Editorials Industry News News Writing Tips

How To Pitch Music Editors in 2022

Successfully selling story ideas to music editors is difficult, especially in 2022, but we can help make your next pitch the best one yet.

The only thing worse than the state of streaming royalties in 2022 is the state of music journalism. Each year for the last half-decade, dozens of music blogs have shuttered as audiences shrink and the demand for content continues to boom. Most writers are creating solely to chase their passion. The amount of money earned by the average music critic is well below the poverty line, and even those who manage to find full-time work are constantly waiting for the next shoe drop.

We wish we had a solution to the way things are, but that’s not how entertainment works. You can only do so much to convince people to try a new blog, podcast, or YouTube channel. Your content either shines brighter than the stars or ends up overlooked alongside a million other well-intentioned articles that never found an audience.

But there is hope for the talented. Dozens of major publications are still operating with a budget for freelance submissions. The competition for this money is fierce, but with the right story and well-worded pitch, you can stake your claim at the cash.

To help you better understand what makes a great pitch, we are resharing a submission from bestselling author and former Noisey editor Dan Ozzi. Enjoy:

Make Sure You Have a Fully Formed Idea and Aren’t Just Talking Out of Your Ass

You don’t need to have your whole article written, but you should have a clear idea of what the topic is and what points you will cover. I get a lot of pitches along the lines of: “How about a piece about how Michael Jackson was like, the original Drake or something?” These emails tend to come in after midnight and smell like Adult Swim commercials and Doritos if you know what I’m saying. Then I will send a response saying, “Cool, can you further explain WTF you’re talking about plz?” And surprise, surprise, the explanation is usually: “Like… Because they both wore red jackets and stuff. I don’t know, it might be stupid.” Cool, I’m glad we bonded over the shared experience of wasting our time together. Never forget.

Condense Your Piece Down to One Sentence

Instead of writing out five long-winded paragraphs explaining what you want to write about, give me a summary in one sentence. Or even a proposed headline. Have you ever heard of an elevator pitch? Sure you have. It’s how you would describe a larger project to a person if you had only a brief elevator ride with them. So imagine this: You are in an elevator with me. I am quietly sobbing because I suffer from severe vertigo and crippling phobia of smelling farts in enclosed spaces. How do you make me interested? Go! Sell me this pen!

Know the Outlet You’re Pitching

If you are pitching a site that is both #cool and #hip and sometimes even #edgy, you should craft your pitch to reflect that. Know their voice and also their audience. Do they mostly cater to people under 25? Do their readers use phrases like “on fleek” and “trill?” Is their audience primarily interested in cool vape tricks on Vine? Know all of this stuff and when pitching, don’t come across like you’re trying to write for some academia blog. Conversely, if you are pitching an academia blog, you probably don’t want to use phrases like “on fleek” and “trill.”

Know the Editor You’re Pitching

If you’re introducing yourself to an editor, start with a quick, personal opening line like, “Hey Dan, I really liked your last thinkpiece about how stingrays are the most punk fish in the aquatic kingdom. Good stuff.” This does two things: One, it lets me know that you are a real person who is catering to me, a fellow real person, and that you are familiar with what genres/beats I cover. And two, it kisses my ass just a tiny bit which I need because I am a music writer and require constant stroking of my ego in order to survive.

“Pitch” Is Not a Good Subject Line

That’s it, really. You won’t even get your email opened, let alone answered, if the subject is “pitch.” Put the basic idea of the article in the subject.

Here’s a good subject line: “This Venezuelan Hardcore Band Holds the World Record for Most Consecutive Hours Spent Masturbating”

Here’s a bad subject line: “pitch for you”

Check to See if It’s Already Been Done

Here’s a good use of two seconds that will save everyone involved a bunch of time: Before you pitch an idea, go to the site you’re pitching, enter the topic in the little search box, and hit “enter.” If this topic—or a similar topic—has already been covered, take your business elsewhere.

Be Timely

Different pitches have different lifespans. A long, well-researched investigative piece has the potential to live on forever and ever in the ethers of the interwebs. But something quick and dumb about the Left Shark or escaped llamas has a shelf-life of a day, if that. Send a pitch about a day-old meme and prepare to have your email printed out and passed around the Secret Society of Editors to be mocked while you are forever branded as that freelancer who wanted to write something about the IKEA monkey.

