Job Board News

Haulix Weekly Update #146: “Why was I programmed to feel pain?”

Hello, everyone. Thank you for finding a little time in your busy schedules to browse our blog and read up on the latest industry tips and tricks. We have been working hard to plan the remainder of our year, as well as what we will accomplish in 2017. It’s crazy to think 2016 is nearly over, right? No matter what comes in the weeks ahead we will remember this year as one riddled with great music, including this new release we cannot shake:

Each and every weekend we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you.

Development news:

This fall is going to be a relatively chill time for our development team. While there is a lot of work still to be done on the forthcoming platform overhaul we have scheduled for release in mid-2017 we are doing our best to not rush our work. If we have learned anything from the events of the last two months it is that pushing development to grind out products before they have been properly refined is a move that begs for complications. There are no shortcuts in the world of business, and there are certainly no shortcuts when it comes to ensuring the security and ease of access our platform is able to provide. Instead of forcing strict deadlines we are currently allowing our devs to rest and reconfigure their plan of attack for the new site. Once we have a plan in place we will move forward, but right now we are happy just exploring the options for growth you have made possible through your continued support.

Blog news:

As many of you probably noticed, our podcast was absent this week. We actually had two different guests scheduled, but both interviews had to be delayed due to circumstances beyond our control. We expect Inside Music to return to its regular day (Wednesday) in the coming week, and we are currently planning to release two episodes back-to-back in the near future in order to get back on track for the release of episode #100 this November.

In other blog news, our team has been churning out a number of articles as of late. The growing need to incorporate video into music blogs, the challenges of getting on the radar of music influencers, and more important topics were covered in the last week alone. If you missed anything as of late, especially our podcasts, please head over to our archive and catch up ASAP.

That’s all we have for this week. Tune in next week for a new job board, a very long podcast, and much more.


Team Haulix

Job Board News

Haulix Weekly Update #145: “Make way for Willy…”

Hello, everyone. Thank you for finding a little time in your surely busy schedules to browse our company blog. Fall is officially underway here in the midwest, but the temperature doesn’t seem to have been impacted by the changing of the seasons. Thankfully, there is a lot of great new music keeping us cool at HQ. Like this:

Each and every weekend we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you.

Development news:

Honestly, we do not have a ton of news to share in regards to development plans at this time. With Falcon pushed until mid-2017 (at the earliest) we are currently focusing our effort on improving other aspects of our business and branding. We are still fixing any glitches as they arise, but lucky for us we have a reliable system that does not require constant care in order to properly operate.

All this said, if you have an idea for how we can make Haulix better we would love to here it. We cannot promise to make every change you request, but we will thoroughly consider every suggestion we receive.

Blog news:

We are incredibly proud of what has been happening around our blog as of late. The content being created is only about half as good as the conversations that content has sparked, but in the end it’s all good. We are very invested in helping build a better music business for future generations, and with your help and contributions we are slowly, but surely doing just that. If you missed anything as of late, especially our podcasts, please head over to our archive and catch up ASAP.

That’s all we have for this week. Tune in next week for a new job board, a very long podcast, and much more.


Team Haulix

Job Board News

Haulix Weekly Update #144: “Look, just give me some inner peace or I’ll mop the floor with ya!”

Hello, everyone! There are grey skies hanging over Minneapolis today, and because of this the temperature has fallen from the mid-70s to somewhere in the mid-60s. We consider this a blessing of sorts, as our entire team lives for Fall weather. The leaves are changing, cider mills are popping up, and a wealth of fantastic releases are beginning to trickle into record stores across the nation. One of our favorite albums of the year arrived in stores this morning, and to celebrate we thought we’d share a video for one of the album cuts we are currently obsessing over:

Each and every weekend we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you.

Development news:

If you look closely at the Haulix website you will notice a few cosmetic/aesthetic changes occurring in the weeks ahead. While we do not have any plans to bring the updated platform to the public before 2017 we are actively working to improve the way our platform looks and feels, especially for those who may have never interacted with our brand before. If you like what you see, feel free to tell us. If you hate what you see, please tell us so we can make any necessary changes.

Blog news:

With our platform overhaul taking a breather for the remainder of the year you can expect to see a lot of content and change coming to our blog. You may have noticed a new layout this week, but we are not ready to say this is the look we are sticking with for the foreseeable future. Like with our company website, we want this blog to more accurately reflect the quality product and services we offer industry professionals around the globe. That said, we are not going to stop publishing content 6 days a week or recording new episodes of our podcast. In fact, we are actually quite proud of everything we have going on right now.  If you missed anything as of late, especially our podcasts, please head over to our archive and catch up ASAP.

