
How to Avoid Becoming A Real Estate Agent

The following post was written by Rey Roldan, founder of Reybee Inc. and a longtime Haulix client. 

“What do you call an ex-music industry person,” a friend asked me recently.

“I dunno, what,” I asked.

“A realtor,” he chuckled, and took a swig of his beer. But then, almost instantly, his expression changed, his laughter stopped, and he slunk away.

The funny thing is, this friend of mine was once a really successful music industry guy, handling flashy names and pop stars.  One day, while doing his PR gig at a major label, he decided he just couldn’t hack it anymore. He walked into his boss’s office and gave two weeks’ notice.  He was done… spent… over it.  He suffered career burnout.

I ran into him at the bar a few more times that night, and each time he asked me about the music business. When I’d answer, I’d temper my responses so it didn’t feel like I was rubbing it in his face, but still, he looked more and more bummed out with each of my answers. I could tell he really missed it. I guess realty just wasn’t as sexy.

The older I get and the more years I log in as a publicist, the more I worry about ending up like him, getting burned out at this job…  What on earth would I do if I had to start over? And really, I hated the thought of selling houses.

Needing some sound advice and words of wisdom from editor friends and publicist peers who were still in the industry, I asked a few if they fear getting burnt out and, more importantly, how they overcame it, because, God knows, I have no intention of talking about square footage and how many parking spaces come with each unit.

Whether you call it Writer’s Block, work fatigue, or career burnout, the ability to “keep on keeping on” is something that every each one of us encounters. Whether you’re an editor, staff writer, freelancer, blogger or publicist, getting unstuck when you’re hopelessly trapped in a mental headlock is a very real and sometimes difficult obstacle to maneuver. How each of us deal with it was what I was interested in learning.

For some, like Jason Pettigrew, Editor in Chief of Alternative Press, the nation’s leading publication in alternative music, mental fatigue is easily overcome by completely unplugging and getting back to the basics. “Given the 24/7/365 cycle of the internet, burnout is positively inevitable,” he explained to me. “The demands of various people in a journalist’s life—management, readers, loved ones—are hard to navigate and negotiate.”

When I asked him how he avoids hitting that brick wall, he replied, “The best way I’ve learned to cope with burnout is to take a vacation from devices. Don’t go on a conventional vacation: stay at home and don’t plug your phone or laptop in for a day. Try it. See what you’ll actually miss. Don’t take your phone to bed; take the love of your life.”

Even though I don’t have a “love of my life” (unless my dogs count and cozying up to them in bed just sounds wrong), Jason’s advice about shutting out technology and unplugging for some time sounded like really great advice, though the thought of being away from my iPhone even for an instant seems like it’s create mass chaos and emotional decay for me.

I turned to my buddy Robbie Daw, Editor-in-Chief of Idolator, the uber-trafficked site for pop music and gossip. Like Jason, Robbie logged years upon years of employment in the industry. “In my experience, burnout can happen with almost any field you enter into — and I’ve worked in film, television, print and online journalism,” he told me. “What I always remind myself is that at the heart of everything, I’m a writer, and when I’m feeling a bit creatively spent at any job, I try to create some kind of other outlet for me to get the juices flowing again, even if it’s in my spare time. For instance, during my six years working at a print publication, Instinct, I created Chart Rigger, a pop music blog, at home one Friday night in January 2005. I still bang out the occasional post on there and work on other types of writing in my spare time, and it alleviates a lot of day-to-day job stress and helps keep everything in perspective.”

Personally speaking, when I was a full-time journalist years ago, I kinda did what both of those guys did but in a slightly different manner.  Since smartphones hadn’t been discovered yet, unplugging wasn’t a problem, so I’d walk away from my computer and ride my bike around Boston.  Or, since I freelanced for a ton of different magazines, if I hit a mental block writing one article, I’d switch gears and redirect my creative energy and work on another article.  Either of those usually did the trick.

But now as a full-time publicist, I was curious how my PR peers dealt with it.  Unlike writers, publicists suffering from a mental block aren’t just affecting their own careers, but their clients’ careers as well.  Our own paychecks aren’t the only things at stake… our artists’ livelihoods are too.

