
Scenes From Launch Music Conference – Day 2

I’m a morning person now, but I didn’t start off that way. I cannot tell you when I made the transition from one to the other, but these days if I am still in bed at 7AM then my day is considered off to a rough start. The first day of panels at Launch, as well as my last full day at the conference, did not begin until 1030AM. 

After drafting some content for the Haulix blog and checking my various inboxes, I ventured into the city of Lancaster to see what I could find. The treasure I discovered on this particular excursion was Ida’s Cafe, a tiny restaurant tucked away at the very edge of the city limits. It was small and decorated in a style you only find when you’re a stone’s throw away from farm land. I was the youngest customer. Actually, I was the youngest person in the entire establishment by an easy twenty years, which is saying something when you’re closer to 30 than 25. Still, the food was amazing and the staff was kind. I told my waitress I would blog about her. She smiled that generic smile every server in every restaurant masters and replied, “That’s nice.” 

(Quick note: These are banana and walnut pancakes. It’s the best pancake combination you’re not already enjoying. Trust me)

After paying my bill and making my way back through the city streets, I returned to the Marriott lobby just in time for the Haulix sponsored ‘free coffee and donuts’ event. Every attendee at the conference was welcome, and I got to interact with a number of interesting people. I also received about a dozen business cards, all of which are with me now. In 2015 you would think we had a better way to exchange information, but here we are, doing the same thing Don Draper does in a show set four-five decades before the time we live in now.

If you look at the background of the photo above, you will notice the chairs at the very back of the area at Launch used for panels (it also moonlights as one of many stages for bands at night). Whoever setup the floor plan for Launch was smart to put these two events side-by-side as many people grabbed their free breakfast and made their way to the morning’s first events.

Launch doesn’t overload attendees with programming options. There are panels during the day and performances at night. The set times for bands overlap, but the panels do not. There is only one event at any given time, so every attendee looking to do something can be found in that one place. This makes for bigger crowds at panels, as well as more concentrated opportunities for people to network.

The photo below was taken before the first panel began, so don’t mind the empty seats. They were quickly filled.

I was part of the second panel of the day, which focused on protecting artist’s creations in the digital age. We focused on copyright law, revenue streams, anti-piracy efforts, licensing and more in just under an hour. It was over faster than I thought, but fun nonetheless. 

Afterwards, about a dozen people came up to ask questions regarding Haulix and our plans for the future. I spoke with people of all ages, and each had a story to share about why they were concerned about the security of their music moving forward. I even met a professor from Mansfield College with a group of students hoping to start a label on their campus (hi!). 

I wish I had the words to describe to you the energy that surges through you when speaking with others who are passionate about the same things that matter to you. There is an excitement to the air, and it serves to thrust you forward in your efforts. It prepares you for ‘launch,’ if you will. Standing in that room listening to panels, sharing experiences, and learning about the dreams of others filled me with a lot of inspiration and drive to further pursue my own endeavors. I cannot encourage those of you reading this now enough to seek out similar events and gatherings focused on your passions. 

 Following a full day of learning I headed to the Federal Taphouse for pizza and a place to work outside the confine of my hotel room. Being at Launch was a great experience, but as I mentioned above it also fueled my desire to further my efforts on my own projects, including Haulix efforts we have yet to make public. Feeling the drive to work, I concluded pizza and hard cider would be the perfect fuel to propel me to get all my ideas onto paper.

What you’re seeing above is a BBQ chicken pizza with jalapeños, red onion, and avocado. I know the avocado may seem a bit unusual to some of you because it did to me when I placed the order, but let me tell you – it makes a world of difference. It balances the heat of the jalapeños perfectly, and it takes the whole BBQ pizza experience to a new place. I know this is a blog about a music conference, but this pizza changed me.

(Shoutout to our friends at Fixt Publicity for this notebook that I now use for article notes and world domination plans.)

Following dinner and work I headed back to prepare for a night of concerts. I knew I would have a big drive the next day, but I still managed to see a number of great performances. I will admit there is longtime fan bias in the statement I’m about to make, but my night was made when Atreyu hit the stage. It was my second time seeing them in two months (the other time being at SXSW), and they sounded as good as ever once more. 

