Job Board News

Haulix Weekly Update #73 – “Party Like It’s On Sale For $19.99”

Hey there, everyone. If you’re reading this then you, like us, have made it to the end of yet another work week. Congrats! We know how office life can make every bone in your body ache for the feeling of freedom, and now that the weekend has arrived you can make those dreams of escaping the cubicle a reality. Before we get there, however, we need a soundtrack for our weekend. This new single from Petite Meller should do just fine:

Each and every Friday we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you.

First off, an apology. I know we have been promising new development updates with this week’s recap, but the truth is that those efforts simply have not reached completion. Our tech guy, Adam, is currently working around the clock to finish two major updates we plan to have live on the platform by Monday, February 1. Once live, I will make sure to tell you what we have going on. Until then, the mystery must continue. I promise though, the wait is more than worth it.

It’s not all bad news. In fact, there really isn’t any bad news at all. Our updates weren’t ready for today’s announcement, but they will be ready soon. We’re not missing deadlines or slacking in any way. Sometimes innovation takes longer than expected, that’s all. We appreciate your support and continued patience while we figure out the next way we can revolutionize the war against piracy.

On the marketing front, things have been moving as fast as ever for our team. We are updating the blog more and more, creating more podcasts, and doing everything in our power to visit more cities, schools, and conferences during the 2015 calendar year. As you may recall, we already confirmed an appearance at LAUNCH music conference in April. James (the guy who runs this blog) will also be speaking at Ferris State University in February. If you would like to have the Haulix team visit your campus, please email and tell us about your school.

In case you missed any of our recent posts, here is a list of all the content we ran in the last week. Enjoy:

Industry Spotlight: Bobby Owsinski
My Favorite Photo Of 2014: Ally Newbold

An Introduction To Concert Photography – Part 6
Inside Music Podcast Episode #18 – Ray Harkins
How To Turn A Party Band Into A Full Time Job
Spotify Introduces Touch Preview
Music Industry Job Board (1/25/15)

That’s all we have for this week. Please have a safe and fun weekend. We are going to begin posting seven days a week in February, so please keep checking back as we will be adding more content more often than ever before.




My Favorite Photo Of 2014: Ally Newbold

Greetings! You may recall a few entries in this series running around the start of the new year. We love this column and thought we had run every photo we had acquired, but it turns out we missed one! We thought about skipping it, but that felt like it would be a disservice to you and the photographer who was gracious enough to share their work with us. 

Here’s the original introduction in case you were unaware of this series before now:

After much thought and debate, we settled on a new concept that we think everyone enjoy. Together with a group of our favorite music photographers, we have compiled a collection of images that showcase some of the best and most intimate moments in music from 2014. The images shared in this series were chosen by the photographers who captured them, and the only guidelines they were given was to choose the one image that meant the most to them. Some included an explanation for their photos, while others did not, but everyone chose images that are sure to linger in your mind for days to come.

Next up: Professional music photographer Ally Newbold.

While traveling with The World Is A Beautiful Place & I Am No Longer Afraid To Die on a full US tour this winter, we took a detour and went to the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah. Never in my life have I felt at ease. The location was absolutely breathtaking. We were miles away from the city, miles away from the highways, miles away from neighborhoods. It was just us and the salt. This photograph is a reminder of the bliss I felt at that very moment and that life doesn’t stop for anybody.

Ally Newbold is one of our favorite photographer working today, and if you take a look at her portfolio you will realize she has almost certainly worked with your favorite band. She’s a self made industry professional with talent and kindness to spare. More importantly, she’s one of the greatest minds the alternative scene has to offer at the moment. If you enjoy this photo, please look at her official website and follow Ally on Twitter.


Industry Spotlight: Bobby Owsinski

Hello, everyone! We spent the last few weeks running advice columns on Thursday, but earlier this week we decided to make a change in order to share one of our favorite interviews to date a few days early. This is a bit different than our typical conversation, but it’s also one of the most important discussion about the state of the industry we have shared in almost two years of existence.

This blog exists to promote the future of the music industry, and to do that we need input from people like you and your music-loving friends. If you have any questions about the content in this article, or if you have an artist you would like to see featured on this blog, please contact and share your thoughts. We can also be found on Twitter and Facebook.

It’s not often than I find myself in a position to speak with someone in the industry whose career has been so abundant with accomplishments that I find myself not knowing where to begin our conversation, but earlier this month that exact thing happened as I was dialing author, teacher, consultant, manager, producer, engineer, and general industry extraordinaire Bobby Owsinski. His legacy in music is one that needs no introduction, though I guess this may count as one. He has worked with the biggest names, contributed to some iconic albums, and through it all made sure to connect with young music fans whenever possible. To say he’s lead a life others dream of embarking upon would be an extreme understatement.

I wanted to have Bobby on this blog for longer than I care to remember, and today that dream is finally realized. Enjoy.

H: Hello!

B: So far, so good. It’s still morning for me.

H: How’s the weather in California today?

B: Pretty good, I think. Looks to be about 60 outside.

H: It’s 16 here in Boston, so I think you’re better off.

B: I lived there for a while. It gets rough.

