Haulix Weekly Update #106: “Are these idiots getting louder or dumber?”

Hey there, everyone. Thank you for taking a few minutes to explore our blog. If you’re reading this post on the day it goes live then you are likely waiting for the weekend to arrive. We’re in the same boat as you, and to be honest we all have some wild plans for the days ahead. Before we get there however, we want to take a few minutes to reflect on all that has happened at HQ in recent days. We also wanted to share thing song with you, which a few of us plan to have on repeat all weekend long:

As I mentioned above, each and every weekend we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you.


We actually have some news to reveal this week, though it is admittedly not the type of thing we are excited to share. Due to a few minor setbacks over the last week, we are now expecting our updated platform to be ready for public consumption during the last half of November. This means you might have to wait about a month longer than originally anticipated, but I can assure you it’s worth it.

In other development news, our team actually spent some time together this week. Our staff is spread across the country, but a few times every year we join together to focus on our future plans. That was the agenda on Friday night, and we’re excited to say some really cool stuff was discussed. We can’t talk about it, but please know the gears are always turning at Haulix HQ.


We have been busy planning the relaunch of Haulix, so most of our time outside of content creation has been dedicated to that. We are thrilled to finally have Inside Music back on a regular basis, and we appreciate those of you who continued to support and/or request the show during its absence.

If you missed anything this week, here is a quick set of link to help you get up to speed…

Trophy Lungs’ Fall Tour Survival Guide

Focus On These 6 Things If You Want To ‘Make It’ In Music

Inside Music Podcast #44 – Mike Hansen (Pentimento)

5 Tips To Improve Mailing List Signups At Shows

Why You Need A Mailing List For Your Band

SXSW Here We Come!

Journalism Tips: Life Is About More Than Music

Monday Motivation: The Plot In You

Music Industry Job Board (10/11/15)

That is all we have for this week. Thank you for your continued support. 



James Shotwell