So I thought I’d ask a hot shit whippersnapper publicist like Tito Bellis who works for well-known and respected indie music publicity and marketing firm Big Hassle Media. Considering the level of artists they handle such high-pressure clients as Against Me!, Jimmy Eat World, and The Replacements, among many others, Tito for sure must come dangerously close to breaking point.  “Due to the sheer pace and pressure surrounding the job of a publicist, burning out from time to time is bound to happen,” he explained. “For me, this tends to occur more in the summer time due to every single band and their mothers being on the road, festival season being in full swing, and the constant expectations and requests being flung at you from so many directions.” I wanted to make a crack about bands and their moms, but before I could interject, he continued, “Making time for yourself is important, but from within the job, I try to do my best to keep my plate manageable and work to include projects that are a little out of my wheelhouse just to keep things interesting, challenging and personally fulfilling.”

Tito does raise some great points… I mean, at the end of the day, we work in music.  We make a living out of writing, talking, and plugging away about music. So looking within our own spheres and finding something in there to keep things interesting and challenging must be pretty easy. And unless you’re a glutton for punishment and only work with music you absolutely despise, finding interesting stuff in our own artists is a great way to liven things up.  I mean, think about it: Instead of balancing spreadsheets and discussing mutual funds, we shoot the shit about music all day. Whether we’re talking about the Taylor Swift/Katy Perry feud, oogling Miley Cyrus’ Instagram feed, or pitching the new Electric Six album titled Bitch, Don’t Let Me Die (yes, that’s the REAL name of their new album that comes out in October… Hit me up if you want a copy… Shameless self-promo.  Oops?), the fact that we write about, talk about, and listen to music all day is probably one of silliest ways to make a living… so why on earth would we want to jeopardize that career because of something as transient as burnout??

Sometimes though, burnout isn’t due to our doing, but something that happens as a result. When I asked my pal Maggie Poulos, founder of Mixtape Media, the awesome Brooklyn-based music boutique firm who handles The Fontaines, BETS and Bird Dog among others, about her experiences, she relayed a story that sounded pretty soul-crushing… though the silver lining is that she regrouped her energy in… wait for it… Fiji. “I have absolutely suffered from publicist burnout,” she told me.  “In 2009, I was laid off from a very high-pressure situation and was able to take some real time off and went to Fiji for a few weeks. That was instrumental in helping me overcome my burnout that time, but I can’t always take off for the South Pacific.”  If only… but if you can turn lemons into lemonade while decked out on a tropical beach with a toucan on your shoulder and a pack of hyenas dragging buckets of Coronas to you, why not? (CONFESSION: I don’t know where Fiji is but I know it’s tropical).  “Lately though, when I’ve felt burnt out, I’ve sought out publicist friends and asked for advice on certain situations. It’s always helpful to have a fresh perspective and some new ideas heralded in by others in similar situations.”  Seeking solace from publicist friends and venting is also good because you can bitch about clients and they’ll understand you without stopping you to ask, “So wait, what exactly is ‘lead time’?”

A lot of times, it’s not just the work load that causes a mental and emotional shutdown.  Journalism and publicity alike is rife with pressure to deliver, often with a client at the ready to constantly remind you of the impending deadlines.  Managing client and editor expectations while delivering our journalistic pièce de résistance or brandishing our PR magnum opus is a balance we strive for, but achieving it can be extensively draining and soul sucking.  

Detaching from the job, as Jason previously mentioned, seems to be the best way to relieve that stress and tackle it with a renewed sense of energy.  

Similarly, Maggie feels the same way.  “I’ve also made a larger effort to compartmentalize my work things and not let them bleed over into the rest of my life as they have in the past,” she explained. “It’s hard, but I find it’s better for me to stick to designated work hours. While it’s not always possible with this job, I do try to keep work in check. It’s also important to maintain a healthy social life – it’s always beneficial to me to remember that my life is more than my job. That all being said, music is still my passion and I still enjoy doing what I do.”

So with this precarious game of weights and pulleys, how does one stay connected and effervescent in our chosen careers… and is it possible to maintain a lifelong career in these fields? “I remember someone once telling me when I was working in print that most editors switch jobs within five years — and usually it’s to become a publicist,” laughs Robbie.  “Whether or not that’s the actual case, I don’t know. But I do see writing as a lifelong career for me. Whatever form that takes as far as actual nine-to-five jobs down the line, we shall see.”

