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How Any Artist Can Success In 2022 [Video]

With the industry slowing down ahead of the holidays, now is the perfect time to position yourself for success in 2022. We can help.

Everyone has a plan. If you do not think you have a plan right now, then your plan is to fail. That may sound like high school football coach gibberish, but it does carry some weight in the music business. Everyone who has ever gotten anywhere has made a plan to get there, and we are going to help you succeed in 2022 by doing just that. We’re going to make a plan.

But plans are more than just goals. Generally speaking, most people think about plans as a destination. They want to climb a mountain or release an album or go on tour, but they don’t make much of a plan to get there. Success depends on the details surrounding your project. When will you make time to do something, and how will you afford to do it? What skills do you need? Who will help you? All of these things and much more need to be answered if you want any chance of success in music.

In this Music Biz update, host James Shotwell begins by taking stock of the entertainment industry. Between the massive delays with physical media, the ongoing pandemic, and wavering consumer confidence, we live in a ‘new normal’ that demands new plans. James then guides users through the planning process, including establishing a series of checks and balances to ensure your goals are reached. Check it out!

Music Biz is brought to you by Haulix, the music industry’s leading promotional distribution platform. Start your one-month free trial today and gain instant access to the same promotional tools used by BMG, Concord, Rise Records, Pure Noise Records, and hundreds more. Visit for details.

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