By the time I made it to my hotel room again it was after midnight and I was one Strongbow cider beyond my reasonable limit. I hit the bed, passed out, and dreamed about watching a Kevin James film I loved. It was a beautiful, yet terrifying affair as it meant either Kevin James had somehow become tolerable or that my taste in cinema had been dumbed down to a point far beyond repair.

All in all, it was incredible. 

Thank you, Launch Music Conference. Let’s do this again next year.


Scenes From Launch Music Conference – Day 1

I woke early Thursday morning with the knowledge I would travel well over three-hundred miles before my head hit another pillow. I also knew that when that time came it would happen in a place I hadn’t been since I was a child for reasons I never really expected my life to present, but I was excited nonetheless. My bags were packed from the night before, so all I had to do was show, grab a quick bite to eat, and hit the open road.

Well, hit the road, anyways. With Boston traffic you never really hit the ‘open’ road until you have been traveling for ten or thirty minutes.

Six hours and several more bathroom breaks than refueling stops later I found myself in Lancaster, Pennsylvania for the start of the 2015 Launch Music Conference. I visited Lancaster with my parents once as I child, but driving down King Street yesterday afternoon I couldn’t tell you a thing about what I saw or did the last time I was here. It’s a city unlike any other I can recall having spent time in, with aging brick and stone structures lining the tightly knit city streets. All signs of commercialism are kept at bay, with chain restaurants being kept on the edge of the city while an abundance of local eateries, markets, shops, fill in the center. If it weren’t so cold it might snow you would think it picturesque, but even with the near-freezing temps it’s far from hard on the eyes.

Once at the Marriott Hotel downtown (which is gorgeous inside and out), I grabbed my room key and hopped in line to await my Launch Conference badge. It was only a little after the start of registration, but to my surprise there was already a nice line of folks young and old lining up to learn more about the music business. I kept to myself, collected my things, which surprisingly included an electric orange backpack, and made my way up to my room to recover from my travels.

As many of you probably already know, the funny thing about trying to plan rest amidst a busy trip is that those attempts rarely, if ever, go as planned. Before I could think about taking a nap or hopping in the shower my curiosity over the bright orange backpack I had been handed at registration got the better of me. I dropped my luggage, tossed the bag on the bed, and took out every promotional item, note, and gift that had been included. As a panelist at this year’s event, my welcome bag was a little more over the top than what a regular attendee might receive, but I’m told both gifts are filled with great stuff. Here is what my bag had inside:

For the record, yes, that is a bottle of Fireball Whiskey. There is also a bottle of Buffalo Trace Whiskey, as well as a bottle of water from Citizens Banks. That’s at least 2 drinks and 1 water I no longer have to pay for. Party on, Wayne.

I put my collection of goodies back in my bag and took a quick shower to freshen up for the night ahead. There were no panels to attend, but well over a dozen bands performed throughout the city of Lancaster. I spent the majority of my time at Tellus 360, a venue by the hotel, and during my time there I caught a killer set from Marshall Young Band. Another promising act called Matt Wheeler’s Vintage Heart. I highly recommend giving both bands a chance to impress if your schedule allows.

By the time I was out of the show it was relatively late, but I did cross paths with our friends and clients from The Catalyst Publicity Group. We met in the Marriott lobby and many hugs were exchanged. This is the second time we’ve met up in six weeks, as we all saw each other in Texas, but you won’t hear any of us complain. Everyone working in music is so incredibly busy all the time it’s often rare to see some of your closest industry friends more than once or twice a year, if at all. Events like Launch allows us to reconnect while still keeping on our grind, and I know everyone gathered in that lobby last night has big plans for the days ahead.

I’ve got to end this now as I’m a little over an hour away from my appearance on the launch panel ‘Protecting What’s Yours.’ I’ll chime in tomorrow with updates on today’s events, but you can follow my every move by following Haulix on Twitter. I have a personal account as well, but for the purposes of this weekend Haulix will have all my best thoughts. Talk soon!


