Job Board News

Haulix Weekly Update #96 – “But my mom says I’m cool.”

Hello, everyone. Thank you for finding a little time in your surely busy schedules to spend a few minutes browsing our company blog. Fridays are always a special time, and we could not be happier to have you with us. Before we dive in, let’s celebrate the end of a long work week with this new jam:

As I mentioned above, each and every weekend we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you.


Following a couple weeks filled with updates regarding our forthcoming platform update, this week we have basically nothing to report. Development is ongoing, but there are a lot of tiny details being worked out at the moment that would mean nothing to the average consumer if explained.


To be honest, the blog took a bit of a backseat in recent days as our team worked to bring our first-ever user handbook to life. We are planning to release guides for press and clients alike ahead of our relaunch this October, and to do that we’ve had to divert some of our attention away from the blog. That said, we did use this week to lineup a number of great interviews, as well as the long-awaited return of our podcast. 

In case you missed any posts this week, we took it upon ourselves to link every piece of content we ran this week in the space below. Take a few minutes and catch up:

Advice: Take Time To Clear Your Mental Hard Drive

What To Do After You Receive Coverage

Industry Spotlight: Legendary Kids Press

Monday Motivation: Knuckle Puck

Music Industry Job Board

That’s all the information we have to share this week. Have a safe and exciting weekend.




Advice: Wipe Your Creative Hard Drive

This blog exists to promote the future of the music industry, both from professional and creative side of the business. We achieve this goal by sharing advice columns, editorials, interviews, and similar features based around the realities of life in entertainment today. We create 99% of our content, but every so often one of our brilliant friends will share a piece with us we cannot resist place here on the company blog. We thank Andrew Jones, the man behind Checkered Owl, for the article you’re about to enjoy.

As anyone who follows this blog knows, I spend a lot of time staring at a computer screen. Like most of you a big part of my day is heavily rooted in the digital world. Skype meetings, Facebook analytics, tour booking e-mails, video editing, tweet sending, blog reading, podcast listening, podcast recording, spreadsheet creating, Spotify or iTunes spinning records in the background…etc. And more often doing 2-5 of any of the above at once. And overall this works for me. These tools all let us get a ton done every day.

However after a while I can feel the ones and zeros collecting around my brain.

They pile up.

And slowly but surely they start to clog up the system.

Creative thoughts come less easily.

Fight it.

Just like your computer, every once and a while you need to clean out all that data, re-format, and come back working more smoothly. Put down the phone, walk away.

Then come back and work twice as hard.

This post was written by Andrew Jones, editor of Checkered Owl. It originally ran on his blog, but we loved it so much we felt it deserved to shared once more on ours. If you like his work and want to read more of his writing, or if you want to be super cool and offer him full time industry employment, reach out and connect with him on Twitter.


Advice: What To Do After You Receive Press Coverage

Gaining the attention of blogs and their readers is no easy feat, especially for unsigned talent with little-to-no history. You can write the best songs and have the nicest videos, but if you do not know how to network and pitch yourselves no one will ever learn about your talent. Once they do however, there will only be a small window of time for you to capitalize on having won a moment of their attention, and this afternoon we’re going to learn what you should do in the hours after first receiving media attention.

1. Take time to celebrate, but realize there is still a lot left to accomplish.

I was never in a band that became popular enough to appear on sites like Absolutepunk or the like, but I would be lying if I said I didn’t spend many nights wishing one of the influential tastemakers of the scene mentioned my efforts in their publication. If your music/video/album gets mentioned, celebrate! You’ve taken yet another step towards your goal of a career in music, and while it’s certainly not enough to pay the bills it does serve as a strong reminder other people in the world care about your art. Don’t take that for granted.

2. Tell everyone in the world about the news (and ask them to share it).

This one probably goes without saying, but the unwritten rule of exposure on music outlets is that the band featured will publicly share and/or promote the publication’s content once its live. Don’t just share link to stories with fans, but ask them to share it as well, and don’t be afraid to request they comment on the post if time allows. Sites that see a bump in traffic or discussions from coverage of your band are likely to cover your band again in the future because they believe there is a value to your content that other unsigned acts cannot provide. In order to show them that value you will need the help of your fans, and its up to you to sell them on sharing your work.

3. Engage the comments section, but don’t antagonize them.

If the reason you’re reading this post is because the first article about your music just went live, you need to understand the response in the comments section may be very slow at first. As much as sites love to help expose young talent, people are not always quick to comment (especially in a positive sense) about something they are unfamiliar with. A great way to combat this is to actively participate in discussions taking place in the comments section of articles about your band. Answer questions for people, offer insight into your creative process, and generally speaking do whatever you can to be a decent human being that is open to criticism. It’s not that difficult, but it can make a world of difference in how quickly people become engaged with your art.

4. Say “thank you” and/or support the publication that wrote about you.

You would not believe the power the phrases “please” and “thank you” have in the music industry. From labels, to bands, publicists, and everyone in between you would be hard pressed to find anyone who thinks they hear either of those phrases too often. People tend to do as they please and take what they want without giving much though to the process behind it all, but you can stand out from the countless unsigned artists of the world by voicing your appreciation to the sites that give you space on their front page. It does not have to be anything formal, but it should be sincere. People remember those who are kind to them, and they’re far more likely to want to work with you again in the future as a result.

5. Don’t be afraid to begin teasing your next announcement.

Once people learn about your art it’s very likely they will want to know everything they can about your current efforts. Using social media and the comments sections on posts about your work, take a moment to tell people about everything else you have going on while your name is still fresh on their minds. They might not buy the album or see the tour you’re trying to promote, but at least they’ll know of it and will have the ability to share that information with others if such opportunities present themselves.

Job Board News

Blogger Spotlight: Legendary Kids Press

Back when Haulix Daily was simply known as the Haulix company blog we admittedly had very few content ideas. We knew we wanted to not only reach, but also celebrate the people who depended on our service seven days a week. This meant speaking with the label owners, publicists, bands, and journalists who use our platform on a daily basis, which we absolutely loved having the opportunity to do. As time went on however, we started finding new paths to content creation that seemed to work just as well, and slowly we began to move away from what had been an almost constant production of interview content. We can’t say we will ever produce conversations at the rate we were creating them at our peak during that era, but we do have a goal of bringing more interesting perspectives on life in music to you through this blog in the months ahead, starting with this very feature.

A couple weeks ago, we were plugging away at ideas for the new version of Haulix when our clients at The Catalyst Publicity Group linked us to a story about one of their bands on a site known as Legendary Kids Press. The name of the outlet was completely foreign to us at the time, but after catching a glimpse of their well-designed site and equally well-written content we knew we needed to learn more about their operation. An email was sent, followed by one or two more in the weeks that followed.  We discovered they had already been reading this blog, which is always a pleasant surprise, and then we asked if they would like to appear on it sometime in the future. They entertained our curiosity, answered some questions, and gave us clearance to share their journey with all of you.

