Artist Advice Editorials Industry News News

How Any Artist Can Success In 2022 [Video]

With the industry slowing down ahead of the holidays, now is the perfect time to position yourself for success in 2022. We can help.

Everyone has a plan. If you do not think you have a plan right now, then your plan is to fail. That may sound like high school football coach gibberish, but it does carry some weight in the music business. Everyone who has ever gotten anywhere has made a plan to get there, and we are going to help you succeed in 2022 by doing just that. We’re going to make a plan.

But plans are more than just goals. Generally speaking, most people think about plans as a destination. They want to climb a mountain or release an album or go on tour, but they don’t make much of a plan to get there. Success depends on the details surrounding your project. When will you make time to do something, and how will you afford to do it? What skills do you need? Who will help you? All of these things and much more need to be answered if you want any chance of success in music.

In this Music Biz update, host James Shotwell begins by taking stock of the entertainment industry. Between the massive delays with physical media, the ongoing pandemic, and wavering consumer confidence, we live in a ‘new normal’ that demands new plans. James then guides users through the planning process, including establishing a series of checks and balances to ensure your goals are reached. Check it out!

Music Biz is brought to you by Haulix, the music industry’s leading promotional distribution platform. Start your one-month free trial today and gain instant access to the same promotional tools used by BMG, Concord, Rise Records, Pure Noise Records, and hundreds more. Visit for details.

Industry News News

COVID is Killing Live Music (Again)!

With new variants causing a surge in COVID-19 infections, many are beginning to worry about the future of live music (again).

Live music is in jeopardy. We’ve been saying that in one way or another for almost 18 months at this point, but now we have yet another reason. The two latest coronavirus variants, Delta and Lambda, are causing massive spikes and infection rates worldwide. Vaccines help, but they do not prevent infection. Nobody knows what will happen next week, let alone in a month.

Experts and health officials have been warning of COVID-19’s lingering presence for months. The news of live music’s return has run concurrently with warnings about emerging COVID variants and the need for vaccines since at least March. Those vaccinated were expecting smooth sailing as we headed into a jam-packed fall tour season, but that future is a lot more uncertain today.

In his latest Music Biz COVID-19 concert update, host James Shotwell walks viewers through the latest coronavirus headlines, their impact on live music, and how the industry reacts to the latest pandemic developments. He explains how a lack of communication is causing industry-wide anxiety and what can be done to fix it before things worsen. Check it out:

There is a lot of uncertainty surrounding the music industry, but if there is one thing we know for certain, people who work in entertainment are resilient. No one in this career path believes things will ever go their way. Learning to adapt is part of the job. We cannot know where the rest of 2021 will take us, but we do believe in the power of people working together to solve big problems. If we can communicate with one another, we can do anything.

Music Biz is brought to you by Haulix, the music industry’s leading promotional distribution platform. Start your one-month free trial today and gain instant access to the same promotional tools used by BMG, Concord, Rise Records, Pure Noise Records, and hundreds more. Visit for details.

Editorials Industry News News

Overthinking The Fall Concert Season As A Music Industry Professional

Every day someone asks me the same question: Where do we go from here?

On July 8, something incredible happened. For the first time in over 14 months, I stepped inside a music venue and watched multiple bands perform to an all-ages crowd without masks or social distancing. I cannot lie and say it felt normal. The first sign of a mosh pit made me cringe, as did the first person I saw crowd surfing. Over time, however, I grew comfortable. Everything was the way it would’ve been at any point before March 2020, and for a moment, that felt great.

Then I snapped back to reality. The year is 2021, and we are still in a global pandemic claiming more lives with each passing day. The world as we know it is not returning to normal. We don’t know what normal looks like anymore. 

But entertainment is one of several industries leading the charge for normalcy. The last several months have included countless tour and festival announcements, each with on-sale dates and massive promotion. Tickets for these events have been selling in record numbers. Some analysts describe consumer behavior right now as “the YOLO economy.” People are spending more money to do more things than ever because they’re sick of the way we’ve been living for the last year. It seems everyone is willing to do anything that gets them out of their house, and most will pay whatever it takes for an experience that makes them feel a bit more alive.

At the same time, news of new COVID variants makes daily headlines. The cold hard truth is that nobody knows how to defeat the beast that this pandemic has become. Vaccines are incredibly effective at preventing sickness and keeping those who do contract the virus from dying. Still, there is a large segment of the population who are seemingly unwilling to get a shot. Then there’s the ongoing discussion about the possibility of needing additional injections down the line, as well as disagreements at every level of government as to what citizens should be made to do and what should be considered optional. All that, coupled with the increasingly aggressive variants that are continuing to emerge, the ongoing wage crisis in America and the worker shortage it’s creating, and that potential for a positive COVID diagnosis to completely derail any event at a moment’s notice, is making a lot of hurdles for people hoping to maintain the illusion of normalcy. 

I cannot remember the last week that passed without one or more of my coworkers asking me what the industry at large was thinking regarding the coronavirus pandemic. At first, everyone was delaying their projects and tours until they could properly promote them with face-to-face fan interaction. Certain people who made that choice later pivoted to digitally releasing their creations without a proper promotional tour. Others are still sitting on ideas that have been percolating for nearly two years. 

Elsewhere, some people are touring, and others are canceling tours. A few festivals are requiring proof of vaccination to enter, but others are not. Jason Isbell says he’ll cancel shows if they don’t require proof of vaccinations. Don’t test it. He’ll do it.

To put it in the simplest terms: The music industry as we know it is a mess right now. Nobody agrees on the right way to do things, and that is confusing the entertainment ecosystem. That confusion inevitably leads to anxiety, which creates stress, and before you know it — everyone is miserable.

But what can we do? The answer, for most of us, is nothing. We are at the mercy of the public. How millions of strangers choose to live their lives will decide what happens in our careers. If people are irresponsible, more music professionals will lose jobs, and live shows will disappear once more. If people protect themselves and others by following the guidelines of those on the frontlines, then maybe touring can continue. If touring can continue, albums can release, artists can sell merchandise, and everyone can make money. That money will then help pay to support label staff, publicists, management, booking agents, promoters, marketers, merch sellers, bus drivers, road crew members, producers, engineers, studio and office overhead costs, etc. 

Trying to stay positive in the music industry right now is a lot like trying to stay positive about the future of civilization while being fully aware of climate change. In both instances, we recognize the need for change, but we also understand that the level of change needed is greater than what we can accomplish alone. The best we can do is stay safe, stay informed, and support one another. There will always be music. There will always be people writing songs and trying to find ways to get those songs to people who need to hear them. The music industry as we know it will inevitably change, but that change will hopefully lead to a better entertainment business for everyone. Change may be scary, but it is (usually) also good.

If you’re reading this right now and you or someone you love is working in music, please know you are not alone. Whatever storm of thoughts and doubts are circling your brain right now are plaguing many others as well, myself included. Nobody knows what next week is going to look like for our industry, let alone next month. What matters most is that we support another, talk to another, and never lose sight of why we fell for music in the first place. Music is the great equalizer. Throughout time, music is what brings people together. It is there for us in our darkest hours and our most brilliant moments. Music means so much to so many, and that will never change. Our roles in the industry will evolve and (more than likely) disappear in time, but new needs and opportunities will emerge. Throughout it all, music will remain.

Take it easy, my friend. There is nothing to do that isn’t already being done. For every problem, there is a solution, and we will find the answers we need in time. Until then, in the immortal words of Laura Jane Grace, “Don’t Lose Touch.”

Industry News News

How To Save Your Music Career [Video]

It’s incredibly easy to lose your way in entertainment, but we can save your music career in five questions or less.

There is no easy way to admit you made a mistake. We humans pride ourselves on knowing what we’re doing and why we’re doing it. We lead focused lives spent chasing goals that we believe will bring us some sense of purpose or satisfaction in life. We create not because it’s a choice but because we don’t know any other way to live. Our souls ache to be recognized by others, and we do whatever performative tasks we can to get their attention. It’s a mess of best intentions, countless trials, endless failures, and hard-fought victories. It’s…It’s a lot. But it’s the only way most of us know how to live.

The vast majority of people would rather suffer than admit they made a mistake. Many of us are one or two small changes away from leading the lives we dream about, but we struggle to get out of our way. We double-down when we need to step back. It’s human nature, and it sucks.

But you can do better. By answering the five questions asked by host James Shotwell in the latest Music Biz video, you can change the course of your career. In 10 minutes or less, we can help you reevaluate your goals, reset your expectations, and give you a renewed passion for the things that matter most. Check it out!

Questions to ask:

  • Are your goals your own?

Many of the goals we pursue are achievements that other people tell us to chase. We spend our entire lives being told that we need to make a certain amount of money, achieve a certain level of financial security, start a family, own a home, and a billion little things in between. Those things are good to have or achieve, but they won’t necessarily make you happy. What do YOU want?

  • Do you have specific goals?

Many musicians tell me they want a hit song, but what does that mean? Do you want to go viral online, or do you want to top the Billboard charts? Do you want a billion streams or a million album sales? When you say you want a hit song, what result are you seeking? What will this ‘hit song’ do for your career? Be specific.

