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Blogger Spotlight: Ashley Osborn (Highlight Magazine)

Welcome to the second Haulix Blogger Spotlight of the week. This time around we are headed to the windy city known as Chicago, Illinois to speak with talented young writer who is working tirelessly to create a new kind of music site that is sure to please those with a nostalgia for the glory days of entertainment magazines. She is not alone in her pursuit, and in the months ahead we plan to feature a number of people working alongside her, just as we have done with multiple sites in the past. If you have a writer you would like to recommend for a future installment of this column, please email and share your story. You can also contact us via Twitter and Facebook.

Today’s highlighted talent is the co-founder of a digital publication that has taken the idea of a modern webzine to places none of the other sites featured up to this point have dared to explore. She and her team are amongst those leading the online music journalism evolution, and it is a truly pleasure to share her story.

Highlight Magazine is not your typical music blog. They feature similar news coverage and exclusives as any other site, but once a month they also publish a digital magazine offering in-depth reporting and gorgeous pictorials (for free, no less). They cover everything that falls under the category of ‘could one day be on Warped Tour,’ and in a little over have attracted a dedicated online readership built thanks to solid marketing and strong word-of-mouth. Leading the team (along with her two co-founders) is Ashley Osborn, a Chicago native with a passion for music and photography that is second to none. We spoke with ashley about the inspiration for Highlight Magazine, balancing her rising popularity as a photographer with her commitments to the site, where she sees the industry headed, and much more. You can read about her adventures in music below.

If there is one thing to take away from Ashley Osborn’s story it’s that hard work and good networking skills are key to success in the music industry, and that goes for musicians as much as it does members of the press. Talk to people, not at them, and learn about their journeys in the business. You never know where your connections may lead, and even if the go nowhere you’ll at least have a new friend who can relate to your struggle.

Ashley Osborn can be found on Twitter, as well as in the photo pit at major music festivals across the country. Those of you looking for latest music news can find it on Highlight Magazine’s official website. If you would like to see some of Ashley work as a photographer, click here to view her portfolio.

H: For those unaware, please state your name, the site you work for, and your role at said site:

AO: Ashley Osborn, Highlight Magazine, Editor-In-Chief/Co-Founder/Photographer

H: I believe you’re the first blogger based out of Chicago to be highlighted in this feature. What was the first album you fell in love with, and when did you know you wanted to work in the entertainment industry?

AO: I hate being that guy (hehe)! But I’d have to say Fall Out Boy’s Take This To Your Grave. It came out when I was in one of the most awkward stages of my life. A close family friend that used to babysit me (I was 11 at the time) was a scene kid and had me listening to all of this incredible music starting at the age of around… eight. But that album was definitely one that caught on. When I was around 11/12 I began going to shows a lot more with her and by the time I hit 7th & 8th grade I was definitely way into the Warped Tour scene. Never looked back. Started joining street teams for labels and assistant managing some local bands with social media/marketing. I just loved it and I loved that the community was such a family!

H: Being a blogger is about more than just typing, and one of the things you’re probably most known for is photography. Where does your interest in this medium come from?

AO: When I used to go to bigger shows I used to see this local Minneapolis (hometown) photographer, Joe Lemke, and he always intrigued me. I literally ALWAYS had an obsession with awful point and shoot cameras. I’d go to shows and all I ever really cared about was having photos to remember. I’d always snap way too many from the crowd (so weird). And eventually at a Paramore show in late 2009 I talked to Joe and he told me about what he does and that’s when I was like, “Holy shit, I’m going to do that.” After that night I saved up to get my first camera.

H: First camera? What you use now?

AO: I got a Canon Rebel XS in 2010 and then a Canon EOS 7D in 2011, worked with a 5D Mark ll for a while and I just bought a 6D!

H: Back to the site. You’re one of the co-founders of Highlight Magazine. How did you and Cara (the other co-owner) meet?

AO: We actually met at a Bayside / Saves the Day show at House of Blues. We were always in the photo pit together (Cara is an amazing photog who used to shoot for Beyond The Barricade with her co-founder, Jenna) and we never talked. Randomly this night we did and the rest is history!

H: So you meet, and we assume you became friends shortly thereafter, but where did the idea to start a website come from?

AO: I was actually at Chili’s (the best restaurant on earth) with our other co-founder McKenzie (Mackie) Hughes. Her and I had talked about our love for the industry and how I wanted more opportunity to work with (shoot with) artists because I was getting really serious about my career. We basically discussed the state of the industry for hours over endless chips and salsa + diet coke. Mackie and I knew that we wanted to start a magazine that was unlike the rest of the zines out there. One that only focused on positivity and overcoming struggles. One that could help the underdog and spread ideas/lessons across the board. I knew that Cara had interned with Alternative Press and I loved her work so I immediately brought her up. I remember telling her this idea that night and she was in!

