
How to get more streams on Haulix


One common complaint we receive from people accessing our promos is that certain releases come with a limited stream allotment. This number, which is set by the sender, restricts the listener to only hearing each track a certain number of times – typically 5 or less.

The reasons people set limits on streams are numerous. Some, for example, believe there is a lower likelihood of piracy if the material can only be accessed a finite amount of times. Others want to ensure an album is streamed strictly for professional purposes and not, for example, to entertain someone’s friends.

When you encounter a stream limit you should email the contact who sent you the promo directly and request additional streams. That person may or may not grant your request.

We (Haulix) cannot grant additional streams without permission from the sender. 

Have questions? Email us:

Job Board News

Haulix Weekly Update #135: “A toast to the host who can boast the most roast”

Hello, everyone! It’s the beginning of July and things are really starting to heat up at Haulix HQ. Everything we have been working towards for the better part of a year is so close to being ready for public consumption that we can hardly contain our excitement. That said, there is still a lot of work to be done, and we’ll most likely spend a good portion of our holiday weekend grinding away at our computers. It’s worth it though, because we know you’re going to love what we have in store. For now, watch this:

As I mentioned above, each and every weekend we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you.

Development updates:

This week our entire team was given the opportunity to explore the long-awaited Haulix update. For the first time since we started this journey (nearly a year ago) we were all able to see what we have been working towards in action. Bugs and mistakes were found, but that was the point. We want our team to know this platform inside and out so that they can better serve you, the customer, once we are ready to share these changes with the world. 

And believe us, those changes are coming soon.

Blog updates: 

Things on our blog continue to move along swiftly, but as our development teams continues to need assistance completing the impending platform overhaul we have admittedly been focusing the bulk of our energy on that project. Still, we did manage to get several posts out regarding the best methods for surviving this turbulent industry, as well as an in-depth podcast on the state of music blogging today.  If you missed anything as of late, especially our podcasts, please head over to our archive and catch up ASAP.

That’s all we have for this week. Check back Sunday for an all-new music industry job board.



Job Board News

Haulix Weekly Update #117: “Hi, Super Nintendo Chalmers!”

Hello, everyone. Thank you for finding a few minutes in your schedule to browse the Haulix blog. Life has been hectic for our team as of late. We have been working around the clock to bring the next version of our platform to life, and along the way we’ve been creating a wealth of industry-focused content to help you better navigate the industry at large.We’re planning to tell you all the latest news in this post, but first there is a song you absolutely need to hear:

As I mentioned above, each and every weekend we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you.

Development news:

As mentioned in the opening paragraph, work on the next version of Haulix continued this week, and our developers tell us there are still several weeks of work ahead. Anyone who has followed this project since inception knows this has been the news pretty much every week since November, but we assure you progress is being made with each passing day. We believe we could release the product as is and patch things as needed or we could get it right the first time out. The latter takes longer, but we believe it is the better choice, and we appreciate your continued patience.

Blog news:

Activity on the blog was up this week, but content creation is still taking a back seat to work on the new platform. We are quite proud of the material shared as of late, so please take a few moments to experience everything we have prepared for you. A list of recent links can be found below:

Making The Most Of Twitter in 2016

We’re returning to Launch!

3 Creative Challenges That Will Make You A Better Music Writer In 2016

Inside Music Podcast #55 – Drew Holcomb

Is virtual reality the future of live music?

Monday Motivation: David Bowie

Music Industry Job Board

That is all the content we have this week. Check in over the weekend for a new Job Board, then again on Monday for a new music recommendation. Until then, have a safe and productive weekend.



Job Board News

Haulix Weekly Update #115: “I’m A Star Wars”

Hello, everyone. We, like many of you, are counting down the final hours of our work week in hopes of seeing the latest Star Wars film before anyone spoils it for us. That has been a mission of our since the film was announced, but we don’t think anyone could have predicted just how hard avoiding spoilers would prove to be. This site, however, is a safe place. We don’t even write about Star Wars! We’re here to talk about the music business, and to be far more specific this post is about our role in the business of music, as well as how that role is changing. It’s also a place where we share songs we love, like this:

As I mentioned above, each and every weekend we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you.