H: For people that aren’t familiar with your work, what would be a good summary of your experience in the music industry.

B: It’s everything from being a musician, to a producer, an engineer, a teacher, an author, a consultant, and many things in between.

H: I know you have taught in the past, but would you say you consider yourself an educator?

B: Well you’re right in that I have been in the past. I taught college, including working at Berklee. I’ve also lectured at other colleges and universities around the globe, so -to a certain degree-yes, I guess I am an educator at some level.

H: I guess I was referring more to your writing. As an author, do you feel you’re writing as a teacher or simply sharing your experience with the reader? Is it a mix of the two?

B: No, it’s actually pretty selfish. There’s usually something that I want to learn about that I don’t feel I know enough about. In the beginning, I thought if I felt that way that perhaps there were other people who did as well. That was later proven to be true. So, in many cases, it’s my own curiosity trying to figure something out. In other cases it’s about gaining a deeper understanding I know already. I have a lot of friends who are considered gurus in many ways, so I know a lot of people who are smarter than me that I can tap into whenever it’s needed.

H: You mentioned living in California, but you’ve also spent time in Boston. Where are you from originally?

B: I’m from Pennsylvania originally. I lived in Boston when I taught at Berklee, but later moved to New Jersey. I’ve been here for a while now, so I feel like a native.

H: Do you feel like piracy is still a concern for the industry, or have bigger issues taken its place?

B: Piracy isn’t really a problem anymore. I shouldn’t say that, as people do still worry, but the fact of the matter is that the entire piracy conversation has been changed by streaming. When I say streaming, I mean everything from Spotify to YouTube. When you can get something for free, or for a low cost, why pirate it?

H: In my mind piracy is still a big issue, but generally only in the lead up to a release. Most people don’t download an album illegally six months after release. If it leaks six weeks early, however, that is an entirely different story.

B: That’s a really good point. I was looking at your website and I saw that, in addition to fighting piracy, you also offer watermarking. I have been hearing more and more discussion about watermarking and its growing importance. It’s not so much for identifying piracy, or at least it doesn’t have to be. It can be used for identifying original versions of tracks versus remixes and alternate cuts. It can highlight the people responsible for the song, including guests and composers.

H: I wanted to get a feel for your thoughts on high quality audio streaming services. Is it a trend worth hopping on, or is it something that will become an industry standard in the near future, thus making services like Deezer unnecessary at this point?

B: There are some services that are completely hi-res, but Deezer’s hi-res is a premium membership tier. I think both will push the conversation in such a way that it becomes a feature that everyone will have to offer. I’m thinking Apple will rebrand BEATS in 2015, and when they do that I think they will make it a hi-res streaming services. The reason I think that is due to the fact Apple has been collecting hi-res files for years. So if anyone can turn on a hi-res services with a gigantic catalog, it’s them.

H: I didn’t know Apple had been doing that.

B: Yes, they have a service called Mastered For iTunes. It was quietly rolled out to labels a few years ago, and basically what they requested was that label upload their highest quality files.

H: While we’re on the topic of high quality music, I also want to talk about the Pono player. A lot of people were quick to write it off, and I guess you did too, but you were at least fair in your takedown. You didn’t write it off as a rushed/useless attempt to get into the market, but rather an idea that may or may not have been outdated by the time it reached consumers.

B: My thought about it this whole time is that the Pono player is a product with limited market potential. There are not a lot people who will be interested in this. If the creators are okay with that, it’s fine. If they’re expecting to make a huge splash, they’re wrong. I think it really comes down to managing expectations.

H: I often wonder what kind of product would need to be introduced into the world of music plays to truly cause disruption at this point. The market seems so flooded as is, how could anyone hope to stand out?

B: Something that is more convenient than what we have now. I can’t say what that is, but if you look at the history of the music business it has evolved every time there is a new technology, and almost always it is more convenient. Cassette topped vinyl because it was portable. It didn’t sound better, but it was portable. CD beat cassettes because they were portable and offered better sound quality. Downloads took the place of CDs, and a few years later streaming appeared. I don’t know what will follow, but it will almost certainly be more convenient.

H: You put out at least four different books in 2014, so I’m curious about what you have on deck for 2015.

B: It’s a busier year so far. I’m pleased to say that I am in demand, so I am going to be speaking at a lot of different places. As far as books, I’m signed on for five more, so I will be working on those. I actually have two right now that exist outside the music industry, and that is kind of exciting in its own way, but yes-there are more music books as well. There is always something on the horizon.

H: You have so much going on right now, but I have to wonder if there is a project or goal you hope to reach this year that you simply haven’t had time for up to this point?

B: Not really because if there is something I have in mind I tend to find a way to do it. I’m sure it has something to do with being at least slightly ADD, but as soon as I finish one thing I’m always off to the next. It’s not that different than many people today though, as we now live in an age of diversity.

H: If you had to pick one of your many projects as the one that typically take priority over the others, what would it be?

B: I do love writing and I gotta say, when I go on vacation I write for five hours a day instead of ten. I don’t have as much time to write today as I once did, but I still try to do it often. If I have a book to finish I will shut out the rest of the world. If it’s in-between, I spend a few hours writing early on and then spend the rest of the day doing other things. The blog helps, as it gives me a reason to write something every day.

