Haulix Weekly Update #113: “You will not be getting a tattoo for Christmas.”

Hello, everyone. Thank you for taking a few minutes to browse our company blog. Things have been busy around HQ, which has only made us more excited for the weekend. While we wait for it to arrive we thought it best to recap our week, as well as share a song that we think everyone will be talking about soon. Enjoy:

As I mentioned above, each and every weekend we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you.


As many of you no doubt know by now, we have spent the majority of 2015 working towards the release of a fully updated Haulix platform. We are not introducing one or two changes, but dozens, and they are mostly pulled from requests we have received from clients over the last several years. This is our biggest overhaul in our history, and we are still chipping away at our many remaining to-dos in hopes of having the product ready for release in early 2016. We appreciate your continued patience.

In the meantime, we do have one minor update to share. We have a new button on the Email Activity screen. The ‘Bounces’ tab that will clear out all Bounce alerts with one click. Give it a try today!


On the blog end of things, this past week was one of our most productive of the year. We recorded two new podcasts, scheduled three more, and laid the groundwork for numerous piece of content set to run between now and the end of January 2016. We recognize the industry slow down is fast-approaching, and we are doing everything in our power to overstock on features before PR firms and labels go silent for the remainder of the year. If you have any content requests, now would be a good time to share them over Twitter.

If you missed any recent updates, here are links to every piece of content posted this week:

Meet TAD, The New App That Makes Creating Great Album Art A Breeze

BLOGGER SPOTLIGHT: Jay Encina (Noise Barrage)

3 Ways Periscope Can Help You Better Engage With Fans

3 Things You Might Be Doing That Are Ruining Your Music PR Campaign

Inside Music Podcast #49 – Spencer Charnas (Ice Nine Kills)

Here Are The 10 Biggest Music Streaming Apps, Worldwide

4 Things Every Artist Can Learn From The Incredible First Week Sales Of Adele’s New Album

Thinking Outside The EDM Box

Monday Motivation: Ice Nine Kills

Music Industry Job Board

That is all the content and news we have to share this week. Have a safe and productive weekend, everyone.



James Shotwell