Industry Spotlight: Synner Nation

We receive a lot of questions from high school and college students regarding the potential for paid employment that does not require several years of industry experience. While it’s true that such positions are often hard to come by, our… Continue Reading

College Students: Join SynnerNation And Start Your Music Industry Career Today!

We receive a lot of messages from aspiring industry professionals who want to find paying work in music, but don’t necessarily possess the years of experience required by most of the gigs listed on our weekly job board. If that… Continue Reading

Industry Profile: Jerry Graham (The Syndicate)

Hello again, everyone. Welcome to the first industry spotlight feature of the week. We originally began working on this specific article in the first weeks of the year, but due to delays and scheduling troubles we were only able to… Continue Reading

Industry Spotlight: Matt Kleinschmidt (The Syndicate / The Laugh Button)

Welcome to another installment of the Haulix Blogger Spotlight series. People from every corner of the industry turn to Haulix when hoping to promote their upcoming releases, and in today’s column we’re speaking about an area of entertainment we have yet to touch on: Comedy.… Continue Reading