
5 Things to ask yourself when preparing your band for SXSW 2017


Can you believe the biggest gathering of music industry professionals and dreamers is less than a month away? 

SXSW is March 10-19 this year, and we have the tips you need to make sure your time in Austin is productive. Time is ticking. Don’t wait to get things in order because once your in Texas life will get crazy at an alarming rate.

1. Do you know your travel plans and budget for the week?

Budgeting and planning a trip can be a headache, which is why many people choose to procrastinate nailing down the details of any journey until the last possible moment. If you want to make this SXSW the most successful is can possibly be you need to know your plan of attack as soon as possible. Book a flight (while you still can), lock in your lodging, and discuss amongst everyone coming with what your daily budget will be. Many events offer free food and drink, but those seeking water or actual meals will need cash in order to satiate their cravings.

Beyond budgeting financially, you will also want to begin discussing how you plan to use your time in the city of Austin. Create a calendar and fill in every event you absolutely need to attend. Once that is complete, work together with your band members and anyone else going to Austin and devise ways to promote you music and any performances you may have during the week. Assign each other tasks and brainstorm various approaches you can take to gain the public’s attention.

2. Speaking of promotion, how are you going to get the word out about your music?

There are over 1500 bands performing in Austin during the week of SXSW, and more than 90% will walk away without seeing much, if any change in their careers. We could go back and forth about the reason for this, but more often than not it boils down to how much attention the individual act is able to bring to themselves during the course of the week. If your plan for promotion is social media updates and handbills, you probably will not see a very big impact on the trajectory of your career following the festival. If, however, you begin researching innovative marketing techniques for 2017 and apply them to your efforts in Austin the sky is the limit. Creativity is key to success, and when you’re surrounded by literally thousands of creative people it takes something extra special to stand out from the herd. Do not let your art become part of the majority.

3. Are you focusing on your efforts on quality or quantity?

There are bands who believe the key to being noticed at SXSW is to play as many shows as humanly possible, but the real way to take your career to the next level is actually far simpler: Connect with the audience. Whether you play one show or ten, it only takes one person with the right connections noticing your music for your career to change overnight. Do not stress over the amount of gigs you have or the time allotted, but instead focus on delivering the highest caliber performance possible when the time comes. Remember: It only takes one person to change your world.

4. What are you doing right now to promote your time in SXSW?

The entire list of artists showcasing at official SXSW events was recently released, which means everyone with a publicist on their team is already at least one email into their promotional efforts for Austin. As an independent artist with few festival appearances under your belt, it would be a good idea to begin promoting and otherwise advertising your presence at SXSW as soon as possible. Reach out to bloggers, share your latest music and let them know if they’re coming to SXSW you would love to meet up. You don’t need to sell them right away, but you should at least make them aware of your plans. It won’t be long until publications begin compiling the ‘must-see’ bands of SXSW and with a little luck your group could make the cut. Click here for some additional tips on contacting members of the press.

5. What goals do you have for SXSW?

The worst thing you could possibly do before heading to SXSW is convince yourself that one trip to Austin will change your life forever. We’re not saying such things will not happen because they most definitely could, but the odds are incredibly stacked against you. Set achievable goals that will help you further your efforts in the long run instead of focusing on short-term success. If you want to play to 50 people, then do whatever you can to bring 50 people to your show. If you want to find a manager, order business cards and make plans to network whenever time allows.

SXSW works for those who know how to work it, and the first step to doing that is understanding you get out of your efforts what you put in. Those who do the work necessary to play at their absolute best and go out of their way to be creative with marketing are going to get further than the band with great hooks and zero following. It’s that simple.


Plan Now: SXSW is less than six months away

This morning I was walking to work when I noticed the leaves were starting to change. The summer temperatures seem to be lasting a little longer than usual, but soon fall will be in full swing and before we know it snow will be in the forecast. The sight of the trees lead me to thinking about the future, and then it hit me:

SXSW is less than six months away.

In fact, in exactly six months there will be tens of thousands who are just getting home from their time in Austin. They will be exhausted, possibly sunburned, and many will swear they are never going to drink again, but all will have a head filled with memories of connections made and one-of-a-kind moments experienced. They will have new friends, new musical addictions, and a craving for the dry heat of Texas that they will cherish so much they won’t even mind the credit card bills they racked up on Sixth Street because every cent will have been worth it.

We have been going to SXSW for years now, and each one is honestly better than the last. There is an energy to the city of Austin during those two weeks that is palpable in every nook and cranny of the world’s largest music gathering. More importantly, there are passionate industry professionals from all walks of life looking to change the business for the better through collaboration and new experiences. You can meet the person who changes your professional life forever at SXSW just as easily as you could meet your next best friend. Some people even meet their future spouse at SXSW!

We do not get paid to say SXSW is a place where the most passionate music fans from all over the world come to celebrate the art form and consider where it may go in the future, but that is the honest truth. There is plenty to be said about the rampant corporate branding and whether or not allowing companies like Doritos to promote themselves by having Billboard chart-topping talent perform on a multi-story vending machine stage just several hundred feet from a complete unknown talent hoping to get noticed is “cool” or “on brand,” but at the end of the day none of that really matters. What matters are the experiences to be had, and they are truly unlike anything you will find in any other festival or city on this Earth.

This is all a very long-winded way of saying you should be planning to attend SXSW 2017 and that the time to plan is right now. You should actually have plans underway already, but if not this post will hopefully get you to get into motion. SXSW is costly and hectic. You can wing it if you so desire, but in order to make the most of your time in Austin you need to be meticulous about your preparation. Figure out how you’re getting in, book a hotel or AirBNB, and start looking into flights or estimated the cost of gas. It would also be a good idea to make sure your knowledge of hydration is up to snuff, and that you’re working out regularly as there will be a lot of walking under an often hot sun while you’re in Texas. After you’ve got all that going, make a list of what you’ll need to bring and what you hope to accomplish. As the March nears, beginning making plans with others planning to go and lay the groundwork for meetings you goals ahead of your arrival in Austin.

SXSW will change your life, but the extent of that change depends on the work you put into your time in Austin. Start now.

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