  • Do you have a plan to achieve your goals?

The only way you can achieve your goals is by having a plan. You need specific, step-by-step instructions to get from where you are to where you see yourself in the future. Nothing is as simple as booking a tour or writing a hit song. You need to think harder about your goals and how to achieve them. What can you do today to ensure you are closer to your destination tomorrow? Make to-do lists, track your progress, and again—BE SPECIFIC.

  • What is your support system?

No one is an island. The individuals who find success in music do so because they have a support system that uplifts them. You may have friends or contacts that you associate with, but is their presence in your life positive? Are you surrounded by people working toward their goals and supporting one another, or are those near you lost in drugs and flights of fancy?

  • Why do you quit things?

When the going gets tough, you give up. Why is that? What is it about the hurdles you encounter that you feel are impossible to overcome? Do you lack knowledge? Confidence? Figure out what is holding you back and put in the effort to change. You are capable of growth in ways you cannot imagine, but it’s up to you to change. Nobody can do the work for you.

Music Biz is brought to you by Haulix, the music industry’s leading promotional distribution platform. Start your one-month free trial today and gain instant access to the same promotional tools used by BMG, Concord, Rise Records, Pure Noise Records, and hundreds more. Visit for details.

Business Advice Editorials Haulix

What You Need To Know Before Pursuing A Career in Music

You’re not crazy for wanting to work in the music business, but there is something you should know before your journey begins.

I know you because I was you. In your mind, music is more of a religion than an art form. You know everything about the artists you love, and you understand the basics of the business more than any of your friends. You get excited by crunching the math behind a tour routing as you do the artists on that tour. In short, you spend every free moment thinking about music, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.

If you’ve shared your passion for music with friends or family, they probably expressed concern. “Music is cool,” they may say, “but it’s no place you should want to work.”

Such criticisms are not entirely unfounded. Music is not the right industry for most people. Working in music often means long hours, low pay, limited benefits, and no clear path to professional progression. Some may start in the mailroom of a big label and rise to the top of the executive ladder, but far more do a little bit of everything they can until something takes off. Most music professionals are really good at one thing and adequately qualified to do a dozen other things, some of which may or may not relate to their current role.

Furthermore, music is often thankless. For every bit of appreciation you receive for your contributions, there will be countless hours spent toiling away on a project that is never attributed to you. It is very easy — not to mention entirely possible — that you will work yourself to the bone on something the world disregards almost as soon as it’s made available to the public. That happens far more often than the other, the more glamorous outcome of working in music. For every team of professionals that helps a superstar reach the heights of popularity, there are thousands of similarly qualified teams of professionals duking it out for even the slightest amount of success. That, as they say, is just the way it is.

I say none of this with the hopes of crushing your dreams or pushing you to other pursuits. After all, I’m now in my thirties and still working in music. If I thought this industry was evil or somehow unscalable, I would have quit and started teaching as my parents asked me to do no less than one-hundred times before writing this open letter. I honestly do not know if I could survive outside the industry at this point. Music is my life, and I would prefer it to remain that way for the foreseeable future.

Sometimes I’m invited to speak at conferences and schools about working in the industry. Inevitably, someone in the audience will raise their hand and ask for advice on how one goes from being a person who is passionate about working in music to someone who has a job in music. The same information that applies to virtually every career path applies to music as well: Work hard, learn as much as you can, network often, and treat everyone you meet the way you wish to be treated. It’s all the same no matter what you’re trying to become, but it doesn’t help.

What I have to share today might not seem helpful at first, but those who are truly meant to be in this industry will understand why it matters.

When it comes to working in music, the best way to start and build a career is by doing the work. Pick something you’re interested in, do it as much as possible to the best of your abilities regardless of the money you make, and in time you will become an indispensable part of the music business.

Let me rephrase. The best way to have a career in music is to keep your hopes high and work to do the things that interest you as good as you are able.

It seems simple, right?

If you’re upset that this big reveal wasn’t some trick that helps you skip over the difficult early stages of professionalism where you balance multiple jobs to make your dream possible, I’m sorry. I understand your frustrations, as does everyone else working in music because we were once where you are now. We were all lost beginner, trying to find our way toward prosperity while desperately wishing to be taken seriously.

I started booking and promoting concerts when I was fourteen. I was playing shows with my own music by sixteen, and while walking across the stage to get my high school diploma, there was a box of CDs in my trunk that I needed to distribute as part of my role as a record label street team member. In college, I studied music business during the day and ran a music blog at night. I also promoted for more labels, hosted a radio show, and promoted for local venues. I didn’t see a dime in compensation until I landed my first job in music roughly six months after graduation, and I didn’t make enough to cover my bills until a year after that. Was it hard? Yes. Would I do it all again if I knew it leads to the role I have no? Absolutely.

In music, there are no shortcuts. A degree won’t get you a job, nor will knowing the right people. The only path to a career in music is by doing the work that needs to be completed. The long hours, thankless efforts, low pay, and downright frustrating hurdles to complete even the most seemingly simple tasks are all part of the journey. It’s a litmus test, in a way, that helps separate those who love music from people who are passionate about the business of music, and it never fails.

Haulix Job Board News

Music Industry Job Board (May 13, 2019)

New openings:

Manager, Music Industry Communications (Spotify – NYC)

Based out of our New York City office, the Manager, Music Industry Communications, will handle all music-related public relations activities across the company’s Content organization, including our Artist & Label Relations, Editorial, Licensing, and Creator Marketplace teams.

VP, Content Insights (WMG – NYC)

Data is the lifeblood of today’s record business, and in this role, you’ll get the chance to apply your creativity and problem-solving skills to some massive amounts of data to help our labels and artists connect with streaming fans. Because the R+A team works closely with labels partners, you will have the opportunity to see the inner workings and decision-making of an international record label – and the chance to influence those decisions with analysis. We’re a collaborative team that loves learning new things, sharing ideas, thinking about the future of the music industry – and helping our company get there.

Product Manager/Director, Marketing, Big Beat (WMG – NYC)

This employee will have the opportunity to market both established electronic artists and break new artists in the marketplace. They will be the point person in the Big Beat/Atlantic Records building for their assigned roster and work with the A&R’s and the rest of the departments to take the music to the marketplace in new and cutting edge ways.

Director, Business Operations (Conde Nast – Chicago, IL)

This position is a key contributor to every aspect of Pitchfork’s events. He/she will track all event P&Ls and cash-flow on a daily basis, and be the main point of contact for all contracts, with support provided by the Advance Legal team. In addition, the Director, Operations & Finance will be heavily involved in future event business planning. This position is based in Chicago and reports to the Executive Director, Festivals & Activations.

VP, Content Licensing (Bleacher Report – NYC)

The VP, Content Licensing is responsible for developing and implementing Bleacher Report’s content licensing strategy to achieve revenue and brand objectives. We are looking for an entrepreneurial and experienced candidate with a track record of success and established relationships with potential partners, preferably in Sports/Music and/or digital media/OTT. This individual will work very closely with the B/R Content team to identify and evaluate potential opportunities (domestically and internationally), and to leverage the full breadth of B/R’s short-form and long-form storytelling capabilities including text, video, and social.

Vice President, Music & Talent (CMT – Nashville, TN)

The Vice President Music, MTV will work closely with and collaboratively with MTV’s Senior Vice President, Music to help reimagine and establish the music brand vision, as well as the implementation of the organization’s strategic direction with our internal and external partners.

Entertainment Manager, Talent Group (Hearst Magazines – NYC)

Hearst Magazines is seeking an Entertainment Manager to book celebrities and notables for print and digital cover stories, entertainment features, and video franchises for several key brands across Hearst’s portfolio.

Principal Content Acquisition Manager (Amazon Music – Culver City, CA)

Amazon Digital Music is looking for an experienced content acquisition executive to join our Content Acquisition Team. The executive will maintain and drive Amazon’s relationships with key content partners. The Principal Content Acquisition Manager will be responsible for developing a content strategy, securing new content and additional rights, and performing competitive monitoring. The ideal candidate will have experience negotiating complex licensing agreements, developing new business models, and delivering results in a dynamic, fast-paced environment.

Manager, Digital Strategy & Investments (Sony – NYC)

The Manager position will work with the Digital Strategy & Investments team to develop the group’s digital commercial strategy and evaluate market opportunities, helping to set the strategic direction of the company and prioritization of digital initiatives. The role will form a critical part of the team and predominantly focus on analyzing trends and assessing opportunities in both the digital music and broader media and entertainment sectors, as well as communicating next steps and proposed approach to team leadership.

Director Commercial Partnerships (UMG – NYC)

The Director, Commercial Partnerships will manage business plan for designated high volume/ high visibility digital partners, including development and execution of sales and marketing campaigns and goals. This person will manage excellent relationships with digital partners, be able to hit sales/streaming objectives and create incremental sales objectives and opportunities. Sales and marketing will involve all facets of UMG digital and mobile products.

Manager, Vibe (Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Sacramento – Sacramento, CA)

The Vibe Manager is responsible for supporting the property in all aspects of music and culture. This person leads entertainment booking for on-property venues, leads all audio/visual requirements, and creates an exceptional climate of guest oriented service and works to implement brand amenity programs and ensure effective utilization of music across the property.

