Artist Advice Editorials Writing Tips

The Ultimate Guide to Pitching Music Editors (for Musicians & Writers!)

Guest Author: Daniela C.

Ever felt like your music or story is getting lost in the crowd? You’re not alone!  Music editors are bombarded with pitches daily, so standing out is crucial. Whether you’re an independent musician ready to share your sound with the world or a music writer with a passion for spotlighting new artists, this guide will show you how to craft a killer pitch that gets noticed. 

Even as the industry evolves into diverse mediums, press coverage is still super important to artists and music journalists alike. While repeated rejections or unanswered pitch emails may be discouraging, your stories and point of view are needed!

You probably just need a few tweaks in your pitching methods to get published. Ready to turn those rejections into rave reviews? Read on.

Know Who You’re Pitching To

Not all music editors are created equal. Before blasting your email shotgun-style, do some research. Figure out which publications or platforms vibe with your sound/writing style or if they’re even accepting pitches. Check out some of their recent articles and featured artists, and check their submission guidelines.

What genres do they mostly cover or have knowledge about? Also, make sure your voice lines up with their target audience. You don’t want to submit an overly serious story angle to a publication more interested in the latest TikTok dance crazes. For musicians specifically: Seek out publications that have writers and editors that dig your genre and are actively looking for new artists to cover!

Bonus: We can help curate this contact list for you with HAULIX+

Ditch the Generic Greetings

Do not open your email with: “Dear Music Editor”. Editors get slammed with dozens of emails a day, so you NEED to stand out from the crowd. Find the editor’s name and personalize your greeting. Plus, a little effort shows you care – not just about getting featured, but about building a genuine connection. The music industry is ALL about the relationships you build along the way.

Subject Line: The Click-Worthy Hook

Your subject line is the first impression, so please think of something better than “Pitch”. Here is the ideal space to give an overview of what you’d like to be covered, or simply use a working headline. Your email subject should be able to tell as much of your story on its own.

Here are some examples:

“The Haunting Synth-Pop You Didn’t Know You Needed: [Your Artist Name]”

“The Music Producer Who Recorded His Album Underwater: Meet [Artist Name]”

“This Metal-Jazz Fusion Band Toured The World On A Tricycle”

Keep it short, punchy, and relevant. Don’t be too clickbaity, but definitely pique their curiosity. Sometimes you might just have a really wild story to share.

E-mail body: Keep it interesting but to the point

This is where you make your case, but keep it concise. Don’t write your full autobiography but make sure to highlight what makes your pitch different and a worthwhile story to share. Why should people care?

If you’re a writer, here’s where you:

  • Introduce yourself, briefly. Include links to some past, relevant stories.
  • Include an interesting hook. Was this song recorded in a secluded cabin in the Arctic Circle? Mention this here.
  • Try to have most of your angle and story formed already so the editor can see your vision.
  • Extra bonus: You could suggest a few interview questions prepared for the artist you’d like to cover.

If you’re a musician:

  • Introduce yourself, your band, and genre. Briefly mention what makes your music unique to further grab the editor’s interest.
  • Tell them what you’re pitching. Are you offering an exclusive interview with your band or a chance to premiere an upcoming music video? You can also just submit your music for coverage for certain columns or features.
  • Include links to your music or a streaming platform where they can easily find the music.

Remember: Editors do not have time to read a novel in their inbox.

Proofread Like a Pro

Typos and grammatical errors scream amateur. Take the time to proofread your email before hitting send. You want to impress editors, not make them question your basic writing skills. It can seem petty but this is the only first impression you’ve got!

Follow Up (But Not Too Much)

If you don’t hear back within a week, a polite follow-up email is fine. But please avoid spamming their inbox. Respect their time, and if they don’t respond, move on and try another editor.

Bonus Tip: Be Social

There is a reason social media is so popular — it works. Follow editors you want to pitch on Twitter or Instagram. Engage with their content, show them you’re a real person with a genuine passion for music. Sometimes, a well-timed comment can lead to an unexpected opportunity. You never know!

Remember, pitching editors takes time and effort. But by crafting a killer pitch and putting yourself out there, you’ll increase your chances of getting your music and stories heard.

If you’re an artist who wants to submit your music to publications, visit to read more about how HAULIX+ can take the guesswork out of pitching and help you grow your network!


How To Hire A Music Publicist [Video]

Finding the right publicist for your next release is a challenge, but knowing what to ask can make all the difference.

Music publicity is one of the most challenging jobs in entertainment. Publicists work long hours to help artists cut through the noise and be heard. They go above and beyond daily to make sure their clients’ stories are heard, often in places that the artists themselves would never be able to reach, and they rarely receive the thanks they deserve. Music PR is, in many ways, the bridge between anonymity and stardom.

But finding the right publicist for your music can be challenging. Just because someone can promote a band or artist that makes music somewhat similar to yours does not mean they can do the same for you. Likewise, it’s possible someone who never worked with an artist like you could help you find new audiences. Others will promise you the world and deliver nothing. 

