
The Pros and Cons of Blending Genres

A question artists often ask us is whether its better to focus their sound or try their best to be diverse in the material they deliver. Our best advice is to play the music you want to make, but as we are not musicians ourselves it’s easy to understand why some might not put much weight in that opinion. So, with that in mind, we found a musician to respond for us. Enjoy.

“Broooo you guys sound like The Roots crossed with Bruno Mars!”

“Nah yo, they sound like Jurassic 5 meets the Rolling Stones!”

“OMG! Like, do you guys play any Mumford & Sons?!! You have all the instruments…except the banjo I guess…”

While none of these post-show fan comments are entirely accurate (especially that last one), the underlying truth is that we, the DownBeat Keys, blend many genres in our eclectic-yet-cohesive pop / hip-hop / funk / rock sound.  While initially our “genre-fying” tendencies created hurdles to greater commercial success, there are signs that popular tastes and music industry convention are evolving in our favor.

If we had written this blog three years ago, it would have been full of complaints. In a music industry built around inflexible radio formats, “falling in the cracks” used to be the kiss of death. If your music didn’t fit one of the genres supported by radio, industry execs didn’t know how to market it, and were thus extremely hesitant to sign any artist that blended genres to the point of defying a clear-cut designation.

While this attitude is no doubt still present, there are many reasons for eclectic artists to be optimistic. In the past few years, mainstream radio seems to have loosened. Following the robo-pop dominated late 2000s, acoustic / folk-rock revival started to appear on the airwaves. Music incorporating throwback influences followed shortly after, with artists such as Bruno Mars, Pharrell and Daft Punk scoring major mainstream hits with tracks that drew heavily on old-school sounds. Also worth mentioning are the host of novelty songs cropping up of late, such as the doo-wop tinged “All About That Bass” by Meghan Trainor  or Lunchmoney Lewis’s ragtime-electro anthem (what?) “Bills.”

With even the CEO of Spotify predicting that genres will fade away, we feel confident that popular tastes and the music industry at large  are warming to genre-fying artists. So we plan to keep on blending, even if it means girls compare us to Mumford & Sons…


What Exactly Do We Do?

We really appreciate the community and conversations that have arisen from this blog, but at the end of the day our lives at Haulix are about something much greater than content creation. We specialize in secure digital promotional distribution, which is a fancy way of saying we help artists and labels securely share new/unreleased music with media professionals. Above is a little video that explains everything we do in a fun and fully-animated way far more entertaining than anything we could write. If you have questions, or if you would to start your free, 30-day trial, please visit our official website.


New Music Tuesday: August Burns Red, Anthony Raneri, & Meek Mill

We know it would take far too long to highlight every client’s new release each week, so we’re going to choose a few select titles each week that we feel everyone should support. These are albums we will be buying ourselves, and we hope at the very least you give them a proper spin before deciding to purchase something else. James may write the column, but everyone at Haulix will have a say in who gets chosen.

August Burns Red – Found In Far Away Places (LP/Digital/Stream)

Like most people who grow up in the midwest with a love for all things heavy in rock and roll, I spent many days listening to my mother telling me how all the bands I loved were just making noise. Looking back, she wasn’t always wrong. There are so many artists working in rock and metal today with absolutely nothing to say, but due to technical talent and the right producer they find a way to cling to relevancy in the ever-changing music landscape. August Burns Red are not one of those bands however, and over the course of their career they have continually raised the bar for storytelling and purposeful songwriting for everyone in their scene. Their latest, Found In Far Away Places, is the greatest expression of these qualities recorded to date. From universal messages of hope, strength, and progression, to tracks built from the stories of people facing real struggle in our modern society, there is something powerful to be found in every single song on this record.

Anthony Raneri – Sorry State of Mind (LP/Digital/Stream)

Having long proven himself to be a songwriter capable of making you feel as if you could burst with hope one moment, only to make you want to cry the next, Anthony Raneri no longer needs to impress anyone with his music. His sound is a signature craft beer with a reputation for greatness that speaks for itself, and his dedicated ‘cult’ following will no doubt embrace his new solo EP the way they have every single Bayside release since their Victory Records debut in 2004. Ranger and his bandmates may now call Hopeless Records home, but the heartbreaking honesty and whimsical sincerity of his writing is just as ever before. Sorry State Of Mind finds Raneri reflecting on all he has done and experienced through his time in music, and the stories he has to share will keep you entertained all summer long.

Meek Mill – Dreams Worth More Than Money (LP/Digital/Stream)

If hard rock and acoustic solo albums are not your cup of tea, Maybach Music Group member Meek Mill has an alternative offering that may win you over. Dreams Worth More Than Money is the long-awaited sophomore effort from the Philadelphia based emcee, and though it is arriving almost a full year after its original release date Mill has made every effort to ensure the final product was more than worth the wait. From club-ready hits like “R.I.C.O” and “Bad For You,” to lyrical monsters such as “Lord Knows” or “The Trillest,” Dreams Worth More Than Money solidifies Meek Mill as one of the top artists in hip-hop today. He’s able to deliver radio hits just as easily as he can drop a verse that would incite riots in the streets, and on this release he gives us a little bit of everything in one fun, impressively cohesive listening experience.

James Shotwell is the Marketing Coordinator for Haulix. He is also a professional entertainment critic, covering both film and music, as well as the co-founder of Antique Records. Feel free to tell him you love or hate the article above by connecting with him on Twitter. Bonus points if you introduce yourself by sharing your favorite Simpsons character.


The Do’s and Don’ts of Proper Email Etiquette

One hard truth about working in music that you will never see glamorized in movies or through song is the seemingly endless stream of emails that pour through your digital inbox every single day of the week. Whether you work as a journalist or someone hoping to pitch journalists, I am certain not a day goes by where you feel as if you’ve received too few emails. With that in mind, we’ve partnered with our friends at Muddy Paw PR to provide you with a guide to email etiquette that will help you maintain professionalism through all forms of digital communication. Enjoy.

Dear reader: Are you in a band, managing a band, working their PR, or writing about them? Perhaps you’re about to send off that all-important request to photograph a live show of your favorite artist or apply to write for a major publication?

Regardless of what area of the music industry you work in, there is one universal aspect that connects all of us: emails are every bit as important as phone calls and Skype meetings. In our world, an opening email is often your first and best chance to make the right impression. Make a good first impression with a band or company and you can be set for years. Make a bad impression, however, and it is extremely difficult to recover.

As a publicist, managing editor and former hiring manager, I’ve seen nearly everything over the last five years. A few of my email experiences with bands and industry clients include: alcohol-driven rants, smiley faces after every sentence, misspelling my three-letter name (if I had a nickel for every time I’ve been called Jo or Joy…), being called Insert Name Here, and being outright insulted.

It’s a roller coaster, this music business. But with five years of experience across multiple fields, I’m here to share with you some tips on maximizing your email correspondence. Whether you’re in a band looking to get a label’s attention, applying for that dream paying job, sending a request to your favorite band’s PR team or just looking to expand your relationships with the right people, these are a few do’s and don’ts to make you look as professional as possible in all your industry dealings.    

