
Rest In Peace: Moshing

Hello and welcome to the final Advice column of the week. It’s the last the last full week of June and we are excited to share our third collaborative piece with Daniel Alvarez, attorney at law and music business aficionado. We will be working with Daniel a lot in the months ahead, and we think the perspective he has on the business today is one that can aide both artists and industry professionals. If you have any questions about the content of the blog, or if you would like more information regarding the distributional services offered by Haulix, please email and share your thoughts. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

I have to admit something: I love being in the pit.  As a fan, there is nothing that connects you to another human more than one of your favorite bands belting away, while you try and survive the stampede of a circle pit. Getting smashed into the filthy ground in the middle of the twelfth breakdown is fantastic. NO, IT….IS….AWESOME!!! 

As a lawyer? Well, I hate moshing. Nothing makes me cringe more than watching what I used to love to do so very much, happen at a show for a band that I either manage or represent. Where I once saw youthful disregard, I now see little ticking liability time-bombs waiting to go off. Each hit that goes on, is like one more acknowledgement from the band or venue that they endorse your potential for injury and that is just not something I can risk for my clients. 

Whenever one of my groups hits the road, I get my best dad voice on and remind them of the dangers. One seemingly silly lawsuit can end it all – quickly. It is not worth it. In today’s litigious society, it is not necessarily your fans you have to worry about. It is their parents and the lawyers that advertise to them. Common sense tells you that there is NO question that you knew what you were doing when you jumped into the pit with Leroy, the guy with no rhythm but windmills for arms. It is hard to swallow that you think someone owes you money when Leroy breaks your nose while “dancing.” Yet, that is where we are.  

It doesn’t surprise me to see Warped Tour attempting to ban moshing and crowd surfing. It seems Kevin has been sued and he doesn’t like it. I can’t blame him. So if you are in a band, follow his lead. He is on to something. In fact let’s go a few steps further:

1. Form a Company to house your band and provide a layer of liability protection. If structured correctly, you could limit your liability to the company and not your selves.

2. If you can afford it, buy your company an umbrella liability policy. Make sure you disclose what you do for a living so they don’t try and deny a claim later. An umbrella policy is like a catch all insurance plan that steps in whenever someone makes a claim against you for an alleged negligent act.

3. Fair warning, my friend Brad Lehmann from Maylene and the Sons of Disaster thinks you may hate me for suggesting this one. He is probably right. Have a written band policy that everyone in the band signs, which acknowledges that you will not mosh or promote dangerous activity at a show. Date it, scan it and save it to a Dropbox file so it is always with you. While this is not perfect, it’s a layer of proof that shows no-moshing and ultimate fan safety is your policy and priority. Remember that your level of risk may be higher than someone else’s. Feel free to consult with your attorney or manager and come up with a policy that reflects you, but at a minimum, throw in some language that puts safety first. 

4. At shows, be vigilant. Encourage a safe environment. If someone falls or gets hurt, do something about. I don’t need you to jump in and start first aid, but I would like you to stop playing, call for the proper authorities and then resume playing when it appears everything is ok. You do not want to be on a witness stand being cross-examined about how you saw the fan get trampled and just kept playing. You and your band are done at that point. 

Listen, I know I am being the ultimate killjoy but this is our new reality. I remember when one of our bands was on a big run at the end of last year. A crewmember from the Headliner was overtaken by excitement and jumped into the crowd from the stage. A day later, their manager sent everyone on the tour a stern warning letter that such behavior would not be tolerated. My first reaction was, “please man! Chill out.” Stage diving is to rock shows, what air is to most living beings, I thought. But he was right! Too many people earn their livings on the road and because of that show to risk it all for a five second stage-dive. Ultimately though, it isn’t about money or jobs. It is about keeping people safe while doing what you love. 

So be safe in whatever the follow on craze to the mosh pit will be. In the mean time, I’ll be the old man at the back of the show wishing we could lay it down one last time. RIP to the mosh!