Pitch Ideas, Not Bands

This is probably the single most important piece of advice and I guess I should have put it at the top but am too lazy to change it now. As a music editor, roughly 8,000% of the pitches I get are just interviews with bands the writer likes. “Hey Dan, I want to interview this band The Shitty Pitches. They rule.” Well for starters, tell me something interesting about The Shitty Pitches or what you plan to interview them about. Is there something special about them? Did they grow up on a remote island and not hear music until they were in their thirties? Do they play on instruments they hand-made from their parents’ checks to their liberal arts colleges? TELL ME. Otherwise I’ll just assume it’d be a generic interview that asks my least favorite questions and will pass.

Do Not Pitch to Ask if You Can Pitch

I get this one a lot and it never stops confusing me. Someone will email me and all it will say is “Hey Dan, I wanted to send you a pitch about a band. Would that be cool?” No one has time to lure a timid writer squirrel out of its hole. Pitch or get off the pot.

Do Not Send Generic Garbage Pitches for Garbage People

This is another one that seems like common sense yet happens all the time. Someone will send me something like “I want to write about the current state of punk.” This is kind of like pitching a Hollywood producer a movie about love. Narrow it down.

Do Not Rattle Off Any Old Whatever the Fuck from Your Phone

When you send me a one-line email with “sent from my iPhone” at the bottom, what that basically tells me is that a thought ran across your brain and instead of thinking it out, you just fired it off to me while waiting on line at Cinnabon.

Don’t Pitch Out of Your League

If you pitch an editor with “I want to interview Kanye West,” you damn sure better know Ye personally and had him sign a blood oath saying he’d be down for an interview. There is nothing more obnoxious than someone requesting to interview a celebrity and then asking the editor to put them in touch with that celebrity. We don’t have giant rolodexes of famous people here. (Just kidding, we totally do. But don’t assume that.)

And Lastly, Here’s a Good Sample Pitch Email

Subject: Bands and their grandmas

Hi Dan, [Hey, you used my name! Now I know you are a real person and not a Pitch-Bot 5000. Cool.]

Nice piece last week on how peanut butter is the punkest food. Thought it was pretty… nutty. Was that terrible? [Woah, you have a sense of humor and are maybe a person I could stand working with on a regular basis? Sweet.]

My name is John Q. Writer and I am a freelance writer who has written for CoolBlog dot com and OtherCoolBlog dot com. [Include a link here to your online resume or blog or something where I can get a feel for your style. DO NOT go into your life story—where you went to college, what you studied, the first time you did hand stuff under the bleachers. I do not care.]

As you probably know [assuming that I am on the pulse of culture, nice nice…], a lot of bands are taking their grandmas on tour these days [maybe include a link to something on this on the very, very small off-shot that I, a person “in the know,” am not glued into this particular important cultural trend]. I wanted to write a piece called “Get in the Van, Nanna” exploring this idea. Why do bands do this? What benefits are there to touring with your grandma? I want to talk to Band Number One, Band Number Two, and Band Number Three who have all done this and also speak with their grandmas. [Woah, all of this info is helpful and interesting and I could totally see my readers digging this and sharing it on TweetBook.]

Let me know if you’re interested. [I am.]

Many thanks,


[This is the blank space where you’ll notice it does not say “sent from my iPhone.”]

Sound good? Cool.

Editorials Industry News News Writing Tips

How Writers And Photographers Should Handle The Return of Live Music

Live music is back! Here are a few things music journalists and photographers should keep in mind before heading out to a show.

Can you believe it? After more than a year away, Live music is back. Concerts are already happening across America and worldwide, with hundreds more being announced every week. Live Nation, one of the most prominent concert promoters on the planet, says they will have twice as many artists touring next year as they did in 2019. That would have worried the industry a few years ago, but today, demand and excitement are at an all-time high. Fans are ready. Artists are prepared. Everyone is itching to get back in the pit and sing along to their favorite songs while surrounded by people who feel the same way they do about music. It’s a beautiful thing.

Music journalists and photographers, many of whom have spent the past year trying everything in their power to make click were the headlines from reviews and live stream announcements, are pretty excited as well. As much as writing about tour announcements and reviewing albums can be a satisfying experience, nothing compares to the thrill of covering a live show. A well-written review or beautifully captured photograph can do more to help members of the media and musicians alike than a dozen album reviews. With competition for consumer attention rising, the music journalism community is in a unique position of influence. The tours and events they cover can make or break someone’s spending decision, and that responsibility is not to be taken lightly.