Music Business Development Manager (Facebook – Menlo Park, CA)

Facebook is seeking a Music Business Development Manager who is passionate about the changing music ecosystem, technology and supporting our goal of connecting people through social media, the mobile eco-system and business strategy. This role will support Facebook’s strategy and negotiations with music labels (both majors and independents), as well as collaborate with product teams to ensure a coordinated and best-in-class suite of licensed music features. The position is full-time and based in our office in Menlo Park.

Music App Copy Editor (Welocalize – Culver City, CA)

Welocalize is seeking Copy Editors in Culver City, CA (Los Angeles area) with backgrounds in Music, Creative Writing, Marketing, Copy Editing, Journalism in various locales/languages to support our client’s needs for their music application.

Director Ad Effectiveness (Pandora Media, LLC – New York, NY)

We are seeking a talented Ad Effectiveness Director who will help lead Pandora’s Ad Effectiveness team and execute insights-driven campaign studies across various media programs. The ideal candidate is someone with substantial experience in digital research & management. This candidate must thrive amidst the challenges of a fast-paced environment. The ideal candidate is naturally inquisitive and very collaborative, striving to support the team’s success. If you are an engaged team-player and like to break innovative new ground, we want to hear from you.

Senior Director, Product Management (Bandwidth – Raleigh, NC)

The Senior Director, Product Management will lead P&L, support for the existing products, creating the investment strategy and development roadmap for Bandwidth’s Messaging Services portfolio. They will manage and coach a versatile team of product managers and analysts to manage, design and support the rapidly growing Messaging Services portfolio. The Senior Director, Product Management should directly engage with key customers, internal stakeholders and the industry to translate those learnings into requirements and roadmaps to work with Engineering, Product Marketing, Operations and Sales to drive highly valued products to market. 

Manager, Licensing Financial Analysis (BMI – Nashville, TN)

Conduct financial and operational analysis for all areas of licensing. Review financial data to understand and communicate key variances in historical reporting and create and present forecast and budget packages. Assist management at various stages of licensing negotiations.

Marketing Account Manager (Crowd Surf – Nashville)

Account manager will be the driving force to bring value to our clients in the digital space. From managing relationships between Crowd Surf and its clients/artists, to ensuring that our client’s goals are being met through creative digital strategy and ideation, this person will communicate with clients on a daily basis, work with other team members to achieve creative goals, and constantly be on the lookout for new and exciting digital trends to incorporate into their ideas. Ultimately, the account manager will help drive revenue for both our clients and Crowd Surf.

Licensing Manager (Me Gusta Music – Nashville-Davidson, TN)

Licensing Manager is a full-time position that will handle a variety of day-to-day work in issuing and processing licenses.

Product Manager (Gallery Media Group – New York, NY)

We are seeking a full-time Product Manager for the New York City office. If you’re a self-starter, incredibly organized and thrive in fast-paced environments, this is the role for you. The key to this position is a passion for digital product design, user experience, branding, and a hunger for learning and team collaboration. 

Production Manager (LA Philharmonic – Los Angeles, CA)

The Production Manager, reporting to the Director, Production, will work as a member of production team to manage all aspects of day-to-day concert production in order to ensure successful performances and to maintain a positive relationship with Orchestra members.

Senior Business Affairs Manager (Mullen – NYC)

We are looking for a Senior Business Affairs Manager to join our New York City Broadcast/Business Affairs team. The ideal candidate will have at least 8 years’ agency experience and working knowledge of both broadcast and digital projects.

Director of IT Business Development & User Enablement (UMG – Santa Monica, CA)

The role is ideal for a highly motivated, can-do attitude individual who can network and establish relationships, both internally and externally, influence decision makers at all levels and wishes to immerse themselves into the commercial dynamics of a successful company.

Development Manager (Lang Lang International Music Foundation – New York, NY)

The Non Profit Development Manager creates implements and manages a broad-based fundraising program to support the foundation general operations and programs. A successful candidate will manage and steward a portfolio of corporate and individual relationships, and work as a team player to drive growth to achieve our mission and revenue goals. This position is accountable for significant revenue targets as forecasted in the annual Plan of Work.

The ideal candidate must have proven success in fundraising and relationship management. Exceptional organizational, written, and verbal communication skills are necessary for this position. The ideal candidate will be a highly-motivated, detail oriented, multi-tasker with a can-do attitude and the ability to work with a small team. We are an inclusive, diverse group looking for an energetic individual to join our team.

Talent Buyer (Zamora Entertainment Inc – Taylor, MI)

Zamora Entertainment is looking for assistant to our talent buyer. Zamora Entertainment is the largest buyer of Latin Music in the US focusing primarily on Regional Mexican and Tropical music genres. Zamora Entertainment produces over 300 shows a year and operates several venues across the Midwest and East Coast. We believe that every event should be an unforgettable experience. You will serve as an assistant to our talent buyer. Your primary objective will be to work with our team to assist in the booking and executing of shows for Zamora Entertainment. This position requires an individual who is passionate about music and live music events. This is a full-time position. Travel is required two or three times per month during our busy season from February to November.

Director, Business & Legal Affairs (WMG – Los Angeles, CA)

Extensive drafting of agreements relating to the acquisition and exploitation of intellectual property rights.

Senior Product Manager, Business Systems (Spotify – NYC)

In this role, you will drive internal financial systems applications roadmaps and manage the associated portfolio of projects together with our Principal Product Manager. You will develop and maintain enterprise-level corporate applications for various financial teams, including our ERP-system NetSuite.

Global Growth Manager, Subscriptions & Strategy (Apple – Santa Clara Valley, CA)

We are looking for an experienced leader with a subscription marketing and product marketing background. This role is critical to growth and execution across multiple software and services businesses. You will bring a wealth of knowledge in launching, growing, and leading the strategy for a variety of subscription and/or online businesses. Your primary focus will be the international expansion of our music and video services driving product adoption and combating churn. The role requires a highly motivated and experienced colleague with an analytical mindset and ability to execute. We are looking to find a new team member with experience in understanding ways to combine customer insights, data, and creativity to build a best in class product experience. You will have a track record of success in digital marketing for a major consumer brand: setting the vision, developing the strategy, building internal capabilities, and leading magnificent cross-functional execution. You will lead the operations and execution of digital campaigns on a global basis to drive growth. You will collaborate with a broad range of teams, including international marketing, product, growth marketing, editorial, operations, and creative teams.

Global Scaled Content Production Director (Kimberly-Clark Corporation – Chicago, IL)

The Global Director Content Production is the strategic and functional leader for the Global enterprise and is tasked with delivering the vision for this functional discipline within the organization. This person should be passionate about producing a consistently superior creative product and their leadership ensures that infrastructure is built and in place to deliver.

Marketing Manager (Live Nation – Hollywood, CA)

We have a great opportunity for a Marketing Manager in the San Diego area. The Marketing Manager is responsible for creating marketing plans including advertising, promotions, publicity, social media and media buying for Live Nation concerts, including developing and executing events and non-traditional programming in and around the venue. The Marketing Manager needs to track spends and allocate funds for individual show budgets. Additionally, the Marketing Manager needs to be able to build strong relationships and communicate with many partners throughout the extended San Diego county area.

Marketing Manager (Cutting Edge Group – Beverly Hills, CA)

We have the ambition to build Real Music into the leading music company and strategic music partner to the Mindfulness consumer and the ancillary companies that operate in the space. We are looking for a marketing manager who can bridge the gap between Real Music and the Consumer by delivering best-in-class content and marketing solutions through direct and partner channels. Our priority is to build a community of fans who will interact with the label and each other, share their stories of how they discovered the music and how it has affected them, and engage with the companies & ambassadors who support our brand. The right candidate will be competent in managing brand messaging across audio, visual, social and partnership platforms.

Digital Marketing Manager (CyberCoders – Fort Worth, TX)

We are an emerging music leader in Fort Worth seeking a talented Digital Marketing Manager to join our team! Ideal candidates will have strong experience with PPC and SEO best practices, a self-starter attitude, and managerial experience that goal-oriented results.

Experiential Marketing Manager (Constellation Brands – San Francisco, CA)

The Experiential Marketing Manager builds brands and drives awareness & trial via experiential marketing. This role will lead the experiential arm of the “Lifestyle & Experiential” Team, whose focus is on translating Constellation’s brand strategies into compelling brand experiences across Beer, Wine & Spirits. A skilled experiential marketer, you lead a team that works on major sponsorships and platforms across sports, music, entertainment and other lifestyle verticals. This role will work cross functionally with internal and external stakeholders to drive planning through to execution and review, bringing operational leadership across a diversified program for our beer, wine & spirits brands. Key areas of focus cover: Recommending/aligning on executional outputs from brand strategic imperatives, agency briefing, creative reviews, sponsorship & event planning, budgeting, team and agency management, internal communications, legal reviews, sample/product shipments, measurement, evaluation and recaps providing recommendations for future efforts. Includes travel to select events to plan and oversee setup/and or execution of event marketing programs with internal groups and agency partners.