The entire purpose of highlighting sites like Legendary Kids Press is to help the contributors gain exposure for their hard, often unpaid, work. If you enjoy any of the content or quotes in this feature please make a point to visit and/or support Legendary Kids Press whenever time and finances allows. Please make sure to bookmark their site, follow them on Twitter, and Like their Facebook as well. Additional questions and comments may be left at the end of this post.

H: To help, us get started, please introduce yourself.

C: I’m Clare Fitzgerald, a 20-year-old history major and the founder of music news site, Legendary Kids Press.

H: Thank you for joining us, Clare. I have to admit that I wasn’t familiar with your site or writing until a few weeks ago when one of our clients, Catalyst Publicity, turned me onto your work. How long have you been writing about music?

C: I’ve been interested in writing ever since I was in elementary school, but I didn’t specifically start writing about music until last year. I’d been forced to take a year off school for medical reasons – and thus had a lot of free time on my hands – so I thought, “why not start now?” I joined a few sites and eventually plucked up the courage to start Legendary Kids Press last July.

H: Is Legendary Kids Press the first site you have been associated with?

C: I starting writing artist features and reviews on Buzznet, which helped me further develop and strengthen my writing skills, as well as find my creative voice. Not long after, I was approached by CultNoise Magazine, who I currently write and copy edit for.

I started putting together and designing LKP in June 2014 and, as I previously mentioned, launched it that July – so we’re still relatively new. Since the launch, I’ve gone on to also write, and become news editor for, YouTube magazine, TenEighty UK.

H: Considering the overwhelming number of music blogs in existence today, could you please talk about what lead you to launch a site of your own?

C: Journalism has always been an interest of mine, music journalism specifically ever since I discovered Alternative Press. Beforehand, I’d never even thought about being able to write about my love for music and the bands I listened to, and AP showed me that I could take that route if I wished. I’d had the urge to create my own site, but I didn’t know how to go about it and I was too insecure about my writing skills to reach out and try to strengthen them. But as I started to delve more into the “underground” and “alternative” music scenes, I started discovering sites like PropertyOfZack and Musicology Online, which I learnt were started by people my age who had just as strong a passion for music as I did.

That realization and the abundance of free time I had are the factors that pushed me to launch LKP. I never even considered the amount of blogs already around – I just wanted to get involved in the scene I loved so much.

H: Some sites have a mission statement, but I cannot find one for your blog. What would you say is the purpose/goal of Legendary Kids Press?

C: I would say the main purpose of Legendary Kids Press is to help fans discover new music and bands. We cover news from both established bands like Pierce The Veil and Bring Me The Horizon to up-and-comers, as well as numerous genres. So I hope that diversity introduces someone to their new favourite band or a genre they never even considered listening to.

On a more personal level, I hope the site helps get my name out there and shows that I do have the ability to pursue journalism as a full-time career.

H: How would you describe the average reader of your site?

C: Honestly, I’m not too sure. I would obviously expect them to be a music fan in some respect, but other than that, I don’t think I’d be able to say. From the statistics I’ve gathered, the majority of our readers are in their teens, but I also see the occasional hit or two from adults, so we have a broad spectrum. However, that being said, those hits are probably from my parents being curious about the “weird” music I listen to, haha.

H: How big is the LKP contributing team?

C: Currently, excluding myself, the LKP team consists of nine members: four writers and five photographers. Each one is very supportive of the site and I’m very thankful to have them aboard the team.

I manage the writing team, who normally deal with reviews, editorials, features and interviews, and my friend Alex Liscio manages the photographers. Honestly, she’s a godsend. I don’t know a thing about photography, so having her by my side is a real help!

H: Are you looking to add to your team? If so, how would you describe the ideal LKP contributor? I’m sure a few of our readers may want to apply.

C: Ideally, I’d like the team to be around 10-15 members, just so there’s regular output outside of news stories. So yes, we’re definitely looking to add a few new faces to the team – primarily writers.

The ideal LKP contributor would be someone willing to grow in their respective field and who has an interest in the music the site covers. It’d also be great if they had the availability to write one piece a week, but I understand that life is unpredictable, so that’s not a requirement.

H: I’ve noticed that you highlight a lot of smaller, lesser known artists on your blog. Is there anyone you would recommend our readers check out in the immediate future?

C: Locally, I’d say definitely check out The Ocean Cure and Crystalyne. I’ve been jamming both a lot lately. I’d also recommend The Truth Today, who unfortunately broke up earlier this year, but released some killer EPs in their time.

On a more broad scale, I’d say either Jule Vera if you’re a pop/alternative fan or The Relevant Elephants if you’re into indie rock with a splash of funk.

H: If any artists are reading this and thinking you might enjoy their work, where and how should they submit content to you?

C: All inquiries can be sent to

I normally check out all inquiries, but the ones that grab my attention are those that give me everything I need: a brief history of the band, links to music and social media, and what the their interest in the site is. It’s also appreciated when bands get the site’s name write…  I understand it’s not necessarily the shortest or most memorable, but it’s not that hard to do a quick check, you know?

H: What do you think of Haulix and the service we provide?

C: Honestly, I love what you guys do. I discovered your blog a few months ago and have been an avid reader ever since. You cover a lot of different topics relating to music and the insight offered has been really helpful. I definitely think you’re a go-to if someone is interested in learning more about the industry.

I’ve also had the opportunity to work with your promotional services through the labels and PR companies that have contacted LKP, and I find them to be some of the simplest and most-straightforward, which is much appreciated.

H: There has been a lot of talk about the need for blogs to find a way to monetize their efforts. What kind of strategies do you have to help generate income for your writing?

C: Currently, Legendary Kids Press doesn’t generate any income, but that’s not to say I haven’t considered it – it’s been on my mind a lot lately. I’m currently in the process of revamping the site and would like to integrate the likes of Google AdSense and even paid advertising into the new layout, whenever that comes around.

H: If we could fast-forward five years, where would we find Clare and LKP?

C: In five years time, I’ll hopefully be finished university (only two years left!) and will have a job in some aspect of the journalism or music industries. I’m hoping LKP takes off; the site’s already afforded me more opportunities than I thought possible, so I’m excited to see what the next five years bring in that respect.

The site itself? I hope it will become a go-to for those interested in the latest music news. I also hope for it to have expanded to support more editorial and featured writing, as that was one of my goals from the start. I was also thinking about launching a podcast, but seeing as everyone has been getting into that world lately, I’m currently rethinking that.

H: I think that’s everything I have to ask at the moment. Do you have any additional thoughts you would like to share?

C: I want to thank Haulix for taking the time to ask me about LKP. I’ve never done anything like this, so I was pretty excited about it – a highlight, for sure. It’s nice to see someone take an interest in something I’ve dedicated the majority of the last year to, so thank you.

