it is, but there is a lot of fun to be had as well.

Ben Liebsch is no stranger to Inside Music. In fact, his presence on our podcast this week makes him the guest with the most appearances to date. He’s also among the artists our listeners ask to hear, so it all works out pretty well for everyone involved.

On this episode of INSIDE MUSIC, Ben discusses the world and his role in it. He tells host James Shotwell about the way COVID-19 has sidetracked his plans for the year, but also the ways it has helped him focus on what matters most. The pair also discuss the latest EP from Ben’s band, You, Me, and Everyone We Know.

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