
3 ways independent artists use Haulix

Getting the attention of the media as an independent artist in 2017 can be incredibly difficult. Getting the attention of a management company, record label, or booking agent may be even harder. We at Haulix have not yet discovered a secret path to success in this business, but we have developed a popular platform for promotion that saves both time and money without risking the security of unreleased music.

Many people believe Haulix is a platform intended for publicists and record labels, but over the last eight years we have also helped hundreds of independent artists and groups from all over the world further their careers through use of our platform. Here are just three example of how we make it possible for up and coming talent to raise their industry profile:

Press Coverage

There are dozens of promotional distribution platforms in existence, but none have received more recommendations from members of the media than Haulix. Journalists and radio personalities alike use our service every day to stream, download, and discover the next big record. Our promo tools make it easy for anyone to upload music and share it with the industry at large using a fully customizable template in a matter of minutes. Just take a look at these recent promos:

Custom EPK

Not long ago, artists hoping to secure a record deal, manager, or booking agent would have to physically mail their contacts a package containing information about their music. These packages often included a bio, music, photos, tour information, and all sorts of artist-related branding. Artists would pour effort into these packages, which in turn left them with less time to focus on their craft.

With Haulix, independent artists can recreate the EPK experience using our fully customizable promos and email invitations. Our platform has zero third party advertising, meaning your music and branding is all anyone will see. Use this to your advantage and create messaging that not only tells your story, but showcases where you plan to go in the future as well.

Fight piracy

Music pirates are worse than ever in 2017. In fact, studies have shown that music piracy has more than doubled in the last ten years, and it is expected to double once more by 2020. With Haulix, independent artists can watermark their new and unreleased music. This video explains how the process works:

If you have yet to sign up for your free month of Haulix, what are you waiting for?! Pick a plan that suits your needs and get started using the global leader in digital promotional distribution. If you have any questions, email and someone will assist you within an hour or less.


Just how prevalent is music piracy in the age of streaming? 

Here at Haulix we are in the business of fighting piracy. Our company was founded to reduce promotional costs for labels and artists while also ensuring unreleased music does not leak online. This was long before streaming came into existence (2008), but with each passing year since streaming came of age with services like Spotify and Apple Music people continue to ask if piracy is really still an issue.

The answer, as you can see above, is a definitive yes.

A new chart from Statista compiles data gathered across 13 countries over the last six months. As you can see, more than a quarter of all people surveyed admitted to accessing pirated music, including more than half of those aged 16-24. This is the same group considered to be the ‘core demographic’ or most alternative and pop music. 

Streaming may have simplified access, but it still comes with a cost. Furthermore, streaming exclusives – like those offered by Apple Music – has lead some to seek alternate means of access the music so as not to pay for access. If a consumer is already using Spotify, for example, they are more likely to seek a pirated version of an Apple Music exclusive than they are two maintain two accounts (or switch altogether).

It is unclear at this time if we will ever find ourselves in an age where piracy does not exist. That said, at Haulix we are always working to strengthen our security. We have stopped and identified nearly 100 pirates in 2017 alone, and the year is not yet half over. You can try Haulix for free for a full month. Click here to find out more.

Job Board News

Haulix Weekly Update #143: “Bake ’em away, toys.”

Hello, everyone! We hope the first post-Labor Day work week has treated you well. The temperatures are starting to slide here in Minnesota and we could not be happier to know that Fall is just around the corner. After all, summer is nice, but can it really hold a candle to apple cider, corn mazes, pumpkins, Halloween, and all the other good things that come with Fall? Before you answer – no. The answer is always no. Check this out:

Each and every weekend we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you.

Development news:

After last week’s discussion regarding our plans to hold off on releasing the updated Haulix until the second-half of summer 2016 things have admittedly been pretty calm for our developers. Our current behind-the-scenes efforts are all about retooling what we already have and improving performances wherever we are able. We want to not only be the most reliable and secure service, but also the fastest and easiest to use. Some of you may think we already have that title, and if so – thank you. We still feel we have a ways to go, and we are not going to stop until we get there.