H: I’m always curious when speaking with someone who has written more than one book as to whether or not the process of creating a book ever gets easier. Is the twentieth book easier than the third?

B: Yea, absolutely. I tell everyone that a lot of brain cells die during the process of writing a book. After the first book you almost always tell people there won’t be another, but before you know it book number two is taking shape. Just like everything in life, you eventually find a pattern that works. You figure it out over time and then improve.

There’s a method I use and I advocate at least trying it. I call it the ‘three pass method,’ and it works for areas of life outside writing as well. The first pass is a stream of consciousness. I don’t worry about spelling or anything other than getting my ideas out. After that, I take a second pass and figure out the paragraphs, as well as the basic layout. The third pass is where I clean things up and ensure they’re as good as they can be. Sometimes I take a fourth pass as well, but I never go over five. People think they have to be perfect off the bat, but the truth is that writing – like many things – is a long process for most people.

H: Before I let you go, I wanted to ask you for one more piece of advice. We try to gear our posts towards those aspiring to enter the industry, and I was wondering what you tell people who ask you about how they can make it in the entertainment business?

B: Perseverance is more important than talent. I know lots of successful people. Most of them started from nothing, but they stayed the course and persevered. If you stay with it, almost everyone I know has eventually found success. If they made a lot of cash, that’s nice, but it’s really a bonus. They found careers.

There’s a new saying going around the industry today, and it’s pretty fitting. “Making a living is the new success.” There was a time when everyone wanted to be a star in order to be considered a success, but today just being able to cover your bills is an accomplishment.


An Introduction To Concert Photography – Part 6: The Best Gear For You

Hello, everyone! After an extended break we have returned with the latest installment in our ongoing series aimed at informing aspiring music photographers about the realities of life in the industry. If you missed one of the previous columns, you can catch up using this link. If not, welcome back! We’re happy you stuck around.

This blog exists to promote the future of the music industry, and to do that we need input from people like you and your music-loving friends. If you have any questions about the content in this article, or if you have an artist you would like to see featured on this blog, please contact and share your thoughts. We can also be found on Twitter and Facebook.

The best camera you have is the one on you. For years I’ve thought that saying was the biggest cliche in the history of photography. I’ve debated and fought this countless times. My iPhone isn’t nearly as good as the guy with a Canon 5D MKIII. I’d even take a Rebel series camera of my that. I’m here to say that I was wrong. 
On December 30th, I was privileged enough to see Patti Smith in concert at Webster Hall. I tried to apply for press countless times for the show, but was met with rejection each time. Patti Smith does not allow photographers; something that I think is very hypocritical as Patti Smith is a photographer herself and even had a relationship with Robert Mapplethorpe, an incredible photographer. 
The day prior, Patti Smith also performed at Webster Hall, and a had surprise opener in Michael Stipe of R.E.M. It was his first public performance in years. With the idea that he would perform again the next day, I immediately looked up the guidelines for the venue and found out they did not have a camera policy, so I brought in a Fuji mirrorless camera, a camera which most would not even fathom calling optimal gear for a show. I wasn’t shooting for anyone, but just myself because of my love for R.E.M. Don’t get me wrong, I got the ticket for Patti Smith, but I LOVE R.E.M.
I got to the venue early and was about 6 rows back. I snapped less than 150 shots the entire show and thought nothing of it. I had a few shots I liked, but nothing that I would even consider my best work. Just shots to say, “Hey, I saw Michael Stipe and Patti Smith!”
 I posted one photo on a message board and got an email later that night from Rolling Stone Magazine asking for images from the show. Why would they want a shot from a little Fuji. I sent them 15 of my best shots of the show and they bought the usage for them. What? Why? … I didn’t even use my gear.
Maybe it’s because I’m thick skulled, but I couldn’t imagine not published anywhere without my pro-gear. Maybe I’m spoiled in that thought, but regardless if a magazine like Rolling Stone took a photo that wasn’t on quality equipment then anyone really would. This was a point and shoot camera after all.
In the past, I’ve been guilty of judging people by equipment. I’m here to say that I was wrong. 

Inside Music Podcast #18 – Ray Harkins (100 Words Or Less)

Greetings, everyone! We are thrilled to learn that you’ve chosen to spend some of your precious free time browsing our company blog. The post you’ve landed on is one intended to highlight the latest episode of INSIDE MUSIC, our industry focused podcast. If you like what you hear, the entire catalog of episodes can be found and enjoyed through iTunes. Subscriptions and reviews are always appreciated.

This site exists to promote the future of the entertainment industry, and to do that we need input from people like you and your entertainment-loving friends. If you have any questions about the content in this article, or if you have an artist you would like to see featured on this blog, please contact We can also be found on Twitter and Facebook.

On this episode of INSIDE MUSIC, host James Shotwell sits down with fellow podcaster Ray Harkins for what we’ve decided to call ‘Crossover Week.’ Having appeared on Ray’s show, 100 Words Or Less, James now asks Ray about his life and career. They touch on growing up in California, falling in love with music as an only child, and learning to embrace the strange, yet magical world of podcasting.