Jason agrees.  Once a writer, always a writer.  “In the journalism world, I don’t think anyone in this line of work ever leaves writing full stop,” he says. “Robert Christgau [music journalist, essayist, and self-proclaimed “Dean of American Rock Critics”] is still very much offering his personal take on eras, be it his youth via his personal memoirs (His recent memoir, Going Into The City) and on things that are very much all about right now (his “Expert Witness” series for Vice). What’s good for music writers who are aligned to a particular era or movement, is the old adage of “history is what’s happening now.” Those who are entrenched in something are documenting history. Then decades later, when the inevitable revival or interest in a cultural adjunct is revived, consider who should be read – a well-constructed press release or someone who was there? I didn’t fully realize consider this until Alternative Press turned 30 and music fans and industry types reminded me of that scope.”

The publicists agree as well… It’s like a chosen field.  You don’t chose to be a publicist… it chooses you.

“I don’t believe this job [as a publicist] has a shelf life,” explains Tito. “There is always a story needing to be told and this is a job entirely based on relationships. So the longer you commit to it, the more valuable you are. Keeping up with the constantly changing climate (e.g. lower press budgets/decreasing editorial real estate, etc.) can be frustrating and exhausting in general, but those who can continue to navigate it successfully will find it to be a career they can enjoy for the long haul.”

“I’ve seen many people do this work for decades and on the flip, but I’ve seen plenty of people get burnt out and move on to entirely different careers,” adds Maggie. “I love music and cannot imagine my involvement with it not being a part of my career, but I am not certain that it will always take the form of working in music publicity.  We shall see!”


I ran into my friend again last weekend.  I asked him how the real estate business was going.

“Dude, I’m thinking of starting an indie label with my friend… Real small, working with local bands here in North Jersey, who don’t know what they’re doing, but at least this gives them an outlet and a sense of accomplishment, and it’s one foot back in the door.”  I could see some fresh life pumping behind his eyes. The color was coming back into his face.

“What about the real estate business,” I repeated.

“It’s meh… It’s a job.  But the label, I’m working on big things…”  His voice trailed off as he detailed excitedly all the plans he had.

I guess it’s true that one does not choose to be in the music industry.  It chooses you.


BANDS: It’s all about impact

It’s amazing the impact that Eleven (well, 011) from the Netflix show ’Stranger Things’ had made with so few lines. Played by Millie Bobby Brown, she said so much without using many words at all.

In a sea of online marketing tips and tactics, there is too much focus on frequent updates.

You should always be posting a photo, a link to a pre-order, and announcing upcoming shows. Post photos of new lyrics, and clips from the studio! Cross post to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and your Tumblr. Don’t forget Snapchat and your thrown together email list!

But what if your silence spoke volumes? In our current world of supply vs. demand, there is no shortage of “content” from countless bands and labels. Is your message like that of a someone on a street corner, shouting into a megaphone at people who are doing their best to ignore the noise?

When Eleven saved Mike from falling into the quarry, she had ONE word to say; “Go.” Yes, she broke the bullies arm with her mind which speaks many volumes, but there was no need for extra words. No speech. No long-winded talk. Just, “go.“

Is your music powerful enough to "break arms” without the need to constantly let everyone know, “hey, I can break arms!“

What about when Lucas Sinclair wanted he wanted to tell Mike’s mom? Forcefully closing a door with her mind was impressive. And again, another simple line. “No” was enough to get the rest of Eleven’s point across.

How impactful can your tour date announcements be if they’re cluttered with hashtags? That Instagram update auto-posted to Twitter saves you time, sure, but you know it looks like crap, right?

Again – it’s all about impact. A Nike commercial can show runners in various states of their workout, with no words, no narration, and then a simple tag-line at the end. “Just Do It” is iconic, of course, but that didn’t happen overnight. Heck, it took a minute for word to get out that Dillinger Escape Plan had a great live show (and they never had to Tweet about their “sick live show”).

If your updates look like, smell like, and are written like every other musical act out there, don’t be shocked when no one pays attention.

Seth Werkheiser is the quiz master of metal trivia at Skulltoaster. He’s also the founder of some music sites you may have heard of, including Noise Creep (2009) + Buzzgrinder (2001). He’s anti-Facebook, anti-clickbait, and anti-growth hacking. You should most definitely follow him on Twitter. Yes, right now.


5 Life Lessons My First SXSW Taught Me

The following post is the latest product of our ongoing content collaboration with Muddy Paw PR.

The one consistent piece of advice I received when researching what to expect from my first SXSW was to go with the flow, and plan for the unexpected. You will not make every showcase you plan to see, but you will end up seeing some pretty phenomenal shows by accident, etc. As it turned out, they were right. My experiences in Austin allowed me to come back reenergized and ready to take on the world. Part of that was the experiences themselves, but the other part was applying some key SXSW advice to my daily life, and to the always teetering work-life balance. So what SXSW lessons can you apply to your daily life? Well….

