
Inside Music Podcast #5 – Adam Lopez (New Age Media Management)

It’s back! We told you last month that our hiatus from podcasting had come to a close, and as proof we’ve returned exactly fourteen days days later with our fourth episode ready to be shared across the world wide web. We know a lot of you have asked about getting this show on iTunes, and we promise that is on our immediate to-do list. For now, you can stream and download this show, as well as the rest of the Inside Music series, on Soundcloud

On this week’s episode, author and entrepreneur Adam Lopez joins us for a conversation on life, love, and the pursuit of a career in music. Adam and I have been digital friends for a little over a year at this point, but the recording of this podcast was the first time we had actually had a real conversation with each other. We build on our working knowledge of each other’s background to challenge one another when it comes to building a better future, and I like to think it’s that friendly back and forth that keeps us both motivated in our daily lives.

Adam knows this already, but I have been a longtime admirer of his work. He’s somehow younger than me, but already overseeing a company far bigger than anything I have been able to create. I respect his hustle and believe you will too after enjoying this conversation:


Inside Music Podcast #4 – James Cassar (Modern Vinyl)

It’s back! We told you last month that our hiatus from podcasting had come to a close, and as proof we’ve returned exactly fourteen days days later with our fourth episode ready to be shared across the world wide web. We know a lot of you have asked about getting this show on iTunes, and we promise that is on our immediate to-do list. For now, you can stream and download this show, as well as the rest of the Inside Music series, on Soundcloud

On this week’s episode, author and Modern Vinyl contributor James Cassar joins us for a conversation on life, love, and the pursuit of writing. James and I have been digital friends for a little over a year at this point, but the recording of this podcast was the first time we had actually had a real conversation with each other. You can tell we’re still trying to figure the other one out in a way, but in the end laughs are had and great stories are shared.

I told James this a bit when we were recording the show, but he is one of the few online writers I make it a point to read on a regular basis. His insight into music, as well as his sense of wordplay, are second to none in this industry. The best part of all is that he’s very much still getting started, which means he likely has many big, brilliant accomplishments on the horizon. To have him on the show is an honor, and I hope you enjoy our conversation.

Our plan is to release a new podcast every week from here on out, and we already have another episode 90% complete. We hope you have as much fun listening to this show as much as we did making it. I know we’re not on the iTunes store just yet, but we will be by the end of the month!


Inside Music Podcast #3 – Jacob Tender (Substream Magazine)

It’s back! We told you last week that our hiatus from podcasting had come to a close, and as proof we’ve returned exactly seven days later with our third episode ready to be shared across the world wide web. We know a lot of you have asked about getting this show on iTunes, and we promise that is on our immediate to-do list. For now, you can stream and download this show, as well as the rest of the Inside Music series, on Soundcloud

This week’s episode features Jacob Tender, Digital Editor for Substream Magazine and former editor of Under The Gun Review. He may only be 21, but Jacob has already reached professional heights seasoned vets often long to achieve, including having a personal essay about his favorite band kickstart what eventually became one of the biggest band reunions in recent memory. He’s proud of everything he’s done, but it’s what he has one the horizon that truly captures our imagination.

Over the course of the hour-long conversation found below, Jacob and I talk about his life in writing, as well as how factors outside the music industry can impact people’s professional plans. It starts with a strong focus on writing and blogging, but as things carry one we begin to speak in a far more general sense about the industry as a whole. It’s a hopeful, yet cautious conversation, and I’m glad we got it all on digital tape.

Our plan is to release a new podcast every week from here on out, and we already have another episode 90% complete. We hope you have as much fun listening to this show as much as we did making it. I know we’re not on the iTunes store just yet, but we will update you on that front soon. For now, let’s get to the show:


Haulix Presents: Inside Music (The Podcast)

Hello and welcome to the dawn of another work week here on the official blog of Haulix. You will soon learn that today is a day unlike any other, and we are happy to have you with us. We normally run blogs about life in the industry, but this afternoon we are trying something new. If you have any questions about developing as a writer/blogger in music, please do not hesitate email and share your thoughts. We can also be found on Twitter and Facebook.

If you are a frequent reader of the Haulix blog or social networks then you have no doubt noticed our constant promotion of a new blog offering over the last few weeks. It is with great excitement and the typical trepidations of debuting something new that we are sharing with you the first episode of Inside Music, a podcast about life in the modern music industry.

Yes, in a world flooded with podcasts you now have one more option to choose from when selecting how to spend your free time. We consider Inside Music an extension of this blog, and as such we will be following a similar format with each show. Every episode will feature a different guest from around the industry sharing their experiences in music and the lessons learned along the way. For episode one, we have the great pleasure of speaking with Mark Rose, musician and co-founder of Downwrite, a new company that aims to connect people with their favorite artists in a rather unique and intimate way. You can stream and download the first episode, in full, below:

A note to listeners: The audio in this episode can be a bit rough at times, but in future episodes the quality of each recording will improve. We’re still learning how this all works, but we think things are coming together quite nicely.

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