Haulix Weekly Update #77 – “Everything lasts forever.”

Hey there, everyone. Welcome to our website. We are happy you found a few moments in your busy schedule to spend browsing our content, and we hope you find something amongst these many articles that aides you in your professional journey. Before we get there however, we might as well share what has been the soundtrack to the last week of our lives. Check it out:

Each and every weekend we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you.

Development updates:

Last week we had a ton of news to share regarding scheduled maintenance and the various screens we hoped to update during that time. I’m happy to report all went as planned, but we don’t have anything big to share as far as releases are concerned. The truth is, right now we are looking at the biggest Haulix renovation to date, and there is a part of us that wants to keep the details of those plans secret as long as possible. Will we be able to do that? I’m honestly not sure. We get so excited about the future that we want everyone to know how hard we are working to get there, but at the same time we don’t want our competitors to know where we are headed just yet. So, for the time being, just know something very cool and very BIG is happening behind-the-scenes at Haulix HQ.

Blog updates:

I don’t know how much time you spent on our blog this week, but I hope it was a lot because the quality of the content being shared in recent days has hit an all-time high as far as we are concerned. Whether you’re a blogger, musician, or an aspiring industry professional, I guarantee we have run something this week that will aide you on your journey through the music business. Here is a quick rundown of everything posted as of late, below:

Warped Behavior: Sexual Violence On Tour

The Musician’s Dozen: 13 Lessons We Learned The Hard Way

Pinback’s Rob Crow Quits Music

Considering Music Blogging In 2005 vs 2015

Inside Music Podcast #26 – Cody DeLong (Sound Rink)

What I Learned From My First Time Playing SXSW

SXSW 2015: A Survival Guide

Music Industry Job Board (3/8/15)

That is all the news and updates we have to share this week. James is headed to SXSW on Tuesday so our updates over the next week may be a little later than usual. That said, we have some KILLER content planned. 

Have a great weekend, everyone.



James Shotwell