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Haulix Weekly Update #34 – We Have Updates To Discuss

Greetings, everyone! If you are reading this post the day it goes live then you are already well aware that it is Friday and the weekend is just a few seemingly unbearable hours away. We cannot make time move faster, nor do we have the technology to simply skip ahead, but if you give us a few moments of your time we can definitely provide enough entertainment to help pass the remaining time before freedom arrives.

Each and every Friday we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you. If you have any questions about the content of this post, or if you are interested in learning more about the secure music distribution services offered by Haulix, please email and share your thoughts. We can also be found on Twitter and Facebook.

Starting off with the development end of things, our team pushed a lot of odd projects to the side this week in an attempt to better our email systems for clients and press alike. We ended up releasing several new updates, each of which are detailed below:

  • Contact import now lists any updated contacts and/or those that error’d out. 
  • If our system finds an email address in your list that isn’t formatted properly OR if an email bounces more than once and drops, we will highlight the contact in red in your list. You won’t be able to continue sending to that contact to protect your reputation.
  • You can delete all contacts who have unsubscribed with one click.  (Invitations ——-> Invitation Activity ——> Unsubscribes)

We’re continually improving our email engine to maximize deliverability while protecting our client’s reputation(s) as people who do not send out spam.

On the blog end of things, the first full week of April arrived with a renewed sense of determination. We worked on so many features this week we could probably stop brainstorming new idea until June, but part of the beauty in the chaos of this blog is throwing everything at a wall to see what sticks. We have artist features on the horizon, guests posts on everything from photography to publicity, and literally dozens of interviews in various states of completion. You may think we have done a decent job of presenting life on the inside of the music business, but you will soon learn that we have barely begun to scratch the surface. 

In case you missed any of the content we ran in the last week, use the list below to catch up before a new ‘Journalism Tips’ debuts tomorrow afternoon:

That’s all we have for now. Have a safe and fantastic weekend away from work. If you need a new soundtrack, we recommend Sledding With Tigers.

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