Job Board News

Music Industry Job Board (January 28, 2019)

New openings:

Special Events Coordinator (LA Philharmonic – Los Angeles, CA)

The Special Events Coordinator, reporting to the Associate Manager, Special Events, is responsible for day-to-day administrative and clerical tasks to support the Special Events team in the implementation of 30+ cultivation and fundraising events. The coordinator will also assist the Special Events team in the production of the winter and summer galas at the Walt Disney Concert Hall and Hollywood Bowl respectively.

Promotions & Marketing Director (Townsquare Media – Boise, ID)

Townsquare Media Boise is looking for our next Promotions & Marketing Director. We’re looking for someone who brings creativity, energy, passion, and organization to this essential position with our six-station cluster in one of the most desirable areas in the country.

If you’ve heard Townsquare isn’t just about radio, you’ve heard right. We believe in having the most robust digital presence and dominant events in the region on top of our radio brands. If you love building events, promotions, and catching the attention of an audience, and can work with our Brand Managers and manage a great Promo Team, we need to talk. 

Marketing Manager (Nonesuch Records – NYC)

We are looking for a candidate with a knowledge and passion for the eclectic nature of our music which eschews the current trends towards pop and rap and holds true to our core history of artists and releases that range from Contemporary Classical to Jazz to Alternative and Americana and everything in between. Our candidate will be looking to join a unique label environment which is a small team of people who work very closely to present the artistic vision of our roster. This person will have knowledge of the current state of the music business and its evolution and will be able to balance the goals of moving our artists and label into the next phase of the business while being certain to honor our label’s rich legacy.

Assistant Editor (Kylegotcamera – San Diego, CA)

We are accepting applications for a qualified Editor to join our growing team so we can continue to help more business owners from around the world with our proven emotional story telling process. 

Director, Creative Writing (Interlochen Center for the Arts – Interlochen, MI)

Interlochen Center for the Arts seeks a dynamic leader of the Creative Writing Program as Director, Creative Writing. The creative writing programs at Interlochen help young writers cultivate their talents and broaden their command of the writer’s craft at all levels, preparing them for the increasing variety of writing experiences and opportunities presented by the digital world of the 21st century. The programs provide guidance, support and an extraordinary series of experiences and opportunities for young writers.

Executive Assistant to the Chief Advancement Officer (La Philharmonic – Los Angeles, CA)

The Executive Assistant, reporting directly to the Board Liaison/Senior Gift Officer, supports the activities of the Development Department and provides administrative assistance to the Chief Advancement Officer.

Coordinator, TV Music Licensing (Sony – Culver City, CA)

An exciting opportunity to join a dynamic team in the Music Affairs department at Sony Pictures Entertainment as the Coordinator of Music Licensing. As part of the Music Licensing team within Music Affairs, the Coordinator, Music Licensing works collaboratively with and supports Sony Pictures Television’s music and audio needs across their various television productions. This position will work closely with television licensing music executives on productions tracking license status, entering deals into a shared database system, processing payment requests in a timely manner, mailing out checks for synch and master uses, and other tasks as needed to ensure all deals are properly completed, logged and paid. The Coordinator, Music Licensing must be detail oriented and organized, with the ability to stay on top of tracking payments and other tasks as laid out above. They will also work very closely in assisting the music executives in their day to day needs as they work on various Sony Pictures Television productions. Just a few of Sony’s television productions include The Goldbergs, Atypical, Better Call Saul, Cobra Kai, and The Blacklist.

Brand Director (Live Nation – NYC)

One of Live Nation joint ventures is seeking a pro-active and intuitive Director, Client Services to help brands create cultural relevance through the power of music + entertainment + culture at large. The Director, Client Services is tasked with building the client service department, leading an AOR relationship with brands, and helping with new business. The ideal candidate will be able to multi-task and help with on-boarding new client projects and work streams. You will report to theStrategic Business Development Director with support from the Creative Department. Successful candidates will understand that no task is too small and have an independent-mind but team focused mindset. The ability to communicate is critical in this role, and this individual must have amazing follow up and follow through skills. This is a fabulous opportunity for someone looking to join a fast growing, innovative, and proactive organization.

E-Commerce Manager (Soundboks – Los Angeles, CA)

At SOUNDBOKS we believe eComm-first is absolutely the best way to tackle the market. As our Digital Media Lead, you will make your home in PPC. Researching, analyzing, and executing in different channels (FB, Google Network, Amazon, etc) will be your bread and butter. You will gather and decipher huge amounts of business intelligence and you’ll work elbow-to-elbow with our marketing team to act on the information. As the first person to sit in this seat in the US, you will also play an integral role in growing the eComm team in the next few years. We plan to keep growing and the first step is adding you to our team!

Manager, International Marketing (Disney – Burbank, CA)

The International Marketing Manager at Disney Music Group, manages the development and execution of marketing strategies for artists and soundtracks across international markets. Partnering closely with local offices and international license partners, this position is key to the development of opportunities and the strategic growth of DMG and its projects around the world.

Pop/Rock Membership Coordinator (ASCAP – Burbank, CA)

As a Membership Coordinator for ASCAP’s Pop/Rock team, you will serve an important role as a representative to writers and professionals in the music community. After being trained on ASCAP’s internal systems and software, you’ll be responsible for supporting the Pop/Rock executives in the L.A. office and resolving member issues that may arise. 

This role is also event-heavy, so you’ll be expected to attend and work at Pop/Rock events (sometimes in the evening) while assisting in the planning and execution of each event. Active participation in the L.A. music scene is key, so an eagerness to attend these concerts and industry events is expected. 

Marketing Manager, Digital Music (Amazon – Seattle, WA)

The Amazon Music team is looking for a motivated, customer-obsessed, analytical marketer to lead cross-site efforts to drive engagement with music. Cross-site Marketing will own the strategy and execution to drive engagement with Amazon Music (Amazon Music Unlimited and Prime Music) from across the Amazon ecosystem (i.e. Amazon retail website and apps, subsidiaries, etc.). This role will be responsible for identifying, negotiating and optimizing cross-site desktop and mobile advertising programs. To do so, the successful candidate will partner closely with key Amazon teams, including Amazon Homepage team, Amazon Traffic & Events teams, and marketing managers across Amazon retail and digital categories

s ideal candidate will deliver a set of high-priority strategic initiatives that bring Amazon Music visibility and/or integrate music itself into the Amazon shopping and browsing experience. You will execute programs to deliver these and quantify business results with data-driven analyses. You will need to be entrepreneurial and roll up your sleeves. Overall, you will be challenged to push boundaries, propose and execute new ideas, and establish best practices for our global organization. 

Project Manager, Creative Management (OMD Entertainment – Burbank, CA)

OMDe is looking for a driven and detail-oriented Project Manager to join the team. This position oversees creative production and deliveries to ensure that each component of our digital campaign launches on-schedule. Strong communication skills are required since he/she will collaborate with and manage expectations across many internal and external groups, including our clients at Disney.

Digital Producer (Live Nation – Hollywood, CA)

We’re seeking a self-motivated, tech oriented Digital Producer to join our dynamic Promotions team. He/she will be responsible for launching sponsor brand promotional platforms such as sweepstakes, instant wins and contests; and custom websites such as code and ticket redemption sites, hashtag galleries, and event RSVPs. The role requires someone who operates at a fast pace, has a high standard for quality, and is comfortable managing several projects concurrently.

Project Manager-Digital Marketing / Concerts West (AEG – Los Angeles, CA)

The Digital Marketing Project Manager // Concerts West will oversee all digital marketing campaigns for Concerts West’s tour. This person will be in constant communication with tour marketers, talent buyers and local leadership in order to oversee execution of best practices across content strategy, email, social, website properties, app, media buying, CRM, and reporting for multiple tours at once. The Digital Project Manager is responsible for overseeing content strategy, managing multiple budgets at once, and placing media that optimizes for right message, right time, right consumer, to drive ticket sales. The Digital Project Manager is responsible for reporting on return on on advertising spending, understanding success metrics, and leveraging centralized tools where appropriate.

Director, Entertainment Programming (Golden State Warriors – San Francisco, CA)

The Golden State Warriors are looking for a passionate and dynamic Director of Entertainment Programming who will play a critical role in the creation, innovation exploration of new content and entertainment strategy for game experience at games and Chase Center Events. We will provide you with the opportunity to collaborate with Studio and Event Presentation teams to develop, schedule and program entertainment and content in a strategic method to ensure fan satisfaction. To be successful in this role, you will possess strong skills in producing, a creative eye for talent, master of idea generation and have a good fan engagement. You will keep up with the latest trends, have extensive knowledge and appreciation for music and the art of performance with a sports mindset. We believe that collaboration, passion, and dedication is what makes the team successful.

West Coast Regional, Promotion (Caroline International – Hollywood, CA)

Caroline is looking for a Director, Promotion West Coast Regional to build and develop relationships with determined radio outlets throughout the US West Coast in order to seek and secure airplay, promotional, & marketing opportunities. Explore and exploit all avenues in the market region via radio and its related media to enhance the exposure of our artists, and increase revenues for the company.

