
Haulix New Music Recommendations for October 2, 2020

Between surprise solo releases from two rock icons and an incredible new work from metal legends, the first weekend in October is great for new music.

Life will probably never be the same as it was before the COVID pandemic took the world by storm. Mourning the loss of the world we knew is normal, but it’s important to recognize all the good that continues to exist. Each new week brings us music that has the potential to change countless lives, and this week’s batch of new releases is no exception. There are too many good records for us to mention, but here are five we believe everyone should experience.

Laura Jane Grace – Stay Alive (Polyvinyl)

Punk icon and bestselling author Laura Jane Grace gave 2020 a much-needed dose of good news by surprising her fans earlier this week with Stay Alive, the singer/songwriter’s first solo album. Featuring fourteen tracks produced by Steve Albini in early July, the record perfectly depicts the swirling chaos of emotions that many have felt throughout 2020. It’s a record about wanting to be anywhere other than where you are, possibly in someone else’s skin, all while coming to terms with the ever-present need to love ourselves. It’s an album that is both aching for escape and basking in the often overlooked pleasures of being alone, which is to say, it’s a perfect summary of what most of us are dealing with right now. JS

DevilDriver – Dealing With Demons I (Napalm Records)

Fans of DevilDriver will be happy to learn the metal legends remain at the top of their game. The aptly titled Dealing With Demons I, the first in a planned series of releases, finds Dez Fafara and crew sorting through the things that hold them back. It’s an album about recovery, trauma, and making sense of a world that often seems alien to those who inhabit it. The heaviness of the material is matched by the band’s crushing sound, which pours through your speakers and headphones with the ferocity of wild wolves on the hunt for fresh meat. Other bands in the group’s position could rest soundly with the knowledge they’ve given the world albums that listeners will spin for years to come, but DevilDriver has more to offer. They won’t stop until they drop, and that (hopefully) won’t be for a long time. JS

Spiritbox – Holy Roller 7” (Rise Records)

Spiritbox is the best new band of this and any other year in recent memory.  Formed in 2017 by husband and wife duo Courtney LaPlante and Michael Stringe, Spiritbox recently signed with Rise Records as part of a partnership between the influential label and Pale Chord. The first product of that deal is this 7”, which packages the group’s breakout single with a remix featuring Crystal Lake vocalist Ryo Kinoshita. The new track doesn’t add length to the song, but it does help make an already brutal song hit a bit harder. That should be enough fans champing at the bit for the band’s next release, which we hope arrives sooner than later. Until then, “Holy Roller” remains a strong contender for song of the year. JS

Field Medic – Floral Prince (Run For Cover Records)

Blame it on COVID-19 or the isolation that came with it, but many artists are struggling to maintain the creativity they once felt. Kevin Patrick Sullivan may be an exception, and the proof of that lies in Field Medic’s inspiring new release, Floral Prince. Combining songs shared throughout the quarantine era through Sullivan’s Field Medic web series with previously unreleased material, the new record from the Bay Area musical chameleon does not disappoint. The energy on the material here is infectious, with each track benefitting from an undeniable sense of spontaneity. Listeners will not know what to expect from track to track, but they can bet whatever happens next will be just as exciting as what came before. Floral Prince explores love and life with a poetic wit that is destined to keep fans coming back for more. JS

Greg Puciato – Child Soldier: Creator of God (Federal Prisoner)

The unexpected early release of Dillinger Escape Plan vocalist Greg Puciato’s debut solo album is as surprising as the material itself. Child Soldier: Creator of God is an aggressive, experimental adventure through the celebrated musician’s mind that never disappoints. The release is only available on Bandcamp for the time being, so head over there and check it out! JS

Discover even more new music from Haulix clients by streaming our essential fall playlist on Spotify.

Job Board News

Haulix Weekly Update #142: “You will be called…Stitchface”

Hello, everyone! Welcome to the first weekend of September and one of the last true holiday weekends of 2016. Our entire staff is itching to get our and enjoy the final hours of summer, but there is still a lot of work to do in order to be the best service we can possibly be. We know all you hard worker know what we mean, and to celebrate our mutual dedication to success we wanted to share this song that we’ve had on repeat all week long:

Each and every weekend we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you.

