
Make a plan to try something new every week

They say variety is the spice of life, but if that is the case then many of us are living a bland existence.

Most of our daily lives depend on repetition. We wake up, shower, eat, commute to work, eat lunch, work some more, commute home, eat again, and then sleep. The stuff we do in between those those things may change from day to day, but I am willing to bet many of us do the same stuff most days (watch TV, read a book, etc).

Repetition is good. Establishing a routine that ensures we to make the most of the time we have each day is one way to ensure our goals are met is a good thing.

But repetition can also be bad. Just like eating the same meal over and over, doing the same thing day in and day out can become boring. When that happens the likelihood that you break from routine and do something that potentially derails all the progress you have been able to make begins to skyrocket.

With all this in mind, how can anyone hope to stay on track without growing bored or losing focus?

Starting this week, make the decision to consistently try new things. Start small, perhaps by trying something new for dinner or by walking an extra five minutes in the evening, and build from there.

Make a plan to try something new every week, no matter how small, and you will always have something to look forward to whenever the struggles of daily life begin to weigh you down. Trying new things also promotes healthy brain activity and creativity, both of which can help you find greater success in your individual pursuits.

Life goes by fast. If you do not make time to take in as much of this incredible experience as possible your time on this planet will pass you by before you know what is happening. There is so much variety in every aspect of existence that you never really have an excuse to be bored other than your own lack of motivation. Get out. Try everything you possibly can and learn from all the unfolds.

James Shotwell is the Marketing Coordinator for Haulix. He is also the Film Editor for Substream Magazine, host of the Inside Music Podcast, and a 10-year music writing veteran. If you enjoy this article and want more stuff like it – or if you hated it so much you have to say something – follow James on Twitter.

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