
Haulix Weekly Update #10 – This Is [Almost] Halloween

Hey there, everyone! If you’re reading this it means you survived another work week and the weekend is just a few short hours away. It also means it’s time to bring you up to speed on all things Haulix, so let’s stop with the pleasantries and get to it!

The last few days have been extremely busy around Haulix HQ. Our new passcode system went live, and from everything we’ve gathered the transition appears to have occurred without any bugs or problems arising. Of course, if you have any questions about the new security measures at any time you can email

We are continuing to roll out updates to our software, and as such we have two major news items to discuss…

First, we just pushed out a small update that will help clients with multiple users accessing a single account. Starting today, publicists who login to an existing Haulix customer’s account who have limited access to one or more groups of contacts will now get prompted to easily transfer a contact to one of their groups when they try adding a contact that’s already exists in the Master Account holder’s list. This saves them the time and hassle of having to contact the Master Account and request that they manually move the contact into their group.

Secondly, on Saturday, October 26 between 12:00PM CST and 4:00PM CST we will be performing server patch upgrades. There will be a small window of downtime during the work when all services will be unavailable. We’ll announce on Twitter when we’re back up an running.

…And that about covers it for news. We should have a busy week of coverage next week, including a list of questions artists need to ask themselves before hiring publicists. If you missed any of this week’s posts, you can find a list of links below:

Advice: How To Deal With The Fact Your Band Is Breaking Up

Advice: 3 Tips For Maximizing Your Exposure On YouTube

Advice: 4 Reasons Buying Followers/Likes Is Always A Bad Idea

Advice: The Importance Of Video Updates

Have a great weekend, everyone!


Weekly Update #9 – Security!

Hello, everyone. I know we usually post our company updates on Friday, but we’re rolling out something special over the weekend that we felt deserved a post of its own. Be sure to follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and/or LinkedIn so you never miss another post.

Security is key at Haulix, and we have an important update on that topic to with you this afternoon. In the coming days we will be pushing out a new security feature that will prevent damage as a result of contacts sharing their invitation links. All other layers of Haulix security will remain unchanged.  This is just another barrier to tighten up security and prevent leaking.

So, what is happening?

Good question. Currently, when a contact views a promo they can click on “Available Promos” in the upper right corner of the screen. This button allows them to view all the promos they have been sent from Haulix customers.

When this new feature goes live, contacts who click this button will be prompted to enter a 4-digit passcode.  If they don’t have one or forget it, that’s okay. We’ve made it easy for contacts to create a new passcode (and it only takes a minute).  This feature is for people in customer contact lists only.  No action is required by Haulix customers.

Just to be clear – Promo pages from email invitation will not be passcode protected. Contacts are only prompted to enter their 4-digit code when attempting to view all of their promos through Haulix.

Our plan is to roll out this feature over the weekend. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to email and share your thoughts.


Haulix Weekly Update #7 – Welcome to October

Hello again, everyone!

It’s Friday once more, which means it is time to reflect on everything we have going on here at Haulix HQ. We wrote a letter to our friends at The Orchard this week giving them a similar update on our progress as of late, and we’d now like to share that message with you:

Fall is less than two weeks old, but it’s already shaping up to be one of the busiest seasons in recent memory for Haulix. Having launched a fully redesigned site and company blog over the summer, we’re currently working to further refine our music distribution software in a variety of ways.

We realized not long ago that we had been so focused on development, we had not updated the general public with everything we have been working on. Thankfully, the folks at The Orchard were kind enough to allow us this space to do just that, and we could not be more excited to finally let you in on the latest innovations fromHaulix.

For starters, our built-in email system has undergone some major upgrades as of late. We recently launched an automatic background process that regularly scans contact lists for invalid email addresses. This takes the hassle of having to constantly update contact information out of the clients’ hands and allows them to dedicate more time and energy to what matters: promoting their new releases.

Also on the topic of email, we have a new activity screen that shows the current status of all messages sent through Haulix: Opens, Delivers, Bounces, Drops, Unsubscribes. It’s the perfect companion to our already in-depth usage analytics, offering our clients more information than ever before on the people they’re hoping to reach, and in turn making it easier for our clients to focus on the outlets who are actively engaging with their materials.

Outside of messaging, we have two big projects on the horizon that we feel will make the Haulix experience exponentially better for clients, as well as for the journalists they engage through our software. The first of these is an additional security feature that will require a 4-digit passcode for accessing a journalist’s ‘My Promos’ screen, which we are putting the finishing touches on as I write this blog post. The second, and perhaps most important update in this whole blog is that we recently started work on the long-awaited Haulix mobile platform. We do not have a launch date in mind just yet, but in the not too distant future, press will be able to stream promos directly from their phones or iPads.

That about wraps it up for this update on the world of Haulix. We are constantly striving to further refine our software and welcome any suggestions for future updates you may have. If you have any questions about our software, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

– James Shotwell, Haulix

We’ll be back next week with some of the biggest features we have ever run. Have a great weekend, everyone!


Haulix Weekly Update #4

There is nothing special to today’s column other than containing links to great content, but we felt he achievement was worthy of a mention. If you’ve each post up till now, thanks! We hope to keep you entertained for many months to come.

The past seven days have been pretty busy around Haulix HQ, but unfortunately we’re unable to offer any updates on our forthcoming products improvements at this time. Just know that there are some big things on the way, some of which have been requested for a long time, and we’re excited to unveil them when the time comes. 

Our blog continues to evolve, and this week we found time to post four great articles we highly recommend reading in the days ahead (if you haven’t already, of course):

We’ll be back with more content next week, including at least two new spotlight pieces! If you have anyone you would like to recommend for a future feature, please email and share their story.

Have a great weekend, everyone! We’ll see you on Monday.

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