
Haulix Weekly Update #13 – Email and Mobile

Hello, everyone. If you’re reading this it means you survived another week of work or school and the weekend is just a few short hours away. Yes, it’s Friday once more, and we have a nice little recap ready to help wrap up the week.

The holiday season is well under way, but before we get tied up in presents and decorations we still have a lot we hope to accomplish at Haulix HQ. The development of our mobile platform continues, and earlier this week testing began on various mobile devices. We’re not quite ready to announce a launch date just yet, but know it’s likely coming sooner than you expect.

In addition to moving forward on that project, we recently unveiled a new, in-depth description of everything offered through our ‘Email Invitation Activity Screen.’ By following this link, you can learn about how Haulix is working to help you better understand who receives your promos, who opens them, who uses them, and which accounts are dead or otherwise inactive. There’s a lot of information there, so we recommend setting aside 10-minutes or so to properly dive into the material.

Onto the blog…

The past few days on our blog have been some of our favorite to date. From the two interviews posted, both of which offer unique perspectives on life in the business, to the ‘Advice’ columns, we’re extremely proud of the content we’ve posted. We know not everyone has time in their daily schedule to see what we’re up to, so below you will find a list of links to each of the week’s stories:

That pretty much wraps up our coverage for this week. We have a couple special surprises in store next week, but that’s all the information I’m allowed to share with you at this time. Have a great weekend and make sure to stop back by the blog on Monday. If you have any questions or concerns over the weekend, email We can also be found on Twitter and Facebook.

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