The music you hear in the intro to ‘Inside Music’ this week is “The 405 (Is For Lovers?)” from Sledding With Tigers. You can learn more about that song, as well as the album it hails from, on SWT’s official website.

You may already know this, but ‘Inside Music’ is now available on iTunes! Click here to subscribe.


How To Turn A Party Band Into A Full Time Job

Hello, everyone. Thank you for making time amidst your busy week to browse our site. The feature you’re about to read was created in collaboration with the band Purple, and we thought it only fitting to begin things by sharing with you a bit of their music. Enjoy:

This site exists to promote the future of the entertainment industry, and to do that we need input from people like you and your entertainment-loving friends. If you have any questions about the content in this article, or if you have an artist you would like to see featured on this blog, please contact We can also be found on Twitter and Facebook.

I wasn’t really trying to turn my party band into a job. I just didn’t want to do ANYTHING else except play music. My heart was set on it and I focused all of my intense pent up energy from feeling stuck in a small town into music. To me, I would have rather died than go to school and get a normal job. When I was in school and working, I felt completely brain dead. So I said, “fuck this shit.” and quit college and my job. And I freaking went for it man. I looked up every opportunity to find shows out of town. Battle of the Bands, House parties, opening slots…whatever man!!! I had to get out and tell the whole world how I felt through our tunes. I really believed in it, ya know. So I did it.

When we first started playing shows, there was never that many people there. I didn’t give a crap though. I played as intense as possible. After every show, I can barely pick my head up from head banging so hard. My voice is shot from screaming and I’m soaking wet with sweat. That is how I turned it into a job. I give the audience everything I’ve got from this little body and smack them in the face with it. I make them want to keep getting smacked in the face. And you know why they want it? BECAUSE PEOPLE WANT TO FEEL. You have to do it every time too. You never know who is watching. Thats how we got record deals and booking agents. They saw us giving it everything we’ve got. Just like in any job. The boss wants someone hard working and passionate. 

Another thing to learn while turning this party band into a job, is how to focus even when your tired and probably drunk. You gotta learn how to control your mind. You gotta learn how to be the most confident person in the room even if you feel like a big fat loser that day. You will probably feel like a big loser some days when you wake up under a pool table feeling terrible and you gotta get back in that big stinky van and drive 8 hours. But you push through it and you always have your mind on the big picture. you gotta remember.. “this isn’t about me. Its about music and making people feel good with it. And I’m the only person for the job and I can do this. Im awesome.” Sometimes I say that to myself even if I don’t fully believe it that day. I say it until I do believe it again. 
A lot of people think people in bands are just a bunch of fuck ups that need to get real jobs. Well if you believe that, fuck you. It is a real job. Your weekend would suck without music. 
Hannah Brewer is the singer and drummer behind PURPLE, a Texas party band with a lot of energy to spare. We love Hannah’s music and believe you will too if you give it a chance. Head over to Purple’s official website for album information and tour dates. If you get the chance, you definitely want to see this band live. You won’t regret it.

Spotify is introducing ‘Touch Preview,’ which will allow users to preview any song on the streaming platform by pressing and holding onto whatever track interests them. As seen in the video above, this tool can be used to preview albums, playlists, and everything in between. It’s a small update, but one that we’re sure many will find useful in their day-to-day lives.

What other improvements would you like to see Spotify make in 2015?

Job Board News

Music Industry Job Board (1/25/15)

A lot has been written about the supposed dire state of the music industry, but truth be told there are a number of successful and growing companies, including record labels, that are thriving in 2014. In this column we bring together every job opening we can find from the companies responsible for building the future of the  business and present them to you, our reader, in hopes of aiding you on your journey to join the global music industry professional family.

Each Sunday we scour the internet for the latest and greatest job postings throughout the music industry. You can help us better serve our community by sending any job openings you find or have to Be sure to include the name of the company hiring, a detailed description of the position being offered, a desired start date, contact information, and any additional supplemental information you feel may be needed.

Job openings:

Director of Sales, Live Nation Media & Sponsorship (Live Nation – Boston)

Job summary: This successful sponsorship sales professional will be responsible for creating and selling branded, high-impact music marketing programs across our music properties.

Coordinator, Ad Sales (Sirius XM- NYC)

Job summary: The Ad Sales Coordinator is a key member of the Ad Sales team, supporting all aspects of the sales process as well as providing general administrative support to the Vice President of Ad Sales and the ad sales team.

Associate Program Manager (Pandora – Oakland)

Job summary: Pandora is looking for an Associate Program Manager to play a critical role in driving and managing concurrent projects related the successful roll out, communication, and commercialization of changes to ad products, system and platform updates and process improvements. This is a highly cross-functional independent contributor role that will report into Sales Technical Operations and combines aspects of project management, product marketing, marketing communications, and training.

Senior Media Planner (87AM – NYC)

Job summary: AM is looking for a senior media planner to run several accounts out of our New York office. This digital client service superstar is adept at anticipating client needs and always maintaining an excellent relationship at all times. This candidate needs to be able to coordinate online media campaign efforts seamlessly with all internal teams (media, accounts, creative, etc.) as well as the client. The senior media planner will also be responsible for assessing client goals and providing them with a clear, effective game plan to achieve them. They will be responsible for developing an intimate knowledge of their clients’ business and ensuring that all aspects of the overall strategy are in place at all times.