Assistant II, Music Touring (CAA – Los Angeles, CA)

The assistant will provide administrative support to a senior agent in our music touring department. The ideal candidate should be motivated, interested in the urban music space, quick-thinking and open to working in an environment where he/she is capable of performing administrative tasks in a fast-paced environment. Growth opportunities exist for top performers.

Assistant Programmer, Music Programming (SiriusXM – NYC)

The Assistant Music Programmer works to ensure that music channels provide target audiences with a quality listening experience that appeals to them. By performing key job responsibilities (as listed below) in collaboration with Music Programmers and Directors, Assistant Music Programmers play an integral part in all aspects of creating and maintaining superior radio content.

Executive Assistant (Deluxe Entertainment Services – Santa Monica, CA)

The Executive Assistant will provide high level support to the Chief Sales and Marketing Officer based in Santa Monica. Ability to work in a collaborative, integrated, fast paced sales driven environment is needed.

Music Director (WNRN – Charlottesville, VA)

WNRN Charlottesville is looking for a Music Director for its growing AAA/Americana/Indie/good music station. An understanding of WNRN’s music mix and an ability to guide it is required. The ideal candidate immerses themselves in live and recorded music with an insatiable hunger to hear more. Knowledge of the music industry, music scheduling software, professional sound editing skills and non-commercial progressive music mixes is necessary. Minimum three years on-air experience at a music station is required. Strong interpersonal relationship skills and ability to plan and execute station promotions and manage volunteers, interns and street team members are also a must.

Assistant Manager, Catalog Research and Rights Administration (WMG – Burbank, CA)

The candidate hired to fill this position will be responsible for performing various legal and rights research assignments involving questions about WMG’s rights in and to its catalog recordings and accurately communicating his or her findings to the appropriate department.

Assistant, Digital Products (WMG – Burbank, CA)

In this role you’ll have the chance to learn the ins and outs of getting a digital release to market on a major label. You will work closely with the rest of digital production team to make sure that everything piece of the puzzle is in place for releases in order to get music into the market, ensuring that nothing is missed along the way.

Audio Editor / Podcast Producer (Creative Media Group – Bellevue, WA)

We are looking for a part-time audio wizard to lead in producing client podcasts and other audio production and editing. The individual we hire will be talented, self-sufficient, productive and able to communicate effectively in a fun, community atmosphere.

Sound Designer (Psyonix – San Diego, CA)

Psyonix, an independent video game developer located in downtown San Diego, is looking for a passionate and creative Sound Designer. As a Sound Designer at Psyonix you are an integral part of the audio pipeline, helping the team create compelling experiences. You will bring your creative aptitude to each situation and help heighten the fun and immersive experience for games like Rocket League. Working within a small audio team dedicated to crafting innovative and high quality audio experiences your impact will be paramount.

Talent Acquisition Receptionist (Sony – NYC)

The Talent Acquisition Receptionist is responsible for meeting and greeting employees and guests to the HR department (HR, Talent Acquisition, Learning & Development and Global Compensation teams). A key ambassadorial role for the function which has visibility and interacts with every functional area of the Sony Music business.

Audio Visual Live Event Production (Marx Productions – Chandler, AZ)

The Project Manager takes the vision and concept of the client and the Marx Productions sales team and turns it into the actual event. The Project Manager interacts with the client, the , venue representatives, specialized suppliers and executes the events under their management.

Job Board News

Music Industry Job Board (January 21, 2019)

New openings:

Executive Assistant (UMG – Santa Monica, CA)

We are currently seeking an accomplished Executive Administrative professional with solid experience supporting senior executives. This role requires exceptional attention to detail, great organizational skills, the ability to meet critical deadlines and to juggle multiple priorities in a fast-paced environment. A high level of integrity and discretion in handling confidential information and professionalism in dealing with senior executives inside and outside the company is essential. This role will represent the executive in a positive and professional manner and partner with the executive to help ensure the effectiveness of the function. The ideal candidate will take initiative, identify solutions, and be ten steps ahead of what needs to be done.

Executive Assistant I, Music Production (Disney – Burbank, CA)

It goes without saying that there will be expense reports, travel planning, hundreds of phone messages and endless calendar jockeying, but this job is very much about people. The relationship you form with the executives you support is absolutely critical, because that’s what enables you to become a true partner. In addition to understanding your executive’s business – and business needs – inside and out, you’ll also need deep knowledge of the leadership and workings of the Disney Television Group and of related departments across the Disney enterprise. As the “face” of your executives within The Walt Disney Company, your professionalism, loyalty and attitude are a reflection of the office, and as such, are a key component to its success. Every day as an Executive Support Professional is different!

Assistant Music Publishing Coordinator (International Liturgy Publications – Franklin, TN)

We’re filling an exciting and challenging position that will use your passion for music, knowledge of music theory, and business education to its fullest.

Executive Assistant (Tidal – NYC)

This is an ideal position for detail-oriented individuals hungry to learn and grow in the music industry, while remaining discreet at all times. Must be able to anticipate the needs of the chief executive and chief operating officer, and be an excellent communicator via email, phone, and in-person.

Publishing Assistant, Music (Audio Network – NYC)

This full-time, temporary and New York based role will be joining an efficient international publishing team already operating in London, New York, Los Angeles, Munich and Paris. The Publishing Assistant will support the US Publishing team in basic license administration, managing digital copyright claims, research and data collation, amongst other routine publishing tasks. This is a great entry-level position for a recent graduate who’s interested in assisting with almost every function of a publishing team.

Business Affairs Associate, Music Touring (CAA – NYC)

The Music Touring Business Affairs department at CAA is seeking an experienced associate to join our team. The ideal candidate must possess excellent negotiation and communication skills, have strong analytical problem-solving capabilities, and demonstrate confidence in meeting tight deadlines while managing multiple projects. Attention to detail is a must.

Copyright Registration Coordinator (UMG – Woodland Hills, CA)

We are currently seeking a Copyright Registration Coordinator who will assist with the registration of Universal Music Group’s high volume of audio and audiovisual assets with the United States Copyright Office in Washington, D.C. This Coordinator position is part of the Copyright & Royalties department in UMG’s Woodland Hills, California office.

Marketing Coordinator (AEG – Austin, TX)

The Marketing Coordinator is responsible for marketing, social media, online e-marketing public relations, promotions for venues, radio promotions, clubs, theaters, festivals, shows one-offs. This position will develop promotional initiatives with artists and the community, to promote positive brand image. The Marketing Coordinator may also be responsible for coordinating the work of interns and street team for show promotions. 

Music Marketing Associate (tunein – Venice, CA)

As Music Marketing Associate, you will be an integral member of the music team at TuneIn. You will help connect the dots so we can operate at the highest level as we deliver the world’s best listening experiences. Your responsibilities will include handling the coordination and execution of marketing campaigns that support our original content creation, exclusive music stations and branded content programs. You will support industry relations that solidify our presence and perception. You will also track insights that inform our decisions as we evolve our strategy and grow our business.

Executive Assistant (UMPG – Santa Monica, CA)

Position reports to the CFO of UMPG and will assist CFO and small global finance team. The ideal candidate will be self-motivated, able to work independently, a multi-tasker in a sometimes fast-paced environment, extremely organized and detail-oriented, with the ability to determine priorities.

Assistant, Business Development (CAA – Los Angeles, CA)

CAA is seeking an Assistant to support an Executive in our Business Development department. This role will support an Executive focusing on creative development in the tech and mobile categories. The ideal candidate for this role should be someone who is passionate about new technology, early-stage innovation and mobile app development. CAA Business Development offers an unparalleled value proposition to its clients and its portfolio companies, allowing them to “plug into” the CAA ecosystem and accelerate their businesses through our access to pop culture, including motion pictures, television, music, sports, retail, marketing, live events, licensing, fashion, lifestyle experts, event venues, digital media, games, philanthropy, and more.

Digital Strategy Coordinator (UMG – Santa Monica, CA)

We are searching for an ambitious Digital Strategy Coordinator who will go above the traditional demands of the position to provide quality support to two top-level senior executives. The ideal candidate is a hardworking, forward thinker with the ability to execute tasks effectively with an extremely high degree of attention to detail and professionalism. This role will require a depth of tasks beyond the administrative, so a readiness to learn, strong research and analytical skill sets and an overarching entrepreneurial spirit are imperative.

Executive Assistant (WMG – NYC)

We are seeking an accomplished Executive Assistant with solid experience supporting senior executives. This role requires exceptional attention to detail, great organizational skills, the ability to meet critical deadlines, and to juggle multiple priorities in a fast-paced environment. A high level of integrity and discretion in handling confidential information, and professionalism in dealing with senior executives inside and outside the company is essential. This role will represent the executives in a positive and professional manner and partner with the executives to help ensure the effectiveness of the function. The ideal candidate will be self-motivated, creative and adaptable.

Production Coordinator (Solotech – Las Vegas, NV)

Reporting to the Vice President of Business Development, the Production Coordinator ensures the follow-up and the coordination of the projects with the internal and external partners. He is one of the key people that ensures the proper functioning of a project, from the quote evaluation to the setup of a touring or special event project.

Marketing, Special Event Coordinator at Festival of Music (Kings Dominion – Doswell, VA)

We are seeking a Special Event Coordinator to help with our annual Festival of Music. This person will assist our Event Supervisor with the organization of the event, as well as communication between our company and the event participants.