DO: Get straight to the point.

This is essential, regardless of what industry field you work in. Whether you want to speak with a label executive, get your band some coverage or send a job application, don’t overload your message with unnecessary text. A quick 1-2 sentences for a polite introduction, then get down to business.

Use your first main paragraph to outline your reason for contact and what you’re looking for. For publicists in particular, state the artist’s genre and who they sound similar to. With many industry workers forever fighting losing battles against their inboxes, if you take too much time getting to the point, your message may be deleted. Always make your language clear, concise and professional to give yourself the best chance of getting your desired response.

DON’T: Try to fake sincerity.

Sounds incredibly obvious, right? Well, just like measuring someone’s tone in person or on the phone, it is also easy enough to judge a person’s sincerity in e-mail correspondence. Do your in-depth messages receive a sentence or two in response? Are there a lot of basic spelling errors? Sentences with no punctuation at the end? Particularly blunt language? All of these imply a level of laziness, a lack of respect, and too little desire to be helpful. An insincere person can often be spotted a mile away, even through e-mail messages, and news of an unpleasant experience spreads quickly in this industry. So how can you maximize your chances of making the right first impression?

DO: Be as kind and accommodating to the other person as possible.

The music industry is all about building relationships, and chances are you’ll be dealing with a lot of the same people over and over. If you make yourself easy and pleasant to work with, new friendships will emerge and the number of great opportunities you receive will grow very quickly. This quality could make the difference between being approved or denied from that “dream opportunity” you’ve been waiting for.

DON’T: Introduce yourself with “What’s up?”

For job applicants in particular, this is a must. During my hiring manager days, the number of applications I received that started with “What’s up Joe?” was startling. More often than not, that intro was followed by a poorly written application letter and no resume attached. When you’re looking to get your foot in the door of your chosen field of work, keeping your language proper and professional (and, of course, actually having a resume) is essential if you hope to land that all-important interview.

DO: Always click “Reply All”.

Bands, this one’s for you. Before a recent meeting I had with a potential PR client, we introduced ourselves through e-mail and I kept my boss on CC so she could see how the talks were progressing. A total of 10 messages were sent back and forth, and not once did the client hit “reply all” to keep my boss in the loop. This was a red flag – one of several throughout the correspondence – because it told us the client was not reading my messages carefully (despite me repeatedly mentioning my boss’s name). After a not-so-great start, the meeting resulted in my boss and I deciding this was not someone we wanted to work with, despite being incredibly talented.

Obviously there were more important factors than the client’s lack of CC knowledge, but bands, it is vital to keep ALL parties involved in your correspondence. Many of us have bosses, interns, managers, editors, etc. who need to know what is going on at all times and can offer insight when necessary. It’s a simple task to check if anyone is CC’d in a message, but if you really can’t remember to do it, Gmail even gives you the option to make “reply all” your default setting.

On behalf of every industry friend, co-worker and acquaintance I’ve ever known, please use “reply all” so we can stop tearing our hair out!

DON’T: Put your subject line in all caps.

DO YOU SCREAM AT PEOPLE IN PUBLIC TO GET THEIR ATTENTION TOO? Unless you’re in a crowded bar or at a concert, I doubt it. An all-caps subject line makes us feel like we’re being yelled at, and although some believe it increases your chance of getting the other person’s attention, it often does more harm than good. Just like the message itself, keep your subject line short, to the point, and with normal-sized letters. As long as your words are clear and attention-grabbing, you’ve done your job.

DO: Respond Promptly Whenever Possible.

Now, I’m not saying be a slave to your e-mail inbox. Many of us get overwhelmed with hundreds of messages every week and sometimes it’s not possible to respond quickly. But this isn’t Facebook, where everyone plays the “click on the message notification to see the first few words and if it doesn’t look important, I’ll respond 10 hours later” game. Many music industry workers use apps like Mandrill or SendGrid which lets them “track” the e-mails they send to see if and when they are opened by the recipient. Personally, if I read a message and see that it doesn’t require an essay in response, I try to reply within 24 hours. Look at it this way: do you take days to respond to a call or text from a friend? Of course not, so why should professional work-related messages be any different?

Responding promptly tells the other party that you are taking them seriously, you’re dedicated to the cause, and you’re being accommodating to their needs. Amazing how many details you can see through someone’s online correspondence, isn’t it? However…

DON’T: Respond to important/lengthy messages with your phone.

Have you ever sent a super-embarrassing text to a friend or family member thanks to the ultimate frenemy known as auto-correct? Yes you have – don’t lie. Unless it’s just to say “thank you” or it’s absolutely time-sensitive – in which case a phone call is better – hold off on responding to your most important messages until you’re in the much safer confines of your laptop. A later, well-written response is always better than the virtual foot-in-your-mouth typo that phones often bestow on us.

Joe Ballard is a music writer and publicist. He cares as much about the words used to promote music as he does the music itself, and that is part of the reason we love him. Learn more about Joe and his work with talented up and comers through the Muddy Paw website.


Monday Motivation: Senses Fail

If you’re anything like me, you probably started the day by recognizing that the start of a new work week had indeed arrived and then immediately began shaking your fists at the sky in anger. Monday is rarely anyone’s favorite day, and from what I have seen firsthand it feels safe to say it’s the one day of the week some people outright hate. I guess to them the arrival of the work week symbolizes the end of their quote/unquote freedom, and as a result they head into the office/factory/restaurant/store with a negative outlook already on their mind. This leads to bad attitudes, which only makes the experience of being at work worse, and for some reason it also seems to make time slow to a crawl. We’re not about that life, and we hope this post can do the same you that the song contained within it did for us.

It was around 4 o’clock in the afternoon last Saturday when I realized that I have spent over a decade of my life listening to Senses Fail. At 27 years of age, that makes my connection to vocalist and lyricist Buddy Nielsen one of the longest-running relationships of my entire life, easily putting every girlfriend I’ve ever had to shame. Heck, outside my parents and one or two select artists there are few, if any, whose nuanced take on the world around them has connected with me on such a deeply personal as his, and even less have been able to sustain that connection for even a year, let alone twelve. 

If you asked me why that is the way my life has played out even two weeks ago I probably couldn’t have told you. I had not yet made the connection myself, so of course there is no way I could have relayed such information to you, but having sat with this notion for a few sleepless nights (due to summer heat, not my connection to Senses Fail) I’ve reached a conclusion. Though the content I relate to has changed from album to album, there is a brash and relentless honesty riddled through each and every Senses Fail record that is not afraid to tear down everything, including the person uttering each line. It’s an all-encompassing sense (no pun intended) of ‘why not tell it like it is, for once’ that keeps me coming back again and again. I never know what Buddy will choose to share, but I know it will be true, and that is more than you can expect from the vast majority of artists working today.