5 Can’t Miss Events At Launch Music Conference 2015

The 2015 Launch Music Conference begins this Thursday, April 23, and as you probably already know the Haulix team will be participating in this year’s event. In fact, James got a haircut earlier today in preparation for his appearance on one of the many panels happening in Lancaster in the coming days. He wasn’t too thrilled about having to do so, but at least he no longer looks like a rejected wannabe actor who blew his audition for some off Broadway version of Scooby-Doo: The Musical.

What we’re trying to say is that we could not be more excited to be participating in Launch this year, and we want to make sure everyone in attendance makes the most out of their time in Pennsylvania. There are a lot of great panels happening, as well as dozens of potentially amazing live performances, but we have chosen five events we feel those headed to Launch absolutely must attend. Each pick represents a unique opportunity to either learn or better integrate yourself into the music industry at large, both of which will help you further your career.

To be fair, we have chosen to not highlight the panel we will be participating in as part of this list. You can find information on that event, which is called ‘Protecting What’s Yours,’ in the panel guide on the official website of Launch.

Don’t miss these events:

Value Of Education Panel – Friday @ 10:30 AM

Serving as the first event on Friday morning and featuring a panel of six industry professionals, each with a unique background in music business, this discussion will focus on the value of a formal education in music. As people who deal with music education day in and day out, we can say first hand this is a question posed by students, aspiring professionals, and their parents on a regular basis. It’s a no brainer that everyone hoping to work in music should have some understanding of how the business functions, but where and how to receive that education is a debate that has continued for decades. These panelists might not settle everything in one hour, but those in attendance will no doubt learn from what they have to say.

Marketing Your Band Panel – Friday @ 3:45 PM

There is an entire industry dedicated to helping bands and solo artists learn to not only navigate the music industry, but conquer it through the use of so-called groundbreaking marketing tactics. Whether or not those books offer any real advice that cannot be found online is a top for another time, but what we can tell you without a doubt in our mind is that there is no better place to learn about what does and does not work in marketing today then from the mouths and minds of the people marketing music for a living in 2015. This five-member panel, which represents talent from a variety of genres, will share first hand knowledge of marketing in music today, as well as where they see things going in the future. If you truly want to be on top of your promotional game, this may be THE must-see panel of the day.

SPOTLIGHT: Artist Manager – Saturday @ 11:25 AM

Saturday at Launch 2015 is largely dedicated to what is essentially a ‘pop-up’ school of music hosted by Van’s Warped Tour founder Kevin Lyman. For this specific event, Kevin will be conducting a one-on-one interview with Mike Mowery, Co-Founder and CEO of OuterLoop Management, about his work and the role of artist managers in music today. We’ve heard from many up and coming artists who wonder if they should have a manager at this point in their career, as well as what responsibilities they should assign to said manager if they do choose to hire one. This conversation will hopefully answer those questions, as well as provide insight for current artist managers about how they can potentially improve their efforts moving forward.

Can You Handle The Truth Panel/Event – Saturday @ 2:30 PM

This is probably the greatest event in the history of music conference events, and that is only a slight exaggeration. Following days of education and advice, ‘Can You Handle The Truth’ offers musicians at every level of their career to showcase their music for a massive panel of industry leaders, including Kevin Lyman and MetalBlade PR head Vince Edwards, and receive on the spot reviews in front of a crowded room. It could be the best or worst day of your life, but you will never have an opportunity quite like this at any other music industry event you attend this year. Take a chance.

Attendee Appreciation Party – Saturday @ 4:00 PM

This is the last time the majority of the Launch Music Conference attendees will be in the same room together, and it’s your best chance to making a good impression on fellow industry professionals before returning to whatever place you call home. Make the most of this opportunity and greet as many people as possible. Ask what they do and, when asked, tell people what you are working on. Exchange business cards. Exchange Twitter handles. Do whatever you have to do to walk away from the weekend feeling like you not only learned something, but that you also met people who may one day be able to help you advance your career, or at the very least someone who you can turn to for additional advice in the future.

Just to be clear: Every event at Launch Music Conference is worthy of attendance in our minds. That is a fact we cannot stress this enough, but we do feel the items highlighted above offer something special that is only made possible at this gathering. Don’t miss out.

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