
Haulix Weekly Update #13 – Email and Mobile

Hello, everyone. If you’re reading this it means you survived another week of work or school and the weekend is just a few short hours away. Yes, it’s Friday once more, and we have a nice little recap ready to help wrap up the week.

The holiday season is well under way, but before we get tied up in presents and decorations we still have a lot we hope to accomplish at Haulix HQ. The development of our mobile platform continues, and earlier this week testing began on various mobile devices. We’re not quite ready to announce a launch date just yet, but know it’s likely coming sooner than you expect.

In addition to moving forward on that project, we recently unveiled a new, in-depth description of everything offered through our ‘Email Invitation Activity Screen.’ By following this link, you can learn about how Haulix is working to help you better understand who receives your promos, who opens them, who uses them, and which accounts are dead or otherwise inactive. There’s a lot of information there, so we recommend setting aside 10-minutes or so to properly dive into the material.

Onto the blog…

The past few days on our blog have been some of our favorite to date. From the two interviews posted, both of which offer unique perspectives on life in the business, to the ‘Advice’ columns, we’re extremely proud of the content we’ve posted. We know not everyone has time in their daily schedule to see what we’re up to, so below you will find a list of links to each of the week’s stories:

That pretty much wraps up our coverage for this week. We have a couple special surprises in store next week, but that’s all the information I’m allowed to share with you at this time. Have a great weekend and make sure to stop back by the blog on Monday. If you have any questions or concerns over the weekend, email We can also be found on Twitter and Facebook.


Haulix Weekly Update #6 – Wake Up! September has come to an end.

Greetings, everyone! Another Friday has found its way into our lives, which means it’s time to reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. 

The past few days have been rather hectic here at Haulix. Our product team continues to refine our protection and distribution tools while also laying the groundwork for the mobile platform we revealed in last week’s update. We wish them the best in all they have on the horizon and promise to bring you more information on everything product related as soon as it’s ready to be shared.

On the blog end of things, we have been anxiously preparing for October, which we recently dubbed ‘metal month.’ Our normal features will run as planned, but throughout the month of October we will be highlighting various members of the metal world and their efforts to keep the genre alive in 2013. I thought about revealing some of the names we have on the horizon in this post, but then I thought it might spoil the fun and decided to hold off another. That said, a little bird told me people who follow Haulix on Twitter are the first to learn about updates to both the product and blog (hint hint).

There are probably a billion things on your to-do list this weekend, but if you can find the time to just relax and read for awhile we promise it will make a world of difference to your overall well being. You probably have a few books or articles saved for such an occasion, but here are a few weekend reading suggestions from us to you, just in case:

Have a great weekend, everyone!


Weekly Update #3 – Welcome to September

Hello once again and welcome to third weekly update from Haulix HQ. The past few days have been littered with holidays, but we forged ahead in our efforts to better protect and distribute music. No word on those updates we teased last week, but rest assured we will have more information for you soon.

The shortened work week lead us to only run three new features so far this month, but I think they’re some of our finest interviews to date:

Blogger Spotlight: Dave Luttrull (Hellhound Music)

PR Spotlight: Bill Meis (Entertainment One Music)

Blogger Spotlight: Devin Beaudoin (Fuck Yeah Pop Punk)

We hope you all have a great weekend filled with adventures and good music. You can stay up-to-date with everything Haulix related and speak with us 24/7 via Twitter or Facebook


Weekly Update #2 (Month In Review)

Hello and welcome to the second weekly update ever posted on the Haulix Blog. We are still working out the exact formula for these posts, but we’re glad you returned nonetheless.

The past seven days have been as busy as any at Haulix. On the blog end of things, I worked on a plethora of new pieces while also conducting interviews for future installments of our multiple spotlight series. It was hectic, but productive, and I’m sure another jam packed week will follow the holiday on Monday.

On the product end of things, we’re going to have to plead the fifth. We have a lot of big efforts underway, but now is not the right time to share them with the world. Next week, however, may be another story entirely.

Seeing as it is the end of August, which marks the third month this blog has been in existence, I thought it would be a good idea to review all the content we have ran over the last thirty days. You can find links to every article below, separated by category. We’ll have a wealth of new content for you following the holiday weekend, so this extended time off may be your best chance at catching up for awhile…

Blogger Spotlight:

PR Spotlight:

Advice Columns:

As always, thank you for continuing to use our products and read our blog. Without you we would not be able to do what we do, and we are grateful for the opportunity. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook to stay up-to-date with everything we have in development, and do not hesitate to contact with any questions or suggestions you may have.


Our First Weekly Update/Recap

This week has been absolutely insane. From the content we shared with you, to the pieces we have yet to release, things have been pretty busy around our offices. We mentioned yesterday that we wanted to begin letting you in a bit more to what we’ve been up to, so consider this your first weekly update.

We spoke with a lot of brilliant people this week for our industry spotlight series, including the three whose features ran on this very blog:

Jesse Richman of PropertyOfZack told us about his love of interviews on Monday

Jen Appel of The Catalyst Publicity Group shared her journey as a young entrepreneur on Tuesday.

Ashley Osborn of Highlight Magazine told us about the ups and downs of creating a monthly digital publications on Wednesday

It was an honor to share each of these stories, and we look forward to bringing you updates on their journeys in the future. We have plenty more interviews to come in the weeks ahead, but for the sake of keeping some surprises under wraps we’re not sharing that list just yet. That said, if you follow us on Twitter and Facebook I can promise you will never miss a single column.

Outside of the blog we are continuing to work on refining our products to offer increasingly better service and performance in the months ahead. Our current focus is improving our email system, but you’ll have to wait a bit longer for details on that.

My personal goal in the weeks to come is to expand our blog coverage to five original pieces of content each week, in addition to updates like the one you are currently reading. This means a continuation of our various spotlight series and advice column, as well as the introduction of new columns in the near future. We may even have some guest bloggers! If you have any suggestions of people/sites to cover, or if there is an area of the industry you would like us to discuss, please comment below and let us know!

Okay, this post is getting long. Thank you for joining us on this journey over the past few months and we certainly hope you’ll stick around for all that is to come. We have learned a lot together, and we are very excited for everything the future holds, both known and unknown. Have a great weekend.


Welcome To Haulix On Tumblr!

Hello, everyone!

As you may have noticed, our blog has undergone some changes since our last update. We are always striving to better serve the music industry and make our content more available to those in need, so we decided Tumblr would be the perfect place to share our latest news and insight with all of you.

Our goal with this page is to not only further the Haulix name, but to aide in the creation of a more productive and informed music industry. If you have any questions about products, blogs, or how you can setup a demo of our promo tools, send us a question on here or email

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