This week, Senses Fail will release Pull The Thorns From Your Heart, their most experimental and thought-provoking release to date. I know I just spent several paragraphs relaying how honest the band has been with every release, but there is something unflinching boldness to this record that strips away every preconceived notion fans have about what Senses Fail are supposed to be and introduces a new, fully-matured band that knows exactly what they want to say and how it needs to be conveyed to listeners in order to make the biggest impact. It’s a cathartic listening experience that leads one to question not only the lies they’ve told others, but the ones they’ve been telling themselves, and how the time spent running from the truth has only been time wasted. You can say it’s good enough, but life isn’t meant to be lived in a way that is just okay. You’re supposed to take chances and, as the band explains on the record, “leap into the great unknown.”

I encourage all of you to make time for _Pull The Thorns From Your Heart _in the days ahead. This summer has been filled with great music, but very few have the potential to make as big of a positive impact as this one, and it just so happens to be one of the most diverse offerings of any group from the alternative world in all of 2015. It will make you feel in ways music rarely does, and that’s exactly what you need to head into the week ahead. You need something that will shake you from the comfort of whatever routine you have allowed yourself to fall into and make you reevaluate the path you have chosen, as well as the people you’ve asked to join you on your journey. 

It’s time to wake up and live the life you were meant to pursue, with love for yourself and others. _Pull The Thorns From Your Heart _will help, but the work is up to you. I believe in you.

James Shotwell is the Marketing Coordinator for Haulix. He is also a professional entertainment critic, covering both film and music, as well as the co-founder of Antique Records. Feel free to tell him you love or hate the article above by connecting with him on Twitter. Bonus points if you introduce yourself by sharing your favorite Simpsons character.

Job Board News

Music Industry Job Board (6/28/15)

A lot has been written about the supposed dire state of the music industry, but truth be told there are a number of successful and growing companies, including record labels, that are thriving in 2015. In this column we bring together every job opening we can find from the companies responsible for building the future of the business and present them to you, our reader, in hopes of aiding you on your journey to join the global music industry professional family.

Each week we scour the internet for the latest and greatest job postings throughout the music industry. You can help us better serve our community by sending any job openings you find or have to Be sure to include the name of the company hiring, a detailed description of the position being offered, a desired start date, contact information, and any additional supplemental information you feel may be needed.

New openings:

Administrative Assistant, Publicity (Sony – New York)

Job summary: The Administrative Assistant, Publicity is responsible for providing administrative support to the Publicity department at Columbia Records.  The Assistant will help to ensure the efficient day-to-day operation of the Publicity department at Columbia Records by successfully accomplishing the following responsibilities:

PR & Media Relations (Mascot Label Group – New York)

Job summary: Independent music label seeking highly motivated publicist candidate with existing pr experience in the music industry This is a full time position to start soon. Candidate must be highly motivated, self-sufficient, pro-active, and a great communicator who possess the ability to think outside the box and is tenacious. The ideal candidate should be very social, have strong relationships with all forms of media including online, blogs, print and TV a must. Must come with a deep list of contacts and relationships. Must have a minimum of at least 7-10 years of full time experience and relationships in the entertainment pr field.

Music Recital Coordinator (University Of Northwester – St. Paul)

Job summary: Coordinate student and faculty solo and chamber music recitals, guest master classes/presentations, and the Concerto-Aria Competition.

Assistant Publicist (Naxos of America – Franklin, TN)

Job summary: Naxos of America is hiring a full-time Assistant Publicist in Franklin, TN. Our PR/Social Media team is based in our office near downtown Franklin TN, with our Director of Media Relations splitting time between NYC and Toronto. Our team handles all press and promotion, social media, media partnerships, and online branding/marketing campaigns for our very full schedule of releases.

Content Producer (Cornerstone – New York)

Job summary: We are currently on the lookout for a dynamic content producer with a passion for music and culture that will support editorial team creating and producing digital content for a global lifestyle brand.

Part-Time Promotions (iHeartMedia – Houston)

Job summary: The Promotions Assistant will assist in the execution of station events and promotions.  The Promotions Assistant will interact with listeners at concerts, promotions and other events while representing the station in a professional manner. If you have an outgoing personality, love dealing with the public, and have a desire to get into the exciting career or radio this is the position for you. Assist Promotions and/or Marketing Director in executing station marketing and promotional initiatives. Oversees on-site promotional activities.

A&R Administration (IGA – Santa Monica, CA)

Job summary: IGA is currently searching to fill a new role in our A&R Administration and Business Affairs team. The position will perform a variety of duties, that will be providing key assistance to the Head of A&R Administration. The candidate for this job must liaise with all levels of departments at the label and corporate parent, including Business Affairs, Production, A&R, Marketing, Licensing, etc. to help assist with the release of music and videos by label artists. This position has a strong focus on clearances and problem solving, and doing the necessary work to help accomplish the goals of the label and its artists.

Marketing and Communications Assistant (Berklee – Boston, MA)

Job summary: Under the direct supervision of the Summer Programs Enrollment and Marketing Managers the Marketing and Communications Assistant coordinates front-line staff and secures complete and effective marketing programs. The position also fields tasks directly from Marketing and Communication Managers.

Publicity and Strategic Marketing Manager (Velvet Hammer Music – Hollywood, CA)

Job summary: This role requires the ability to quickly and effectively execute workflows in a fast paced environment and will report to the CEO and Senior Vice President. An existing list of music and lifestyle media contacts is required. Applicant must have strong communication skills and a high attention to detail.

Integrated Events Specialist (iHeartMedia – Hartford, CT)

Job summary: Primary duty is to develop and manage all station promotions and contests. Uses independent judgment and discretion to create; plan and oversee remote promotions. May Supervise and regularly direct the work of Promotions staff. May also function as a Marketing Director.

Concert And Production Manager (Swarthmore College – PA)

Job summary: The successful candidate will handle the scheduling, publicity, and on site production of events at Lang Concert Hall, and provide support for other Music Program performances and events in Lang Music Building. This includes publicity, audio/video setup, program production (layout, printing, and compilation of program notes), and the hiring of student workers (house manager, ushers, stage crew, technical crew) for each event. The Concert and Production Manager also maintains the space reservation calendar for Lang Music Building and works with faculty, staff, and students to find suitable spaces for rehearsals and events.The successful candidate will maintain space use guidelines for Lang Music Building. The Concert and Production Manager will coordinate with the Facilities department to schedule maintenance and upgrades to the building and with a piano technician to arrange maintenance of our instruments. The successful candidate will also attend a biweekly meeting with members of related departments on campus (hosted by Public Safety) to discuss upcoming events and coordinate space use.

Concert Manager (Music Before 1800 – NYC)

Job summary: A not-for-profit organization, Music Before 1800 is the longest-running early music concert series in New York City, having presented vocal and instrumental chamber music at Corpus Christi Church for 40 years.

