
Why you need a promotional distribution platform

With the ease of access to recording equipment and the internet, it is now easier than ever for anyone who possesses an interest in music to market themselves as a musician. Click on almost any tag on a streaming service like Soundcloud or Audiomack and you will find page after page of aspiring stars from all walks of life. Technology has lowered the bar for what it takes to be a musician to the ground floor, and as a result, the fight for attention of any kind is harder than ever.

There are many approaches to getting heard, but one time-tested strategy of the digital age is to first appeal to the influential bloggers and digital voices whose opinion on new music will reach consumers your boosted Facebook posts can only dream of. Algorithms may create great playlists, but the digital age has yet to produce a better platform for discovering artists than trusted sources with a vast knowledge of music most consumers simply do not have the time to research or enjoy.

You need the press and the press, as crazy as it may sound, needs you. Music writers are ALWAYS on the lookout for the next song that will change their lives so that they can then change the lives of their audience (who, in turn, become your audience).

You also need to protect your music, which is why services like Haulix exist to make promoting your new and unreleased songs to the entertainment industry at large a simple and secure process. Haulix makes it easy to send unique, watermarked links to your new and unreleased music to everyone on your press list in a matter of minutes. You can even customize the email invitation and the streaming page itself to better reflect your personal brand.

But why do you need a unique link for every writers and industry professional when a private Soundcloud link has worked for so many others in the past? While it’s true Soundcloud makes it possible to hide streams from the general public, there is a myriad of ways people can still access and download your music. If that happens and your music winds up leaking you will have no way to uncover who

is responsible for the leak. Someone you never intended your unreleased music to reach may have gained access through a writer you thought you could trust and within minutes your hard work could be available, for free, in perpetuity.

By using Haulix you can send as many links as you need, all at once, in the same amount of time it would take for you to generate and distribute an insecure streaming link. If anything happens we will help you find the person responsible and do what we are able to ensure they never leak music again.

You can try one-month of Haulix for free by signing up today.

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