Also, thank you to Catalyst Publicity for spreading the word about Legendary Kids Press!

If you or someone your know has a music blog or publication that we have yet to feature on our site, please read the interview above and shoot us an email ( telling us about the outlet, its readership, and who amongst the staff we should aim to highlight. We do our best to feature every zine users request, but not everyone likes to have their entire life story posted online. That said, we’ll do our best to meet your demands. Enjoy.


Monday Motivation: Knuckle Puck

If you’re anything like me, you probably started the day by recognizing that the start of a new work week had indeed arrived and then immediately began shaking your fists at the sky in anger. Monday is rarely anyone’s favorite day, and from what I have seen firsthand it feels safe to say it’s the one day of the week some people outright hate. I guess to them the arrival of the work week symbolizes the end of their quote/unquote freedom, and as a result they head into the office/factory/restaurant/store with a negative outlook already on their mind. This leads to bad attitudes, which only makes the experience of being at work worse, and for some reason it also seems to make time slow to a crawl. We’re not about that life, and we hope this post can do the same you that the song contained within it did for us.

Pop-punk has been the dominating force in alternative music and youth culture for the better part of half a decade at this point, and it doesn’t take close inspection to realize signs of aging are starting to show. The generation that ushered this sound to forefront has begun to mature, as have their interests, and the time has come for the bands who want to make music their longterm career to evolve right along with them. Not everyone is up to the challenge, or at least the seems to be the case given the material released by the scene in 2015, but every so often a band comes along that isn’t afraid to embrace the constant evolution of life and depict in the music. In 2015, there may be no better example of this than Chicago’s own pop-punk heroes, Knuckle Puck.

This week, Knuckle Puck will release their new full-length album through Rise Records. The record speaks of growing up, seeing the world, and spending a little too much time in one’s own head. It’s not about hating yourself and learning to make change, or even apologizing for the times you’ve been wrong. Instead, ‘Copacetic’ deals with accepting the fact that growth is a constant work in progress, and it’s defined by small steps rather than giant leaps. It’s about learning to be patient without losing your drive to do whatever you are able to create the life you want, and it’s a message the entire alternative scene needs at this moment.

I could pick any song on this record and find a reason for the entire album to be chosen for today’s Monday Motivation post, but for me it’s “Evergreen” that seals this record as one everyone should hear. This particular segment has been bowling me over for weeks:

“As I exhale this breath of fresh air, I feel the distance tear the space between us. Cause we’re always climbing toward the sun, but the cabin pressure gets to me. And there’s so much more than we think there is to see.”

There is something about working in music that makes everyone who partakes blind to the world around them. Phone calls home become more infrequent, friends whose careers reside in more common fields become increasingly distant, and try as you might to learn how to settle down with age your thirst for adventure, or simply to always be seeking something new, only continues to grow in time. While there are certainly perks to seeing the world from this perspective it always has drawbacks, including the loneliness the freedom of expression can create. Freedom, like life, is only ideal when it can be enjoyed with others you care for, and throughout Copacetic there is a fervent belief there is more to life than shows, chords, and tours. That is something everyone in music needs to remember, as well as the fact it’s not wrong to take time to enjoy that side of life. We all need a release. Copacetic finds Knuckle Puck seeking their escape while still wanting nothing more than to be the source of comfort their fans love, and through sharing their struggle we too realize our need for a bit of peace amidst the chaos of existence.

James Shotwell is the Marketing Coordinator for Haulix. He is also a professional entertainment critic, covering both film and music, as well as the co-founder of Antique Records. Feel free to tell him you love or hate the article above by connecting with him on Twitter. Bonus points if you introduce yourself by sharing your favorite Simpsons character.

Job Board News

Music Industry Job Board (7/26/15)

A lot has been written about the supposed dire state of the music industry, but truth be told there are a number of successful and growing companies, including record labels, that are thriving in 2015. In this column we bring together every job opening we can find from the companies responsible for building the future of the business and present them to you, our reader, in hopes of aiding you on your journey to join the global music industry professional family.

Each week we scour the internet for the latest and greatest job postings throughout the music industry. You can help us better serve our community by sending any job openings you find or have to Be sure to include the name of the company hiring, a detailed description of the position being offered, a desired start date, contact information, and any additional supplemental information you feel may be needed.

New openings:

101.7 The Bull On-Air Talent (iHeartMedia – Medford, MA)

Job summary: IHM Boston is looking for on-air personalities for Boston’s NEW Hit Country station, 101.7 The Bull!  We need vibrant personalities who get today’s new generation of country fans and understand how to tie it all together for New England.   Excellent digital/social media skills required – self-starters with excellent hustle encouraged.  Send an aircheck of course, but also include examples of how you promote your show, station and the lifestyle via digital/social, plus any favorite local promotions you have hosted or great marketing ideas you have executed.  We want your vision of an air personality ON and OFF the air.  Music scheduling background/knowledge and/or imaging, creative services skills a major plus.

Copywriter (Townsquare Media – Buffalo, NY)

Job summary: Townsquare Media of Buffalo is looking for a creative and highly organized individual to write radio commercials for all four of their radio stations.

Content Manager (CLIO – NYC)

Job summary: CLIO is currently seeking a Content Manager in our New York office. This role is responsible for creating content and strategy for social media channels and increase traffic and visibility. This is a relatively new and flexible position, and CLIO is seeking a candidate who will bring fresh ideas to the table.

Marketing Representative (Ear Kandy Radio – Akron, OH)

Job summary: is an online internet radio station based out of Akron, OH. We have 100,000 listeners worldwide (as we are presently in over 140 different countries), and we’ve also had over 3 million hits to the website. We are expanding our market… So I need some marketing reps. You will sell printing services, marketing services, graphic services and advertising services to other businesses and music artists. You will be paid a percentage of all your sales. Paid weekly by PayPal.

Digital Project Manager (TPN – NYC)

Job summary: The Digital Project Manager/Producer will work with and manage a cross-functional team and will be ultimately responsible for the successful delivery of interactive (iPad and kiosk)/digital video (2D and 3D production and post production) projects. They must ensure that projects are delivered on-time and on budget according to defined scope, timeline and cost parameters. The Project Manager plans, schedules and controls all project activities toward these objectives while building positive professional relationships with clients and associates. As the account and creative team bridge, they will insert themselves at varying degrees into the project lifespan to ensure successful and collaborative completion. The Project manager understands the scope of work for every project and has the ability to adapt accordingly to ensure project delivery.

Concert Marketing Assistant (C3 Presents – Austin, TX)

Job summary: The Marketing Assistant will provide day-to-day support to the Marketing Manager and as well as the concerts marketing team.