Administrative Assistant, Publicity (Sony – Los Angeles)

Job summary: The Publicity Assistant is responsible for providing confidential administrative support to the West Coast Publicity Development at RCA Records. The assistant is also responsible for ensuring the efficient day-to-day running of both departments; building and maintaining relationships with the artists, managers, press, production companies, as well as executives within the company.

Publicity Manager (The Syndicate – New Jersey)

Job summary: The Manager of Publicity will work full-time in our Weehawken, NJ office and alongside our music and comedy publicists on all campaigns. The ideal candidate should should be a strong writer, have 3-5 years of publicity experience in the entertainment industry, and have established relationships with journalists, editors, bloggers, bookers, etc. Applicants should be very detail-oriented, organized, and able to multi-task. A strong passion for music and comedy, as well as the ability to thrive in a fast-paced, energetic environment are a must.

Market Development (TrendKite – Austin, TX)

Job summary: TrendKite helps PR professionals and agencies build a timely, highly accurate picture of their brands’ media coverage with ease. We are an innovative platform that is transforming how companies like BP, Pinterest, Campbell’s Soup, and CDC measure the impact of earned media. We are a venture backed, high traction startup that is disrupting a huge existing market.

Head Of CRM (Spotify – NYC)

Job summary: The Vice President, Customer Relationship Marketing is responsible for creating and planning integrated marketing programs that drive business growth through the entire consumer journey – email, direct mail, statements, websites, loyalty programs and social marketing.   This person will be responsible for building and leading a team of experts in CRM and automation.  In addition, the VP, CRM will implement direct marketing programs designed to generate the profitable acquisition of new customers.

Artist Marketing Associate (Pandora – Oakland, CA)

Job summary: As an Artist Marketing Associate you will support marketing strategy and execution for the Artist Marketing Platform, Pandora’s artist-facing suite of insights, promotion tools and experiences. You will work with cross-functional team members from industry relations, events, corporate strategy, marketing, product management, design, engineering, communications, and more. We are seeking candidates with expertise in the music industry who possess exceptional skills in product marketing, go-to-market execution, communication and project management.

Director, Client Relations & Industry Marketing (iHeartRadio – NYC)

Job summary: Experienced agency/client engagement, B2B marketing + communications professional needed to execute various high-level client programs and other marketing initiatives within the Advertising Industry. Must have deep understanding of Advertising Industry and Agency Landscape. Reports into the Vice President of Client Relations + Industry Marketing.

Listing Associate (Marketing Associate) – Sonicbids (Boston/NYC)

You will be tasked with guiding our opportunity owners through the listing creation process, ensuring that each listing meets the quality standards we’ve set here at Sonicbids. You will be responsible for providing guidance through the listing creation process, and provide feedback to our product team to ensure the listing creation process is as efficient as possible.

Marketing Director (Sony – Nashville)

Job summary: If you have a knack for forging consensus in a creative environment…If you’re a fearless, thick-skinned communicator who can defend your ideas in a group setting…If you’re an energetic self-starter who has superb time management and prioritizing skills……we want you to apply today! Consider joining the team that markets artist such as Carrie Underwood, Garth Brooks, Kenny Chesney and Miranda Lambert.

Digital Marketing Manager (Creed Company – Los Angeles)

Job summary: The Creed Company is seeking a mid to high level Digital Marketing Manager to oversee social media presences of artist across the entire roster and develop, communicate and execute strategic digital campaigns.

Publicist (eOne Entertainment – Los Angeles)

Job summary: Reporting to the Publicist, is responsible for coordinating and executing publicity programs and campaigns for eOne Films ensuring that these publicity activities are in-line with the corporate strategy to achieve the company’s annual goals. This position is responsible for the timely execution of all publicity and social media campaigns for all eOne Films titles. Further, this position will also act as a liaison, between the Marketing team and other departments, as well as clients and the media.

Press Officer (ListenUp – Los Angeles)

Job summary: Listen Up US is hiring a Press Officer. We are seeking someone with 2 or more years experience in music publicity and an extremely solid grasp of electronic music and media. The candidate must have established relationships with media across all levels of print and online (news, specialist, lifestyle, national, regional, etc). The candidate must also be experienced handling tour press, as well as national press and be willing and able to work onsite at events when needed.

VP Business Affairs Manager (GPen – California)

Job summary: We are seeking a VP Business Affairs Manager; an executive C-Level officer of the Company. The VP Business Affairs Manager will be primarily responsible for negotiating development and production deals, in connection with both scripted and unscripted programming. Negotiations will include, but not limited to, the following: talent, writers, producers, underlying rights, license agreements, co-productions, digital media, etc. This individual will report to the Chief Marketing and Brand Officer (CMO).

Director, Online Marketing (Warner Music Group – NYC)

Job summary: To efficiently and effectively manage all aspects of online marketing for an assigned roster of  projects. Liase with the marketing, press, and digital sales departments in the company (and any hired, third party companies) in conjunction with ADA distributed third party labels to maximize the potential for each project’s success.  To find innovative and cost effective ways to brand ADA artists with associated online partners, including content development and management, grassroots community building and marketing, tastemaker sites, and genre-related digital marketing lifestyle outlets.

Manager, Client Relations- Frontline/ New Release Labels (The Orchard – NY)

Job summary: Reporting to the Director, Client Relations, Manager, the Client Relations will be based out of our New York City office. The position will act as a relationship, content, & campaign manager for frontline and new release label clients. The ideal candidate has a strong understanding of what drives a successful album campaign via previous distribution, label, or management experience, and is able to leverage Orchard services to guide label’s new release campaign goals. They are smart, focused, analytical, tech savy, fun, and live and breathe independent music.

Music Tours Regional Manager (Compassion International – Nashville)

Job summary: Develops and executes logistics related to Compassion owned music tours. Creates, organizes, negotiates, and executes 6-8 Compassion tours each fiscal year. Plans long-term touring strategies for Compassion and manages the usage and storage of Compassion’s production equipment. Drives growth along all product lines and strives for a sponsorship goal of 5,500 annually. Manages, builds, and mobilizes a team of tour professionals, artists, booking agents, and artist managers in order to meet Compassion’s revenue goals.

Content Strategist (Downtown Records – NYC)

Job summary: Downtown Records is looking for a Content Strategist to help our artists craft content marketing campaigns as wicked as the music they create. This is a great opportunity for a music lover with a keen eye for the best content on the internet.

Acquisitions Editor – Music (Rowman & Littlefield – NYC)

Job summary: Rowman & Littlefield is seeking an experienced Acquisitions Editor to assume responsibility for its list of music titles which includes general interest, college text, reference, and professional titles.

Publicity Assistant (Warner Bros – NYC)

Job summary: With its broad roster of new stars and legendary artists, Warner Music Group is home to a collection of the best-known record labels in the music industry including Asylum, Atlantic, Cordless, East West, Elektra, Nonesuch, Reprise, Rhino, Roadrunner, Rykodisc, Sire, Warner Bros. and Word, as well as Warner/Chappell Music, one of the world’s leading music publishers, with a catalog of more than one million copyrights worldwide.

