
3 Month Check-In


We have reached the end of March, which means 2017 is already one-fourth complete. Time moves fast.

2017 is the year of accountability and progress, so we are here to keep our end of the agreement we made way back in January.

The last three months have been a learning experience for the Haulix team. As we prepare for our next round of development we have been thinking a lot about the future of the music business and our evolving role within it. We have asked clients and users alike what they want from us, and so far a few themes have emerged:

Mobile. A lot of people access Haulix on the go, and we expect more will do the same in the years ahead. Perfecting mobile has been a priority for some time now, and we are constantly looking for ways to improve further.

Speed. Everyone wants everything as fast as possible, and we are no exception. We recently made improvements to download speeds for all promos, and our site has never been faster.

Security. We pride ourselves in having the most secure platform in the world of digital music promotion. Our team has had a number of discussions with Fraunhoffer, the team behind both the MP3 and watermark technology, about ways to advance our efforts in preventing leaks. Some positive outcomes have already surface, and we export more will come to pass in time.

Another big goal for our team in 2017 has been updating our messaging and marketing. So far we’ve completely altered our approach to advertising online and launched our company newsletter. Response to both changes have been positive.

This may make it sound like we’re finding a lot of success in 2017. While that is true, none of it would be possible without trial and error. We internal test countless variations of things we plan to do before making any decisions. Every ad we create comes at the cost of several dozen ideas we left on the cutting floor. Every platform development was chosen as a priority over other, similarly beneficial changes.

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