Account Manager (SpinMedia – NYC)

Job summary: SpinMedia Group, Inc. is a digital media company connecting entertainment and music fans to the content, communities and brands they love. You will be responsible for cultivating and maintaining relationships with business partners around the world.

Consumer Communications Managers, Entertainment (Facebook – Los Angeles)

Job summary: Facebook is seeking a seasoned Consumer Communications professional to support public relations campaigns and partnerships in broadcast and print media. The candidate should have strong consumer/entertainment media contacts—in print, broadcast and trade press outlets with a focus on entertainment and music. This person will work closely with Facebook’s entertainment team, internal communications organization, strategic partnership team, and our public content team to amplify proactive press campaigns on how public figures are using Facebook.

Talent Buyer / Project Manager (AEG Live – Los Angeles)

Job summary: Serve as a talent buyer and project manager working on talent acquisition locally and nationally. The role will require working with agents and managers to identify, negotiate and execute promotional agreements with a wide range of artists. Position is expected to coordinate with buyers locally and nationally to book content in to AEG Live preferred venues. The position will also require coordinating new AEG Live owned/operated venues with the talent and operational teams at the corporate office.

Client Support Representative (TicketCity – Austin, TX)

Job summary: The Client Support Representative will be responsible for providing customer service and support to our amazing clients, while working with our in-house sales team and outside vendors. The position reports to our Client Relations Manager. It is a full-time position located in Austin, Texas. You must be able to work a flexible schedule that will include day, night and weekend shifts.

Publicity Assistant (WMG – NYC)

Job summary: Assisting publicists with daily requests/projects in the field of publicity, including writing/editing press releases and bios, coordinating production of press mailings, coordinating materials for National and local television performances as well as press days.

Marketing Automation Manager (Berklee – Boston)

Job summary: Under the supervision of the Director of Admissions Marketing and Communications and with a close “dotted line” relationship to the Associate Dean of Admissions Marketing and Recruiting, the Marketing Automation Manager oversees the administration of the Office of Admissions’ day-to-day use of Marketo to deliver timely, relevant email communications to prospective students, help optimize the effectiveness of marketing programs, and increase overall yield in key enrollment segments. Working in collaboration with Admissions Recruiting and Operations teams, this role oversees the use of automation to support integrated communication plans incorporating personal outreach, triggered actions, batch messages, and email engagement programs. As such, this position serves as Admission Marketing’s primary user of Salesforce, and will play an important part in helping Enrollment best manage the interrelationships between Marketo, Salesforce, and related technologies to support business objectives. The Marketing Automation Manager also is responsible for executing all email programs and reporting on both email response rates and marketing campaign results.

Creative Director (Moboom – Raleigh-Durham, NC)

Job summary: We are looking for someone to be responsible for the complete creative vision of the company. We seek a person with the experience and talent to create a unified look for our brand across our website, platform, sales materials, etc. This is not a ‘from scratch’ situation. We need a craftsperson to come in, assimilate the best of what we do and help us keep our marketing brand at a very high level.

Assistant Director of Choral Programs (Sacred Heart – CT)

Job summary: The role of the Assistant Director of Choral Programs is to assist the Director of Choral Programs in the administration and direction of all choral groups and the Choral Program on campus.

Digital Media Coordinator (AEG Live – Austin, TX)

Job summary:  Under the supervision of the senior marketing staff and directly reporting to the Vice President of Marketing, this position entails general graphic design, digital media buying, and social media strategy.

Social Media Marketing (Style Vibe – Washington D.C.)

Job summary: The Style Vibe is a start-up company seeking an artsy Social Media Marketing Assistant. This person should be passionate about creating marketing campaigns and have experience managing multiple social media accounts. We’re looking for someone with a lot of personality, drive, and passion. Duties will range from working with the Editor-in-Chief and, the editorial team to taking professional quality photos, creating short videos, communicating with readers, and covering events. While we offer on the job training, it is important that you begin willing to execute your creative ideas.

Performing Arts Outreach Coordinator (U of Mass. – Boston)

Job summary: The Performing Arts Outreach Coordinator is responsible for raising awareness of the Performing Arts Department and its activities in music, theatre, and dance at UMass Boston and beyond. The incumbent will be responsible for coordinating, facilitating and expanding marketing initiatives for the department by updating and maintaining web presence, including social media and by establishing and developing relationships with the community and performing arts programs to facilitate attendance at events. S/he will also be responsible for scheduling department performances and activities; updating and maintaining online sale of tickets for performance; and responding to ADA accommodation requests for performing arts events and performances.

Culture Marketing Specialist (Redbull – Atlanta)

Job summary: The Culture Marketing Specialist (CMS) is responsible for driving the development and execution of Culture Marketing programs, Culture events, identifying and supporting Third Party events and the tracking and managing of the use of multiple Red Bull marketing assets for the Business Unit (BU) as directed by the Culture Marketing Manager (CMM) and working closely with Culture Event Marketing Managers (CEMMs). The CMS will also serve as a project leader for selected Culture Marketing projects, interfacing with all key stakeholders to maximize the impact and leverage of assigned marketing properties to achieve targets. Responsibilities include all elements of project execution from concept, creative development, planning, execution and evaluation. This role will manage and coordinate agencies, partners and suppliers.

Marketing Director, Brand Experience (Sonos – Santa Barbara, CA)

Job summary: We are moving from pioneering to leading via brand storytelling this is simple, visual and radical. We tell our stories in places and contexts that are bold, progressive and capable of carrying the brand story with conviction and clarity. Quality matters more than quantity. We are looking for a Campaign and Media Director for the AMPAC region that is passionate and ready to help us lead in this audio revolution.

Account Executive (iHeartMedia – Tampa, FL)

Job summary: The iHeart Media Account Executive will identify and solicit new business; service and grow existing account. They are responsible for developing persuasive proposals in response to client needs and/or opportunities. They will guide their clients based on market, platform or station information. They are responsible for ensuring client satisfaction through cooperative communication. They will also negotiate rates consistent with iHeart Media operating goals and budgets and ensure prompt payment. They will utilize all available iHeart Media resources to create effective marketing campaigns.

A&R Manager (O-Town Records – Orlando)

Job summary: O-Town Music Group is seeking an Artist & Repitoire Manager. A&R Managers are creative people with good business skills and a solid understanding of the music marketplace. It is not enough to like the music, an A&R Manager needs an excellent knowledge of the contemporary music scene and to understand what sells.

Music/Production Coordinator (Aspen Music Festival And School – Aspen, CO)

Job summary: The Music/Production Coordinator reports to the Vice President for Artistic Administration. Primary responsibilities include, but are not limited to scheduling and budgeting music events, as well as artist relations.