While we can’t make decisions for you, we can provide the tools you need to make the best choice for your career and wallet. In the latest Music Biz update, host James Shotwell walks through more than half a dozen questions every artist should ask a publicist before hiring them. These questions cover expectations, costs, and the publicist’s understanding of the project in question, among other things. Check it out:

Questions covered in the video above include:

  • Please tell me about my music (describe what it is you think I/we do)
  • How do you define a PR agency’s worth to a client?
  • What do you feel about your agency’s worth in the context of that answer?
  • What isn’t your job?
  • Why is your agency best suited to work this specific record for this specific band?
  • What kind of adjustments have you had to make since starting your own agency?
  • Can you provide a SWOT analysis of our project?
  • What is a story that needs to be told about this band and this record for it to achieve the most commercial success?
  • How do you prioritize clients?
  • This band is outside of the genre of your biggest acts. How do you make that into a strength?
  • What is the current rate for your services? Do you offer discounts on multi-month commitments as opposed to month-by-month payments?

Asking these questions can help you find the right person or team to help make your next release the success you deserve. Don’t hesitate to ask as many questions as you need to feel confident in your decision.

Music Biz is brought to you by Haulix, the music industry’s leading promotional distribution platform. Start your one-month free trial today and gain instant access to the same promotional tools used by BMG, Concord, Rise Records, Pure Noise Records, and hundreds more. Visit for details.

Business Advice Editorials Industry News News

The fastest way to improve your music PR efforts

Email is the name of the game when it comes to music PR, and when everyone is doing the same thing, it’s the details that make all the difference.

Everyone working in music receives a lot of emails all the time for a wide variety of reasons. Writers and music critics, for example, receive press releases from anyone with an artist or release to promote who is smart enough to find their email address. They also have messages from editors, personal contacts, and – in the case of blog editors – aspiring professionals looking for an opportunity. It’s overwhelming, and it is becoming increasingly hard for any message to stand out.

Many marketing blogs will tell you that an eye-catching subject line is all you need to get someone to open your message. That may be true in certain circumstances, but an open only brings a reader to your message – it does not make them engage with it.

If people don’t like what they see at first glance, then your email is no more successful than the messages that get trashed without an open. Grammar and structure aside, there is one thing that can grab the attention of a writer (or anyone) at first glance:

Use their name.

First or last or both, it doesn’t matter. Just use it.

That seems surprisingly simple, and it is, but the vast majority of publicists, artists, and others vying for attention these days do not take the few seconds needed to address the recipient of their emails adequately.

Here is a sampling of the most common, least engaging greetings used today:

  • Dear Music Blogger
  • Hello, Music Friends!
  • Dear [Wrong Name]
  • Media Friends:
  • To whom it may concern
  • Sir or Madam
  • ATTN:
  • [Name] <– This happens when they leave what should be automated forms blank, and it happens a lot.

Technology may make connecting with others easier than ever before, but it still lacks the personal touch of a traditional conversation. Even letters written by hand required something more tactile than a digital message can allow. Using someone’s name tells them you view them as something more than a faceless body existing in the void of the internet that you seek to use as means to ascend through the ranks of the entertainment industry. Using someone’s name, treating them like a professional should, is so simple, yet it can mean so much. It tells someone you see them and their work, which often is the result of great sacrifice, and it subconsciously makes them care a bit more for what you have to share.

Job Board News

NOW HIRING: Publicist (Atom Splitter PR)

Do you have what it takes to become the next great rock and roll publicist?

Atom Splitter PR is looking for a part-time publicist. 15 to 20 hours per week. Strong potential to develop into a full-time position at some point. Can work remotely but Interested parties must live in the metro NYC area (NYC, NJ, Philly) and have a passion for PR, an understanding of the gig, and a desire to grow in the field. Previous experience is preferred but entry level candidates will also be considered. Duties include pitching national and tour coverage and processing and fulfilling requests for a very busy tour and servicing slate.

Our current roster includes Killswitch Engage, Alice Cooper, I Prevail, Attila, Falling in Reverse, Vein, Hatebreed, Trivium, August Burns Red, In This Moment, Bullet for My Valentine, Of Mice & Men, Zeal & Ardor, Demon Hunter, Underoath, Cane Hill, Fearless Records, earMUSIC, Closed Casket Activities, Rise Records, and many more.

Interested parties can email their resume to

Looking for additional job opportunities? Our weekly Job Board features dozens of openings from across the United States!


What musicians should ask themselves before hiring a publicist

Publicists can do a lot for your career, but only if you’re ready to work with them.

Every artist wants to find success in their career, but the path to success is rarely the same. What works for one artist or group may not work for another and vice versa.

For example, some artists get ahead with the help of publicist who uses their connections to land the band press opportunities that offer exposure which aide in the development of an audience. Other artists choose to promote themselves, and in doing so often find a quicker route to connecting with listeners. One way is not better than the other. Both offer success, though how it comes and what comes with may vary greatly.

The vast majority of up and coming talent we engage with mention their desire to find a publicist. Most know what publicists do or at least have some understanding of their role, but very few seem to grasp their role in determining whether or not a publicity campaign will succeed. With that in mind, we put together questions that every artist should ask themselves before investing in PR for their career.