Regional Representative (SoundExchange – multiple cities)

Job summary: SoundExchange Regional Reps should be the “it person” or “key tastemaker” in their local music scene and be heavily involved in many campus and community activities. The SoundExchange Regional Representative Program is designed to deepen your understanding of and exposure to the current music industry with a focus on the digital space. It is an opportunity to take that first step in establishing yourself in the music and entertainment business. As a college representative you will be expected to dedicate approximately 10 hours per week to interact with the music community within your immediate environment to assure high awareness for SoundExchange.

Artist & Repertoire Manager (O-Town Music Group – Orlando)

Job summary: The main job is picking acts that will be successful and then working with the act to find the right producers and writers. The process is very much a nurturing one to ensure the band or solo artist impacts at the right time with the right material. Besides scouting for new artist the a&r manager also manages the current roster of artist. Duties include booking performances for artist, updating social media for artist,booking tv appearances and publicity for artist, booking recording studios for artist and much more.

Marketing Assistant (Pandora – Oakland)

Job summary: The Marketing Associate will be responsible for helping to drive listener growth and engagement through various marketing programs. The ideal candidate will be metrics-driven and will have experience trafficking, managing and optimizing various marketing campaigns from email to paid mobile ad network and social media buys.

National Project Manager (iHeartMedia – Chicago)

Job summary: The National Project Manager (NPM) is responsible for the creation and management of new and existing sales and promotional objectives for national clients in multiple markets. The NPM will also assist National Account Executives in securing new business by developing promotional concepts that align with station partnerships.  Candidates should have experience with promotions, vendor negotiations, contesting and events.

Record Label A&R Manager (Fixt – Detroit)

Job summary: The ideal candidate for this position will be motivated to become an active part of the team to accelerate company growth, contribute to the continued expansion of the company and client roster, be extremely organized, and should be capable of multitasking and handling multiple deadlines simultaneously. Candidate should have 5+ years of experience in a related field with a portfolio of proven accomplishments and a strong work ethic.

Account Director (Universal Music Group – NYC)

Job summary: The Account Director will manage business plan for designated high volume/visibility digital and mobile accounts, including development and execution of sales and marketing campaigns and goals.  This person will manage excellent relationships with digital and mobile accounts, be able to hit sales objectives and create incremental sales objectives and opportunities.  Sales and marketing will involve all facets of UMG digital and mobile products.

Customer Success Manager (Sonicbids – Boston)

Job summary: We currently seek a Customer Success Manager to drive the refinement, execution and tracking of our customer success program. The Customer Success Manager will serve as an advisor to our users, helping them solve their toughest recruiting and booking challenges through quantitative insight and performance metric tracking. In addition, this role will evangelize our product and develop engaging and entertaining content that helps sustain customer engagement over the course of time.

Vice President, Industry Relations (Barclays Center – NYC)

Job summary: The Vice President, Industry Relations will assist the Vice President of Booking in generating programming opportunities at Barclays Center and other affiliated properties. The incumbent must have a proven track record of booking high profile events and developing, cultivating, and maintaining strong industry relationships. The incumbent must be a self-starter with superior communication skills and strong independent reasoning and problem solving skills. This position plays a vital role in the company’s growth, therefore, the incumbent must be able to anticipate needs, think proactively and suggest new ways to contribute to the department and organization’s mission, while maintaining a positive attitude. The incumbent will serve as a liaison between the venue(s) and promoters, agents, and managers based primarily on the west coast and will be able to work long, flexible hours, including different time zones (EST). The position reports directly to the Vice President of Booking.

Associate Partnerships Manager, Music (Twitter – NYC)

Job summary: You will be central to providing our partners with the information and support they need to effectively use our real-time platform. A principal component of the role is working with teams across the company to anticipate and address both the routine and uniquely complex needs of musicians and partners we work with.  Another will be to use internal tools to identify meaningful metrics to prepare then present to our partners.

Tour/Production Assistant (IMG Artists – NYC)

Job summary: The Tour/Production Associate will sit within the Global Touring and Global Attractions divisions of IMG Artists. The roles purpose involves the servicing and logistics coordination of concert dates, performances and tours worldwide for a variety of dance companies, attractions (world music, musical ensembles, theatrical attractions, etc.), film with orchestra projects, and symphony pops, and individual artists involving ongoing touring activities, individual dates and extensive tours as well as servicing the day-to-day activities of a wide variety of artists.

Performance Program Coordinator (University Of Chicago – Chicago)

Job summary: Unit Job SummaryThe Performance Program Coordinator provides scheduling and logistical support for the Department of Music Performance Program and its sixteen ensembles for their concert performances and other activities across campus.

Membership And Programming Coordinator (Philadelphia Folksong Society – PA)

Job summary: In partnership with the Executive Director, the Membership and Programming Coordinator has responsibility for achieving planned and budgeted objectives of the organization and providing day-to-day coordination in five key areas.

Marketing,Publicity and Sales Coordinator (Dead Horse Branding – Nashville)

Job summary: Dead Horse Branding is a branding agency with very highly skilled and versatile representatives. We are after a team member who has experience in Marketing, Publicity and Sales. The three essential skills you need to successfuly complete either one of those jobs.

Sr. Music Marketing Manager – iTunes (Apple – Santa Clara, CA)

Job summary: This position is responsible for developing music marketing strategies, tactics, and programs in direct partnership with music content providers for iTunes and Apple’s streaming music products as a leader of the music marketing team. These programs and campaigns will be well-integrated with, and driven in part by domestic and international priorities established by iTunes Label Relations, Music Programming, iTunes Marketing, Product Marketing, Sales & Marketing and Apple Marketing Communications teams. This position and team will focus on best-practices, priority and special projects across the music industry and across media verticals where music is a key component.

Day-To-Day Assistant (Middle West Management – Minneapolis)

Job summary: Middle West is in search of a driven full-time day-to-day assistant to work with its Minneapolis-based managers. Ideally, applicants should be Twin Cities-based or willing to relocate.

Marketing Specialist, Customer Journey Marketing (Sony – San Diego)

Job summary: Sony Corporation of America (SCA) is seeking a Marketing Specialist to join the Customer Journey and Cross Marketing group. This position will be located in San Diego, CA. The primary responsibility for this position is to execute CRM programs across several Sony business units to drive revenue, increase engagement and build proof points for global program roll out. The marketing specialist will use first party data to better create, target and measure customized consumer experiences that drive loyalty and customer value. This position requires good organization skills and the ability to handle many projects simultaneously to meet deadlines. The Marketing Specialist must work with many individuals across Sony as well as with outside partners and Sony business units.

Integrated Marketing Coordinator, Pre Sales (Crave Online – NYC)

Job summary: CraveOnline is seeking an Integrated Marketing Coordinator to join a high-energy, collaborative team of designers, marketing specialists, developers and project managers to manage and to facilitate the creation of integrated marketing campaigns across several sites. We are focused on providing integrated and innovative experiences to our clients. The Integrated Marketing Coordinator is based in NY and reports to the Senior Director, Integrated Marketing who is based in NY.  