Administrative Assistant, Publicity (Sony – New York)

Job summary: The Administrative Assistant, Publicity is responsible for providing administrative support to the Publicity department at Columbia Records.  The Assistant will help to ensure the efficient day-to-day operation of the Publicity department at Columbia Records by successfully accomplishing the following responsibilities:

PR & Media Relations (Mascot Label Group – New York)

Job summary: Independent music label seeking highly motivated publicist candidate with existing pr experience in the music industry This is a full time position to start soon. Candidate must be highly motivated, self-sufficient, pro-active, and a great communicator who possess the ability to think outside the box and is tenacious. The ideal candidate should be very social, have strong relationships with all forms of media including online, blogs, print and TV a must. Must come with a deep list of contacts and relationships. Must have a minimum of at least 7-10 years of full time experience and relationships in the entertainment pr field.

Music Recital Coordinator (University Of Northwester – St. Paul)

Job summary: Coordinate student and faculty solo and chamber music recitals, guest master classes/presentations, and the Concerto-Aria Competition.

Assistant Publicist (Naxos of America – Franklin, TN)

Job summary: Naxos of America is hiring a full-time Assistant Publicist in Franklin, TN. Our PR/Social Media team is based in our office near downtown Franklin TN, with our Director of Media Relations splitting time between NYC and Toronto. Our team handles all press and promotion, social media, media partnerships, and online branding/marketing campaigns for our very full schedule of releases.

Content Producer (Cornerstone – New York)

Job summary: We are currently on the lookout for a dynamic content producer with a passion for music and culture that will support editorial team creating and producing digital content for a global lifestyle brand.

Part-Time Promotions (iHeartMedia – Houston)

Job summary: The Promotions Assistant will assist in the execution of station events and promotions.  The Promotions Assistant will interact with listeners at concerts, promotions and other events while representing the station in a professional manner. If you have an outgoing personality, love dealing with the public, and have a desire to get into the exciting career or radio this is the position for you. Assist Promotions and/or Marketing Director in executing station marketing and promotional initiatives. Oversees on-site promotional activities.

A&R Administration (IGA – Santa Monica, CA)

Job summary: IGA is currently searching to fill a new role in our A&R Administration and Business Affairs team. The position will perform a variety of duties, that will be providing key assistance to the Head of A&R Administration. The candidate for this job must liaise with all levels of departments at the label and corporate parent, including Business Affairs, Production, A&R, Marketing, Licensing, etc. to help assist with the release of music and videos by label artists. This position has a strong focus on clearances and problem solving, and doing the necessary work to help accomplish the goals of the label and its artists.

Marketing and Communications Assistant (Berklee – Boston, MA)

Job summary: Under the direct supervision of the Summer Programs Enrollment and Marketing Managers the Marketing and Communications Assistant coordinates front-line staff and secures complete and effective marketing programs. The position also fields tasks directly from Marketing and Communication Managers.

Publicity and Strategic Marketing Manager (Velvet Hammer Music – Hollywood, CA)

Job summary: This role requires the ability to quickly and effectively execute workflows in a fast paced environment and will report to the CEO and Senior Vice President. An existing list of music and lifestyle media contacts is required. Applicant must have strong communication skills and a high attention to detail.

Integrated Events Specialist (iHeartMedia – Hartford, CT)

Job summary: Primary duty is to develop and manage all station promotions and contests. Uses independent judgment and discretion to create; plan and oversee remote promotions. May Supervise and regularly direct the work of Promotions staff. May also function as a Marketing Director.

Concert And Production Manager (Swarthmore College – PA)

Job summary: The successful candidate will handle the scheduling, publicity, and on site production of events at Lang Concert Hall, and provide support for other Music Program performances and events in Lang Music Building. This includes publicity, audio/video setup, program production (layout, printing, and compilation of program notes), and the hiring of student workers (house manager, ushers, stage crew, technical crew) for each event. The Concert and Production Manager also maintains the space reservation calendar for Lang Music Building and works with faculty, staff, and students to find suitable spaces for rehearsals and events.The successful candidate will maintain space use guidelines for Lang Music Building. The Concert and Production Manager will coordinate with the Facilities department to schedule maintenance and upgrades to the building and with a piano technician to arrange maintenance of our instruments. The successful candidate will also attend a biweekly meeting with members of related departments on campus (hosted by Public Safety) to discuss upcoming events and coordinate space use.

Concert Manager (Music Before 1800 – NYC)

Job summary: A not-for-profit organization, Music Before 1800 is the longest-running early music concert series in New York City, having presented vocal and instrumental chamber music at Corpus Christi Church for 40 years.

Administrative Assistant, Publicity (Sony – Los Angeles)

Job summary: The Publicity Assistant is responsible for providing confidential administrative support to the West Coast Publicity Development at RCA Records. The assistant is also responsible for ensuring the efficient day-to-day running of both departments; building and maintaining relationships with the artists, managers, press, production companies, as well as executives within the company.

Publicity Manager (The Syndicate – New Jersey)

Job summary: The Manager of Publicity will work full-time in our Weehawken, NJ office and alongside our music and comedy publicists on all campaigns. The ideal candidate should should be a strong writer, have 3-5 years of publicity experience in the entertainment industry, and have established relationships with journalists, editors, bloggers, bookers, etc. Applicants should be very detail-oriented, organized, and able to multi-task. A strong passion for music and comedy, as well as the ability to thrive in a fast-paced, energetic environment are a must.

Market Development (TrendKite – Austin, TX)

Job summary: TrendKite helps PR professionals and agencies build a timely, highly accurate picture of their brands’ media coverage with ease. We are an innovative platform that is transforming how companies like BP, Pinterest, Campbell’s Soup, and CDC measure the impact of earned media. We are a venture backed, high traction startup that is disrupting a huge existing market.

Head Of CRM (Spotify – NYC)

Job summary: The Vice President, Customer Relationship Marketing is responsible for creating and planning integrated marketing programs that drive business growth through the entire consumer journey – email, direct mail, statements, websites, loyalty programs and social marketing.   This person will be responsible for building and leading a team of experts in CRM and automation.  In addition, the VP, CRM will implement direct marketing programs designed to generate the profitable acquisition of new customers.

Artist Marketing Associate (Pandora – Oakland, CA)

Job summary: As an Artist Marketing Associate you will support marketing strategy and execution for the Artist Marketing Platform, Pandora’s artist-facing suite of insights, promotion tools and experiences. You will work with cross-functional team members from industry relations, events, corporate strategy, marketing, product management, design, engineering, communications, and more. We are seeking candidates with expertise in the music industry who possess exceptional skills in product marketing, go-to-market execution, communication and project management.

Director, Client Relations & Industry Marketing (iHeartRadio – NYC)

Job summary: Experienced agency/client engagement, B2B marketing + communications professional needed to execute various high-level client programs and other marketing initiatives within the Advertising Industry. Must have deep understanding of Advertising Industry and Agency Landscape. Reports into the Vice President of Client Relations + Industry Marketing.

