
Happy Holidays from Team Haulix

We often subscribe to the theory of living a ‘no days off’ lifestyle, but this weekend our entire team will be taking time to disconnect from the internet in order to reconnect with family. The holiday season comes just once a year, and all too often we brush it aside as a time like any other. If we have learned anything in this life it is that holidays are – and have always been – special. They allow people to reconnect in a very grounded way, which in today’s world is increasingly hard to accomplish. Holidays remind us of what really matters, and we hope you’re able to be with those who matter most to you.

2017 has been a very important for us. Between the lessons learned from studying how people use our system, to the interactions we’ve had with clients and users, this year has taught us to see the music business in a whole new light. For so long we and many others have been worried about the future, but in 2017 – amidst one of the most unpredictable cultural and political atmospheres – the importance of music was never doubted. Artists from all walks of life recorded and released important songs, and we were fortunate enough to play a small role in getting that music shared with a world that desperately needed to hear it. We are grateful for that opportunity, and we look forward to doing it better than ever before in 2018.

There is a part of us that wants to continue talking shop and plans, but that is precisely the opposite of what this time of year is about. There will be plenty of opportunities to discuss the future and where we are headed once the next few days pass. For now, we want to do just two things. (1) We want to thank you for another year of business and camaraderie.  (2) We want to wish you a very happy holiday and encourage you to unplug from the internet. We’ll still be here when you return. 


Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Today is the one day of the year when our team unplugs (for the most part) and focuses their time on family, friends, and anything we may have missed while working to perfect our platform. It has been a crazy year for us at Haulix, and we wanted to take a few quick moments to thank you for making it all possible.

As of right now, the Haulix team is made up of less than five people, which leaves us with a lot more tasks to accomplish than time to work on them. We don’t mind though, we actually prefer the challenges that having a small team presents. There is not a single day when anyone on our staff is left with nothing to do, and if anyone ever does complain of being bored there is always another team member who could use a helping hand. We wake every day excited to do our jobs, and we are only able to feel that way because you, the client, support our vision.

Speaking of the future, a new version of Haulix has been teased for many months. We initially promised to have our updated platform live by mid-October, and we’ll be the first to tell you how hard it was to admit we would not make that deadline. We are now less than two weeks from the end of the year and our new platform is still incomplete, but we are incredibly close to being able to test the platform, which means the actual release is not far off. We cannot find the right words to express how or why your continued support gives us faith in our plans, but it does, and we know we would not have made it as far as we have without you. Every single suggestion or recommendation we have received since launch was considered when planning this update, and we believe once complete our system will be the best of its kind on the planet. That, like everything else, is only possible because of you. So again, thanks.

We will no doubt reflect on 2015 further before the new year arrives, but know now that we appreciate all you have done to promote and support Haulix this year. We did more in the last twelve months to better our company than we had in the three years prior, and we promise when you see the results of our efforts you will not be disappointed. For now, log off and spend time with your families. They miss you, and they deserve to know about all the cool things you have done in music this year.

Happy holidays.


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