Haulix Weekly Update #133: “You traded my soul for pogs?”

Hello, everyone! Welcome to another Haulix Weekly Update. Have you had a good week in the office? It has been unsurprisingly hot in Minneapolis, but our team has been making the best of it with long hours spend in cool… Continue Reading

Music Industry Job Board (5/15/16)

A lot has been written about the supposed dire state of the music industry, but truth be told there are a number of successful and growing companies, including record labels, that are thriving in 2016. In this column we bring… Continue Reading

Haulix Weekly Update #125: “200 channels, and nothing but cats.”

Hello, everyone! Thank you for finding a little time in your surely hectic lives to spend a few minutes browsing our company blog. Easter is this weekend, and we’re looking forward to spending some much needed time with family. Before… Continue Reading