H: Unlike most blogs, Highlight Magazine is actually available in magazine form (digital, of course). Can you tell us a bit about the decisions that lead you to create something more than your typical music blog?

AO: A lot of it was the actual magazine part. Something people could read through page by page and hold in their hands. Since we wanted Highlight to be a community we knew this would be fitting (in our minds at the time). I also was sick of all of the same old styles out there and I knew we could create something brand new. I’ll never forget the night Cara sent over the first draft of Highlight at the end of Feb 2012. I actually teared up because it was so amazing and I was so excited. She created it all from SCRATCH.

H: In addition to the digital monthly magazine, Highlight also features daily news updates, exclusives, and the like. How do you decide what content makes the magazine and what is better left on the newsfeed?

AO: Jenn Stookey is our managing editor and Anjel Lopez is a goddess who literally helps with everything. Her and Jenn coordinate all of the online side of things. When publicists come to us with pitches I try to accommodate the best I can – especially with the up and coming acts since that’s what we are about. But I send out more press requests than I can even calculate sometimes. We aim really high. 75% of the emails I get back are still no’s but it’s okay – makes it interesting!

H: How far in advance do you plan the cover articles for Highlight Magazine? *Bonus points if you reveal next cover star*

AO: Anywhere from five months to five days. Things get pretty insane… Nothing is ever set in stone. Somehow September’s cover artist (I can’t say who but I can say they are from Australia) has been planned for about two – three months now!

H: When you’re interested in discovering new music, where do you look?

AO: Honestly? My inbox. I also search around on random spotify playlists a lot!

H: What advice would you offer aspiring new talent hoping to be featured in a future issue of Highlight Magazine?

AO: Please do not Facebook message me. Email me! I read everything – truly. And if I can’t help I forwarded it to Jenn and Anjel! But I can say that you should make sure your band has solid support behind you. That sounds weird. But it’s hard for us to feature really small bands because we aren’t a huge world-wide publication (yet). We need your help with promotion and we need your fans to be excited you are joining our family.

H: When it comes to receiving music for review and feature consideration, which services do you prefer and why?

AO: I know this is a Haulix interview but I love Haulix… When I dabbled in starting my own PR company I even used it! It’s very easy and it let’s me see everything I need use and download to all at once. I also use dropbox (the entire magazine runs via dropbox).

H: Highlight Magazine is currently a free publication. Do you have any plans to monetize your efforts in the foreseeable future?

AO: We made an attempt actually in June to have $1 digital downloads. It’s weird for me to talk about this but here it goes. Highlight averages 18K impressions an issue, when we tried to monetize it we didn’t get near that. It was never our goal to make money. Sure it would be really nice and we do have plans to push it more with advertising. But we want to keep the magazine free because we want to reach new people and continue to build this community we have created. We were founded on those principals and I want to keep those values going.

H: If you could change one thing about the music industry, what would it be?

AO: I’m not exactly sure. I’d have to think about this long and hard. But I will say that Warped Tour this year was sad. When I was home in Minneapolis there was barely anyone there and that’s pretty terrifying considering I grew up around that scene. I guess I hope that this up and coming generation gets converted over to rock and roll instead of electronic and pop music. I may be 21 but if Warped Tour ever ended… I have no idea what I’d do. Just wouldn’t feel like summer.

H: Before we let you go, can you tell us a bit about what you have planned in the months ahead?

AO: In regards to Highlight, the team is ever growing. One of my writers just stepped up to manage our digital marketing. I can’t really say that I’m thankful for the team enough. We’re incredibly small but we are all passionate about the industry and have the same vision. I’m very proud of what we have done. We won’t stop until we get Fall Out Boy, Paramore or One Direction (Cara, Jenn and Anjel really want One Direction – hehe).

In regards to my photo work, it’s been pretty all over the place. I’m just trying to focus on landing a tour that I can afford to take because all I’ve ever wanted to do was document that side of the industry. I just have so many ideas and I want to keep pushing myself in every single way I can. This year I’ve been lucky enough to have done a few short tour runs and it was so nice to get my shoes wet… But I really want a full US or UK/Europe. As of now I’ll just be in Chicago working my boring day job and traveling a bit working on some small projects.


Blogger Spotlight: Zach Redrup (Dead Press!)

