Inside Music Podcast #151: Launch Music Conference (Jeremy Weiss)

Inside Music Podcast presented by Haulix

Launch Music Conference founder Jeremy Weiss returns to share exciting details about his upcoming 2019 event.

It’s that time of year again! Launch Music Conference is taking place April 25-28 in Lancaster, PA, which means it’s time once more for us to chat with founder Jeremy Weiss about all he has in store for aspiring professionals and artists alike.

The Haulix team has traveled coast to coast attending music conferences of all shapes and sizes, but in all the miles we’ve found there is only one event that can back up its claims of providing educational and career-improving opportunities with stories of success. Launch Music Conferences has served as the launching pad for countless music personalities, and we believe the 2019 installment will be no exception. In fact, we’re traveling to the event to help make sure that everyone in attendance walks away with something that can help them get ahead in the business of music.

On this episode of INSIDE MUSIC, host James Shotwell calls Launch Music Conference founder Jeremy Weiss to talk about his upcoming 2019 event. Jeremy has appeared on Inside Music every year in advance of his popular conference, and this year he brings an intriguing discussion about the evolution of marketing in the digital age.

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James Shotwell