Development News:

This is similar to the update from last week, which is another way of saying we are still working on our long-gestating site wide relaunch. Our development continued to work on the new version of Haulix all week long, and we will tell you first that a great deal of progress has been made. We know we originally planned to have this massive update done in time for the new year, but right now we are looking at a release closer to March. If that feels like forever away, trust us, we feel the same. Every effort is being made to complete this project as fast as possible, but we refuse to cut corners. We pride ourselves on having a product of the highest quality, and we refuse to let that slip in order to be a bit more timely with our release.

Blog News:

This week was the first of the holiday seasons where we noticed many of our peers logging off for the year. There is always an industry slowdown around Christmas, but some seem to be getting an early start on their vacation in 2015. Not us! We will be posting content right up to, and immediately following, Christmas Day. We don’t want you to spend a single day without having a place to turn for new lessons on music, so our efforts won’t stop anytime soon.

If you missed anything we ran this week, use the links below to get caught up…

Facebook Beta Testing Live Broadcast Service

Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame Announces 2016 Inductees

10 DIY Lessons From 10 Years In The Rock Underground

4 Ways To Give Back To Fans Around The Holidays

Inside Music #51

The One Thing That Kills Promising Bands Faster Than Anything Else

How I fell in love with hip-hop

Monday Motivation: Before Their Eyes

Music Industry Job Board

That is all the content we have to share this week. Have a safe weekend and do not forget to stop back in soon for even more industry focused content.



Job Board News

Haulix Weekly Update #113: “You will not be getting a tattoo for Christmas.”

Hello, everyone. Thank you for taking a few minutes to browse our company blog. Things have been busy around HQ, which has only made us more excited for the weekend. While we wait for it to arrive we thought it best to recap our week, as well as share a song that we think everyone will be talking about soon. Enjoy:

As I mentioned above, each and every weekend we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you.


As many of you no doubt know by now, we have spent the majority of 2015 working towards the release of a fully updated Haulix platform. We are not introducing one or two changes, but dozens, and they are mostly pulled from requests we have received from clients over the last several years. This is our biggest overhaul in our history, and we are still chipping away at our many remaining to-dos in hopes of having the product ready for release in early 2016. We appreciate your continued patience.

In the meantime, we do have one minor update to share. We have a new button on the Email Activity screen. The ‘Bounces’ tab that will clear out all Bounce alerts with one click. Give it a try today!


On the blog end of things, this past week was one of our most productive of the year. We recorded two new podcasts, scheduled three more, and laid the groundwork for numerous piece of content set to run between now and the end of January 2016. We recognize the industry slow down is fast-approaching, and we are doing everything in our power to overstock on features before PR firms and labels go silent for the remainder of the year. If you have any content requests, now would be a good time to share them over Twitter.

If you missed any recent updates, here are links to every piece of content posted this week:

Meet TAD, The New App That Makes Creating Great Album Art A Breeze

BLOGGER SPOTLIGHT: Jay Encina (Noise Barrage)

3 Ways Periscope Can Help You Better Engage With Fans

3 Things You Might Be Doing That Are Ruining Your Music PR Campaign

Inside Music Podcast #49 – Spencer Charnas (Ice Nine Kills)

Here Are The 10 Biggest Music Streaming Apps, Worldwide

4 Things Every Artist Can Learn From The Incredible First Week Sales Of Adele’s New Album

Thinking Outside The EDM Box

Monday Motivation: Ice Nine Kills

Music Industry Job Board

That is all the content and news we have to share this week. Have a safe and productive weekend, everyone.



Job Board News

Haulix Weekly Update #106: “In case you didn’t real-ize, I was being sarcastic.”

Hello, everyone. Thank you for stopping by our blog. Whether it’s your first visit or your hundredth, we’re happy to have your attention. This is our weekly recap post, which runs every Friday, and in it we talk all things Haulix. Before we get there however, we like to share a song that has been on repeat in our offices this week. With the weekend only a few short hours away, this track will help you celebrate your impending freedom like no other. Enjoy:

As I mentioned above, each and every weekend we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you.