Account Manager (Bright Marketing & Events – Florida)

Job summary: Bright Marketing offers outstanding career opportunities in one of the world`s most successful companies in the retail and events sales industry.

Marketing Manager (Live Nation – California)

Job summary: Marketing Manager reports directly to the National Director of Marketing, Senior Talent Buyer and Regional VP of Talent. This person will be responsible for creating marketing plans including: advertising, promotions, publicity, social media and media buying for Live Nation concerts, including Family programming and Broadway/Theatrical performances, in select markets in the Riverside and Inland Empire area including the Fox Performing Arts Centre and Riverside Municipal Auditorium. The Marketing Manager needs to track spends and allocate funds for individual show budgets. Additionally, the Marketing Manager needs to be able to communicate with many partners in the Riverside/Inland Empire area.

Associate Music Supervisor (PlayNetwork – Seattle)

Job summary: Our mid-level apprentice position for Music Services is designed to help support the team of Music Supervisors. This position is multi-faceted with duties ranging from administrative support to music cataloguing to Music Supervision of mid-level accounts.

Content Licensing Lead – EMEA (Rdio – Europe)

Job summary: Reporting directly to the Head of Global Content Licensing and Catalog, the Content Licensing Lead – EMEA is responsible for the identification, negotiation and renewal of the agreements between Rdio and EMEA-based labels, publishers, and connection societies.

Research Scientist, Music Recommendations (Amazon – Seattle)

Job summary: We’re building a new team to focus on digital music recommendations and are looking to hire a Research Scientist to work at the intersection of music and machine learning.

Search Marketing and Affiliate Manager (Bose – Westborough, MA)

Job summary: This position will oversee the paid search and SEO initiatives to support sales on Bose websites in the US and Canada. They will also be responsible for comparison shopping campaigns and the Bose affiliate program. This position will manage the day-to-day relationships with our external search and affiliate agencies and will partner with internal marketing colleagues, product managers and our internal communications group on key campaigns and initiatives. They will be responsible for driving overall strategy, leading new tests and initiatives, and optimizing campaigns to deliver the highest return and engagement. This position will manage the overall media budget for paid search, comparison shopping and affiliate marketing, analyze performance and present results to marketing management.

Sales And Marketing Analyst (Pandora – California)

Job summary: Pandora’s Business Operations team is currently seeking a Sales Marketing Analyst to support the sales and marketing team by creating and managing data, revenue and related tasks for sales marketing.

Marketing Coordinator (Live Nation – NYC)

Job summary: The Marketing Coordinator reports directly to the Marketing Manager. This person, under guidance of the Marketing Manager, will be responsible for communicating event marketing plans, budgeting advertising spends, developing promotions, leading street team initiatives, and scheduling of social media updates as requested.

Programming Operations Manager (Radio One – NYC)

Job summary: Seeking a driven and passionate individual to handle a multitude of tasks, including managing newsletter team and make sure national newsletters are optimized, working with ad operations team to deliver required audience to sales campaigns, and working with national and local programming teams to deliver audience to programming initiatives.

Producer, Talk Programming (Sirius XM – NYC)

Job summary: Producer will be responsible for all aspects involved in producing successful daily talk shows on Sirius XM Progress including studio/technical operations, promotion, production, guest booking, call-screening and research.

Licensing Administrator, Rhino / Catalog Group Publishing Royalties and Administration Department Recorded Music Rights Administration (WMG – Los Angeles)

Job summary: With its broad roster of new stars and legendary artists, Warner Music Group (“WMG”) is home to a collection of the best-known record labels in the music industry including Asylum, Atlantic, Cordless, East West, Elektra, Nonesuch, Reprise, Rhino, Roadrunner, Rykodisc, Sire, Warner Bros. and Word, as well as Warner/Chappell Music, one of the world’s leading music publishers, with a catalog of more than one million copyrights worldwide.

Marketing Coordinator (Bright Marketing And Events)

Job summary: We are currently seeks a creative, hardworking Marketing Coordinator to work closely with the members of our Retail Events division in the planning, coordination, and execution of our daily events inside some of the nations largest retail stores. Our high volume, customized events are a direct result from the unmatched work ethic and ability to “think outside the box.” Every team member is hands on at the actual events and is able to see the direct results of their marketing efforts.

Music Publishing Assistant (MusicNotes)

Job summary: Join us in being a part of the global music community by shaping the delivery of digital sheet music. is seeking a full time Content Acquisition Assistant who excels in managing the details including database management, file indexing, acquisition, and organization. Successful candidates will have experience and an interest in music research and analytics in this data-driven opportunity.

Digital Marketing Specialist (West Music)

Job summary: Do you have a creative, curious, and analytical mind? You will also be responsible for email marketing development and execution for all brands under the West Music umbrella. You will manage the day-to-day campaign execution, list management and segmentation, content and scripting, and deliverability monitoring. Providing strategic insights to the team and senior leaders on campaigns using information gained through various analytical methods will be done regularly.