Flexibility is the key to happiness

As a small business owner, flexibility is one of the most important, yet difficult hurdles I’ve had to face. Being at SXSW challenged the neurotic planner that lives within me, and forced me to be ok with doing things on the fly, and not having a set schedule. The world didn’t end if I missed a showcase, and I didn’t allow myself to dwell on the “what ifs.” Instead, I chose to go with the flow and tackle what was in front of me, and what felt right. If a friend mentioned an event a few streets over and it coincided with a panel I planned to see, I quickly weighed the pros and cons of each, before going with the one that made the most sense in that moment. I didn’t spend hours or days agonizing over decisions like I might at home.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s a benefit to taking your time with decisions and being responsible—we can’t always do what feels good, or we’re going to sink our careers pretty quickly and end up watching Netflix full time. But there’s something to be said about kyboshing all the back and forth agonizing over smaller tasks and just sticking to your gut. The time you save wondering if every decision you made was the right one will allow you a lot more time to focus on growth.

Make time to have a little fun

For all the years I’ve longed to go to SXSW, I’ve envisioned it as a giant networking opportunity. A chance to meet others in the business, pull in new clients, and network like there was no tomorrow. And don’t get me wrong, it’s all those things—but what I didn’t expect was that the real networking would come into play when I was having fun, hanging out with friends, and getting introduced to others under their wing. Not to mention, the more time I took to just relax and enjoy the company of the people I was with, the more positive I was, and the more I felt I was attracting the right kind of networking opportunities. Back in the “real world”, it can be easy to get sucked into a constant loop of work, with no real end in sight. By remembering to take the time you need to step away, get out of the house or office, and spend some true quality time with friends, not only will your mental health thank you, but so will your creativity.

Have an agenda—but don’t be afraid to deviate

I touched on this above, but although I believe that flexibility in your SXSW planning is key to a great experience, I also believe that you should have a strong agenda going in—otherwise it’s going to be a really expensive vacation. Is your goal to network? Great. What does that mean exactly? What’s the purpose of your networking? To book more gigs across the country? To find an investor for your business? To find new clients? Find your purpose for going and outline the steps you plan to take to make that happen. If it means setting up business meetings ahead of time, do it—and don’t wait until the day before you leave. Make a plan, and do your best to stick to it, but don’t be afraid to deviate from the plan if you feel like something else might be a better fit.

This idea of having an agenda yet not being afraid to deviate is one of the most powerful lessons I took home. In the back of your mind, you should always know your purpose—as an artist, business owner, professional, etc. Everything you do should be getting you closer to your goal, and that goal should always be kept in the back of your mind. Yet, if something you hadn’t planned or thought of comes across your path that you feel makes more sense, or will accelerate your career, don’t be afraid to explore that option.

Appreciate the little things

So many of the experiences I had at SXSW were grand in nature. Focused panel topics, well-laid out brunches, and meticulously planned showcases dotted my schedule. While all of those things were incredible, some of the most memorable moments I had happened while I was indulging in the little things, like eating breakfast tacos with friends the day before leaving, or grabbing free merch from a friend’s showcase. It was all the tiny little moments that no one talks about and most people never remember that made my experience as remarkable as it was.  Taking that philosophy home, I’m learning to take small moments and step back so that I can appreciate all the tiny little moments that make life worth living. Things like the taste of a really good scoop of ice cream. The way the spring air feels on my skin. My dog wagging his tail when he knows it’s time to go for a walk. These are the things that make life beautiful. No one ever died saying “I wish I’d worked a little harder and spent less time hanging out with loved ones.”

Get inspired

One of the most magical things about SXSW was how inspired it left me. Seeing so many friends, attending so many showcases filled to the brim with talented musicians, and seeing so many people chasing, achieving, and living their passions left me wanting to fight 10X harder for mine. It’s a simple thing: the more you surround yourself with inspired people, the more inspired you’re apt to be. After all, we are the average of the five people we spend the most time with.

Coming home from Austin, I was tired, but I was also filled with hope. I was exhausted, but I was renewed with energy, passion, vision, and drive. I felt determined to continue to surround myself with as many driven and inspired people as possible, eliminating anyone who drained my energy or brought me into any mindset other than a successful one. Take this time to think hard about those you surround yourself with. Are they making you a better person? A better artist? A better business owner? Find those people that are—your people and don’t let them go.

