Haulix Weekly Update #14 – Here Comes The Holidays

Hello, everyone! The week is coming to an end in just a few short hours, which means it’s time once again to reflect on everything we’ve accomplished in recent days.

Thanksgiving is less than a week away at this point, and here at Haulix HQ we’re hard at work on a few new updates that we hope to roll out before Santa comes scurrying down your chimney. We’re not ready to discuss what we have in store just yet, but know we’ll have a few digital gifts for clients in the weeks to come. As soon as we can detail everything, we will. 

On the blog end of things, the last few days have been some of our favorite to date. We unveiled a new spin on our spotlight features, detailed the importance of YouTube, and learned the story of two influential industry minds. You can find quick links to all our posts below:

Spotlight: Jenn Stookey (Highlight Magazine)
Advice: The Importance Of YouTube
Spotlight: Tom Falcone
Spotlight: Dan Salter (Echoes & Dust)

Even though there is a holiday next week here in the states we’re going to strive for our usual content push (4 articles + recap). If you have any suggestions on columns or articles you want to see, please email james@haulix.com and share your thoughts.

That pretty much wraps everything up! We’ll be back on Monday with a publicity spotlight you won’t want to miss. Have a great weekend. 

James Shotwell