Blog news:

School is now back in session for most of the United States, so we figured this week was as good as any to jumpstart our content creation efforts. If you browse our most recent posts you will find advice on building a career in between classes, learning to prepare for – and handle – failure, and a few words on the need to make your music easily available online. We also ran a great podcast with Bryan Garris of Knocked Loose. If you missed anything as of late, especially our podcasts, please head over to our archive and catch up ASAP.

That’s all we have for this week. Check back here on Sunday for an all-new music industry job board.



Job Board News

Haulix Weekly Update #37 – “On Fridays We Listen To Deftones”

Hello, everyone. Thank you for joining us today. If you’re reading this the same day it goes live then you are no doubt aware Friday is finally upon us. May has begun, the April showers are no more, and you are only a few short hours from the warm embrace of the weekend. You’ve made it through another week at the office. Congrats!

Each and every Friday we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you. If you have any questions about the content of this post, or if you are interested in learning more about the secure music distribution services offered by Haulix, please email and share your thoughts. We can also be found on Twitter and Facebook.

We have one major update to share with you this week, and that is the fact our DMCA Takedown tools are nearing completion. Basic integration wrapped this week and we will soon begin testing. As soon as everything is checked for quality and reliability we will deliver the goods to you. Who knows, we might even throw in a freebie or two.

There is not a lot to report on the blog front today. Interviews and article development continues, but right now editor James Shotwell is at home recovering from a bit of illness.  He’ll be back into the swing of things in time for ‘Journalism Tips’ tomorrow, but for now he has nothing to share. Here’s a roundup of everything he ran on the site this week:

Industry Spotlight: Maria Ferrero (Adrenaline PR) – Part 1

How To Kill Your Band #7 – Down With The Sickness

How To Become An Online Music Writer

Industry Spotlight: Rey Roldan (Another Reybee Production) – Part 1

Music Industry Job Board (4/27/14)

Journalism Tips #12: ‘How To Access The Music Labels Promote Through Haulix’

That’s all we have for now. Have a great evening and make sure you stop by tomorrow for the latest installment of our Journalism Tips series.


Haulix Weekly Update #25 – Mobile, Email, and More!

Hello and welcome to the final work week Haulix blog update. We recently moved to a seven-day posting style, but we still reserve Friday afternoons as a time for company updates and content reflection. This edition is particularly lengthy, so settle in now and prepare to be wowed. If you have any questions regarding the content of this blog, or if you would like to learn more information about the services offered by Haulix, please email and share your thoughts. We can also be found on Twitter and Facebook.

Starting off with the topic that may very well have inspired you to click the link that brought you to this post, we are thrilled to announce our mobile platform is finally ready for launch. Our plan is to release the update later this evening, which will immediately allow journalists worldwide to stream promos on their smartphones for the first time ever. Keep an eye on our Twitter for updates on the official launch, and stay tuned for a complete walkthrough to appear on the blog later this weekend.

Mobile is not the only news we have to discuss this week. In addition to rolling out that long-awaited feature, we recently pushed out a new email engine. This is probably the biggest improvement we’ve made to the system in years. In the past, 10,000 email invitations would of taken 3-4 hours to go out – sending out small batches every 4 minutes or so. Now, we can do 10,000 in about 60 seconds! Isn’t technology wild?

On the blog end of things, the past seven days have been a whirlwind of interviews and preparation. We introduced a brand new column (How To Kill Your Band), and made progress on several upcoming features that will be revealed in the weeks ahead. We also made this:

(*Cough Cough* It’s a clue *Cough Cough*)

In case you missed anything on the blog this week, a link to every post since Saturday can be found below. We’ll be back tomorrow with an in-depth interview you will not want to miss.

Have a great weekend, everyone.


Haulix Weekly Update #14 – Here Comes The Holidays

Hello, everyone! The week is coming to an end in just a few short hours, which means it’s time once again to reflect on everything we’ve accomplished in recent days.