Coordinator, Consumer Relationship Marketing Analytics (Warner Music – NYC)

Job summary: The Coordinator of CRM Analytics’ primary role is to support the practice of WMG’s CRM analytics and strategic planning operation. Sitting on the team’s CRM Analytics group, the Coordinator’s primary duties include independently managing a variety of day-to-day activity of key CRM projects and operational support for analytics programs, specifically but not limited to: Design and documentation of analytics processes and operations, critical support to develop meaning analysis for global consumer marketing teams, and day-to-day analytics and marketing technology support. This person is entrepreneurial-minded and technically savvy who does not mind digging deep into the technologies or data, as well as exercises excellent communication skills and the ability to multitask across multiple projects.

Associate Director, E-Commerce and New Media (Boston Symphony – Boston)

Job summary: Join the Boston Symphony, in a dynamic position as the Associate Director, E-Commerce and New Media that encompasses the management, implementation and creation of all internet and New Media platforms.  You will be responsible for supporting the overall marketing strategy by utilizing a variety of online and media platforms to enhance the corporate brand, explore new initiatives and enhance revenue content opportunities.  To be successful, you will need to be a creative self-starter who can analyze and adapt new technologies and strategies to support the overall organizational goals.

Assistant, Urban Digital Marketing (Warner Music Group – Los Angeles)

Job summary: Key administrative support person for day-to-day digital marketing in the Digital Media & eCommerce department, focused primarily (but not exclusively) on our broad “urban” roster of artists, covering rap, hip hop, R&B, and beyond. Experience in community development, editorial/content and marketing support. The ideal candidate is interested in the intersection between consumer online behavior, music and technology. This person reads blogs (tech / entertainment / lifestyle), installs every new app just to try it out, and has a passion for leveraging the Internet to drive artist careers and revenue. They live on social media, lifestyle blogs, and discover new music in interesting ways.

Marketing Specialist (Sound Productions – Dallas, TX)

Job summary: We are hiring a person, not a position, for the Sound Productions marketing team.  We believe in providing every tool and opportunity to our team members and growing them for success.  We don’t have employees, only team members, and are very proud of that.  We invest in each of our highly effective and talented team members for their professional growth and aligned goals with the other Sound Pro teams.

Mobile Devices Engineer – Music Industry (Confidential – WA)

Job summary: Our Seattle, WA-based client produces pro-audio and music products with brands known worldwide! The company is currently expanding their product lines, incorporating mobile devices and cross-platform UI applications within specific digital products. If you love music (or the technology around making music) and have experience building mobile apps (iOS/Android) you will love joining their engineering team.

Director, Digital Monetization (iHeartMedia – NYC)

Job summary: While iHeartMedia employs over 20 thousand worldwide, the iHeartRadio Division based in New York City runs more like a startup. We are looking for a Director of Digital Monetization to serve as the key touch point between our digital product and national sales teams. This role will be instrumental in identifying digital revenue opportunities and developing our go-to-market strategies. You will work with a variety of key teams including editorial, programming, operations, sales and marketing groups and have the opportunity to meaningfully impact the revenue line of a growing organization.

Vice President, Consumer Marketing (MTV – NYC)

Job summary: The VP of Consumer Marketing is responsible for planning and implementing off-channel marketing campaigns for MTV.  With a key focus on innovation in the marketing space, this position will manage the development of campaigns in support of all priority programming and events.  The ideal candidate will actively employ data to inform the planning process, and to ensure that all plans have clear goals, and the creative approach needed to achieve them.

Director of Sales, Live Nation Media & Sponsorship (LiveNation – LA)

Job summary: This successful sponsorship sales professional will be responsible for creating and selling branded, high-impact music marketing programs across our music properties.

Marketing and Event Coordinator (Beacher’s Madhouse – LA)

Job summary: The Marketing Coordinator will be accountable for leading the development of the venue’s event and marketing program that includes new innovative ideas, talent recommendations, marketing partnerships, promotional activities, advertising recommendations, and VIP Host, social media and public relations coordination. This position will also execute the events and programs on-site. In addition, the Marketing Coordinator will be very creative and will find ways to increase customer spend and find new sources of business. The Marketing Coordinator will be responsible for the over-site of the venue’s brand, including market position against competitors.

Interactive Marketing Manager (Warner Bros – LA)

Job summary: The Interactive Marketing Manager will be the main digital strategist for their own roster of artists and/or projects. They will craft and execute the digital campaign for those artists spanning promotion, social strategy, community engagement, e-commerce, and partnership opportunities with inter-departmental (marketing, radio, press, product development, etc..) input and coordination. They will continually look for new opportunities, services and platforms with which to partner and/or utilize. In addition to their work directly with artists, they will have a loud voice in forming overall departmental strategy and direction as operational digital specialists. Every campaign will come with mutually agreed upon goals and targets that the marketer will striving to achieve.

Publicist (New York Public Radio – NYC)

Job summary: New York Public Radio seeks a publicist who will work with the Senior Director of Publicity to develop and execute PR strategies and campaigns to reach consumer, trade and online audiences.

Senior Director/ Vice President Product Manager of Records (SONG Music Publishing – NYC)

Job summary:  To direct marketing focus & strategy, product development, label identity and artist relations for assigned RECORDS projects. The product manager will work side by side with the Co-founder- assisting with the execution of marketing strategies and artist development. The ideal candidate has an entrepreneurial outlook and will able to work creative and operational executives across all functions.

Partnerships Manager (Shazam – NYC)

Job summary: To thrive in this role, you will love variety, work independently, communicate well and be super organised. Experience of working with digital media within an entertainment, broadcasting or publishing sphere is essential. The right candidate will have ability to oversee complex deals with and have the ability to negotiate and execute new business within a range of exciting new sectors.

Director Of Public Relations (Vevo – NYC)

Job summary: Reporting to the VP of Marketing, the Director of Public Relations will manage all corporate communications and messaging for Vevo. You will serve as the primary point of contact between the company, its executives and the press community for all Industry and Consumer press.

Marketing Coordinator (TouchTunes – NYC)

Job summary: This is an exciting marketing role focused on executing tactics to drive success for the TouchTunes sales team and B2B channel customers.  You will work across business groups and leverage multiple marketing channels to drive engagement with the TouchTunes network of smart jukeboxes, mobile app, and other in-venue solutions.  

Account Director – AD SALES (Complex – NYC)

Job summary: Complex Media is looking for a motivated and successful Account Director to join our leading young men’s platform.  You will be a part of a top-notch sales team, selling integrated marketing programs across desktop, mobile, video, branded content and print.  We have an entrepreneurial culture where you can lead the sales and marketing efforts for your client list.  This role is based in our NYC mid-town headquarters.