Creative Licensing Coordinator, Extreme Music (Sony – Santa Monica, CA)

The Creative Licensing Coordinator focus is supporting and assisting the team in servicing the diverse needs of our professional music user clients. This role involves helping clients find the right music for their projects and assisting the department in licensing, cue sheets and other administrative duties. 

Coordinator, Music and Media Licensing, Comedy Central (Viacom – Hollywood, CA)

The Coordinator will be responsible for negotiating favorable rates and securing rights for material (music and other media) across all Viacom Media Network programming and projects. The ideal candidate will be able to accurately analyze contract and license agreements, draw conclusions from working knowledge of issues that impact the area of rights licensing including copyright & trademark law and union/guild issues. This position will report to the VP, Music and Media Licensing Business and Legal Affairs in Hollywood, CA.

Direct Marketing Lead, Music (Apple – Santa Clara Valley, CA)

Do you have a passion for thinking creatively as well as strategically? Can you put the magic within each product we build into words? As part of our Internet Software & Services (IS&S) marketing group, you’ll uncover human insights to craft messaging that shows what Apple services, Apps, and Music and can really do for people. You’ll create and manage direct marketing campaigns that form the voice and spirit of Apple to our customers, acting as the brand identity customers interact with at every touchpoint. You and your team’s work will have a powerful impact on the way people see and use their Apple devices. That’s because every piece of communication you create will reflect the essence of our products: simple and beautiful with iconic personality. As a Direct Marketing Lead focused on Music, you will team up with IS&S business counterparts, the Direct Marketing team, and Business Analytics and Intelligence teams to develop a CRM strategy, manage the program, and be responsible for achieving the goals set for the group. You will take part in a dynamic marketing team where strong business strategy and excellent communication skills are critical to success.

Commercial Music Publishing Partnerships Manager (Facebook – NYC)

Facebook is seeking a Commercial Music Publishing Partnerships Manager who is passionate about the changing music ecosystem, technology and supporting our goal of connecting people through social media, the mobile eco-system and business strategy. This role will be instrumental in the management of Facebook’s commercial relationships with music publishers and societies, as well as collaboration with our product, operations, and media partnerships teams to ensure a coordinated and best-in-class music publishing partner management structure. The position is full-time and based in Los Angeles, CA or New York, NY.

Director, Music Licensing (Warner Bros. – Burbank, CA)

Warner Bros. Television seeks a Director, Music Licensing for the TV Music department. In this role you will be responsible for all music copyright and music licensing functions for the TV Music Department, including WBTV and Warner Horizon Television shows.

Promotions Coordinator (Alpha Media – San Jose, CA)

Alpha Media is seeking a Promotions Coordinator to coordinate station promotions, live events, social media, and the street team staff. The ideal candidate must be a self-starter with the ability to take direction, possess excellent communication and customer service skills, and enjoy working in a team environment that is dynamic, fast-paced, and deadline driven. Reporting to the Operations Manager/Content Director, the Promotions Coordinator will coordinate all promotional activity both on and off the air for the station group; assist with websites and social networking, and maintain station branding materials.

Digital Marketing, Music & Events Assistant (SLO Brew – San Luis Obispo, CA)

The Digital Marketing, Music & Events Assistant will be the support backbone for the marketing department here at SLO Brew. They will be involved in all aspects of marketing SLO Brew Beer, SLO Brew Pub Restaurant (Downtown), SLO Brew Lofts, Concerts, Taproom (The Rock), Event Spaces, etc. and assisting in all music administration i.e. contracts, ticketing pages, street team, and music marketing.

Director, Music Licensing (Time Warner – Burbank, CA)

Warner Bros. Television seeks a Director, Music Licensing for the TV Music department. In this role you will be responsible for all music copyright and music licensing functions for the TV Music Department, including WBTV and Warner Horizon Television shows.

Music Manager, Booking Agent (Leo Salom – Los Angeles, CA)

I’m an Italian DJ and producer currently based in Los Angeles. I perform regularly through the local scene, as well as playing at private events & parties. I work hard in the studio as a producer and sound engineer collaborating with a multitude of musicians, performers and artists, as well as operating my own record label, “Regolare.” I’m looking for a new hard-working manager and booking agent with a competitive drive. The ideal candidate is someone passionate about Deep, Progressive and Future House, with excellent communication skills. I am offering 20% of the gross income coming from any gig you book and possibly negotiate a contract for the management side.

Tour Marketing Coordinator (Live Nation – Beverly Hills, CA)

Live Nation is looking for an energetic, strategic thinker to join the national tour marketing team in Los Angeles.

Personal Exec Assistant/Bookkeeper for busy Music Producer (Platinum Sound Recording Studio – NYC)

An elite recording and mixing facility located in the heart of Times Square, Sound provides access to industry-leading equipment and pristine vintage gear. Our knowledgeable staff offers an unparalleled experience that allows our clients to work in a comfortable and dynamic environment. We are currently seeking a passionate and motivated individual to take over the position of manager.

Editorial Assistant (Austin Monthly – Austin, TX)

This position will contribute to and support the production of a variety of Open Sky Media’s magazines, including Austin Monthly, San Antonio Magazine, and Texas Music, both in print and digitallyThe ideal candidate will have a strong interest in magazines and the publishing industry and the willingness to learn. We value team players who are dedicated to creating a superior product every month and working collaboratively in an editorial environment where creative thinking, problem solving and multitasking are essential skills.

Marketing Coordinator (BSE Global – Uniondale, NY)

The Marketing Coordinator will be responsible for coordinating applicable marketing functions related to all the NYCB LIVE franchises and not limited to other properties within BSE Global.

Office Manager (Sony – NYC)

The Office Manager (Masterworks) will oversee the overall operations of the office for the label and provide administrative support to the SVP/Label Head of Sony Music Masterworks US and other executives handling a wide range of administrative and executive support related tasks.

Music Curator (BPM Media Group – San Diego, CA)

We’re looking for a passionate and enthusiastic music industry professional to join our growing team in our Downtown San Diego location. As a Curated Sets Manager, you will be a source of inspiration for DJs across the country. You will work closely with BPM Supreme’s Audio Team to ensure that Curated Sets not only exceed the expectations of our customers, but also are created on time and on schedule. Ultimately, your organization and communication skills will be crucial to maintaining an innovative and forward thinking resource of music for DJs.

Job Board News

Music Industry Job Board (January 14, 2019)

New openings:

Music Content & Artist Relations Specialist (Musicnotes – Madison, WI)

Join us in being a part of the global music community by shaping the delivery of digital sheet music. Due to growth, is seeking a full-time Music Content & Artist Relations Specialist who excels in managing the details including database management, file indexing, acquisition, and organization. Successful candidates will have experience and an interest in music research and analytics in this data-driven opportunity.

Manager (Singularity – Yonkers, NY)

We are looking for a person with strong connections to the major labels and high-level music industry people. Being on a first name basis with the upper-level management is a must, someone who knows how to source music licensing deals, a person with good connections to source sync licenses for TV shows, movies, video games, etc. In addition, we are looking for strong connections to paid shows major venues, with the relationship to attach your artists to a major tour. We need an experienced manager with an excellent track record and great reputation. We are a private media company backed by a businessman with close to 30 years in the music industry is seeking a artist management partner. Our office is located In Yonkers, New York. We have invested millions of dollars into our business and are close to launching a great new project.

Administrative Assistant (WMG – Los Angeles, CA)

Warner Chappell Music Publishing is the smallest major publishing company. We operate as a boutique company with the outreach and resources of a major. We arguably have the most in-demand roster in the business and the company as a whole has never been this “hot.” Join a winning team and work with some of the best songwriters in the business on their never a dull moment journey to a #1, or #1s for that matter!

Audio Engineer (PARMA Recordings – North Hampton, NH)

If you’re bubbling over with audio engineering talent and creativity, PARMA Recordings’ audio engineer opportunity might just be your perfect job.

This is not your average audio gig. This is a unique opportunity to work as part of a team with world renowned artists in classical, jazz and world music. PARMA’s mission is to bring light to new music and the audio work we do to bring this music to life plays a vital role in our artists’ success.

Successful candidate will have at least 1-2 years of audio experience in editing, mixing and mastering music. Music degree a must, classical music experience a plus.

Day to Day Music Manager (Small Giant Management + Records – Santa Monica, CA)

Day-to-day manager working as the sole point for a major label pop artist. The position requires astute attention to detail, a high level of organization, a big picture understanding of the ever-changing landscape of the music and entertainment industries, and a creative approach to problem solving.

Admin (TAXI Music Independent A&R – Calabasas, CA)

FULL-TIME STAFF ADMINISTRATIVE POSITION available at a well-established, Music Company for an intelligent, hard-working self-starter that wants a “starter job” with growth potential. Strong verbal and written communication skills are critical. Experience with basic (but meticulous) data entry and MAC OSX is required. Knowing Film/TV music licensing jargon is a plus!

Are you star that’s ready to shine given the right opportunity? Are you ethical, personable, and articulate? Do you live within 35 minutes of Calabasas?