Why, hello. Thank you for stopping by for another installment of the Haulix Blogger Spotlight. So far this week we have spoken with a member of Absolutepunk, as well as one of the most widely recognized publicists in alternative music, and now we’re headed across the pond to highlight a writer who has spent the last six years developing an entertainment site for people who aren’t afraid to admit they like a little bit of everything. If you have a recommendation for a writer that should be highlighted in the weeks ahead, please email and share their story.

Hailing from the UK with a passion for writing that just won’t quit, Zach Redrup has been helping spearhead a revolution in music blogging through his site Dead Press! since 2007. He recognizes that most music fans love multiple genres of music, and over the years since launching his site has continually strived to cover as diverse a variety of talent as he and his team possibly could. From Lady Gaga to Metallica, you never know who will appear on the front page of Dead Press! on any given day, but the content that does make the cut is always well worth your time. You’ll find no sugar coated or biased articles here; the good and the bad are revealed for what they are, and it’s in that unflinching honesty that Redrup has found the most success. We spoke with Zach about all this, as well as where he sees the industry headed in the years to come, and now you can read his story right here on the Haulix blog.

As always, if you like what you read be sure to reach out an let Zach know. He can be found on Twitter, just like Dead Press!, and is often found covering festivals around the UK. If you have any additional questions about Dead Press!, please comment at the end of this post and we will do our best to get you an answer.

H: For those unaware, please state your name, the site you work for, and your role at said site:

ZR: My name is Zach Redrup and I’m the founder and editor of DEAD PRESS!

H: DEAD PRESS! has been around since 2007, but you have been a music fan for many years. Do you recall the first album you really connected with?

ZR: Well, the first album that I ever purchased was ANThology by Alien Ant Farm and, to be honest, I still have a connection with that record due to the nostalgia and the fact it has some great songs on it. I really became a music fan during the surging popularity of nu-metal, so I had and still do have a great love for bands like Korn and Slipknot. However, as I’ve grown older my music taste has expanded. It’s strange to think now how close minded I was about music back in high school.

H: Though many writers seem to have similar goals, they all have a unique origin story. When did you realize you wanted to work in music?

ZR: To begin with I used to contribute towards another site, which I won’t name, but basically the management of the site changed at the beginning of 2007 and lost contact with a lot of its original contributors, myself included. I got a taste of it then and wanted to continue but more on my own terms. As such, DEAD PRESS! was born and has been going ever since. Of course, as most music fans, I’ve always had that dream of being in a big successful rock band for a living. But we can all dream, can’t we?

H: What is the story behind the name DEAD PRESS!? Did you consider any other names before settling on that one?

ZR: I’m quite a fan of having duality within meanings or representation. Essentially, DEAD PRESS! has several meanings, the main one all comes down to personal preference. Originally, the meaning behind the name was due to our unbiased and honest nature and views with our articles. We don’t like to sugar coat things due to popularity or to bulk up numbers/readership because of an artist or band being ‘the next big thing’. Lots of publications, including some of the biggest ones, do this and as such the true press is dead, so therefore the name DEAD PRESS! fits with that. Another meaning some have interpreted it to be is the fact that it’s online and printed press is dying, put simply it is a DEAD PRESS!. A lot of people chuckle at the initials of the site too, DP!. It does mean double penetration in some contexts, but that only helps people to remember. Besides, music penetrates both ears, so the humorous side still rings true.

H: There are a growing number of sites attempting to cater to people with a wide variety of tastes. What is it about the content on DEAD PRESS! that sets you apart from the competition?

ZR: As I mentioned before, I think something that sets us apart from a lot of other publications out there is that we cater to the readers who want a true and honest view on new music and acts both established and up-and-coming. No one likes trashing the little man, but if we sugar coat that and let the (pardon my language) filter through, we’ll end up with even more of those bands you absolutely loathe. If they’re bad, we’ll say so. If they’re an incredible talent that deserves your attention, we’ll make sure you know their name.

H: The site’s bio says a revamp in 2010 lead to a new drive to contribute to the music scene. Aside from the design of the site, what changed?

ZR: The biggest change that happened in 2010 was that the site truly evolved from a portfolio of articles (mainly reviews) from myself and instead into a fully functioning site. From 2010 we shoved the site over to a professional host, gave it a full domain, began contributing news on a daily basis, included features and also recruited a bunch of both writers and music fans to help contribute towards the site and encourage people to listen to the great music out there and avoid the dirt.

H: You were a lone wolf when the site started, but now have a team of contributors. At what point did you begin to build your team, and how did you go about finding new writers?

ZR: As I said before, this was one of the biggest changes to occur for our revamp back in 2010. In the beginning, I recruited a few people from my Music Journalism course at university at the time of the revamp to help contribute and build the site to new heights. As the site developed and grew, so did the readership interest along with people who also wanted to get involved with things.

