
Merry Christmas

Hello, everyone! We considered running a feature today, but instead thought it best to simply suggest everyone spend time with those they care about. Christmas comes only once a year and it’s meant to be celebrated with those who matter most.

All of us at Haulix wish you the absolute best Christmas imaginable. We’re thankful for your continued support and are very much looking forward to the year ahead. Happy holidays!


Haulix Weekly Update #17 – No Sleep ‘Til Christmas

Hello and welcome to the final blog update of the week. We have released a lot of great content this week, as well as some minor updates to our software, and in this post we’re going to take a quick look back at everything that has happened in recent days.

If have any questions or comments about the content on this blog, or if you would like to learn more about the secure music distribution services offered by Haulix, please do not hesitate to email and share your thoughts. We can also be found on Twitter and Facebook

I feel like we say this every other week, but since the early hours of Monday morning the Haulix team has been working hard to offer the best content and services available online. We know a few of you had snags with uploading early on, but those problems have since been resolved. We also made strides on our long-awaited mobile platform. That said, we’re still not to a point where we feel comfortable sharing screens from that effort, but we promise to have more information available on its release in the near future.

On the blog end of things, we are currently in a hurry to get interviews and guest pieces arranged for the impending ‘holiday break’ many professionals take around Christmas. We will be posting through Santa’s special week, so make sure you check back on a regular bases for new updates.

When I walked into my office this morning there was the faintest signs of snow beginning to fall outside. A quick look at the local weather forecast tells me there is a lot more of the white stuff on the way this weekend, which means I’ll have little-to-no excuse to not spend my time writing away future blog updates. For now, however, here is a series of links to everything posted in the last few days. From interviews to advice, fitness to YouTube, it’s all here and it’s all completely free. Enjoy:

That pretty much wraps it up for us this week. Be safe and have fun this weekend, but remember to stop back by on Monday for another new feature.


Haulix Weekly Update #16 – Let’s Talk About Email

Greetings, everyone! If you’re reading this when it’s released then you’ve survived another week in the office and only have a few short hours to go until the weekend arrives. If you’re reading this at any other time just disregard the last sentence.

We’ve had a fantastic first week of December and hope the same can be said for all of you. From progress on new projects, to content on our blog, things have been moving very quickly in recent days. The aim of this column is to update you on everything new, and this week we have something big to share:

The power of managing email activity lists

Every time you send an email using our state-of-the-art messaging system we track that content and relay the journey it took to you. This means every message that was delivered, opened, bounced, or dropped is recorded, and that data is then made available for you to use as you see fit. We can even tell you if people unsubscribe to your messaging!

All of that email tracking information can be managed from your Invitation Activity screen. (The link only works if you currently have an account with Haulix)

Emails can bounce and/or otherwise not reach their intended destination for a number of reasons. For example, the person you are trying to reach may not have any space available in their inbox, or they may have changed their address without telling you. If an email does Bounce or the contact Unsubscribes, Haulix will obey those results and not send to that contact anymore. You don’t have to do a thing.

Everyone manages contacts in their own way, but it is highly recommended that you review and clean out your contact list on a regular bassi. Periodically visit your Invitation Activity screen and examine when/if your content is being received. If there are invalid email address-related bounces or drops, then remove that contact from your list. To do that, click the pink row to expand it:

Next, click the “delete contact permanently” link.

Please note: If this was an Unsubscribe or a Bounce and you would like to give the contact another chance to receive invitations, then you would click the “delete from _____ list” link.

Outside of this advancement, we’re continuing to move forward with our planned mobile platform. We’ll have more news on that development sometime in the weeks ahead.

On the blog end of things, content is an addiction. We released a number of lengthy interviews this week, as well as the first in a multi-part series on proper YouTube optimization. You can find a quick guide to the week’s posts below:

That pretty much wraps up life at Haulix HQ for the week. If you have any questions about services, please do not hesitate to email and share your thoughts. We can also be found on Twitter and Facebook

Have a great weekend!