This is a Full-Time position: Monday – Friday, 9:00 am – 6:00 pm, with an hour lunch. Hours are not flexible. Small, friendly staff, and a great work environment. Paid vacation and sick time. Health insurance offered after successful completion of the probationary period.

Executive Assistant (NBCUniversal – Universal City, CA)

The Executive Assistant provides support to the President of Global Film Music and Film Music Department as necessary.

Coordinator, Film & TV Music Licensing (UMPG – Santa Monica, CA)

The Universal Music Publishing Film & TV licensing team is looking for a detail oriented, efficient individual for a manager position to work within our fast-paced synchronization licensing department. The right candidate will have a general knowledge of music licensing and be able to multi task at a high level. Excellent oral and written communication skills are crucial, as well as the ability to work mindfully within a team driven atmosphere. A strong passion for music is a must!

Legal Assistant, Production (Viacom – NYC)

Legal Assistant (“Assistant”) is responsible for drafting standard letters, amendments, agreements and distributions for Supervisors, screening and transfer incoming calls with a positive attitude and high degree of professionalism. The Assistant will manage all mailing, faxing, maintaining of files, and faxing of correspondence. The Assistant will also input, revise, proofread, and redline documents while maintaining a highly organized, efficient, and logical filing system of all documents for working and archival purposes. He/She will also manage all scheduling and booking of conference rooms and placing multi-party conference calls for staff meetings and for Supervisors, as well as maintaining departmental lists, calendars, and contacts. Assistant will prepare travel and expenditure reports, order supplies, prioritize the Supervisors’ daily schedule by coordinating appointments and scheduling meetings among parties with demanding calendars.

Music Operations Coordinator (TouchTunes – NYC)

The Licensing Coordinator is responsible for the copyright research and publishing clearance of recorded music to be performed in commercial establishments.

Tour Accountant (Zeisler, Zeisler, Rawson & Johnson LLP – San Rafael, CA)

This is an opportunity to join one of the premier business management/CPA firms and work in the world of musicians, entertainers and professional athletes. Zeisler, Zeisler, Rawson and Johnson LLP is looking for an experienced and highly motivated business manager to oversee the day to day activities of busy touring bands and related entities. Prior direct experience in the music industry is a must (tour accounting experience preferred).

Executive Assistant (AEG – Austin, TX)

The Executive Assistant provides high-level support to executives by managing operational duties and travel arrangements, conducting research, preparing statistical reports, handling information requests, and performing administrative/clerical functions. Administrative functions include but are not limited to, preparing correspondence, receiving visitors, arranging conference calls, travel arrangements, scheduling meetings and heavy calendaring. This individual will also work on various projects of a confidential nature as assigned by the executive.

Executive Assistant (Industria Films – NYC)

Industria Films has upcoming projects in creating branded content, ad commercials, viral campaigns for non-profits, a podcast series, feature length documentaries, music videos, travel series, and television programming for various networks.

We seek to hire a motivated self-starter who loves media with strong knowledge of production and organizational assistance.

Must possess exceptional administrative skills, with a working knowledge of scheduling, programming, production, communication, marketing, and other related areas.

This is a freelance position with the potential to become a part time or full-time position.

The Executive Assistant will be working directly with the Chief Executive Officer (also a founder and investor of several business startup entities)

Salary is commensurate upon experience and based on skill as well as budget. If your application meets our requirements, we’ll contact you to schedule an interview.

Executive Assistant (BMG – NYC)

You live by the words of trustworthiness, organization, and dependability. Everyone will recognize you as the prime go-to-person for just about anything, and your abilities have never disappointed anyone. Managing the lives of the company’s decision-makers is not an easy task, but then you showed up and made it seem like cake.

Global Copyright Assistant (UMPG – Franklin, TN)

We are UMG, the Universal Music Group. We are the world’s leading music company. In everything we do, we are committed to artistry, innovation and entrepreneurship. We own and operate a broad array of businesses engaged in recorded music, music publishing, merchandising, and audiovisual content in more than 60 countries. We identify and develop recording artists and songwriters, and we produce, distribute and promote the most critically acclaimed and commercially successful music to delight and entertain fans around the world.

Arts Administration Assistant (ArtOps/Detroit Chamber Winds & Strings – Southfield, MI)

The Arts Administration Assistant has a strong interest in a career in Arts Administration, a background in classical music, is extremely organized and detail oriented. This individual will engage with many clients and artists and must have exceptional communication skills. In addition, an aptitude for numbers is essential to support budgeting and bookkeeping tasks. The ideal candidate will have the ability to learn and execute a variety of activities essential to managing a performing art non-profit.

Business Continuity & Crisis Mgmt Manager (Madison Square Garden Company – NYC)

The BC/CM Manager is responsible for the day to day direction, coordination, implementation, execution, control and completion of both the Business Continuity Management and Crisis Management Programs at Madison Square Gardens. The Business Continuity Project scope will include the creation and implementation of business continuity plans and procedures.

The Manager will be responsible for interacting with all Stakeholders, Internal Auditors and Senior Management for both programs. The scope includes working with the Stakeholders in defining, training, and testing business continuity, crisis management and disaster recovery plans and procedures to reduce business interruptions, ensure continuity, minimize financial impact and adhere to legal/regulatory requirements. The plans and procedures will govern the Corporate Office, remote Offices (Obscura, Farmingdale) and the MSG Venues. The implementation of the plans and procedures will include documentation, training, and the approach for creating a business recovery command center for managing through a business interruption.

The Manager will also have responsibility for administering a crisis management enterprise-wide operational program, create and lead an enterprise-wide employee assistance initiative, cultivate relationships with key leaders in emergency management and identifying and implementing industry best practices, establishing a corporate emergency response, and forecast and manage a business continuity/crisis management budget.

Music and Entertainment Sponsorship Manager (Verizon – Basking Ridge, NJ)

This position is responsible for leading entertainment partnerships within the sponsorships marketing organization. The Manager will manage all entertainment partnerships, experiential marketing programs and work with internal cross-functional teams to execute integrated marketing campaigns that deliver against key business objectives. This position reports to the Associate Director of Sponsorships.

Membership Coordinator (ASCAP – Atlanta, GA)

We are looking for someone with previous experience in the business and in event coordination, who is looking for an opportunity to grow within the position, is good at multi-tasking and handles pressure well.

Live Entertainment Supervision (Cedar Point – Sandusky, OH)

Live Entertainment Supervisors are involved with the coordination, production & rehearsal process, and daily operation of all live shows, events, and entertainment at Cedar Point.

Marketing Manager (Rare Americans – San Francisco, CA)

We’re Rare Americans, a Vancouver based band that went viral after a series of singles launched in June 2018. Since then we’ve amassed millions of YouTube plays and Spotify/Apple Music streams.

As we’re about to launch our second album we’re looking to add a high level difference maker to our team. Someone with a proven track record in marketing (both organic and paid), social media, and has experience growing a band in the music industry.

Our biggest priority is growth and we believe we need a full time person to assist our team. We’re advertising abroad as this position can be done remotely.

We have 6 music video assets for this launch, we’re touring UK, USA, and Canada, and we have a big “give away” contest that should also land us new fans and significant press.

$4-8k per month depending on experience level with full benefits included.

Coordinator, Music Programming (SiriusXM – Washington DC)

Works with members of the music programming team to create superior radio programs as needed. Supports creative processes, content development and production. Exercises both creative abilities and technical skills. Edits materials and operates an audio board. May be assigned to more than one program and perform slightly different functions across channels.

Job Board News

Music Industry Job Board (January 7, 2019)

New openings:

Music Operations Reporting Lead (Facebook – NYC)

We are seeking a Music Operations Reporting Lead to manage reporting operations and global product support functions for record labels and music publishers. Candidates will have extensive operational experience with labels, publishers and DSPs including ingestion, rights management, reporting, data reconciliation, and development of supporting systems. They have experience in a data-centric, reporting, royalties and/or payments space including solid experience with database structures. They will also be data-driven and flexible to frequent changes. They are expected to think creatively about ambiguous issues and are passionate about problem-solving. They will also be able to work successfully across teams and regions.

Music Supervisor (Gimlet Media – NYC)

Gimlet Media is looking for a Music Supervisor to support our growing team of both internal staff composers and outside talent. This person will work across the company with multiple teams on editorial, branded, and fiction shows. Responsibilities will include music licensing, contract negotiation, internal and external music library organization, and serving as the main point of contact in the company for music procurement.

Associate Brand Manager, Music and Culture (Beats By Dre – Culver City, CA)

The Associate Brand Manager will drive Beats by Dr Dre’s point of view in the area of Music & Culture. An effective Associate Brand Manager will use insights about our products, our consumers, our competitors, and culture to support the development of strategic marketing plans for the Brand. They will partner with a cross-functional marketing team – including internal and external partners – to deliver world-class campaigns that grow the business globally and deepen consumer love for the Brand.

Assistant, Business Operations (AEG Worldwide – Los Angeles, CA)

The Assistant, Business Operations will assist in the fulfillment of sales strategies, promotional campaigns, and overall business operations support for Regal Cinemas LA LIVE.

