News Podcasts

Inside Music Podcast #172: Fit For A King

Amid of their busiest year yet, Fit For A King takes times to chat with Inside Music about how they got here and what comes next.

Despite the numerous ways people can discover music, no algorithm or platform can duplicate the impact of getting people to talk to other people about your music. Whether that happens through direct communication or by wearing your merchandise at events, fan to fan interaction is the most potent form of marketing on the planet. Fit For A King reaped the benefits of efforts like this, and today they’re speaking with us about it.

Blurring the lines between metal and hardcore as few groups in recent memory have, Fit For A King craft anthemic tracks that deliver hope and inspiration to those in doubt. Their music has lead thousands around the world to carry the group’s message into their communities and friend circles, which has helped the band grow at an unprecedented rate. Where they go next is anyone’s guess, but continuing success seems more likely than not.

But how did Fit For A King do this? How did a rock band create community and devotion in an era where listeners are more distracted than ever?

On this episode of Inside Music, host James Shotwell sits down with three members of the hard rock band Fit For A King to discuss the band’s growth in recent years. Fit For A King is a rare example of a group that has leveraged their fanbase to create a community that continues to expand in leaps and bounds whether or not they are actively churning out new content. The band explains their approach to marketing, as well as the work involved in creating their terrific music videos.

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