But there’s a catch.

Since the first post-pandemic shows were announced, messages have circulated on social media calling for an end to guest lists. For those unfamiliar, these lists are used by venues and artists to set aside tickets for select individuals to attend a performance without buying a ticket. Spots are typically reserved for family and friends of the artist or promoter and members of the industry at large.

Here’s an example of the messaging in question:

It seems clear that the message of this tweet is for people who do not have a legitimate reason to request guest list inclusion. Artists and promoters are trying to tell friends that they would prefer they buy a ticket. Honestly, it makes sense. Before the pandemic, an artist had no reason to believe that touring, the primary way most musicians make money, would come to a halt. Artists in 2021 know that live music can disappear anytime. There is no guarantee of another tour. Artists need people to buy tickets so that they can feed themselves and pay their bills. The same goes for promoters. People have spent the last year worrying about where the money would come from, and now they have an answer. Live music is back, which means making money is possible.

Regardless, certain members of the music journalism community have taken these comments personally. But as the old saying goes, “if you think it’s about you, then it probably is.”

We spoke to several publicists and promoters who confirm they have no plans to deny guestlist access to writers and photographers when live music returns. One professional, who is allowing us to use their quotes anonymously, went as far as to say that “concert coverage may be more important than ever this fall. Artists, especially smaller ones, are going to need all the attention their shows can get to move tickets.”

That said, we put together a few rules with the help of the industry at large that music journalists from all walks of life should adhere to as concerts return:

  • Always say please and thank you. That may seem obvious, but unless you are a significant publication with massive influence, granting you access to an artist and their performance is a gift. 
  • Do not publicly attack artists, labels, promoters, or publicists if you do not receive access. Many factors go into media accreditation consideration. Keep working hard and, in time, you will get the access you seek.
  • Always deliver on your coverage promises. If you said you would write a review, then you better write something. If you said you wanted to take photographs, then you better publish a gallery. The publicists we spoke to say they will be more closely following the content created in return for guest list inclusion moving forward. 
  • Don’t request access to anything you wouldn’t cover otherwise. If you write for a metal site, for example, then you shouldn’t be requesting access to the Jonas Brothers concert under the guise of being a music journalist.
  • In the event you are granted a plus one, use it to expand your coverage. Guestlist spots are limited, and they are not intended to help your friend or significant other access a show. It would be best to use additional guest list spots solely to ensure the best possible coverage—for example, a writer AND a photographer.
  • If you enjoy the artists performing, consider buying merchandise. Not only will this help the artist continue to pursue their career, but it’s also a show of support for both the artist and their team. It says that you are serious when you say you want the artist to succeed. Artists and publicists know that not every site has any significant level of influence, but when you vocally support musicians and buy their merchandise, it tells the industry that you are actively working to ensure musicians can continue creating the art they aspire to share with the world.
  • Don’t be a dick to security or venue staff for no reason. Treat everyone the way you wish to be treated.
  • Don’t post a photo of your press badge or photo pass on social media. It may seem harmless, but someone may steal that image in an attempt to infiltrate another gig or event in the future. At the very least, wait until the tour or event has ended before sharing your pass.
  • Respect any boundaries set by the artist or their team. If someone says they don’t want to discuss something or be photographed at a particular time, listen to them. No one wants gotcha journalism.
  • Send links to your coverage to the person who granted you access. Everyone in music is busy, but you can make someone’s job easier by sharing your contact with them rather than making them seek it out. That behavior will also help you develop stronger relationships with publicists, labels, etc.
  • Don’t fake it. Humans have a unique ability to detect when someone is lying or not presenting the entire truth. Don’t create content you don’t believe in or would not want to consume. Make what is authentic and meaningful to you, and everything else will fall in place.

There are probably 100 other things we could add, but this is enough for now. We’ll see you at the show!

Editorials News Writing Tips

How to write compelling concert reviews

Reviews are a dime a dozen these days, but a great live review by an engaging author can still make the difference between a tour’s success or failure.

Ah, the concert review. It has been a staple of entertainment journalism longer than almost any other feature, appearing long before recorded music was even thought possible, and it will most likely outlast us all. Why? For starters, the financial risk in seeing virtually any show is much higher than consuming a single song, album, or movie. Most people will risk $10 on a new release, but far fewer people are willing to spend $30 (or in many cases, much more) to see a performance whose quality is uncertain.