SXSW News:

So, remember when we asked you to help us make our dream of bringing a discussion on piracy to SXSW a reality? Well, WE DID IT! Haulix will be spearheading an industry discussion about the piracy, its ongoing impact, and the hope we have for the future. More details will be available soon.

Development News:

We don’t have any new information to share on the development front. As we work on this post our development is grinding away at what will become the new version of our platform. It’s cleaner, faster, easier to navigate, and complete with an overhauled set of analytics that offers more insight into how users engage with your promos than ever before. We hope to have the final version ready for release in November, but it may take a little bit longer to get everything just right. We really appreciate your patience.

Blog News:

Things on the blog continue to progress with each passing week. We had a small setback due to some family related issues this week, but we have been working hard on some great content for the weeks ahead. If you missed anything, here’s a quick set of links you might need to click:

SHIP BETTER: 5 Tips For Improving Your Online Store

10 Ways to Ensure You Never Get a Reply From the Band/Publicist You Emailed

4 Things Absolutely No Musician Should Ever Waste Time Doing

Finding Strength In Your Pain

Merchandise Tip: Here Comes Halloween

Monday Motivation: Coheed And Cambria

Music Industry Job Board (10/4/15)

That wraps it up for us this week. Thank you for your ongoing support!



Job Board News

Haulix Weekly Update #51: Make Like Ariana Grande & Break Free

Walking outside this morning I felt a chill that let me know summer is slowly beginning to wind down. The temperature may linger in the upper 70s for a while longer, but before you know it the leaves will begin to change. The good news, at least for those of us not working 24/7, is that there are still a few seasonal weekends left before the cold settles in. Don’t sleep on this opportunity for freedom outdoors. It will be gone before you know it.

Each and every Friday we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you.

REMINDER: We will be performing general patch updates in all of our servers this Saturday, August 16, from12:00PM to 4:00PM CST. There will be some minor downtime during the process and services will be unavailable.

Okay, back to our normal programming. This week was a quiet one on the development front, but that does not mean our team was taking it easy. In fact, the past several days have been filled with hard work and many hours logged by people who avoid sunlight in order to stare at the code that keeps us alive. They’re working to keep things operating as well as they possibly can, and we think they’re doing a swell job. There will be news about future updates soon.

On the blog side of things, the week was one of the most content heavy in recent memory. We ran our normal slew of posts, but also began developing more than a dozen new projects. We even recorded 2 new episodes of our podcast, which will return with improved audio quality early next week. For now, catch up on anything you may have missed by using the links below:

Industry Spotlight: Steve ‘Renman’ Rennie (Renman Music & Business)

6 Reasons To Trust Haulix With Your Next Release

The Beginning Of A Songwriter’s Journey

Blogger Spotlight: Lav Nandlall (Heavy Metal Duchess)

Music Industry Job Board (8/10/14)

When And Why You Should Consider Re-Issuing Old Material

That’s all we have for this week. Find a pop song you cannot resist and have a weekend filled with dancing. No one will judge you. Okay, some might, but if they do are they really the type of people you want in your life?

– Haulix


Haulix Weekly Update #14 – Here Comes The Holidays

Hello, everyone! The week is coming to an end in just a few short hours, which means it’s time once again to reflect on everything we’ve accomplished in recent days.

Thanksgiving is less than a week away at this point, and here at Haulix HQ we’re hard at work on a few new updates that we hope to roll out before Santa comes scurrying down your chimney. We’re not ready to discuss what we have in store just yet, but know we’ll have a few digital gifts for clients in the weeks to come. As soon as we can detail everything, we will. 

On the blog end of things, the last few days have been some of our favorite to date. We unveiled a new spin on our spotlight features, detailed the importance of YouTube, and learned the story of two influential industry minds. You can find quick links to all our posts below:

Spotlight: Jenn Stookey (Highlight Magazine)
Advice: The Importance Of YouTube
Spotlight: Tom Falcone
Spotlight: Dan Salter (Echoes & Dust)

Even though there is a holiday next week here in the states we’re going to strive for our usual content push (4 articles + recap). If you have any suggestions on columns or articles you want to see, please email and share your thoughts.

That pretty much wraps everything up! We’ll be back on Monday with a publicity spotlight you won’t want to miss. Have a great weekend. 

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