That’s all we have for this week. Tune in next week for a new job board, a very long podcast, and much more.


Team Haulix

Job Board News

Haulix Weekly Update #143: “Bake ’em away, toys.”

Hello, everyone! We hope the first post-Labor Day work week has treated you well. The temperatures are starting to slide here in Minnesota and we could not be happier to know that Fall is just around the corner. After all, summer is nice, but can it really hold a candle to apple cider, corn mazes, pumpkins, Halloween, and all the other good things that come with Fall? Before you answer – no. The answer is always no. Check this out:

Each and every weekend we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you.

Development news:

After last week’s discussion regarding our plans to hold off on releasing the updated Haulix until the second-half of summer 2016 things have admittedly been pretty calm for our developers. Our current behind-the-scenes efforts are all about retooling what we already have and improving performances wherever we are able. We want to not only be the most reliable and secure service, but also the fastest and easiest to use. Some of you may think we already have that title, and if so – thank you. We still feel we have a ways to go, and we are not going to stop until we get there.

Blog news:

School is now back in session for most of the United States, so we figured this week was as good as any to jumpstart our content creation efforts. If you browse our most recent posts you will find advice on building a career in between classes, learning to prepare for – and handle – failure, and a few words on the need to make your music easily available online. We also ran a great podcast with Bryan Garris of Knocked Loose. If you missed anything as of late, especially our podcasts, please head over to our archive and catch up ASAP.

That’s all we have for this week. Check back here on Sunday for an all-new music industry job board.



Job Board News

Haulix Weekly Update #140: “Okay, the trampoline was a bad idea.”

Hello, everyone! This has been a week we will not soon forget. We have had so many ups and downs it is hard to keep track, but the weekend is here and we can finally breathe a sigh of relief. This song is making our day:

Each and every weekend we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you.

Development news:

Unless you have been sleeping under a rock this week you no doubt heard (and possibly saw) that the launch of our new platform did not go as planned. We tested our system thoroughly prior to launch, but a lot can change when we push something as large the our updated system out for the first time. In an effort to get things working properly once more as fast as possible we ultimately decided to roll back to our classic platform, which is what you will now see if you visit Our current plan is to retool the updated platform and try for a second launch once the industry has taken its holiday break in late December, but that might change between now and then. We will keep you updated.

Blog news: 

Our blog took a backseat to our development needs this week, but we did manage to run a few posts that are worthy of note. If you missed anything as of late, especially our podcasts, please head over to our archive and catch up ASAP.

That’s all we have for this week. Check back here on Sunday for an all-new music industry job board.




Haulix Weekly Update #137: “Isn’t it nice we hate the same things?”

Hello, people of Earth. We hope this update finds you healthy, happy, and able to avoid the harsh heat wave currently plaguing our nation. The last few days have been unusually hot, especially for us here in Minnesota, but our team has managed to stay cool thanks to our constant presence in our air conditioned office. If you do not have AC at home we highly recommend visiting a library, cinema, or restaurant and enjoying their cool air. While you consider your options, watch this:

As I mentioned above, each and every weekend we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you.

Development news:

We are so close to unveiling the new Haulix. We know we have said that roughly fifteen times in the past, but we have never meant it more than we do right now. The new Haulix is real, and our entire team has seen it in action. We’ve even begun showing clients some of the possibilities. For example, check out this mock promo we pieced together just last night:

Not too shabby, right?

We are keeping the launch date of the updated platform under wraps just in case something comes up, but suffice to so we hope to be pushing things live within the next couple weeks. Again, we have certainly said all this before, but we have never been as close to going live as we are right now. We promise, you only have to wait a little bit longer.

Blog news:

The focus of our outreach this week has been our podcast. We released two new episodes of Inside Music in recent days, and each showcases a unique perspective on this crazy business. The first, with Matt Halpern, tells of what it’s like to be a successful metal band. The second, with Mod Sun, captures the life of a rapper on the rise and all the challenges such a person faces on their journey to global recognition. We are very proud of these episodes, and we hope you find time to enjoy them in the days ahead. If you missed anything as of late, especially our podcasts, please head over to our archive and catch up ASAP.

That is all we have for today. Enjoy your weekend, everyone!



Job Board News

Haulix Weekly Update #130: “I just like to smell my lunch”

Hello and welcome to another Haulix company update. We are thrilled that you were able to find time in your busy schedule to visit our blog, and we hope you continue to visit for years to come. We like to take time each week to reflect on our highs and lows, which is really why this post exists. Before we dive into life at HQ however, we wanted to share a song that has been stuck in ours heads all week long. Enjoy:

As I mentioned above, each and every weekend we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you.