Then there’s the YouTube problem. Just last week, I saw Kelly Clarkson tell a crowd of thousands at Van Andel Arena how much she appreciated their attendance by admitting, “I don’t know if I like anyone enough to leave my house. You could have watched this whole thing on YouTube from your couch, but you’re here, and that means something.”

There are thousands of hours of concert videos on YouTube. In the time it takes to read this article there will likely be hundreds, if not thousands more than when you started. A lot of the clips feature muddy sound and poor video quality, but there remains more than enough decent uploads to sustain those unwilling or unable to purchase tickets for themselves. Just look at this video from the latest Panic! At The Disco tour, which is currently making its way across North America:

The clip above may not duplicate the live experience, but for many, it’s good enough.

These reasons, as well as many others, explain why creating quality live reviews is so important in entertainment today. A compelling live review can determine whether or not a ticket is bought, which plays a role in whether or not artists can support themselves and continue to create.

The importance of criticism in regards to concerts is as much about the performers on stage as it is the production, the crowd, and the overall vibe of the event. Journalists can speak to all these elements on a technical level, but what really grabs today’s easily distracted reader is the critic’s own journey. The consumer of your material may never make it to the show in question themselves, and the reasons for that are numerous (schedule, cost, etc.). What they can do, however, is live vicariously through you.

In today’s entertainment writing culture, the key to crafting a great live review lies in learning how to tell a good story — your story. You should consider yourself, your feelings, and everything that goes into a night out on assignment as a vessel for others. Capture as many moments as possible, especially the tiny moments that others in the crowd might miss, and use them to make your story more engaging for the reader. Here are some questions to get you started:

  • What is the weather like?
  • Is it hot or cold inside the venue?
  • Do people look happy to be there?
  • When did the venue staff notice people lining up? (Don’t be afraid to ask!)
  • What are people in the crowd talking about?
  • What are people in the crowd wearing?
  • How much time between sets?
  • Did the performers engage the audience? If so, how?
  • What moments from this show will you remember in six months?
  • What would you change, if anything, to improve the night?
  • How did you feel during the show?
  • Were your expectations met?
  • Where were your expectations?

2019 is shaping up to be a banner year for live entertainment. Legendary acts are returning to the stage for a final run, new artists are trying to fill large venues, and there appear to be more festivals than ever before. Everyone who is anyone is trying to get a piece of consumers’ live entertainment budget. The reality is, only a few will succeed, and critics can play an active role in determining who comes out on top.

Editorials News Writing Tips

Join the 2019 Music Writer Exercise (#MWE) this February!

The month-long event started by music journalist Gary Suarez returns next month.

Have you ever thought of writing about music?

Did you watch Almost Famous and feel like you might like to pursue a career in music journalism?

Do you ever wish you were a better writer?

If the answer to any of the questions above is yes, then we have the perfect exercise for you. The Music Writing Exercise is a month-long event created by journalist Gary Suarez in 2015. Participants attempt to listen to one new album every day throughout February and crafting a tweet that summarizes their thoughts on the record.

We at Haulix participate in the Music Writing Exercise every year. It’s hard to know how many other writers will join in the fun, but you can follow along and engage with the global writing community by using the hashtag #MWE on Twitter.

As for the albums you cover, that decision is ultimately up to you. Some people plan out their entire month of listening in advance, while others choose to pick a record at random each morning. Others develop one or more themes for the month, such as live records or third albums.

You won’t win anything for completing #MWE, but like any other exercise, you will develop your skill set. As writers, we all fall prey to repetitive phrasing and tired wordplay. The Music Writing Exercise challenges us to create bright new ways to discuss music. It also encourages community. There is no cost to participate, so what do you have to lose?

…And if you need listening recommendations, here is what I’ll be spinning next month:


Advice All Music Writers Should Follow in 2019

The music business in 2019 would be virtually unrecognizable to the music business of 2000. In less than two decades the industry we all love has undergone an extensive transformation that has emphasized access rather than ownership, created a glut of festivals, and brought into question the necessity of quote/unquote ‘music journalists.’ When algorithms can predict success better than even the most gifted ears, and everyone with an opinion can share their thoughts on social media do we have a need for full-time music writers?

