Haulix Weekly Update #4

There is nothing special to today’s column other than containing links to great content, but we felt he achievement was worthy of a mention. If you’ve each post up till now, thanks! We hope to keep you entertained for many months to come.

The past seven days have been pretty busy around Haulix HQ, but unfortunately we’re unable to offer any updates on our forthcoming products improvements at this time. Just know that there are some big things on the way, some of which have been requested for a long time, and we’re excited to unveil them when the time comes. 

Our blog continues to evolve, and this week we found time to post four great articles we highly recommend reading in the days ahead (if you haven’t already, of course):

We’ll be back with more content next week, including at least two new spotlight pieces! If you have anyone you would like to recommend for a future feature, please email james@haulix.com and share their story.

Have a great weekend, everyone! We’ll see you on Monday.

James Shotwell