Digital Media Lead (Soundboks – Los Angeles, CA)

As our Digital Media Lead, you will make your home in PPC. Researching, analyzing, and executing in different channels (FB, Google Network, Amazon, etc) will be your bread and butter. You will gather and decipher huge amounts of business intelligence and you’ll work elbow-to-elbow with our marketing team to act on the information. As the first person to sit in this seat in the US, you will also play an integral role in growing the eComm team in the next few years. We plan to keep growing and the first step is adding you to our team!

Data Analyst, Distribution & Administrative Services (BMI – Nashville, TN)

This role will leverage analytical and technical skills to innovate, build, and maintain well-managed data solutions and capabilities to tackle business problems and support organizational objectives. The individual will also provide insights, recommendations or results from performance of various forms modeling and analysis around BMIs distribution/performance data.

Emerging Talent Associate (WMG – NYC)

Warner Music Group’s Emerging Talent Program (ETP) is a paid program designed to provide students with the opportunity to apply their skills and previous experiences to the music industry. This multidimensional, hands-on program begins by matching students to specific departments across WMG’s companies, based on their interests, for a semester-long experience. ETP is offered during the summer, fall and spring semesters.

Associate Contracts Manager, Music (Google – Los Angeles, CA)

Our Music Legal group manages all music-related commercial transactions. As an Associate Contracts Manager, you will support complex commercial transactions that involve music rights. The client base includes Business Development and Marketing clients across all of Google and you’ll be exposed to numerous product areas throughout Google. You’ll work with our clients on the various legal issues and business strategies related to commercial agreements and you’ll also assist with the continuous development of the commercial team and its processes. Diligent and proactive, you bring excellent business judgment and strategic thinking, along with the ability to work independently as well as collaboratively in a fast-paced team environment.
20th century laws don’t always solve 21st century problems, and Google Legal crafts innovative approaches for handling some of the toughest legal challenges of the information age. Whether you’re a patent attorney, an intellectual property expert or an engineer headed to law school, Google Legal lets you take on unanswered legal quandaries and create new precedents. Our innovative services raise challenging questions that demand creative and practical answers. We provide those answers by working at the crossroads of the law and new technology, helping Google build innovative and important products for users around the world. Responsibilities

Review, draft and manage music licensing agreements, statements of work and other intellectual property agreements.

Director of Digital Marketing (ArtistWorks – Napa, CA)

Engaging content creation & marketing, automated email campaigns, paid media, data analysis/intelligence, social media/blogging, engaging creative and SEO for our 35 awesome music instruction courses are front and center, but the unique way in which our online students learn with Video Exchange is an important emphasis as well. Your expertise in SEM strategies (both lead gen and direct sale), paid social marketing, ad copywriting, Google Analytics will be put to rigorous use.

Our marketing team will consist of musicians (past and present) who can identify with our target audience’s objectives and core market demographics and it’s important that playing music has had a prominent role in your life.

Head of Music Business (Spotify – NYC)

We are looking for a passionate and seasoned business-focused leader to join the Music team. You will help us continue to build and run a world-class organization, executing strategy across the Music and Content teams. This role reports to our VP, Head of Music and is based in New York.

Manager Business Solutions (Madison Square Garden Company – NYC)

The Manager will work closely with the VP & Director to craft the digital sales and execution strategy for each MSG property and partner. S/he will serve as a project manager for select partner digital platforms and work frequently with various stakeholders across the company with groups including Marketing, Insights & Analytics, Information Technology and MSG Networks. S/he will collaborate closely with internal Sales and Account Management teams to ensure that we are best positioned to achieve all goals related to meeting partner digital KPIs and generating new business, upsells and renewals. Additionally, the Manager will lead digital sales operations for MSG affiliated social media channels, websites, apps and email communication.

Inside Sales Associate (BMI – Nashville, TN)

Secures assigned licenses by providing support to Sales Leadership and working all assigned sales opportunities. Validates file information on qualified leads and works as a partner to Inside Sales to research and update account files to increase the chance of selling licenses.

Marketing Associate (Merch Monster – Oakland, CA)

Merch Monster is looking to hire a Marketing Associate to help get us to the next level in 2019! This is an entry-level position and we are open to hiring recent college graduates.

Manager, A&R Administration and Label Relations (Sony – NYC)

The Manager of A&R Administration and Label Relations reports to the Director of A&R Administration and Director of A&R Label Relations, works closely with A&R Operations, Business & Legal Affairs, and artist representatives in handling all “non-creative” aspects of the recording process and label waivers for side artist clearances.

Operations Manager, Pitchfork Live Events (Conde Nast – Chicago, IL)

We’re looking for people with a variety of creative interests, an ability to work quickly and collaboratively, and an ability to remain calm under pressure. Pitchfork is looking for an Operations Manager to reinforce and develop processes and systems in its events department. The right candidate will play an integral role in the future expansion of Pitchfork’s events business. This role stands at the center of the events department, supporting and communicating everybody’s needs, and stands as the first point of contact for many matters. This position is based in Chicago and reports to the Director of Operations.

Sync Manager, Brands & Advertising (Songtradr, Inc.-Santa Monica, CA)

The Sync Manager, Brands & Advertising is a client-facing role, providing an exceptional Songtradr experience. This individual will build, develop and maintain client relationships within brands and advertising. The Sync Manager, Brands & Advertising will work with Songtradr’s sync team to manage the use of Songtradr’s music, working closely with the production, development, creative, digital, social, and licensing teams. The ideal candidate will have a comprehensive knowledge of music, its history, genres, and styles, and must be up to date with current music as well as have performance rights organizations (PRO) knowledge.

Digital Platform Strategist (Mad Decent Records – Los Angeles, CA)

Mad Decent Records, founded by Grammy award-winning artist Diplo, is currently seeking a Sr Digital Platform Strategist to join our growing office in Los Angeles. We are looking for the right individual with a passion for forward thinking music and previous experience at a label, streaming service, or relative digital media company. This role will be responsible for leading strategy for digital platforms, partnerships, and online marketing initiatives.

Music Director (WNRN – Charlottesville, VA)

WNRN Charlottesville is looking for a Music Director for its growing AAA/Americana/Indie/good music station. An understanding of WNRN’s music mix and an ability to guide it is required. The ideal candidate immerses themselves in live and recorded music with an insatiable hunger to hear more. Knowledge of the music industry, music scheduling software, professional sound editing skills and non-commercial progressive music mixes is necessary. Minimum three years on-air experience at a music station is required. Strong interpersonal relationship skills and ability to plan and execute station promotions and manage volunteers, interns and street team members are also a must.

Travel Manager (Stage & Screen – Los Angeles, CA)

Stage and Screen has an exciting opportunity for a Travel Manager to join the growing team in downtown Los Angeles! The Travel Manager handles the day-to-day travel needs of corporate business accounts won by the Business Development Manager and ensures the service agreement between the client and Stage and Screen is delivered in a way which ensures total client satisfaction and client retention.

Coordinator, A&R Administration (UMG – NYC)

The Coordinator, A&R Admin, will act as the liaison between A&R, artists/management and all participants of the recording process to ensure the successful and timely delivery of album releases by successfully accomplishing the following responsibilities:

Coordinator, Lifestyle & Influencer Marketing (WMG – NYC)

This role is a great entry point and stepping stone into digital influencer marketing. This job is at the intersection of creative, marketing, technology, and operations; you will have your hand in a lot of different areas. You must be detail-oriented and able to multi-task, as you will be assisting many artist projects, and administrating a fast-paced, large, growing team. You will be the direct operational support for the lifestyle & influencer marketing team across all aspects of a music release – you will also be working closely with product managers, our in-house creative design, development and video team, and artist managers to help bring artists’ visions to life.

The ideal candidate is interested in operational facets of music and new technology. This person reads blogs (tech and entertainment) every day, installs every new app just to try it out, and has a passion for leveraging the Internet to drive artist careers and revenue. They live on social media, lifestyle blogs, and discover new music in interesting ways. They understand how to optimize content across social platforms, have a desire to learn the “nuts and bolts” of what it takes operationally to release music and videos. As the environment is incredibly collaborative, you will be assisting in digital influencer marketing operations for the department as a whole as well, giving you insights into many aspects of the digital space.

Administrative Assistant, Marketing (Sony – Culver City, CA)

The Administrative Assistant, Marketing is responsible for providing administrative support to the Marketing Department and helping to ensure the efficient day-to-day operation of the department.

Analyst, Online Anti-Piracy (RIAA – Washington, DC)

Work with the Online Analyst team to ensure Online Anti-Piracy projects are fully completed in a timely manner.

Director, Marketing (BMG – Los Angeles, CA)

To be a team player who thrives on high execution, with effective strategizing skills coupled with a natural ability to communicate and accomplish day-to-day tasks for the US market.

Director, Music Group Acquisitions (Sony – Culver City, CA)

A great opportunity to join an energetic team in the Sony Pictures Music Group Business Affairs Department as Senior Manager or Director, Acquisitions.

As part of the Music Group Acquisitions team, the Senior Manager or Director’s role includes working collaboratively with and supporting all Sony Pictures Entertainment divisions surrounding the acquisition and management of music rights in films produced by outside production companies.

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