The answer, as always, is yes. There may be more people talking about music than ever before, as well as more way to access music, but that does not mean the quality of conversation around the art form is at its peak. As long as great artists are creating impossibly catchy songs that ultimately never receive the praise or support they deserve there is still work to be done on the part of music journalists. There is and will always be a need for people to amplify the voice of artists on the rise, as well as a need for experienced listeners to help those short on time make useful discoveries.

While there is a lot to be said for how music blogs and publications can better themselves in 2019, there is also quite a bit you should be taking it upon yourself to do to get ahead. What follows are three tips to keep in mind as we begin to navigate the uncertain months ahead. The future is always unpredictable, but there is a lot you can do right now to increase your chances of a better tomorrow. If you have any questions, email me:

Storytelling matters now more than ever

There was time not long ago when the vast majority of music blogs created just two pieces of content: Reviews and news. The reviews were written hurriedly by young critics trying to make their name by praising or trashing talent, while the news often amounted to little more than copy/pasted press releases tweaked just enough not to be outright plagiarism. Some of this content was good, but most was immediately disposable.

Some of those sites still exist today, but most have died due to an inability to grow their audience. If the content your creating is immediately disposable then the same can be said for your site. If, however, you can find a way to create unique content that no one else can offer then you may be able to set yourself apart.

To do this, we suggest telling more stories. Find an artist you believe in, regardless of popularity, and tell their story. Tell your story about telling their story. Tell the story of their fans and why they choose to care about this artist instead of the other million-plus in existence. Find an angle that interests you and shares it with the world. Take chances. Maybe what you uncover isn’t necessarily new or groundbreaking information, but as long as it is honest and well-written, it will entertain.

Maintain your archives, both public and private

Here’s a nightmare scenario most writers never consider: What happens to your content in the event a hacker attacks the site(s) where you contribute? What happens if the owner of that site suddenly loses interest in the publication and deletes it? What happens if for whatever reason your content disappears before you or anyone else thinks to save a copy elsewhere?

The answer is always the same: Your content is gone forever.

In 2019, there are no longer any acceptable excuses for failing to maintain a personal archive. Too many sites have gone under, and too many people have complained over social media about now permanently lost work for you to fall in line with those who the easily avoidable mistake of not keeping track of your work. After all, who else do you expect to do it? No one cares more about your career in writing than you, so you must be the one to look after and ensure its legacy.

In addition to saving your work offline, we also suggest you maintain a catalog of links to the currently active content you consider to be your ‘best’ work. Services like Contently make this easy and cost-effective. Again, there is no excuse for your archives being a mess. Get it together!

You need a website

Every time we create a post offering advice to individual professionals we make it a point to emphasize the need for a personal site. It doesn’t matter if you own a blog with a hundred contributors or you contribute to a hundred blogs, every single person trying to make it in the music business should have their website. The reasons why are as endless as your imagination, but the main reason is that you need a place where you and your work can be the focus of everyone’s attention. You need a place where your absolute best work is displayed, as well as a place where people can learn more about you and whether or not you are available for freelance work. A personal website can be anything you want it to be. Just make sure you have one.


18 Problems Facing Music Blogs Today (And How To Solve Them)

Music blogs were once widely considered an integral part of any music promotion effort. Before the age of streaming services, dedicated genre flans turned to blogs for new song premieres, new artists, and tour information.

Opinions have changed in recent years. While some blogs are still considered gatekeepers to specific areas of music, many more have been written off as unnecessary or uninteresting (often both). Those criticisms, along with others, have birthed think-pieces, podcasts, and YouTube videos that question the relevancy of the blog market as a whole.

But such criticisms are short-sighted. Much like cassettes and vinyl before them, blogs may not be as vital as they once were, but that does not mean they are dead and gone. There are countless blogs operating today, with more launching every month. People still dream of becoming music journalists, and some even get paid to write about music regularly.

With that in mind, let’s explore the problems music blogs face today, many of which have only arisen in recent years.

1. Interviews are mostly irrelevant in the social media age. Why read an interview with someone who already shares every detail of their life on multiple social media platforms 24/7? What can blogs deliver that they can’t?

2. There will always be a need for a “water cooler” where the conversation on a band/genre takes place, but now there are more avenues for discourse than ever before. Blogs, podcasts, YouTube, Instagram live, etc.

3. Many sites have thrived by regurgitating press releases as fast as possible, but no one is faster than the artists who have likely scheduled the same announcement across all channels in advance of release.

