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Haulix Weekly Update #45 – “Dude, Where Was Last Week’s Update?”

Happy 4th of July, everyone! I know not every Haulix client lives in America, but it’s still Friday and that’s reason enough to celebrate. We have been working tireless this week to bring you the absolute best digital distribution platform on the planet, and as you’ll soon learn we’re taking steps THIS WEEKEND to secure that very title.

Each and every Friday we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you.

So, what happened last week?

Good question. To make a long story short, James, the editor of this blog, was very sick. He’s recovered now, and coincidentally he’s done so just in time to bring you this update. He’s also going to stop writing about himself in the third person at this point.

ANYWAYS. Today we are pushing out a new profile system for Haulix clients. This will make creating and maintaining your contacts easier than ever before. You can look for a full rundown of the feature to appear on this very blog in the days ahead.

We are launching the first-ever Haulix podcast next week. It’s a music industry show with a focus on the individuals behind-the-scenes, which is the very same idea that brought this blog to life. We will be interviewing industry veterans and newcomers, sharing stories, and discussing this crazy business we all love to frustrate ourselves over.

In other news, we have been quietly developing a promotional video for Haulix. It’s a colorful and animated clip explaining who we are and what we do to help publicists, records labels, and members of the press. You can view a screenshot below:

In case you missed anything this week, here is a roundup of our latest content offerings:

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