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Tips on How to Have Better Cello Performance

Just like any other instrument, getting better at playing cello takes a lot of practice and techniques you deem fitting to have a superb performance.

It’s not just about the number of hours you spent each day to practice compositions, but also maintaining good posture and knowing how to properly handle and take care of your cello that would make you a good cellist.

Here are some tips on how you can get better at playing cello whether you’re just a beginner or amateur:


You may think that this should be a rule of thumb by any cellist, but many forget that before playing the cello, you should have tuned it properly. A slightly out of tune string can ruin the quality of the composition you desire to play. Nowadays, cellists make use of cello tuner for ease of accurately tuning the instrument. The trick in tuning is starting at the highest to the lowest level. 


As what scientific studies show, creating a routine for a specific task eventually leads to a habit. That’s why it’s advisable that you set a practice schedule instead of practicing anywhere and anytime you want.

You should ensure that your practice place is free from any forms of distraction, may it be devices, human voice and whatnot. There’s likely a chance that these distractions might refrain you from achieving your goals.


Do not seek motivation from anyone or anything except for yourself. No matter how much motivational talks you watch and read, it would be all put into waste if you don’t have the heart and mind to actually be good at playing cello. As what would any cellist advice, just get up and start playing. There’s no better day to play than today. 


One of the common mistakes few cellists make is putting too much rosin on the bow. Applying more than the required amount can prevent the bow from smoothly gliding into your cello. Aside from that, it can cause off tune sounds making the performance loud and out of place. The advisable amount of rosin that you can put is at least five (5) strokes for every performance.


Aside from setting your cello appropriately, you should also prepare yourself as parts of your body would be essential in producing quality performance. As much as possible, keep a healthy lifestyle as it can help you to concentrate more and clear your mind. It’s also ideal that you keep yourself active through simple exercises for it can help you in having steady composure in long hours of practicing.


Knowing the basic scales is important in playing cello for various reasons. It helps you to properly position your bow and ensure that you’re always on point in the changes of bow directions Aside from that it helps you to check if you’re in tune and if your hands are properly holding both the cello and the bow.


In learning anything, you should always savor the journey. If you only have the mindset of just getting through it, the journey might be frustrating and painful. But if you’ll enjoy every failure, backset, and every second of getting your body and mind in touch with the cello, the path towards becoming a good cellist would be worthwhile and memorable.

These are just some of the tips on rocking a better cello performance. You can always come up with your own techniques on how to improve in playing cello. Always keep in mind that there’s always room for improvement so it’s important to practice everyday. 

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