4. Sameness is a disease that has plagued many sites for years. What does any blog offer that no one else can, and how are blogs utilizing that uniqueness to engage music fans?

5. When everyone can share their opinion all the time, why should anyone listen to a blog? Just because someone writes 1000 words on a new album doesn’t mean their perspective is better than what someone else can fit into a tweet. Creativity always wins.

6. Simply sharing content is not enough to build an audience. Where is a blog’s branding? Where is their investment? How are they making their content their own and not just another use of the same promo image every other site uses for the exact same coverage?

7. Single platform sites are dinosaurs. Does the blog have a podcast? How about a YouTube channel? Are they creating unique content for their Instagram and Twitter, or is everything the same everywhere?

8. Have sites made any effort to promote their content beyond having their contributors share links tagging talent? Artists are more inclined to engage fans than they are to try pleasing a blog that relies on them to bring clicks. Where is the authority?

9. Speaking of original content, does the blog edit their posts? Are they developing a voice? Do they curate image galleries rather than posting 50+ photos from a show they covered in 250 words, most of which can be summarized with “it was cool”?

10. What about your community? Has the site identified the type of person who reads their content? If so, have they asked readers why they choose that publication over the competition? Have they asked their audience who they want to know more about?

11. What is a site’s focus? Everyone listens to a little bit of everything, but no site is proficient or knowledgeable about every genre. Sites hoping to succeed need to identify what coverage performs the best and minimize the rest. Blogs shouldn’t trend hop just because Lil Whatstheirname is suddenly buzz-worthy.

12. Does everyone really need a site of their own, or would they be better suited for partnering with another site to create one powerhouse force? Is it ego or necessity that dictates that decision?

13. As far as advertising and promotion, what is a site’s target market? How did they identify them? What can they offer that group that other sites can’t or won’t?

14. Too many sites lack clear goals. Many are trying to be Rolling Stone, but that is a terrible decision because the business model of Rolling Stone is no longer working for that publication in today’s world. Sites need to set attainable goals and manage their expectations along the way.

15. If they do start a YouTube Channel or podcast, why? How are they working to differentiate that content from what already exists? The more specific sites can be the better. No one needs more “people who like everything talking about everything they like.”

16. Networking matters. What kind of relationships are new sites developing with PR/Labels/Artists? Are they saying yes to everything? If so, stop that. Are they only saying yes if they promise to promote? If so, top that. Are they working together to create the best possible content that can help everyone? If so, do more of that.

17. Too many sites dream big but act small. If blogs try something new, they MUST put their all into it. Why should anyone else give a damn about what a website is doing if the site owners don’t give a damn? Quality breeds community.

18. Blogs need to listen to the music community more. Find a need and fill it. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a complete list of tours currently happening in any specific genre? How about a playlist with all the new material from any one genre each week? These ideas and many more are waiting to be utilized.

These problems don’t even begin to address the problem of monetization, or they need to pay contributors, but both these issues can be solved AFTER an audience has been developed.

Blogs will never die, but it’s likely many sites that exist right now won’t be around in five years’ time. If you want to survive then you must adapt. Constant evolution based on analysis of trends and tastes will inevitably give way to longevity. Complacency only leads to death.


Join the 2018 Music Writing Exercise this February!

Music journalist Gary Suarez developed a great exercise for music writers at every level of the profession in early 2015 that has since been revisited every year since. We plan to participate and hope the rest of you will as well. Here are the rules:

Each day in February, listen to 1 full album you’ve never heard, from start to finish. Once complete, write one tweet about the album you just heard and tag it with #MWE so others can follow your efforts.

You can choose any album you wish, but if you’re stumped please do not hesitate to ask us and other for recommendations. In fact, we may post some on here just in case.

Are you in? Tweet us and share your list. Here’s what we will be listening to:


What happens when you steal someone’s work?

We live in the age of content overload. It is impossible for most people to keep up with a single feed, let alone multiple accounts across numerous platforms. Add to this the thousands of websites publishing tens of thousands of articles, each vying for the almighty click, and it’s no wonder people in 2018 would still believe people might not notice plagiarism. After all, nobody has time for everything.

Professionals never plagiarize. Professionals believe their purpose is to create, so they would never think to copy the work of another because it could never be a fitting representation of their own creativity.

The amateur, however, lacks this mindset. The amateur wants to create and impress at the same. They take on more than they can handle and refuse to disappoint. They mean well but lack the ability to follow through on their commitments because they have not yet developed the skills needed to do so. They also haven’t been able to realize and/or admit this to themselves.

