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Racquel Jones Appears On The Latest Inside Music Podcast

An artist in the truest sense, Racquel Jones is on a mission to make everyone more comfortable with being honest.

Racquel Jones is a one-of-a-kind human. Part rapper, part painter, part model, and all heart, Racquel is on a mission to make us a more open and understanding world. Her art speaks to the need to do away with hesitation and embrace the fleeting nature of all things. She appreciates the limited time we have to do all that our hearts desire, and she hopes to encourage others to live their best lives whenever possible.

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On April 24, Racquel’s new album, IGNORANT, will be released. It’s an absolutely powerful and mesmerizing record, covering topics ranging from the toxicity of Christianity/Catholicism, fighting against racism and sexism, as well as celebrating her accomplishments and beauty as a Black Jamaican woman in spite of her struggles. All of this is to the tune of aggressive and hypnotic beatwork, as well as catchy hooks that bring it all together. Racquel herself describes the record/her mission statement best.

In Her Words: 

“The voice of the record is addressing truth; in its raw blatant pure form void of the disposition of wrong or right. It’s my voice…along with the voice of anyone who has ever felt stereotyped. It may seem at times cynical, sarcastic, provocative and uncomfortable, but the anguish is palpable by intention. It’s a voice unique, but one that anyone can understand. It’s the voice of undiplomatic gritty intelligence, relatable to all cultures, transcending pop cultural vernacular and ‘waves’. It’s the voice of powerful women made to feel powerless. It’s the voice of black kings made to feel less than human. It’s the voice of sexual freedom in the face of misogynistic false standards for women. It’s the voice of a young Jamaican woman who’s seen the world and its parallel stereotype universes in all cultures. It’s the edgy voice of Jamaica, a rebel beauty queen, a fallen preacher’s child, the only sister among three brothers, four years in art school and a bachelor of fine arts. That’s me, I’m that voice. I’m Racquel Jones. I create music that’s conceptual, but not too esoteric; intelligent but dope, relatable yet deep, revolutionary and soulful, thoughtful in its words, learned in its language, but totally accessible. That’s me and I’m baring my soul for the world to see and hear.”

In the latest episode of Inside Music, host James Shotwell chats with Racquel Jones about her career and creative process. Racquel reveals the inspirations for her new album and her ongoing struggle to overcome any hesitation she feels toward sharing her truth. The discussion also highlights music videos, maintaining creativity in a pandemic, and why being yourself to the fullest extent possible is the best way to live life. Check it out:

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