Senior Coordinator, Email Marketing (Sony DADC)

Job summary: The Senior Coordinator of Email Marketing will play an important role in supporting internal and external clients to build, deploy and test a broad range of entertainment-related email marketing campaigns. This entry-mid level position will also support other CRM elements as well as reporting requests.

Head Of Programming (MTV)

Job summary: The Head of Programming adapts departmental plans and priorities and manages his/her team to create and continuously improve the monthly TV schedules in order to get the highest possible number of viewers on the channel and monthly viewing goals are met. S/he takes a broad strategic view of the programming plans as well as specific market developments, and helps his/her team to make analyses of quantitative data in order to optimize the day-to-day and long-term TV schedules and overall channel performances.

Director Of Sponsorship Sales – Phoenix (Live Nation)

Job summary: This successful sponsorship sales professional will be responsible for creating and selling branded, high-impact music marketing programs across our music properties.

Global Social Media Manager (Bose)

Job summary: The Global Social Media Manager will lead the development of the corporation’s social media strategy, and will oversee the execution of plans and tactics around the globe.

Director Of Marketing (Harmonix)

Job summary: Harmonix, the studio that created the blockbuster franchises Rock Band and Dance Central, is looking for a Director of Marketing. This individual will play a key leadership role on Harmonix’s publishing team, overseeing our marketing, web, community, social, and playtest efforts. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in marketing strategy, and team leadership, as well as experience launching and sustaining console, digital, and/or mobile games. For many years, Harmonix has worked diligently to build a strong, genuine relationship with our fans. The Director of Marketing will need to continue to foster those long term relationships while using industry-leading marketing strategies to reach new fans and create excitement for our games.

Sr. Director Of Strategic Marketing (Warner Bros)

Job summary: The Sr. Director of Strategic Marketing will be responsible for cultivating strategic partnerships for Warner Music Nashville’s artist roster and label assets by a) creating impactful campaigns and promotions to extend the brand, raise the profile of artists and label brands; b) generating new revenue lines to fund creative marketing campaigns; and c) offset marketing costs.

Digital Marketing Associate (Ticketfly)

Job summary: Reporting to the Partner Marketing Manager, the Digital Marketing Associate will help Ticketfly clients maximize their marketing potential and promote their events across marketing channels. This role will serve as a strategic marketing consultant to Ticketfly’s top venue, promoter, and festival partners to help drive important goals like building brand awareness, acquiring new customers, and selling more tickets. The Digital Marketing Associate will dive deep into client marketing activities to develop marketing plans and campaigns, guide implementation, and measure results.

Sales Analyst (AEG)

Job summary: The sales analyst will be responsible for reporting and analyzing sales data for the STAPLES Center and L.A. LIVE Sales & Marketing Department. Person will maintain an accurate sales reporting system for various events at STAPLES Center, Nokia Theatre and L.A. LIVE as well as provide management with a monthly commission report for 25+ sales representatives. The sales analyst will also be knowledgeable in CRM, assisting in analyzing customer accounts and identifying efficiency tactics amongst the department.

Director of Sales, Live Nation Media & Sponsorship (LiveNation)

Job summary: This successful sponsorship sales professional will be responsible for creating and selling branded, high-impact music marketing programs across our music properties.

Copywriter (Shazam)

Job summary: At Shazam our users are at the heart of everything we do. We need to make sure that all of our users (old and new) know everything they need to know about our great product as it continues to evolve. We are looking for a brilliant Copywriter to join our Marketing team and work across our business to make sure that happens.

Director Sales Integrated Marketing & Special Events (CBS Radio)

Job summary: Conceive, write and create new non-traditional revenue business opportunities including events, sponsorships and other sales promotion opportunities. Participate in annual budget planning and individual event budget planning. Ensure that the department hits their revenue goal Attend and participate in sales meetings. Assist in the training of account executives on how to sell events and on Knowledge-Based or solutions-based selling. Provide ongoing sales training to the staff.
Assist in the brainstorming of categories to call on for events. Assist General Sales Managers in managing the New Business Development account lists. Create a list of targeted accounts for the following business development opportunities: manufacturer-driven, dealer group and retail-driven programs; corporate sponsorship and event marketing; and from the following industries; automotive and automotive aftermarket, consumer packaged goods, distilled spirits, financial services, health care, home builders and home improvement, health care, pharmaceuticals and wireless.

Social Media Coordinator (Brigade Marketing)

Job summary: The Social Media Coordinator will assist the Senior Social Media Manager with social media campaign management, including both branding and campaign-specific. The ideal candidate must be very well-versed in the digital world – including familiarity with popular websites, blogs, social media environments, mobile/apps; as well as a strong knowledge of and interest in newly-emerging platforms and industry trends.

Media And Digital Sales Executive (Townsquare Media)

Job summary: Townsquare Media (LOCATION) is expanding and is seeking an additional sales account executive. We offer solutions to our clients through live and local radio, cutting edge digital products and live events. Are you honest? Are you motivated to be successful? Do you like to help people? That’s what we do at Townsquare Media… we help businesses be more successful. You could create Marketing Strategies and Successful Radio Campaigns, plus Digital and Social Media Solutions… including our own Website Development Department.