Here’s the reality of plagiarism in music writing in 2018…

Every music publicist worth working with has become a master of Google alerts and traditional online research. There is not a single post about their clients they cannot find because proving they got coverage for their client is crucial to their continued success. In short, they see everything.

When a new post appears that resembles or outright steals from another post, that publicist then contacts the author of the original post, as well as their editor. Together, those three decide how they wish to proceed.

There are three ways these situations tend to be handled:

1. No one does anything and the plagiarized post remains up.

2. The editor of the offending site is contacted and made aware of the situation, thus transferring the responsibility of taking action to them and their site.

3. The alleged plagiarizer is contacted directly, often by the publicist who discovered the similarities or the editor of the site whose content was stolen, demanding answers

Of these options, the second method of response tends to be the most beneficial. Once the editor of the offending site is made aware of the problem they typically remove the plagiarized post and confront their writer. More often than not, the offending writer is then removed from the site’s contributor pool.

…But the fallout does not end there.

The music industry is small, and the music journalism community is even smaller. It is not a lie to say everyone knows everyone, even if they don’t know them on a personal level. As soon as plagiarism allegation arise the offender – otherwise known as the plagiarizer – may find it difficult to continue pursuing their work in music writing. After all, what site would want to work with someone who steals other writers’ work? What publicist or label or artist would want someone incapable of creating original content to cover their latest release?

Many who plagiarize claim they did so not out of a desire to mislead, but rather to make their deadlines and otherwise please those who demand they produce content. While this reasoning is understandable to an extent it does not make stealing okay or otherwise acceptable. It is far more professional to admit you are incapable of meeting a deadline or otherwise finishing something you were assigned than it is to lie about how you completed the work. Lies will get you nowhere in the business. Just don’t it.


How to conduct great, original interviews 

Music writers today are inundated with requests for coverage from artists and their representatives on a daily basis. There are far too many for one person to ever do them all, and most would not be worth the effort anyway. This is not a slant against artists or writers, rather an acknowledgment that conducting a good interview is hard. Real hard.

I statistic I just made up claims only one in five interviews conducted with musicians ever result in new, interesting information being uncovered. The majority of interviews tend to cover promotional points as if they are being read off a checklist. The basic outline of these conversations goes something like this:

– How are you?

– How is the tour?

– Where do you like to tour?

– When are you recording again?

– Are you working on material right now?

– Do you have any crazy stories to share?

– How can people stay connected to you online?

Some questions may be added or subtracted based on circumstance. None of these questions are inherently terrible, but they also limit responses to information that could easily be found in a press release or social media update.

In order to make your interview deserving of attention, you need to uncover something deeper and more human in your interviews. To help you do this, I would like to remind you of something:

Musicians and celebrities, at any level, are just people.

Now I know that sounds obvious, but all too often journalists treat the subjects of their interview like a business rather than another person. The questions outlined above are not that far removed from the following:

– How’s business?

– Is your latest product performing well?

– What do you like about this product?

– When can we expect another product?

– Are you working on something right now?

– Is there anything consumers don’t know about your business?

– How can we learn more about your products?

Great interviews strip away the idea of celebrity altogether and share the unique perspective on life possessed by an individual or group. That may sound difficult, but in reality, it is one of the easiest things to capture. All you have to do is this:

Don’t ask questions. Have a conversation.

Treat the people you interview as if they were someone you started talking to simply because you were curious. Cover the necessary bases of promoting whatever it is they are looking to promote, but also strive to understand the person behind the art. Ask about the influencing or motivating factors in their life and explore why those things have such an impact on them. Ask if they creativity comes easy or if it is a daily challenge. Ask them if they are content. Ask them what they need and want. Ask them the kind of thing you would ask anyone whose happiness and well being you are concerned about because ultimately that is the real reason for the interview in the first place: You care about this person or group, for whatever reason, and you hope more people will as well.

Allow your interview subject space and opportunity to be themselves and I promise – people will surprise you.

News Podcasts

Inside Music Podcast #118: Music writing will never die! (with Molly Hudelson)

On this episode of INSIDE MUSIC, host James Shotwell calls writer Molly Hudelson to discuss what makes a great story in the world of music journalism. Molly and James also discuss their evolving music tastes, the state of music writing today, and whether or not their dreams can become lifelong careers.

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