Danny Alvarez, Sr. is an attorney, music manager and business law professor based out of Tampa, Florida. He is the managing member of The Alvarez Legal Group, P.L. and President of The Vindicated Group, LLC. Danny has earned a Bachelors Degree in Journalism from The University of Florida, a Masters degree in Education from Troy State University, a Juris Doctor degree from Stetson College of Law and LL.M. (Masters in Law) in Estate Planning from the University of Miami School of Law. Danny focuses his legal practice on Entertainment, Business and Personal Injury Law and has clients as varied as actress/singer Brooke Hogan and bands such as Go Radio, Broadway and War Generation. Danny is also the full time manager for the up and coming band, Stages and Stereos and Tragic Hero Recording Artists, Illuminate Me. You can reach him at


If you could ask a music lawyer anything, what would it be?

Haulix will be launching a new column later this month offering free legal advice from an attorney specializing in the music business. This feature will run one or two times a month, based on demand, but we need a little help from you to get started.

As you no doubt know by now, this blog exists to help people better understand the music industry. We could throw up random bits of legal advice without issue, but what we really want to do is help you solve real world problems. If you have a question regarding music law, or if you want to know what the average cost of retaining legal council is, just ask! Need to know whether or not you can sue for copyright infringement? We might be able to help there as well.

Send your legal questions to and we will do our best to get them answered in a timely and informative fashion.


Here Is Why Your Band Needs An Attorney

Hello and welcome to another week of music industry insight and advice here on the official blog of Haulix. It’s the first week of June and we are kicking off our content with our second collaborative piece with Daniel Alvarez, attorney at law and music business aficionado. We will be working with Daniel a lot in the months ahead, and we think the perspective he has on the business today is one that can aide both artists and industry professionals. If you have any questions about the content of the blog, or if you would like more information regarding the distributional services offered by Haulix, please email and share your thoughts. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

If I were designing a business industry that consistently favored one party over the other, I would be hard pressed to plan anything better than the music industry. Take young business-naïve, creative types with big dreams on one side and add ultra-sophisticated business-savvy folks with high-powered attorney on the other and what do you get? What it looks like the first time you get your label contract!

It’s supposed to be one of the highlights of your music career but in reality it is the perfect storm forming against you. The thing is, you are the only one that doesn’t know it and they are counting on that. The answer is to fight fire with fire or in other words, get your band an entertainment lawyer! 

Now lets be realistic, just because you have an entertainment lawyer doesn’t mean that everyone on the other side will be scared or that the deal you’ve been offered is going to get 100% better. What will happen is that you will know what you are getting into. Would you ever sign a 35-page contract without understanding what is in it? Well that happens every day. In fact, I can point to a band on Warped Tour this summer that did that this year. That is the worst thing you could do. Don’t be that band.

Additionally, an entertainment lawyer helps level the playing field. The other side now understands that you won’t get the wool pulled over your eyes. They might not admit it, but when you show up prepared with a representative who will advocate for you a label is on notice. Artists think that if they try and negotiate the pieces of a contract, they will lose their deal. They won’t. Someone who knows what they are doing can and should get you some edits on the contract. It happens all the time. Just keep your expectations real. 

Once you get through your initial label contract, don’t fire your attorney. Keep him or her really close! Loosing contact is a rookie mistake. There will be tons of things you need to call them for. Having a strong relationship makes the flow of business easier. If they are used to working with your label from previous experience they will have a lay of the land.

Artists always tell me they think they can’t afford an attorney. My response is always the same – can you afford not to have one? You either pay a little now, or keep paying a lot through the life of a really bad contract. You’ve heard the stories of the artist who sells thousands of units, but has no payout. Those are not made up. They are real. Don’t be the next version.

To accentuate the point, I hope you have noticed that I continuously am referencing not just a lawyer, but the fact that you should get an entertainment lawyer. If you don’t know one or can’t find one, a normal business attorney is better than going at it alone. I would prefer you find someone who is versed in the nuance that is entertainment law. To the untrained eye, what is normal inside a music or acting contract may seem odd and something unreasonable. You don’t go to a ear, nose and throat doctor when your foot hurts do you?  We all have our areas of disciplines, make sure you find the right entertainment lawyer.

So, do you need an attorney? Clearly I think they should and need to be part of your overall team – management, booking agent and entertainment lawyer. Other people are clearly apt to negotiate on your behalf but to think that negotiation is all an entertainment lawyer does leaves you intellectually short. An entertainment lawyer understand, contracts, asset protection, copyright, intellectual property, employment law and business law among the many areas an artist’s business life touches. You and your manager should be well versed in those areas, but the reality is that you probably are not. An entertainment lawyer is a vital part of a long and successful music career!

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