3 Tips for Recording Your Best Demo

This is the latest post in our ongoing collaboration with SonicBids. In today’s highly competitive music industry, it seems like it’s becoming harder and harder for independent artists to break through the noise into the mainstream. Record labels are constantly… Continue Reading

UNSPENT (Or “How to Avoid Becoming A Real Estate Agent”)

Rey Roldan is someone we consider both a client and friend. His Reybee PR team is one of the industry’s best, and no matter how busy he gets Rey always finds time to help aspiring professionals find their way in… Continue Reading

Passion, Criticism, and Music: Lessons Learned from an Evening with Jessica Hopper

Jessica Hopper’s new book may be titled The First Collection of Criticism by a Living Female Rock Critic, but based off of the 80+ wide-eyed, eager, and attentive faces packed into the basement of Seattle’s Elliott Bay Book Company, you’d almost… Continue Reading

One Great Way Artists Can Avoid Annoying Friends And Facebook Followers!

Hello. Thank you for finding time in your schedule to browse our site. You can go just about anywhere on the web without fear of government issued vehicles raiding your house, so we’re thankful you have chosen to spend your… Continue Reading