Development news:

The image above is the first official screenshot of the new Haulix website. We are less than a month away from the long-awaited reveal of what we’ve been calling Project Falcon, and we honestly cannot wait to share the updated platform with the world at large. Our team has been working seven days a week for over a month to get us to this point, and we can finally see the end in sight. Just be patient a short while longer and we’ll have a wealth of new information to share. We promise, the wait is almost over.

Blog news:

We recently returned for a trip to Music Biz 2016 in Nashville, and while we were on the ground a number of our readers made themselves known. We love meeting people who enjoy Haulix, and we love even more when those people want to discuss our business, as well as the industry in general. When we got back to Minneapolis you could feel a renewed excitement for our content efforts, and we hope that passion is reflect in the work we have been delivering. If you’ve not been keeping up, click here to visit our archives.

That is all the news we have to share this week. Tune in next week for a new podcast, an updated job board, and much more.




Haulix Weekly Update #129: “We Got Beets!”

Hello, everyone! We’re a day late posting this update, but rest assured that all is well at Haulix HQ. We have some big changes on the horizon, and starting with this post we are going to reveal some of what lies in store. Before we get there however, we would like to begin this recap with a song we have had on repeat all week long. Check this out:

As I mentioned above, each and every weekend we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you.

Development news:

The long-teased Haulix platform update is still a few weeks from completion, but progress is being made with each passing day. 

Blog news:

We’re currently packing our bags for a week-long run of concerts and conference events that have us buzzing with excitement. First up, James is headed to Northern Invasion this weekend to chat with BABYMETAL and learn about what he must do to please the Fox God. Next, James returns from Wisconsin and hops on a plane so that he can attend Music Biz 2016 in Nashville. There James will host a panel on piracy with special guest Will Pugh from Cartel. James will also keep the blog active, so make sure to keep an eye on the site for new updates every day.

That’s all the news we have for now. Have a great weekend!

Best –

Team Haulix

Job Board News

Haulix Weekly Update #125: “200 channels, and nothing but cats.”

Hello, everyone! Thank you for finding a little time in your surely hectic lives to spend a few minutes browsing our company blog. Easter is this weekend, and we’re looking forward to spending some much needed time with family. Before we get there however, we want to share a little insight into everything happening right now at HQ, including this track which we have had on repeat all week long:

As I mentioned above, each and every weekend we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you.


We will be doing a small server upgrade this weekend.  There will only be about 5-10 minutes of downtime, but we wanted to make you aware just in case you encountered any issues using our platform. As always you can tweet any questions or concerns you may have to @Haulix.


Work continues on the long-awaited and long-teased Haulix remodel. We have more than 75% of the coding complete, and we expect to begin testing the updates as early as next week. Our goal is to have the revamped platform ready for release by the end of April, but we are not committing to a specific date at this time. As soon as we feel it’s as good as it can be it will be available to you. 


You may have noticed there was no weekly update last week because our team was busy promoting Haulix in Texas at SXSW. We had a blast on the streets of Austin, and we used our experiences there to fuel the content we’ve created over the last week, including the release of 3 brand new podcast episodes. Head over to our Archives page to see everything you might have missed!

That is all the news and updates we have to share this week. Have a great holiday weekend and be sure to stop back on Sunday for a brand new job board.


Team Haulix

Job Board News

Haulix Weekly Update #118: “Batman’s a scientist”

Hello, everyone. We’re here to talk about the music business, and to be far more specific this post is about our role in the business of music, as well as how that role is changing. It’s also a place where we share songs we love, like this:

As I mentioned above, each and every weekend we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you.

Important update:

We are doing a large server upgrade this weekend.  Our new network will be able to auto-scale as we continue to grow and you continue to create and send out more promos.

While we are working on this upgrade, there might be some down time. The scheduled block of time will be between Saturday January 23 – 9AM CST to Sunday January 24 – 6PM CST.

If you have any questions, send them to

Development news:

After the underlying server infrastructure is upgraded (this weekend), we will be getting ready to launch the new Haulix website.

The site will include over a dozen new features, as well as a completely re-built email engine that will support press releases AND promo invitations using a new drag and drop email designer.

We will be releasing more information about the new site in the next month or so.

Blog news:

Things on the blog continue to progress with each passing week. This is always the case, I suppose, but in the past week it has especially been true as we have been attempting to plan the remainder of 2016. If there is anything you would like to see us cover, shoot James an email at

If you missed anything this week, use the archive and get caught up.

That’s all we have for this week. Check back on Sunday for a new Job Board!

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