Imagine all the things you can do when you learn to relax, have fun, and surround yourself with other inspired, passionate people. Imagine all the goals you’ll check off, and the impact you can make. It’s easy to get bogged down with the day-to-day cycles of work, but you got into this industry because you loved it, and because you felt it was your calling, right? So remember to have some fun along the way and enjoy the successes you’re given. Otherwise, what’s the point?

Angela Mastrogiacomo is the founder and CEO of Muddy Paw PR, a Boston based public relations firm specializing in personalized campaign initiatives for independent artists, as well as music blog Infectious Magazine. She is also the curator of several chapters of the music community Balanced Breakfast, which currently operates in 12 cities including San Francisco, Los Angeles, Austin, Nashville, Toronto, Portland, and many other music cities. She loves hanging out with her dog, eating ice cream, and a good book. Read more at


Building A Better Music Scene: Why I Started Punk Out

Anyone who has spent more than a few days browsing our content will have no doubt noticed a number of contributions from the fine folks at Punk Out. You may or may not be aware of this, but Punk Out is not a music blog. Okay it is, but it’s not a music blog that typically features news and reviews. Punk Out exists for a much greater purpose, which we at Haulix believe is very important and today PO founder Michael McCarron is going to tell us the origin story of the organization.

I became really good at hiding in my own skin. I mean, ”date a girl for 4+ years” good. For most of my life, though, I was living this little game where I’d say all the right things, kiss all the right people, do all the right mind-numbing drugs. But eventually, that schtick fell flat, that “passion” got called out, and those decisions drove me into the ground. It took 18 years (six of which I spent rocking out in the dank VFW halls peppering the outskirts of the Philly metro area) for me to pull the plug on who I was. It took another two years for an upgraded model to be plugged back in.

Six years later, and I’m still surprised there was even an updated model of me available.

This is the context for the origins of Punk Out, the non-profit organization I began back in March 2014. This is the motivation behind every benefit show we put on, every discussion group we organize, and every Op-Ed we host. In its simplest incarnation, Punk Out is an organization dedicated to keeping kids from experiencing the same shit I went through. But if you check out our 501©3 tax application, Punk Out is an organization dedicated to improving the lives of LGBT+ musicians and fans. Red tape can be so constrictive.

At Punk Out, we believe in one simple mantra: Louder. Prouder. We aim to connect and support LGBT+ musicians and fans through the music they create and love. We see connections (real, flesh-and-blood connections) as an avenue for tangible change. See, here’s how it works: when musicians feel empowered to share their experiences, they serve as microphones able to amplify our message of inclusion and respect to their fans—far better than any blog post or Facebook status. But how do we empower musicians? By creating a support network where musicians feel as if they are equals amongst their peers, regardless of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity.

Here’s the thing though: that support network, that diverse community adhering to a set of core values, that doesn’t exist in our scene’s current incarnation. But those core values are what we’re working on creating. We see a music scene that encourages musicians to express themselves organically. We see a scene where our straight and cisgender peers support our queer peers and enforce the mores of inclusion and mutual respect. We see a scene that embraces diversity of all stripes. And we see a scene that provides the helping hand needed when so many of us fall down.

Punk Out is not the panacea. But we hope to help develop the music community we all deserve. We can’t do it alone though. It’s easy to toss out idealistic rhetoric and to promote a positive agenda. And it’s even easier to tear down others when they slip up. You can talk a big game, but armchair activism only takes you so far. Ask yourself, what are you doing to improve the community you owe so much to? Are you out there pushing back when someone spits bullshit homophobic nonsense at a random kid at a show? Are you giving money to bands or labels who promote inclusiveness and empathy? It starts with taking a good hard look in the mirror because real change is going to come from the individual level.

This is an amazing time in our music community, despite what some may tell you. Do we have problems? Undeniably so. But the future looks bright. Hell, if you asked me when I was a teenager if I ever thought I’d feel secure enough to be an out gay man, let alone start a queer organization in our music scene, I would have scoffed at you. But here I am. All I want in life is for others to feel the same sense of comfort in being who they are and in writing music about what they’ve truly experienced. No filter. No pronoun switches. No apologies. We, as a community, need to pull together to encourage everyone to feel safe and secure. Because being who you truly are—that’s punk as fuck.

Michael McCarron is the founder of Punk Out. For more information on his efforts, please visit the organization’s official website.

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