Job Board News

Haulix Weekly Update #144: “Look, just give me some inner peace or I’ll mop the floor with ya!”

Hello, everyone! There are grey skies hanging over Minneapolis today, and because of this the temperature has fallen from the mid-70s to somewhere in the mid-60s. We consider this a blessing of sorts, as our entire team lives for Fall weather. The leaves are changing, cider mills are popping up, and a wealth of fantastic releases are beginning to trickle into record stores across the nation. One of our favorite albums of the year arrived in stores this morning, and to celebrate we thought we’d share a video for one of the album cuts we are currently obsessing over:

Each and every weekend we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you.

Development news:

If you look closely at the Haulix website you will notice a few cosmetic/aesthetic changes occurring in the weeks ahead. While we do not have any plans to bring the updated platform to the public before 2017 we are actively working to improve the way our platform looks and feels, especially for those who may have never interacted with our brand before. If you like what you see, feel free to tell us. If you hate what you see, please tell us so we can make any necessary changes.

Blog news:

With our platform overhaul taking a breather for the remainder of the year you can expect to see a lot of content and change coming to our blog. You may have noticed a new layout this week, but we are not ready to say this is the look we are sticking with for the foreseeable future. Like with our company website, we want this blog to more accurately reflect the quality product and services we offer industry professionals around the globe. That said, we are not going to stop publishing content 6 days a week or recording new episodes of our podcast. In fact, we are actually quite proud of everything we have going on right now.  If you missed anything as of late, especially our podcasts, please head over to our archive and catch up ASAP.

That’s all we have for this week. Tune in next week for a new job board, a very long podcast, and much more.


Team Haulix

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