Development news:

After much consideration and recalibration we have come to the conclusion that new version of Haulix will remain offline for the foreseeable future. Our goal is to retool the updated platform, making changes based on clients’ suggestions as we are able, and then reintroduce the overhauled UI sometime in the latter half of 2017. We know that is long time from now, but this industry moves fast. Before you know it we will be celebrating the new year, and not long after that we will begin teasing the changes we have planned. For now, we thank you for your patience and support. Haulix is what it is because of you.

Blog news:

As you may have noticed, our blog has recently found a renewed sense of purpose. Our return to the Blogger Spotlight series has provided a wealth of new readers, as well as pitches from up and coming sites looking to be featured. We hope to get to everyone in time, but we do ask that those awaiting a response be patient. We have SO MUCH good stuff on the horizon, and we just need a little time to get on top of everything. If you missed anything as of late, especially our podcasts, please head over to our archive and catch up ASAP.

That’s all we have for this week. 

Check back here on Sunday for an all-new music industry job board.



Job Board News

Haulix Weekly Update #141: “Never throw a butcher knife in anger.”

Hello, everyone! Welcome to the final Weekly Update of August. Can you believe we are almost eight full months into 2016? We swear time speeds up right around the time summer arrives. 

We have some news and tidbits for you to enjoy, but first we wanted to share this wonderful little ear worm:

Each and every weekend we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you.

Development news:

As you have surely noticed by now, the old version of Haulix has been functioning normally for well over a week at this point. We learned some big lessons from the problems we encountered with our recent platform launch, and we learned even more when we decided to roll back to the version of our site that is now live at These were the biggest takeaways from that experience:

– Moving forward, we need to be absolutely sure a new platform will function properly before pushing it live. We did a lot of testing this time around, but clearly there were things we missed. Next time we will be more thorough.

– The design itself was a bit overwhelming for some at first, but most users who got to click around the site came to appreciate the changes. We are sticking with the new UI moving forward for the most part, but there will  be a few changes made before we try to push it live again.

– Speaking of pushing it live, we currently have no timeline on any potential re-launch of the updated platform. We want to make it happen sooner than later, but we first want to make sure it is as good as it can possibly be.

– Duplicating campaigns needs to be easier

– Journalists need/want the option to see all their promos at once, but filtering tools are needed as well. 

– People love headers, and we need to be sure the option to use them is present in campaign customization.

If you have additional feedback for us regarding your experiences with ‘new Haulix,’ please email them to:

Blog news:

Things around the blog have been picking up as we move further away from the recent issues with platform development. We shared a full week of content in recent days, and we have plenty of entries to keep you entertained and informed planned for the weeks ahead. Our goal is to resume posting 6-10 new articles a week, in addition to an increased presence on social media.  If you missed anything as of late, especially our podcasts, please head over to our archive and catch up ASAP.

That’s all we have for this week. Check back here on Sunday for an all-new music industry job board.



Job Board News

Haulix Weekly Update #139: “One o’clock, still just a potato.”

This is the weekend we have all been waiting for! After months of promises and continued teasing we are finally launching our brand new, completely overhauled digital distribution platform. Yes, the wait is (almost) over. Join us in celebrating, won’t you?

Each and every weekend we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you.

Development news:

The new age of Haulix is almost here. Tonight, at 6PM CST, we are taking our site down in order to launch the new platform. We expect to be out the majority of the weekend, but our team will be working as fast as possible to get things up and running once more.

We say this a lot, but thank you for your continued patience and support throughout the development of this platform. We have spent over a year on this project, and we honestly believe it was time well spent. This is the best platform we can possibly give you, and we cannot wait for the full reveal this coming Monday.

Blog news: 

You know what? Aside from highlighting this week’s podcast, which you really should here, our blog has remained a little quiet. It’s all hands on deck as we prepare to push out this massive update, but starting next week things should return to their usual routine. If you missed anything as of late, especially our podcasts, please head over to our archive and catch up ASAP.

That’s all we have for this week. 

Check back here on Sunday for an all-new music industry job board.