H: You offer a variety of content on your site, including reviews. Some have said the rise of social media in recent years has lessened the need for critics. Do you agree?

ZR: I both agree and disagree at the same time. Social media in terms of media critics acts as a double-edged sword. On the plus side, it helps to promote the names of bands who may have otherwise struggled and even disbanded without the aid of social media to widen their name. In turn, that also raises the awareness of the more underground publications such as ourselves, allowing readers to know there are alternatives out there. However, this also encourages people to start up a quick blog in minutes, shove up a few articles and instantly brand themselves as a ‘music journalist’.

H: Whether or not reviews are always a part of DEAD PRESS!, you will certainly continue to feature new bands. Where do you go when you want to discover new talent?

ZR: There are many ways I find out about new bands. The power of word of mouth will never die and should never be underestimated, but again, social media is a great way to uncover new bands and talent you may otherwise have been none the wiser to discover. From a quick tweet, a little song posted on Facebook or a recommended song/video off the back of a band you already love on YouTube can help you find a new favorite. I’ve always personally found the recommendations on a great source of new music too, and of course due to the nature of DEAD PRESS!, I manage to discover a lot of great new bands who have sent in their material for me to check out. It’s one of the better perks of the site.

H: Let’s turn the tables and talk about the bands who come to you. What advice would you offer someone who wanted to increase their chances of sticking out from the plethora of bands vying for your attention?

ZR: It’s rather cliché but it’s true; originality is one of the biggest keys to getting some extra attention towards your band. Though you want to get your music heard, don’t nag and don’t spam. You don’t want to start off with a bad reputation. However, you want to keep yourselves active and constantly doing stuff. With such a grand amount of bands forever boring born, it’s easy for you to be lost in the shuffle. Work hard on your music, get rid of all of the tweaks, be original, keep your name out there, play as many shows as possible, appreciate your fans and keep professional.

H: When it comes to receiving music for review and feature consideration, which services do you prefer and why?

ZR: As I’m old fashioned, if bands offer a physical copy of their record is always a preference, but as we all know digital download is the future. The best thing to offer to me personally is great, professional and enjoyable music. The more information provided without sending the equivalent of a novel is the best procedure. Be detailed yet straight to the point.

H: If you could change one thing about the music industry, what would it be?

ZR: It saddens me how the pleasures of a physical record, where you can hold the music, enjoy the artwork, study the lyrics and learn the band and their material inside and out is quickly dying. It’s never going to happen, but if the CD could come back in true force that would be fantastic. That, and if anyone could get Reuben to reform, I’d really appreciate it.

H: Before we let you go, can you tell us a bit about what you have planned in the months ahead?

ZR: We have a lot planned for DEAD PRESS! over the coming months. Along with bulking up our content in both quantity and potency we’re also getting a full site redesign soon, hopefully starting to get some shows on the go, sponsoring some of the better festivals and tours coming up, having some merchandise available, continuing to promote and push the talented artists out there and always delivering content that people would want to read and check out.


PR Spotlight: Jamie Coletta (SideOneDummy Records)

Hello, and welcome to the very first Haulix PR Spotlight. We have enjoyed getting to know the blogger community over the last two months, and we certainly plan to continue that series as long as there are writers willing to talk to us, but we also want to highlight those working everyday to get talent in front of journalists around the world. If you know a PR talent we should feature in a future installment of this column, email and tell us their story.

Designer Roy Halston Frowick once said “Buzz and the right publicist are not only important, but crucial in show business.” If you’re a rising punk talent who isn’t afraid of a great pop song and people with the type of personality you cannot help but love, the right publicist for you may be SideOneDummy Records‘ Jamie Coletta. Since joining the team in 2012, Jamie has furthered SideOneDummy’s already well established brand online and off while simultaneously helping develop new talent from a wide variety of genres. She has been working nonstop within the industry for the better part of the last half decade, and in that time has worked with nearly every type of artist or group you can imagine. We are honored to have her serve as our first highlighted publicist, and hope the insight she provides will aide future PR stars in bettering their efforts.

As always, if you like what you read, be sure to reach out and let Jamie know you enjoyed her interview. She can be found on Twitter, just like SideOneDummy, and is often spotted singing at the top of her lungs while standing side stage at pop punk festivals across the country. If you have any additional questions for her, please do not hesitate to leave them in the comments section at the end of this post.

H: For those unaware, please state your name, the company you work for, and your role at said organization:

JC: Jamie Coletta, SideOneDummy Records, publicist. I handle in-house radio promotion.