Listing Associate (Marketing Associate) – Sonicbids (Boston/NYC)

You will be tasked with guiding our opportunity owners through the listing creation process, ensuring that each listing meets the quality standards we’ve set here at Sonicbids. You will be responsible for providing guidance through the listing creation process, and provide feedback to our product team to ensure the listing creation process is as efficient as possible.

Marketing Director (Sony – Nashville)

Job summary: If you have a knack for forging consensus in a creative environment…If you’re a fearless, thick-skinned communicator who can defend your ideas in a group setting…If you’re an energetic self-starter who has superb time management and prioritizing skills……we want you to apply today! Consider joining the team that markets artist such as Carrie Underwood, Garth Brooks, Kenny Chesney and Miranda Lambert.

Digital Marketing Manager (Creed Company – Los Angeles)

Job summary: The Creed Company is seeking a mid to high level Digital Marketing Manager to oversee social media presences of artist across the entire roster and develop, communicate and execute strategic digital campaigns.

Publicist (eOne Entertainment – Los Angeles)

Job summary: Reporting to the Publicist, is responsible for coordinating and executing publicity programs and campaigns for eOne Films ensuring that these publicity activities are in-line with the corporate strategy to achieve the company’s annual goals. This position is responsible for the timely execution of all publicity and social media campaigns for all eOne Films titles. Further, this position will also act as a liaison, between the Marketing team and other departments, as well as clients and the media.

Press Officer (ListenUp – Los Angeles)

Job summary: Listen Up US is hiring a Press Officer. We are seeking someone with 2 or more years experience in music publicity and an extremely solid grasp of electronic music and media. The candidate must have established relationships with media across all levels of print and online (news, specialist, lifestyle, national, regional, etc). The candidate must also be experienced handling tour press, as well as national press and be willing and able to work onsite at events when needed.

VP Business Affairs Manager (GPen – California)

Job summary: We are seeking a VP Business Affairs Manager; an executive C-Level officer of the Company. The VP Business Affairs Manager will be primarily responsible for negotiating development and production deals, in connection with both scripted and unscripted programming. Negotiations will include, but not limited to, the following: talent, writers, producers, underlying rights, license agreements, co-productions, digital media, etc. This individual will report to the Chief Marketing and Brand Officer (CMO).

Director, Online Marketing (Warner Music Group – NYC)

Job summary: To efficiently and effectively manage all aspects of online marketing for an assigned roster of  projects. Liase with the marketing, press, and digital sales departments in the company (and any hired, third party companies) in conjunction with ADA distributed third party labels to maximize the potential for each project’s success.  To find innovative and cost effective ways to brand ADA artists with associated online partners, including content development and management, grassroots community building and marketing, tastemaker sites, and genre-related digital marketing lifestyle outlets.

Manager, Client Relations- Frontline/ New Release Labels (The Orchard – NY)

Job summary: Reporting to the Director, Client Relations, Manager, the Client Relations will be based out of our New York City office. The position will act as a relationship, content, & campaign manager for frontline and new release label clients. The ideal candidate has a strong understanding of what drives a successful album campaign via previous distribution, label, or management experience, and is able to leverage Orchard services to guide label’s new release campaign goals. They are smart, focused, analytical, tech savy, fun, and live and breathe independent music.

Music Tours Regional Manager (Compassion International – Nashville)

Job summary: Develops and executes logistics related to Compassion owned music tours. Creates, organizes, negotiates, and executes 6-8 Compassion tours each fiscal year. Plans long-term touring strategies for Compassion and manages the usage and storage of Compassion’s production equipment. Drives growth along all product lines and strives for a sponsorship goal of 5,500 annually. Manages, builds, and mobilizes a team of tour professionals, artists, booking agents, and artist managers in order to meet Compassion’s revenue goals.

Content Strategist (Downtown Records – NYC)

Job summary: Downtown Records is looking for a Content Strategist to help our artists craft content marketing campaigns as wicked as the music they create. This is a great opportunity for a music lover with a keen eye for the best content on the internet.

Acquisitions Editor – Music (Rowman & Littlefield – NYC)

Job summary: Rowman & Littlefield is seeking an experienced Acquisitions Editor to assume responsibility for its list of music titles which includes general interest, college text, reference, and professional titles.

Publicity Assistant (Warner Bros – NYC)

Job summary: With its broad roster of new stars and legendary artists, Warner Music Group is home to a collection of the best-known record labels in the music industry including Asylum, Atlantic, Cordless, East West, Elektra, Nonesuch, Reprise, Rhino, Roadrunner, Rykodisc, Sire, Warner Bros. and Word, as well as Warner/Chappell Music, one of the world’s leading music publishers, with a catalog of more than one million copyrights worldwide.

Regional Representative (SoundExchange – multiple cities)

Job summary: SoundExchange Regional Reps should be the “it person” or “key tastemaker” in their local music scene and be heavily involved in many campus and community activities. The SoundExchange Regional Representative Program is designed to deepen your understanding of and exposure to the current music industry with a focus on the digital space. It is an opportunity to take that first step in establishing yourself in the music and entertainment business. As a college representative you will be expected to dedicate approximately 10 hours per week to interact with the music community within your immediate environment to assure high awareness for SoundExchange.

Artist & Repertoire Manager (O-Town Music Group – Orlando)

Job summary: The main job is picking acts that will be successful and then working with the act to find the right producers and writers. The process is very much a nurturing one to ensure the band or solo artist impacts at the right time with the right material. Besides scouting for new artist the a&r manager also manages the current roster of artist. Duties include booking performances for artist, updating social media for artist,booking tv appearances and publicity for artist, booking recording studios for artist and much more.

Marketing Assistant (Pandora – Oakland)

Job summary: The Marketing Associate will be responsible for helping to drive listener growth and engagement through various marketing programs. The ideal candidate will be metrics-driven and will have experience trafficking, managing and optimizing various marketing campaigns from email to paid mobile ad network and social media buys.

National Project Manager (iHeartMedia – Chicago)

Job summary: The National Project Manager (NPM) is responsible for the creation and management of new and existing sales and promotional objectives for national clients in multiple markets. The NPM will also assist National Account Executives in securing new business by developing promotional concepts that align with station partnerships.  Candidates should have experience with promotions, vendor negotiations, contesting and events.

Record Label A&R Manager (Fixt – Detroit)

Job summary: The ideal candidate for this position will be motivated to become an active part of the team to accelerate company growth, contribute to the continued expansion of the company and client roster, be extremely organized, and should be capable of multitasking and handling multiple deadlines simultaneously. Candidate should have 5+ years of experience in a related field with a portfolio of proven accomplishments and a strong work ethic.

Account Director (Universal Music Group – NYC)

Job summary: The Account Director will manage business plan for designated high volume/visibility digital and mobile accounts, including development and execution of sales and marketing campaigns and goals.  This person will manage excellent relationships with digital and mobile accounts, be able to hit sales objectives and create incremental sales objectives and opportunities.  Sales and marketing will involve all facets of UMG digital and mobile products.