Job Board News

Haulix Weekly Update #138: “Dear Mr. President, there are too many states nowadays.”

Hello, everyone! We hope this update finds you staying cool as the summer temperatures begin to roll in. It is currently 83 degree in Minneapolis as we write this post, which for midwesterners like ourselves feels like the surface of the sun. Thankfully, there are a number of crazy good album releases arriving in stores today, and we’re going to try and keep our minds off the heat by enjoying those works. If you need a recommendation, check this out:

As I mentioned above, each and every weekend we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you.

Development updates:

What if I were to tell you this is the last or second to last Weekly Update post before the new version of Haulix arrives? I’m not saying that is absolutely true, but I am also not saying it’s a lie. I’m actually not allowed to tell you when the site will be live just yet, but know within 14 days our world is going to change in a big way. More news will come on Monday….

Blog updates:

Now that the new site is basically complete (shhh, you didn’t read that here) we have been recently become able to focus on our blog a bit more. There was a steady stream of content throughout the week, and a lot of it focused on how to improve one’s own email game. You may think email is simple, and it is for the most part, but actually making smart business moves through email can be fairly complicated for the inexperienced. If you missed anything as of late, especially our podcasts, please head over to our archive and catch up ASAP.

That’s all we have for this week. Check back Sunday for an all-new music industry job board.




Haulix Weekly Update #136: “Sit perfectly still. Only I may dance.”

Hello, everyone! We hope this update finds you staying cool during the height of summer heat. our ACs have been on overdrive, just like our development team. There are a lot of exciting reveals on the horizon for our team, and in this update we will give you a few hints about all we have in store. First, let’s all take a few minutes to relax and enjoy this great song:

As I mentioned above, each and every weekend we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you.

Development news:

We know what you’re thinking, “Is this another update about how the new version of Haulix is coming along, but still not ready for public consumption?” The answer is yes AND no. The platform is actually nearly complete at this point, but unfortunately we do have a bit more work to do before pushing this massive platform overhaul out to the general public. Our entire team has spent the last several days testing the new platform, and though it looks great there are several small hiccups to the UI that we are still trying to iron out. Our hope, and this is just a hope right now, is to have the entire platform ready for launch by next Friday. If that happens and we have the team available to push it live then we will launch that very day. If not, then we will take a few more days and make sure we got it right. 

We know some of you have started to grow impatient with our constant delays, but trust us when we say we feel the same. We want this platform out just as much, if not more than you do, and we are doing everything in our power to make that happen as soon as possible. 

Blog news: 

Though we have admittedly put our blogging efforts on the backburner while working to finish the new platform we did find time to push out several posts this week that we feel are quite important. Some of those articles focus on the responsibilities of journalists granted access to live events, the need to ignore hate born out of ignorance, and – of course – the continuation of our popular podcast, Inside Music. If you missed anything as of late, especially our podcasts, please head over to our archive and catch up ASAP.

That is all we have for today. Enjoy your weekend, everyone!

Best –


Job Board News

Haulix Weekly Update #135: “A toast to the host who can boast the most roast”

Hello, everyone! It’s the beginning of July and things are really starting to heat up at Haulix HQ. Everything we have been working towards for the better part of a year is so close to being ready for public consumption that we can hardly contain our excitement. That said, there is still a lot of work to be done, and we’ll most likely spend a good portion of our holiday weekend grinding away at our computers. It’s worth it though, because we know you’re going to love what we have in store. For now, watch this:

As I mentioned above, each and every weekend we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you.

Development updates:

This week our entire team was given the opportunity to explore the long-awaited Haulix update. For the first time since we started this journey (nearly a year ago) we were all able to see what we have been working towards in action. Bugs and mistakes were found, but that was the point. We want our team to know this platform inside and out so that they can better serve you, the customer, once we are ready to share these changes with the world. 

And believe us, those changes are coming soon.

Blog updates: 

Things on our blog continue to move along swiftly, but as our development teams continues to need assistance completing the impending platform overhaul we have admittedly been focusing the bulk of our energy on that project. Still, we did manage to get several posts out regarding the best methods for surviving this turbulent industry, as well as an in-depth podcast on the state of music blogging today.  If you missed anything as of late, especially our podcasts, please head over to our archive and catch up ASAP.