H: You’re an East Coast girl who now resides on the West Coast, so surely you have a story to tell. When did you first realize you wanted to work in music?

JC: That’s hard to pinpoint but it probably all started from some random night at the Living Room (RIP) in Providence, RI. I would go there all the time in high school just to be around live music. I helped bands flyer from time to time, joined street teams and eventually starting booking local shows.

Once I got to college and realized that my school had an actual degree in music business, I knew that was the only option for me. I actually didn’t even get accepted at first because my grades were so low (woops). I ended up writing an essay about my favorite concert of all time (Yellowcard/Something Corporate/The Format @ Bentley College, 2004) that convinced them to let me into the program.

I moved to LA after college because I knew that it was the only place in the world I would be happy. And I am.

H: Where did you first find work in the industry (and yes, working for free counts in this case)?

JC: My first internship was at Riot Act Media with a great publicist named David Lewis.

H: Okay, now the big question: Where did you first find paying work in music, and how did you go about landing that job?

JC: My first paid job was assisting an independent publicist at Fly PR. It was short-lived, though, because only a few months after starting, I got hired to work at a major label and obviously took it.

H: Many may believe the ultimate goal of people working in music is to be part of a major label, but your career has gone another path. You were at onetime a member of one of the largest labels still around, then chose to go the indie route and joined the SideOneDummy Records team. What inspired this change of pace?

JC: Honestly? I didn’t like it. I never set out to be a major label publicist or work with pop music but I needed (and wanted) the experience. The majors are basically a jungle and if you’re into that sort of thing, then go for it. Personally, I’ve always wanted to work with the bands I love and have a direct hand in their success. That just wasn’t going to happen at a major pop label so after a few years, I decided to move on. I’m grateful for the entire experience, though, especially meeting people like Rey Roldan who put me in touch with the SideOne team.

H: There has been increasing talk of the necessity for labels ever since the rise of social media. Having gone from major to indie, do you feel smaller labels serve more important/lasting purpose than majors?

JC: Smaller labels have the ability to give you more of a hands-on approach and really work as hard as possible for their artists. Majors just shell out cash and hire a bunch of super smart people to make shit happen. You can still end up on the back burner at both but with an indie, your team is much more likely to care about your music and success, I feel.

H: Most of the artists you work with now fall under the punk category, but that was not always the case. Have you found any major differences between the various genres and artists you have worked with? Is any particular genre necessarily easier than another?

JC: Well our roster is definitely not strictly punk – we’ve got a really diverse mix of bands and artists here so that’s rad. But yeah, I’ve worked in a whole bunch of different genres now and I think it all depends on you. Personally I like punk and alternative so I tend to find it easier to work within those worlds because it’s what I feel most passionate about. Although a mentor once told me that a good publicist should be able to work PR for a bar of soap…

H: As a publicist, what advice would you offer writers hoping to work with your clients?


H: Piracy is one of the most discussed topic in the industry today. Do you feel album leaks are preventable? If so, how would you advise an artist to keep their music safe while still getting the word out? If you can, share an experience.

JC: It’s hard to say. If you don’t want your album leaking, then you really just need to be super selective with who you give it to. If you can, utilize a service like Haulix or something that will let you watermark the promo so you can track it if it does leak.

But at the same time, I feel like a leak is a sign that people care so much about the record that they’re willing to go through any length to get it early. Does it suck, especially after you & your team have been working your butts off on a release? Of course it does. But it’s a part of the industry now so you just have to be mindful of that when preparing a release.

H: When it comes to working with your clients, how do you prefer to share their music with press? What is it about this method that appeals to you the most?

JC: I would always rather show someone music in person, mostly because I can display my excitement better that way. But since we live in a digital age and the majority of my contacts are spread across the country, I use Haulix, Soundcloud and YouTube primarily. Each have their own unique benefits but overall I just like the process to be quick and painless for a writer whose trying to decide if they’re into something or not.

H: If you could change one thing about the music industry, what would it be?

JC: There are so many talented musicians in the punk/alt community that get categorized as Warped Tour or Hot Topic bands and for whatever reason, that holds a negative connotation in the mainstream music world. I think that sucks.

Oh also, there is a major difference between hardcore and metal. Thanks
H: Your roster is as eclectic now as ever before. Do you have any plans or releases on the horizon you’d like to share with our readers?

JC: We’re putting out Chris Shiflett & The Dead Peasants new album later this month and I’m predicting that to be one of the best country/americana records of the year, hands down. Otherwise we have a bunch of surprises up our sleeves for the next couple months so you’ll just have to stay tuned for that.

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