Haulix Weekly Update #13 – Email and Mobile

Hello, everyone. If you’re reading this it means you survived another week of work or school and the weekend is just a few short hours away. Yes, it’s Friday once more, and we have a nice little recap ready to help wrap up the week.

The holiday season is well under way, but before we get tied up in presents and decorations we still have a lot we hope to accomplish at Haulix HQ. The development of our mobile platform continues, and earlier this week testing began on various mobile devices. We’re not quite ready to announce a launch date just yet, but know it’s likely coming sooner than you expect.

In addition to moving forward on that project, we recently unveiled a new, in-depth description of everything offered through our ‘Email Invitation Activity Screen.’ By following this link, you can learn about how Haulix is working to help you better understand who receives your promos, who opens them, who uses them, and which accounts are dead or otherwise inactive. There’s a lot of information there, so we recommend setting aside 10-minutes or so to properly dive into the material.

Onto the blog…

The past few days on our blog have been some of our favorite to date. From the two interviews posted, both of which offer unique perspectives on life in the business, to the ‘Advice’ columns, we’re extremely proud of the content we’ve posted. We know not everyone has time in their daily schedule to see what we’re up to, so below you will find a list of links to each of the week’s stories:

That pretty much wraps up our coverage for this week. We have a couple special surprises in store next week, but that’s all the information I’m allowed to share with you at this time. Have a great weekend and make sure to stop back by the blog on Monday. If you have any questions or concerns over the weekend, email We can also be found on Twitter and Facebook.


Haulix Weekly Update #12 – Updates Are On The Way

Hello, everyone! The week is coming to a close, which means it’s time once again to look at everything we’ve accomplished in the last five days.

The holiday season is fast-approaching, and while we cannot personally send everyone a gift we do plan to unveil a few new updates in the weeks ahead. We admit they’re not exactly gifts, but once you see everything we have planned we think it’ll put a smile on your face. We should be able to share more information on on all of this in next week’s update. 

Looking to the blog, I personally think this was one of our best weeks in recent memory. Not only did we tell the story of two very fast-industry industry professionals, but our Advice series touched on areas of artist’s careers previously unmentioned on this site. You can find links to everything released this week below:

That basically wraps it up for our efforts this week. We promise to have more updates on product developments in next week’s update, so please be sure to check back! For now, have a great and safe weekend. If you have any questions, email or reach out over Twitter.


Haulix Weekly Update #11 – Welcome To November

Hello, everyone! Welcome to November. It’s friday once again, which means it’s time to reflect on everything that has taken place in the last week.

October was a funny month. We started out with all intentions of featuring a ton of metal blogs, but due to numerous scheduling conflicts and delayed responses it slowly transformed into a month heavily dominated by ‘Advice’ columns. We’re not complaining, and based on the feedback we’ve seen from it would appear most of you did not hate the change of pace. We’re hoping to do a better job of balancing ‘Spotlight’ and ‘Advice’ columns in November, as well as try out a few new ideas, but only time will tell what content rolls out in the weeks ahead. We sometimes offer clues on Twitter, so make sure you’re following our official account.

On the software side of things, progress continues to be made on refining our distribution software and preparing for the launch of our mobile platform. We’re nearing a pretty major update, but at this time I’m not at liberty to share what part of our service will be changing just yet. We’ll have more on all of this as soon as next week.

Before we let you go to enjoy the weekend I wanted to share links to everything we’ve posted in recent days. If you need something to help oil the remaining hours of the work day, maybe one of the following posts will make time move a bit faster:

As always, if you have any questions or recommendations for this blog, please email and share your thoughts.

Have a great weekend, everyone!


Haulix Weekly Update #10 – This Is [Almost] Halloween

Hey there, everyone! If you’re reading this it means you survived another work week and the weekend is just a few short hours away. It also means it’s time to bring you up to speed on all things Haulix, so let’s stop with the pleasantries and get to it!