D2F Ticketing Client Development Associate (Sound Rink Inc.)

Job summary: Client Development is the initial point of contact for touring partners and works directly under the CEO to cultivate and maintain exceptional relationships with new and existing tour partners. Ideal candidates for this position have an extensive knowledge of the touring industry with more than 5 years of professional experience and an established network of music industry contacts. This position is full time with the possibility of travel and after-hours availability needed.

Social Media Specialist (D’Addario & Company)

Job summary: The Percussion Social Media Specialist position is a full time opening in our Product Management Department. The Percussion Business Unit at DAddario consists of some of the strongest, most active and well-respected consumer brands in the global percussion industry: Evans drumheads, Promark drumsticks, and Puresound percussion accessories ” each with a unique and engaged community. The Social Media Specialist will manage our social networks and online community design and implement artist and product launch campaigns utilizing assets created by our in-house photography, video, and design team.

Director Of Social Media (Viacom)

Job summary: The Velocity Integrated Marketing (IM) Music and Entertainment team is looking for a long term freelance Director of Social Media reporting to the VP of IM Social to support the linear and digital IM team. This position will cover the ideation, innovation, and implementation of client specific programs that involve social media. The ideal candidate will have proven success in developing and measuring social media promotions based on specific client objectives, as well as assisting in the valuation behind them.

Lead Corporate Public Relations Specialist (Bose)

Job summary: The Lead Corporate PR Specialist will serve as a primary public relations contact for general business needs and issues.

Lab Monitor, Center for Technology in Music Instruction – (Berklee College of Music)

Job summary: Under the broad supervision of the Manager of Faculty Technology Services, the CTMI Lab Monitor is responsible for the daily operations of the CTMI (Center for Technology in Music Instruction) Lab Facility including: first-level support for all faculty support requests from email, phone, walk-in and TR database submissions, managing all Faculty Technology Services trouble tickets in the TR ticket database, execution of lab maintenance programs for lab equipment and workstations, scheduling of lab resources, monitoring CTMI student employees to ensure they are supporting CTMI operational goals.

In addition to monitoring the CTMI, this individual acts as second level support for Faculty Technology Services personnel to accomplish the broader goals of Faculty Technology Service and Academic Technology. A specialized knowledge is required in a wide range of software and hardware solutions, audio equipment and electronic musical instruments in order to provide assistance for faculty.

Production Manager – Aspen Opera Theater Center (Aspen Music Festival)

Job summary: The Production Manager of the Aspen Opera Theater Center (AOTC) supervises the general operations and production staff of the AOTC, and serves as the liaison between the AOTC and the operations department of the Aspen Music Festival and School. Responsibilities include creating and maintaining the production schedule (in consultation with the operations department, program administrator, and directors) in the ArtsVision database, acting as production quality director of rehearsals, approving the use of the Wheeler Opera House for non-production and non-AOTC related requests, managing load-in, load-out, and contents of the AOTC storage units. The Production Manager also schedules, sets the agenda for, and runs weekly production meetings, recording and distributing notes to AOTC and other key AMFS staff.

Producer, Talk Programming (Sirius XM)

Job summary: Produce and develop an entertaining daily show hosted by Jenny Hutt that incorporates celebrity interviews, listener interactive segments, information, entertainment commentary, and remote broadcasts.

Product Manager – Headphones (Monster Cable Products)

Job summary: Each Product Area Manager is responsible for developing and articulating the strategic direction for a full product line, and is compensated based upon the P&L of their category. They will provide direction and guidance to a cross-functional team of engineers, industrial designers, strategic buyers, creative artists, copywriters, analysts, and sales people responsible for the design, build, marketing, and selling of their particular product category. In addition, they will partner with other product managers, Market Area Managers and sales people to support and maintain Monster’s product development process.

Coordinator, Rhino/Catalog Group, Artist Royalties & Administration Department, Recorded Music Rights Administration (Warner Music Group)

Job summary: This candidate hired to fill this position will assist the Head of the Rhino/Catalog Group and other employees in that group with various administrative tasks and special projects.

Social Media Coordinator (The Recording Academy)

Job summary: The Recording Academy is looking for a Social Media Coordinator to join the Marketing Communications team. Whether it is Social TV or year round engagement strategies, The Recording Academy continues to be at the forefront of innovation with social media. This person needs to be savvy across all social media platforms and lend their dynamic voice to the GRAMMYs accounts. He/she will also need to have a deep understanding of the current musical landscape and musical history

Programmatic Planner (SpinMedia)

Job summary: SMG is a digital media company connecting entertainment and music fans to the content, communities and brands they love. We’re the passionate minds behind some of the web’s most influential properties and we harness our collective voice to create online content, social and mobile platforms, events and integrated marketing programs. Through our iconic properties such as SPIN, VIBE, Celebuzz, Death and Taxes, Buzznet, The Frisky, Idolator, Stereogum, SMG provides advertisers with authentic, unparalleled access to the most loyal and engaged audiences around the world.