Thanksgiving is less than a week away at this point, and here at Haulix HQ we’re hard at work on a few new updates that we hope to roll out before Santa comes scurrying down your chimney. We’re not ready to discuss what we have in store just yet, but know we’ll have a few digital gifts for clients in the weeks to come. As soon as we can detail everything, we will. 

On the blog end of things, the last few days have been some of our favorite to date. We unveiled a new spin on our spotlight features, detailed the importance of YouTube, and learned the story of two influential industry minds. You can find quick links to all our posts below:

Spotlight: Jenn Stookey (Highlight Magazine)
Advice: The Importance Of YouTube
Spotlight: Tom Falcone
Spotlight: Dan Salter (Echoes & Dust)

Even though there is a holiday next week here in the states we’re going to strive for our usual content push (4 articles + recap). If you have any suggestions on columns or articles you want to see, please email and share your thoughts.

That pretty much wraps everything up! We’ll be back on Monday with a publicity spotlight you won’t want to miss. Have a great weekend. 


Haulix Weekly Update #6 – Wake Up! September has come to an end.

Greetings, everyone! Another Friday has found its way into our lives, which means it’s time to reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. 

The past few days have been rather hectic here at Haulix. Our product team continues to refine our protection and distribution tools while also laying the groundwork for the mobile platform we revealed in last week’s update. We wish them the best in all they have on the horizon and promise to bring you more information on everything product related as soon as it’s ready to be shared.

On the blog end of things, we have been anxiously preparing for October, which we recently dubbed ‘metal month.’ Our normal features will run as planned, but throughout the month of October we will be highlighting various members of the metal world and their efforts to keep the genre alive in 2013. I thought about revealing some of the names we have on the horizon in this post, but then I thought it might spoil the fun and decided to hold off another. That said, a little bird told me people who follow Haulix on Twitter are the first to learn about updates to both the product and blog (hint hint).

There are probably a billion things on your to-do list this weekend, but if you can find the time to just relax and read for awhile we promise it will make a world of difference to your overall well being. You probably have a few books or articles saved for such an occasion, but here are a few weekend reading suggestions from us to you, just in case:

Have a great weekend, everyone!


Our First Weekly Update/Recap

This week has been absolutely insane. From the content we shared with you, to the pieces we have yet to release, things have been pretty busy around our offices. We mentioned yesterday that we wanted to begin letting you in a bit more to what we’ve been up to, so consider this your first weekly update.

We spoke with a lot of brilliant people this week for our industry spotlight series, including the three whose features ran on this very blog:

Jesse Richman of PropertyOfZack told us about his love of interviews on Monday

Jen Appel of The Catalyst Publicity Group shared her journey as a young entrepreneur on Tuesday.

Ashley Osborn of Highlight Magazine told us about the ups and downs of creating a monthly digital publications on Wednesday

It was an honor to share each of these stories, and we look forward to bringing you updates on their journeys in the future. We have plenty more interviews to come in the weeks ahead, but for the sake of keeping some surprises under wraps we’re not sharing that list just yet. That said, if you follow us on Twitter and Facebook I can promise you will never miss a single column.

Outside of the blog we are continuing to work on refining our products to offer increasingly better service and performance in the months ahead. Our current focus is improving our email system, but you’ll have to wait a bit longer for details on that.

My personal goal in the weeks to come is to expand our blog coverage to five original pieces of content each week, in addition to updates like the one you are currently reading. This means a continuation of our various spotlight series and advice column, as well as the introduction of new columns in the near future. We may even have some guest bloggers! If you have any suggestions of people/sites to cover, or if there is an area of the industry you would like us to discuss, please comment below and let us know!

Okay, this post is getting long. Thank you for joining us on this journey over the past few months and we certainly hope you’ll stick around for all that is to come. We have learned a lot together, and we are very excited for everything the future holds, both known and unknown. Have a great weekend.

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