Digital Media Buyer (Live Nation – Los Angeles)

Job summary: The role of the Digital Media Buyer is a day-to-day focal point and is tasked with executing digital media planning/buying and client service activities associated with assigned accounts.  You will be integral in the development and management of effective digital strategy and media buying/. This role will report to the SVP of Digital Marketing.

Digital Account Manager (Universal Music Group – Sydney, AUS)

Job summary: We have a new opportunity available for a Digital Account Manager to drive growth in market share, revenue and artist exposure across digital music platforms. Reporting to the Director of Digital Strategy, the successful candidate will develop sales and marketing strategy and create opportunities to further enhance Universal’s presence across these services.

Director of Sponsorship Sales (Live Nation – Phoenix)

Job summary: This successful sponsorship sales professional will be responsible for creating and selling branded, high-impact music marketing programs across our music properties.

Licensing Marketing Manager (ASCAP – Nashville)

Job summary: The Licensing Marketing Manager will be responsible for developing plans and executing projects that support the Sales & Marketing strategy surrounding ASCAP’s Licensing team responsible for licensing the musical works of ASCAP’s members to hundreds of thousands of businesses – from traditional media to venues to online services.  This includes day-to-day management of marketing and analytics for ASCAP’s Licensing pipeline from new leads to completed licenses.  The Manager will collaborate with the Licensing, Product, Marketing and Website teams to execute marketing/communications, increase conversions, launch new initiatives, and track analytics, as well as facilitate an effective workflow between the Marketing Department and all other cross-functional teams.

Creative Director (EventBrite – San Francisco)

Job summary: As our Creative Director you will: drive brand guidelines and standards, help us nail compelling online assets, raise our game on marketing site designs, consumer-facing content experiences, and asset for online ads, grab our customer’s attention through awesome email templates and compelling sales collateral, all while leading our team of ridiculously talented Communication Designers.

Project Manager (Nite Owl Productions – NYC)

Job summary: Two New York-based musicians (Michelle Citrin and Galeet Dardashti) seeking Project Manager with a passion for working with artists.  Starting date flexible – spring, 2015.  $20/hour approximately 9-12 hours a week part time with room to grow.  Work in Prospect Heights, Brooklyn based studio, with possibilities for telecommuting.

Digital Marketing Coordinator (Sony Music – NYC)

Job summary: Responsible for community development and campaign execution for a diverse roster of artists.  Includes day to day promotional activities, creation and maintenance of artist web and social channels as well as coordination with partners overseeing web development, operations and production.

Marketing Coordinator (Country Music Association – Nashville)

Job summary: The Marketing Coordinator will assist in developing and implementing marketing and advertising ticket sales campaigns and ABC media campaigns for CMA Music Festival, CMA Awards, CMA Country Christmas and Songwriters Series through traditional media outlets as well as online and social networking mediums. Responsible for fulfillment of all advertising and promotional needs. Assist in developing strategic media partnerships and coordinate fulfillment of contracts. Responsible for general department support as needed.

Publicity Manager (Marbaloo Marketing – Nashville)

Job summary: Full-time Publicity Manager is responsible for generating and executing publicity campaigns with online outlets and social media influencers. This includes press release creation, pitching and securing publicity for company’s client roster by generating relevant stories, securing interviews and mixed-media placements while keeping internal staff and clients up to date progress. This position demands high level project management and creativity. Familiarity with online and print media advertising is ideal but not required.

Licensing Marketing Manager (ASCAP – Nashville)

Job summary: The Licensing Marketing Manager will be responsible for developing plans and executing projects that support the Sales & Marketing strategy surrounding ASCAP’s Licensing team responsible for licensing the musical works of ASCAP’s members to hundreds of thousands of businesses — from traditional media to venues to online services.  This includes day-to-day management of marketing and analytics for ASCAP’s Licensing pipeline from new leads to completed licenses.  The Manager will collaborate with the Licensing, Product, Marketing and Website teams to execute marketing/communications, increase conversions, launch new initiatives, and track analytics, as well as facilitate an effective workflow between the Marketing Department and all other cross-functional teams.

Royalty Participations Manager (Warner Music Group – Nashville)

Job summary: Responsible for all duties related to participations royalties for distributed labels, films, merchandise and managed tours.

Job Board News

Haulix Weekly Update #91 – “I see you’ve played knifey-spoony before.”

It doesn’t take more than a passing glance at a thermostat to confirm summer has arrived. You probably feel that quick flash of sweat each morning when you’re traveling from your home to your place of employment each day, right as you’re opening your favorite weather app to see just how nasty things will get in the hours ahead. We do the same thing Monday through Friday every single week, but fortunately for all of us the weekend is just around the corner. To celebrate, join us in dancing like fools to this classic track:

Each and every weekend we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you.


You might not believe this, but we actually have some development news to share this week! Instead getting into the nitty gritty of everything currently happening behind-the-scenes here at Haulix, we thought we’d offer a small preview of what we’re working to bring to the platform later this year:

— Press Release support is coming

— Every mail out will be a “Campaign” with its own stats page

— We will continue to track deliveries and opens and introduce link-click tracking as well

— When creating a Campaign, you will be able to send yourself a test before sending to your clients

— You will be able to schedule Campaigns.  eg. schedule it to be sent out a week after creating it. System will do that automatically.

— Choose from multiple email layout options, change colors and drag n drop images.

— And more…..

We will have more development updates in the weeks ahead.


This week was another crazy one for our blog. We started a new column, ran a great podcast, and shared numerous advice columns that offered unique insight into the modern music business. If you missed anything, use these links to catch up:

DIY Advice: Write ‘Thank You’ Notes

Publicity 101: The First Three Lines

Inside Music #39 – Scott Heisel Returns!

New Music Tuesday: Citizen, Kacey Musgraves, & Leon Bridges

The Pros & Cons of Signing a Publishing Deal

Advice: Your YouTube Channel Checklist

Apple Changes Royalty Plan Following Taylor Swift’s Open Letter: Will Pay Labels During Free Trial

Monday Motivation: PVRIS

Music Industry Job Board (6/21/15)

That’s all the news and content we have to share this week. Stop in over the weekend for a new job board, then again Monday morning for our weekly motivational post. Until then, have a safe and unforgettable weekend.




DIY Advice: Write ‘Thank You’ Notes

I’ve been running my own record label for the better part of three years at this point, and along the way I’ve learned countless lessons I wish I had known prior to launch. That’s just the way life works sometimes, I guess. You can plan and study all you want for something, but eventually you will find there are numerous paths to success you never even considered. The best you can do is learn as you go along and pass whatever knowledge you gain to those who have yet to begin. Share what you have learned so that others will not only have a leg up on their own journeys, but so that you can better understand the information yourself. That is what I hope to accomplish with this series, and every few weeks I will share a new lesson learned during my adventures in the world of small business ownership.

One of the reasons I always loved supporting indie artists and labels as a teen was because anyone I ordered from online always seemed incredibly appreciative of my business. I cannot think of a single time I ordered something online from an artist or label and did not receive something extra when the package eventually arrived in my inbox. It may have been something small, like a sampler CD or free stickers, but to me it showed that I mattered to the people from whom I had ordered. They could have given me what I paid for, but instead they went out of there way to give me something extra, and through doing so they forged a connection with me that more than likely continues to this day.