That’s all we have for this week. Check back Sunday for an all-new music industry job board.



Job Board News

Haulix Weekly Update #134: “Scanning for sarcasm…”

Hello, everyone! It’s the beginning of July and things are really starting to heat up at Haulix HQ. Everything we have been working towards for the better part of a year is so close to being ready for public consumption that we can hardly contain our excitement. That said, there is still a lot of work to be done, and we’ll most likely spend a good portion of our holiday weekend grinding away at our computers. It’s worth it though, because we know you’re going to love what we have in store. For now, watch this:

As I mentioned above, each and every weekend we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you.

Development news:

We know we have spent the last few months promising the June launch of our completely overhauled platform, but unfortunately that is a promise we have to break. It’s now July, and we are still a couple weeks away from being entirely satisfied with the latest version of Haulix. Most of the coding work is done, but we have a lot of testing and Q/A work to do before we will feel confident in sharing our latest creation with the world. That said, we have made several screenshots of the new platform available online, and we are continuing to add new images on a regular basis. Click here to catch a glimpse of the future.

Blog news:

If you have been following our daily posts you’ll have no doubt recognized a lot of content being produced as of late. This is admittedly part of a two-fold plan. On one hand, we want to provide you with everything you need to navigate the modern music business. On the other hand, we know as we near the launch of the new Haulix we will not have time for content creation, so we’re shoveling out a lot of posts now to hold you over until we can return to business as usual. If you missed anything as of late, especially our podcasts, please head over to our archive and catch up ASAP.

That’s all we have for this week. Check back Sunday for an all-new music industry job board.



Job Board News

Haulix Weekly Update #130: “I just like to smell my lunch”

Hello and welcome to another Haulix company update. We are thrilled that you were able to find time in your busy schedule to visit our blog, and we hope you continue to visit for years to come. We like to take time each week to reflect on our highs and lows, which is really why this post exists. Before we dive into life at HQ however, we wanted to share a song that has been stuck in ours heads all week long. Enjoy:

As I mentioned above, each and every weekend we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you.

Development news:

The image above is the first official screenshot of the new Haulix website. We are less than a month away from the long-awaited reveal of what we’ve been calling Project Falcon, and we honestly cannot wait to share the updated platform with the world at large. Our team has been working seven days a week for over a month to get us to this point, and we can finally see the end in sight. Just be patient a short while longer and we’ll have a wealth of new information to share. We promise, the wait is almost over.

Blog news:

We recently returned for a trip to Music Biz 2016 in Nashville, and while we were on the ground a number of our readers made themselves known. We love meeting people who enjoy Haulix, and we love even more when those people want to discuss our business, as well as the industry in general. When we got back to Minneapolis you could feel a renewed excitement for our content efforts, and we hope that passion is reflect in the work we have been delivering. If you’ve not been keeping up, click here to visit our archives.

That is all the news we have to share this week. Tune in next week for a new podcast, an updated job board, and much more.




Haulix Weekly Update #129: “We Got Beets!”

Hello, everyone! We’re a day late posting this update, but rest assured that all is well at Haulix HQ. We have some big changes on the horizon, and starting with this post we are going to reveal some of what lies in store. Before we get there however, we would like to begin this recap with a song we have had on repeat all week long. Check this out:

As I mentioned above, each and every weekend we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you.

Development news:

The long-teased Haulix platform update is still a few weeks from completion, but progress is being made with each passing day. 

Blog news:

We’re currently packing our bags for a week-long run of concerts and conference events that have us buzzing with excitement. First up, James is headed to Northern Invasion this weekend to chat with BABYMETAL and learn about what he must do to please the Fox God. Next, James returns from Wisconsin and hops on a plane so that he can attend Music Biz 2016 in Nashville. There James will host a panel on piracy with special guest Will Pugh from Cartel. James will also keep the blog active, so make sure to keep an eye on the site for new updates every day.

That’s all the news we have for now. Have a great weekend!

Best –

Team Haulix

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