Three Music Industry Lies Artists Need To Stop Believing

music industry lies, music biz, lies in music

There is a lot of great advice on succeeding in the music industry, but there are a lot of lies as well. Let’s take a moment to separate fact from fiction before someone steers your career in the wrong direction. Continue Reading

The Top Priority For All New Artists

Top Priorities

Every artist has a unique journey to success in the music industry, but they should all start with the same goal. Social growth is great, but streaming growth can be life-changing. Continue Reading

Music Industry Job Board (October 21, 2019)

Music Industry Job Board

The music industry is changing, and the companies leading the charge are seeking driven individuals to shape the future of our business. Let us connect you. Continue Reading

The Best Career Advice That No One In Music Takes Seriously

career advice

The best advice for avoiding burnout and developing your career in the music business is the advice that requires the least amount of work. Continue Reading

Music Industry Job Board (June 10, 2019)

Haulix Music Industry Job Board Careers, music biz, music business, music industry, job board, jobs, music jobs, music job board

The music industry is seeking highly-motivated individuals to shape the future of our business. Our job board has the opportunities you need. Continue Reading