What I didn’t consider when I was younger was the cost associated with these freebies. Running a business is rarely a cheap adventure, and that goes double for any attempt at building your own empire within the world of music. Stickers and sampler CDs cost money, even if you burn the CDs from iTunes playlists on your own laptop it’s going to cost something, and that amount will add up as the number of orders received begin to grow. Before you know it, you could be in debt not because your products aren’t selling, but because you’ve given away just as much as, if not more than you’ve sold.

For now, the main way my label attempts to engage with consumers beyond simply fulfilling orders is by creating unique, handwritten ‘thank you’ letters. These are short notes written by either myself or own of my team members that, with slight variation, thank the consumer for their purchase and offer some kind of advice, anecdote, fact, or thought aimed at making them smile. Sometimes that means offering exclusive discounts, while other times that may entail promising pizza to overseas fans if they ever make it to the place where you’re located. You know the chances of that last one coming true are probably slim to non-existent, but like any greeting/thank you card ever sent it’s the though that counts, and offering your fans free pizza is one heck of a gesture to make.

Here are a few examples of letters we have created:

Obviously it would take a long time to write letters for each order as they are received, so what we do at my label is dedicate a little time every day to writing letter that leave space for a recipient’s name to be added later on. We try to write at least 10 a day, that way we always have a stack ready to go whenever orders begin to roll in. Sometimes an album can sell out in a matter of hours, and we need to have a hundred or more notes ready to go just as fast. With planning, we are able to meet that need and still have some on reserve.

We sign every letter with our Twitter handle to encourage people to not only follow us, but to tag us when sharing photos of their orders. I think everyone I know who enjoys vinyl likes to take pictures of their new records, so adding a note with our handle encourages people to tag us when making their post. That exposure, which is produced by the consumer at zero cost to us, is essentially priceless.

I know that taking the time to write notes, especially those made out to individual customers, will add untold amounts of time to your shipping process, but it’s absolutely worth the effort. Make your fans feel as special as they make you feel when they support your art. If you can accomplish that, there is not a doubt in my mind that you’ll have fans for life.

James Shotwell is the Marketing Coordinator for Haulix. He is also a professional entertainment critic, covering both film and music, as well as the co-founder of Antique Records. Feel free to tell him you love or hate the article above by connecting with him on Twitter. Bonus points if you introduce yourself by sharing your favorite Simpsons character.


PUBLICITY 101: The First Three Lines

With the third year of our blog still finding its footing, we thought now would be as good a time as any to introduce our latest guest contributor. Rey Roldan has lead an incredible career in music PR that now spans multiple decades, and in the coming months he will be sharing some of his vast industry knowledge with us through his very own bi-weekly column. Enjoy!

As the pool of publicists gets more and more crowded with journalists and bloggers trying their hand at hacking away at artists’ campaigns, a direct result of this influx is the flooding of inboxes with massive amounts of press releases and pitches.  Many of the higher-tiered journalists can get pummeled with over 500 pitches a day – some even more than that!  Each morning, writers, bloggers, producers and editors weed out their emails, deleting hundreds of them without even knowing exactly what the pitches are selling.

So how does a publicist cut through the clutter and get a journalists’ attention?

“Well, I think it’s a fairly simple answer: if you can’t make a really compelling case in the first paragraph, chances are, your press release or pitch will either go unnoticed, or will simply get deleted,” answers Regina Joskow, Director of Publicity for the Rounder Label Group.  “It’s kind of like an audition when a performer gets to sing 16 bars, and that’s what determines whether they get a call-back or not. These days, people are inundated from all sides with email messages, text messages, social media posts and messages, instant messages – it’s completely overwhelming. People’s attention spans aren’t what they used to be.”

And she’s right.  The secret to getting a journalist’s attention isn’t flooding them with information, bio material and too much text that they didn’t ask for… It’s about getting right to the point.  An old editor friend of mine, Gus Pena of the amazing but unfortunately now defunct Chord Magazine, once said, “It’s about the first three lines.  If I don’t know what your point is by then, you’ve already lost me.”

“To me, the first paragraph is very crucial,” agrees Gil Macias, Editorial Coordinator atPlayboy and contributing editor of Inked Magazine.  “An accurate description of the band’s sound makes or breaks whether or not I want to listen to something…. and comparing the band or musician to other bands that sound similar also peaks my interest.”

“For me, the first line of a press release is very important,” says Lori Majewski, longtime music editor, writer, and author of Mad World: An Oral History of New Wave Artists and Songs That Defined the 1980s. “If I don’t read anything there that appeals to me, I’m not going to go any further.”

While it’s always nice to start off with a pleasant “Lovely day, innit” type of greeting, being rather direct can save everyone a lot of time.  “The first paragraph is mission critical in my opinion, this stems from my journalism training,” explains Heather West of Western Publicity. “Writers sometimes want to get ‘creative’ and bury their lede in a morass of descriptors that obscure the key elements, which are who, what, when, where and why. Journalists, in my experience, find this irritating. So it’s best to get right to the point.”

Some journalists might be so busy that if they don’t like what they immediately see, they might not even get to the first line of your pitch.  “Actually, even more important than the first line of a press release is the subject line of the email,” adds Majewski. “Journalists are inundated with so many emails daily, you have to stand out somehow, someway, or it never even being opened.”

“I read every press release I get, and as important as the subject line is, the opening paragraph is equally – if not more – important,” counters Chuck Armstrong, Editor-in-Chief of Diffuser. “I want the story. I want to know why this band or this song or this video is important to me and, potentially, to our readers. If you can sum that up in the beginning, you have my attention.”

So it boils down to subject line and the first three sentences… Capturing your audience’s attention lies within a short window of words and can turn a writer’s apathy into intrigue that forces them to read your pitches.  Armstrong adds the parting shot, “The only time I don’t open an email is if it’s from Rey Roldan. I delete that shit before it infects my computer with his well-known publicity viruses.” #shotsfired


Inside Music Podcast #39 – Scott Heisel Returns!

On this episode of INSIDE MUSIC, host James Shotwell answers the requests of countless podcast listeners by welcoming former guest Scott Heisel back on the show. Scott has spent the last six months settling into his position as Editor-in-Chief at Substream Magazine, and during this conversation he shares how his life has changed, as well as how it has remained the same. If you have any interest in music journalism, or if you were ever curious how and why certain artists get coverage in print while others do not, this is one episode you will not want to miss.

The music you hear in the intro to Inside Music this week is “Rough Redemption” from Common Rider. The band is no longer together, but you can still buy the album this song hails from on iTunes.

You may already know this, but ‘Inside Music’ is now available on iTunes! Click here to subscribe.

Inside Music is also on Twitter. Follow us for show updates and clues to who will be our next guest!

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