Customer Success Manager (Sonicbids – Boston)

Job summary: We currently seek a Customer Success Manager to drive the refinement, execution and tracking of our customer success program. The Customer Success Manager will serve as an advisor to our users, helping them solve their toughest recruiting and booking challenges through quantitative insight and performance metric tracking. In addition, this role will evangelize our product and develop engaging and entertaining content that helps sustain customer engagement over the course of time.

Vice President, Industry Relations (Barclays Center – NYC)

Job summary: The Vice President, Industry Relations will assist the Vice President of Booking in generating programming opportunities at Barclays Center and other affiliated properties. The incumbent must have a proven track record of booking high profile events and developing, cultivating, and maintaining strong industry relationships. The incumbent must be a self-starter with superior communication skills and strong independent reasoning and problem solving skills. This position plays a vital role in the company’s growth, therefore, the incumbent must be able to anticipate needs, think proactively and suggest new ways to contribute to the department and organization’s mission, while maintaining a positive attitude. The incumbent will serve as a liaison between the venue(s) and promoters, agents, and managers based primarily on the west coast and will be able to work long, flexible hours, including different time zones (EST). The position reports directly to the Vice President of Booking.

Associate Partnerships Manager, Music (Twitter – NYC)

Job summary: You will be central to providing our partners with the information and support they need to effectively use our real-time platform. A principal component of the role is working with teams across the company to anticipate and address both the routine and uniquely complex needs of musicians and partners we work with.  Another will be to use internal tools to identify meaningful metrics to prepare then present to our partners.

Tour/Production Assistant (IMG Artists – NYC)

Job summary: The Tour/Production Associate will sit within the Global Touring and Global Attractions divisions of IMG Artists. The roles purpose involves the servicing and logistics coordination of concert dates, performances and tours worldwide for a variety of dance companies, attractions (world music, musical ensembles, theatrical attractions, etc.), film with orchestra projects, and symphony pops, and individual artists involving ongoing touring activities, individual dates and extensive tours as well as servicing the day-to-day activities of a wide variety of artists.

Performance Program Coordinator (University Of Chicago – Chicago)

Job summary: Unit Job SummaryThe Performance Program Coordinator provides scheduling and logistical support for the Department of Music Performance Program and its sixteen ensembles for their concert performances and other activities across campus.

Job Board News

Haulix Weekly Update #95 – “The lesson is, never try.”

Hello, everyone. Thank you for stopping by our blog. Whether it’s your first visit or your hundredth, we’re happy to have your attention. This is our weekly recap post, which runs every Friday, and in it we talk all things Haulix. Before we get there however, we like to share a song that has been on repeat in our offices this week. With the weekend only a few short hours away, this track will help you celebrate your impending freedom like no other. Enjoy:

As I mentioned above, each and every weekend we like to take a brief break from our regularly scheduled programming to update and reflect on everything happening at Haulix HQ. We are far more than a music blog, as many of you already know, and posts like this give us an opportunity to share more our efforts with all of you.


Following a couple weeks filled with updates regarding our forthcoming platform update, this week we have basically nothing to report. Development is ongoing, but there are a lot of tiny details being worked out at the moment that would mean nothing to the average consumer if explained. 

That said, we did begin drafting our first-ever Haulix user guide this week, and we hope to have it available for download beginning in early October. This will be a one-stop guide for press and clients alike that covers all the ins and outs of Haulix. If you have something you want us to include, please don’t hesitate to send us an email.


The biggest news of the week is that we finally scheduled the return of Inside Music. We know many of you have been asking for the podcast to make a comeback, and we are happy to report that day will soon be upon us. We have four great guests lined up, but for the time being their identity will remain a secret.

In case you missed any posts this week, we took it upon ourselves to link every piece of content we ran this week in the space below. Take a few minutes and catch up:

New Music Friday

What To Do When The Internet Ruins Your Surprise

Why You Now Need Haulix More Than Ever Before

Industry Spotlight: Synner Nation

Why It’s Never A Good Idea To Forward Haulix Promos

Advice: Make Your Lyrics Available And Easy To Find

Motivation Monday: Future

Music Industry Job Board

That’s all the news and content we have to share this week. Have a safe week and remember: Friends don’t let friends support Adam Sandler movies.




New Music Friday: Emarosa, Dej Loaf, & Lisa Lampanelli

We know it would take far too long to highlight every client’s new release each week, so we’re going to choose a few select titles each week that we feel everyone should support. These are albums we will be buying ourselves, and we hope at the very least you give them a proper spin before deciding to purchase something else. James may write the column, but everyone at Haulix will have a say in who gets chosen.

Emarosa – Versus Reimagined (Digital/Stream)

Just under a year since the release of their first album with vocalist Bradley Walden, Emarosa have returned to music headlines with an EP of updated songs that will break your heart in two. Versus Reimagined takes four of the best songs from the band’s previous record and showcases them as never before, with piano and acoustic instrumentation taking the place of the band’s largely alternative rock sound. It’s the kind of record you can get lost in, even if only for twenty minutes, and it proves once and for all that this version of the band is the strongest to date. If anyone claims to make it through the new version of “I’ll Just Wait” without experiencing the kind of relationship flashback most believe only Drake can create I might have to call them a liar. This band is great, and this record is one that everyone should make it a point to own.

Dej Loaf – #AndSeeThatsTheThing (Digital/Stream)

Detroit’s Dej Loaf has been one of the most talked about young emcees of the past year. It’s rare that a female rapper rises through the various underground echelons without relying on her sex appeal to move units, but Dej has long proven her beauty is just one of many things that make her great.  #AndSeeThatsTheThing offers a five song preview of Loaf’s unique sound, sharing both her soft and more aggressive sides, as well as collaborations with Big Sean and Future. “Back Up” is the one track that will find success online without much trouble at all, but in our opinion the entire EP is worth your time and money. In fact, we recommend picking this up and then downloading Loaf’s 2014 mixtape, Sell Sole. Dej is the future of hip-hop, and for a limited time you can experience the best of her catalog for next to nothing. Don’t wait.

Lisa Lampanelli – Back To The Drawing Board (CD/Digital/Stream)

Haulix works with everyone in entertainment, and that extends to performers who fall outside the world of music. Lisa Lampanelli is a comedy veteran with a unique brand of in-your-face humor that never pulls a single punch. People seek out Lisa’s live shows in an attempt to shake off the worries of the week and celebrate the things that make us different in the funniest way possible. Her sixth special, Back To The Drawing Board, is her most personal release yet. Having lost a lot of weight, as well as a husband, Lampanelli is as alive as ever on stage. She tears into weight loss myths, Bill Cosby, dating, and more, all without making a single person feel alienated. If there is a funnier women working in comedy today, we have yet to hear her perform.

