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Inside Music Podcast #177: Scotter Ward (Cold)

After nearly a decade away, Scooter Ward and Cold are back with their most personal album to date.

Scooter Ward has spent the better part of three decades making music that has changed the lives of countless rock fans around the world. He has topped rock charts around the world, toured everywhere you can name, and influenced a generation of musicians to share their truth with unflinching honesty.

In recent years, however, Ward and Cold retreated from the spotlight to spend more time with family when it mattered most. Having long drawn from his life, he knew he needed time to live before he could create again. Through that experience, he gained a new perspective on life, and that only fueled his passion for music.

Now, Ward is back in the rock spotlight for the first new Cold album in eight years. The band is tighter than ever, and Ward credits the growth the group has experienced to the lessons learned during his time away from the road. In this episode of Inside Music, Scooter recounts why he had to go home, and how the events that transpired there pushed him to create perhaps his most powerful record to date. He also shares his recent experiences in the mountains of Pennsylvania where Cold is hard at work preparing for their long-awaited US headlining tour.

Cold’s new album, The Things We Can’t Stop, arrives September 13.

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