Manager, Listener Care Certification & Audit (Sirius XM)

Job summary: The Manager, Listener Care Certification & Audit will manage the performance of trainers at SiriusXM call centers by collaborating with and overseeing day to day operations of our external service providers (vendors). You will ensure that training is being delivered as designed, that learners are engaged and that desired outcomes are met.

VP & Managing Editor, BET (Viacom)

Job summary: The Vice President and Managing Editor of BET Digital will oversee the development and execution of all content for BET Digital. S/he will be responsible for defining and driving the editorial voice for BET Digital, generating the content people want to see across BETN’s online, mobile and social media platforms. The Vice President and Managing Editor of BET Digital will work closely with sales, programming, technology, marketing, research and other departments to translate the BETN brand across BET’s digital suite.

Associate Dean of Admissions Marketing & Recruiting (Berklee)

Job summary: Under the broad direction of the Dean of Admissions, the Associate Dean of Admissions Marketing and Recruiting develops strategies to support the Dean’s enrollment vision. Oversees ROI on all recruitment marketing campaigns. Responsible for the Admissions digital marketing strategy through leverage of technologies including (but not limited to) Marketo and Salesforce. Oversees direct mail list segmentation to generate highly effective response rate for our various summer, undergraduate, and graduate programs. Ability to think strategically and monitor/adjust tactical implementation. An entrepreneurial, results-oriented outlook.

Interactive Marketing Manager (Warner Music Group)

Job summary: The Interactive Marketing Manager will be the main digital strategist for their own roster of artists and/or projects. They will craft and execute the digital campaign for those artists spanning promotion, social strategy, community engagement, e-commerce, and partnership opportunities with inter-departmental (marketing, radio, press, product development, etc..) input and coordination. They will continually look for new opportunities, services and platforms with which to partner and/or utilize. In addition to their work directly with artists, they will have a loud voice in forming overall departmental strategy and direction as operational digital specialists. Every campaign will come with mutually agreed upon goals and targets that the marketer will striving to achieve.

VP, Digital Marketing & Strategy (Isolation Network)

Job summary: The goal is to position INgrooves Music Group as the most effective monetization and distribution partner for independent content owners as the digital music market evolves from a transaction based economy to one based on access. This transition is being driven by the oncoming format change from download and physical sales of music to streaming subscription models and digital radio outlets. In order for the Company to achieve its goals, we need expertise in developing best practices and products around music discovery, digital promotion and viral marketing with the purpose of increasing overall consumption and revenue for our clients. You will lead a team of professionals who work with all INgrooves’ labels and artists across the globe. You and your team are responsible for helping us figure out how to make the most of, and stay in front of, this rapidly evolving marketplace. This position can be based in San Francisco or Los Angeles.

Senior Interaction Designer (Live Nation Entertainment)

Job Summary: Ticketmaster is looking for a Senior Interaction Designer to join our growing User Experience team. Reporting to the VP of User Experience, the designer will be responsible for creating best-in-class designs for the next generation of ticketing tools and live event applications. From complexity to clarity, we are seeking candidates who can translate business requirements into clean, intuitive experiences. The selected candidate will have a proven track record of understanding user needs and motivations, identifying underlying problems, and designing effective, highly functional solutions.

Sr. Analyst, Financial Planning & Analysis (Spotify)

Job summary: This individual will be responsible for providing timely and accurate financial reporting and analysis to the Finance and Marketing Organizations. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: forecasting and budgeting, supporting the CMO and business areas VPs on their strategic plans, variance analysis, capital allocation and KPI monitoring.

Job Board News

Haulix Weekly Recap #73 – “Purple Is A Fruit”

It’s that time of week once again! Just as you were starting to feel like the office would consume your entire world, the weekend has arrived with the hope of freedom and relaxation. We’re not quite there yet, but in a few hours we will all be free to kick back and see what kind of trouble we can start. Before we get there, however, I wanted to provide you with the perfect soundtrack for whatever you plan to do in the next few days:

Each and every Friday we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you.

You may be tired of hearing this bit by now, but for the third consecutive week there are essentially no development updates to share. This will change next week, or so I am told, but right now our developers are hard at work on some major advancements that we plan to reveal a bit later in 2015. The Haulix you have come to know and trust will always be here, but we’re planning to expand the services we offer in a way that is both exciting and-at least in our opinion-very much needed in today’s industry. More on that soon.

On the blog end of things, I believe this week was our strongest so far in 2015. We featured some killer content, ran an incredibly podcast, and laid the foundation for more than two dozen new articles that will find their way onto the blog sometime in the months ahead. This required a lot of hard work and long hours, but the reactions from you make every second worth it. If you missed anything, you can find links to our all recent posts below:

Podcast Spotlight: Your Favorite Album
Please Think Twice Before Launching Your Own Music Blog
Blogger Spotlight: Jonathan K Dick
Inside Music Podcast #17 – Sledding With Tigers
There Really Is No Excuse To Steal Music Anymore
5 Questions Artists Should Ask Themselves Before Attending SXSW 2015
Music Industry Job Board (1/18/15)

That’s all we have this week. Thanks for your continued support. We’ll be back soon!




Here’s why you find it impossible to resist “Tuesday” from ILoveMakonnen and Drake…

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