James Shotwell is the Marketing Coordinator for Haulix. He is also a professional entertainment critic, covering both film and music, as well as the co-founder of Antique Records. Feel free to tell him you love or hate the article above by connecting with him on Twitter. Bonus points if you introduce yourself by sharing your favorite Simpsons character.


What To Do When The Internet Spoils Your Big Surprise

We spend a lot of our time discussing and working to prevent leaks. When I say leaks, I am referring to the sharing of copyrighted materials without the consent of the content creator. Eradicating that threat to artists and labels has been our one of our main goals since the very beginning, and we like to believe we have made major strides towards accomplishing that task. Today however, at least for a few minutes, we want to change our focus to another kind of leak and the response artists have when such problems arise.

Try as many artists or labels might to keep big news items a secret for as long as possible there are often leaks that out of the blue and spoil whatever promotional plan had previously been put into motion. Whether you’re planning to release a surprise album in a manner similar to Beyonce, or if you’re on the verge of revealing your biggest tour to date, there is always a pretty good chance someone outside your inner circle will beat you to the punch when it comes to sharing that information online. There are exceptions, of course, but as more and more artists try to hide big reveals until the very last minute we at Haulix have noticed a rise in the efforts made by the music community as a whole to spoil this news, if only so that someone or some site can claim to have an ‘exclusive’ others do not.

Let me be very clear: Leaking major news is not the same as breaking an ‘exclusive’ story. Every journalist or blogger worth your time knows this, even if they choose to ignore it. By choosing to act without the consent of the artist or the people working with them bloggers are making a decision that goes against the idea of cultivating a better scene for future generations, which has long been a cornerstone of alternative music. One might think understanding the problems that arise in a culture where leaks are accepted as normal would be easy for most, but a decade in the music business has taught me otherwise time and time again. There will always be people who are too selfish to fully realize or appreciate the impact their actions have on the community around them, and the best you can hope to do as an artist is to take the appropriate action when those leaks occur.

For most artists, leaks can be viewed as a double-edged sword. While it stinks that someone would ruin your promotional plan and share something without your permission, there is always a little voice in the back of a creative person’s head that says the only reason that material is being shared is because people want it so badly they’re willing to steal it. That may be a compliment to some, but even if it makes you feel those warm fuzzies we all love to host in our stomachs it also throws a wrench in your marketing efforts and, potentially, your future income. 

There is a saying you may know about how once a bell has been rung there is no way to undo that action. The same theory applies to leaks, at least for the most part. Once an album, photo, or news item has found its way on the net it’s essentially impossible to stop the continued proliferation of that content online. We offer tools to our clients to help curve the rate album leaks are shared, but in cases where news items leak early there are literally no measure in place (that we are aware of) to help pull that information off the net. Even if it could be done, there would still be an untold number of people who saw the content before it disappeared, and there would be no way to track all of them down to ask them to please keep your secrets safe. Sorry, but that is just not how life in the digital age works.

When something leaks, the first thing you should do as an artist is to find a way to get that same information or content to your fans through means you control as fast as humanly possible. If a single leaks ahead of its premiere, stream the song yourself through Bandcamp or Soundcloud. You won’t be able to make fans stop seeking out the track, nor would you want to, but you can have a say in where they find the content and what kind of messaging surrounds it. The same goes for news. You can’t ask every blog to not post news item that leaks early, but you can post the same news through your social channels and, to some degree, control the conversation. 

Conversation is key to promotion in the digital age. If you can control the conversation then you can have some say in the way the world engaged with your art. The best laid plans of mice and men may go awry, but as long as you’re prepared to respond the negative impact of an unplanned reveal will be minimal. Just keep your fans first, and do whatever you can to ensure they’re going through channels you create to access your content. If you can do that, and I promise that you can if you work hard, then you will forever have one less reason to fear the internet.

James Shotwell is the Marketing Coordinator for Haulix. He is also a professional entertainment critic, covering both film and music, as well as the co-founder of Antique Records. Feel free to tell him you love or hate the article above by connecting with him onTwitter. Bonus points if you introduce yourself by sharing your favorite Simpsons character.


Why You Now Need Haulix More Than Ever Before

From day one, our mission at Haulix has been to provide the easiest and most secure platform to distribute advance music available. We like to think we have accomplished that, though our efforts to actually defeat piracy continue to this day. Still, many inside our industry, as well as general consumers, no longer think piracy is as big of an issue as it was during the heyday of Napster and related P2P servers. As much as we wish that were the case, it’s simply not the truth, and we are now able to share new research that shows just how damaging digital piracy continues to be to the music industry as a whole in 2015.

Fact: File-sharing in North America has grown 44% from 2008 to 2014. This runs counter to essentially every news article written by mainstream press, which often sites the rise in streaming platforms as an argument for why piracy is no longer a big deal, but it IS a big deal. Actually, it’s bigger than big. The continuing rise of piracy tells us that even though access to music through legal means is seemingly easier than ever before people are still turning to illegal activity in order to enjoy their favorite entertainers.

The U.S. Copyright Office put out a report in February 2015 titled ‘Copyright and the Music Marketplace’ where regarding piracy, the editor stated, “Unlike in the Napster era, stakeholders now seem resigned to this marketplace condition and the perhaps irreversible impact it has had on the industry.” As much as this thought makes us cringe, it’s not entirely untrue. Every single music industry client we have had over the years has expressed a certain level of expectation regarding leaks. They don’t want them to happen, but they expect the will, even if they take extra measure to prevent such activity from take place. They believe those who wish to leak something will aways find a way to do so, and we at Haulix have made it our mission to prove that does not have to be the case.

When someone signs up for Haulix they are making it known they will no longer sit back while pirates steal the work of their artists and freely share that content online. With the help of our state-of-the-art watermarking technology, as well as secure email distribution, we offer front line defense against leaks, with additional security measures being implemented on a regular basis. Should a clients material still find its way online, we also have tools in place to aide in the removal of leaked files from the internet. Our ‘Automated Takedown’ service, for example, crawls the web endlessly in search of pirated materials. Once located, the system logs the link, auto-submits an RIAA takedown notice, and then tracks the action of the link host until the files have been erased or removed.

Just because digital piracy has been present for more than a decade does not mean it has to continue to exist for the foreseeable future, but labels and artists alike must take action in order to make a change. Signing up for Haulix is the first step to ensuring your future releases are safe from pirates, and we have a team of industry experts on hand waiting to assist you in making sure your content is not only safe, but also presented to the press in a way that reflect the brand(s) you are trying to develop. We believe a future without piracy is very much a possibility, and we are working every day to provide industry professionals with the tools they need to help us win the war against leaks. If you’re ready to join our ranks, click here to start your free 30-day trial today.

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