The last few days have been extremely busy around Haulix HQ. Our new passcode system went live, and from everything we’ve gathered the transition appears to have occurred without any bugs or problems arising. Of course, if you have any questions about the new security measures at any time you can email

We are continuing to roll out updates to our software, and as such we have two major news items to discuss…

First, we just pushed out a small update that will help clients with multiple users accessing a single account. Starting today, publicists who login to an existing Haulix customer’s account who have limited access to one or more groups of contacts will now get prompted to easily transfer a contact to one of their groups when they try adding a contact that’s already exists in the Master Account holder’s list. This saves them the time and hassle of having to contact the Master Account and request that they manually move the contact into their group.

Secondly, on Saturday, October 26 between 12:00PM CST and 4:00PM CST we will be performing server patch upgrades. There will be a small window of downtime during the work when all services will be unavailable. We’ll announce on Twitter when we’re back up an running.

…And that about covers it for news. We should have a busy week of coverage next week, including a list of questions artists need to ask themselves before hiring publicists. If you missed any of this week’s posts, you can find a list of links below:

Advice: How To Deal With The Fact Your Band Is Breaking Up

Advice: 3 Tips For Maximizing Your Exposure On YouTube

Advice: 4 Reasons Buying Followers/Likes Is Always A Bad Idea

Advice: The Importance Of Video Updates

Have a great weekend, everyone!


Weekly Update #9 – Security!

Hello, everyone. I know we usually post our company updates on Friday, but we’re rolling out something special over the weekend that we felt deserved a post of its own. Be sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and/or LinkedIn so you never miss another post.

Security is key at Haulix, and we have an important update on that topic to with you this afternoon. In the coming days we will be pushing out a new security feature that will prevent damage as a result of contacts sharing their invitation links. All other layers of Haulix security will remain unchanged.  This is just another barrier to tighten up security and prevent leaking.

So, what is happening?

Good question. Currently, when a contact views a promo they can click on “Available Promos” in the upper right corner of the screen. This button allows them to view all the promos they have been sent from Haulix customers.

When this new feature goes live, contacts who click this button will be prompted to enter a 4-digit passcode.  If they don’t have one or forget it, that’s okay. We’ve made it easy for contacts to create a new passcode (and it only takes a minute).  This feature is for people in customer contact lists only.  No action is required by Haulix customers.

Just to be clear – Promo pages from email invitation will not be passcode protected. Contacts are only prompted to enter their 4-digit code when attempting to view all of their promos through Haulix.

Our plan is to roll out this feature over the weekend. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email and share your thoughts.


Haulix Weekly Update #5: Here Comes Mobile

Hello, everyone! Another work week has come and gone, leaving us with a slew of new updates to share with all of you. I expect this update to be a bit longer than usual, so let’s cut right to the chase…

HAULIX MOBILE IS COMING! Yes, you read that right. After reading requests from every corner of the music industry we finally started developing a mobile version of Haulix earlier this week in order to offer journalists better access to promotional materials on the go. This process will take some time to complete, but seeing as this is one of our most requested updates I figured a little news was better than nothing.

Continuing with product updates, we just launched a new background process that scans your contact lists and searches for invalid email accounts. If it finds invalid accounts, it lists them in a group on your Contacts screen highlighted in bold red. It is then up to you to fix the email addresses or remove them from your list. We’re also in the process of putting the finishing touches on an Email Activity screen that will show you the status of your email invitations (eg. Opens, Unsubscribes, Bounces, Deliveries). Expect more details in the coming weeks.

As far as the blog is concerned the past few days have been like any other. Each day a new feature is posted, and each afternoon we do whatever we are able to promote said efforts. In case you missed a post, here’s a rundown of every feature we ran this week:

We’ll be back on Monday with another tale from insider the music industry. Until then, stay safe and cause as much trouble as humanly possible without getting arrested. Life is for the living.

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