1. Is my career even at a point where I need a publicist?

The idea of having someone in your life who spends a part of their day doing whatever they can to get the word out about your efforts sounds like a smart decision, but unless you have something worthwhile to share with the world you’re going to end up wasting a lot of money. Focus on creating the best album/single/video you possibly can, which I can tell you will likely not be your first release, and then think about bringing in someone to help promote. While many professional publicists will tell a band if they think the band is not ready for such a business relationship, there are a number of those out there who will happily take your money and never look back. It’s not on them to have something worth sharing; it’s on you.

2. Can I financially afford a publicist right now?

This may seem like a rather obvious statement, but the truth is many artists do not fully understand the costs associated with having a publicist. Most PR firms require a minimum commitment of 3-months for any project, regardless of whether it’s an album, video, or single. That means for three months you are expected to pay whatever price you negotiate at the time of signing, and failure to do so will likely result in monetary penalties being issued against your group. Avoid this unnecessary trouble (not to mention looking amateur to industry professionals) and double-check your finances before seeking representation. Set a budget and work to find someone who offers you the most ‘bang for your buck.’

3. What am I hoping to accomplish with this campaign, and do I need a publicist to pull it off?

It’s common sense that artists and bands hoping to promote their new releases turn to publicists to help get the word out, but depending on your situation you may be able to handle marketing perfectly fine on your own. There are a growing number of articles and sites dedicated to empowering independent artists, including the one you’re reading right now, and if you’re willing to put in the work yourself, it’s reasonable to assume you can gain at least a small amount of press on your own. Blogs and smaller publications usually post their contact information online, and by reading up on PR tactics, anyone can craft a pitch letter, so as long as you’re okay with Rolling Stone and Pitchfork not giving you the time of day you may be able to do it on your own.

Furthermore, you need to know what you hope to achieve with a campaign. Getting the word out about something is too vague. Do you want more followers? one-thousand plays in the first twenty-four hours of release? Ten interviews a month? All that and more? Make a list of goals and ask yourself if you possess the knowledge and means to achieve them on your own.

4. Do I have high-quality promotional materials ready to go (masters, photos, etc.)?

Publicists spend their day trying to get the word out about their clients, but that does not mean they’re going to create promotional materials to help get the job done. As the client, it is on you to provide your publicist with everything they need to promote your efforts, and it should go without saying that quality plays a big role in whether or not journalists give you some of their oh-so-rare free time. Before you even consider bringing someone else into your career, make sure you have quality materials you want to be shared with the world. If you turn in mediocre media, the returns will likely be mediocre as well. Publicists work with what they’re given, so be sure you give yours the best material you possibly can.

5. What marketing ideas do I have for the release of my album/music video?

This is probably the most important part of this entire list because it’s the area artists most often overlook. Publicists can make amazing things happen for your career, but without guidance and direction from you, they will have no idea what it is you’re trying to convey with your art. This is why when deciding to bring on a publicist it is imperative that you first come up with your own set of goals and ideas for the release. Publicists want to help you, not do the work for you, and starting the relationship with a wealth of ideas on deck will simplify the promotional efforts on their end. By knowing what you expect, publicists can work with you to craft a campaign that’s designed to accomplish your specific goals, and that will lead to better results down the line.

Job Board News

Music Industry Job Board (October 22, 2018)

New openings:

Customer Support Representative (Ace Products Groups – Petaluma, CA)

We are a Petaluma-based Music Products company looking for sharp, qualified customer support representatives to help manage our growing customer base for a broad line of musical instrument accessory products. Candidates should be passionate & self-motivated, with some experience in the music products industry or a background in music. Salary negotiable w/benefits. Part time to full time available.

Music Content Writer (dBHeard Publishing Group LLC – Tonganoxie, KS)

This is a position for those who want to excel in customer relations via written interactions handled through email and live chat platforms with our customers go the extra mile for the customer.

You’ll assist customers in various points of their shopping experience and build a great rapport between us and our customers. Most of all, you’ll treat others the way we all want to be treated; with respect and honesty. You’ll need to communicate clearly to customers via email and social media, but mostly through answering phone calls from our customers. We do not, and will never, conduct cold calls to unsuspecting people.

Talent Buyer Assistant (AEG – Columbia, SC)

The Talent Buyer Assistant will support the Talent Buyer with the booking of events and shows. This position drafts offers to be submitted to artists and venues. This role also coordinates the availability of both artists and venues to create calendar holds for shows and events. Additionally, they assist in the maintenance of show files and the settlement of shows.

Music Publishing Licensing Assistant (Wixen Music Publishing – Calabasas, CA)

The ideal candidate has no or limited experience in the music business and is looking to get a solid footing in the music business and grow with us. Schooling in music industry studies and/or playing an instrument are pluses but are not required.

Success in this position requires a strong work ethic, attention to detail, ability to work with others and follow instructions, extreme organizational skills (proficiency in Excel is a major plus!), able to keep calm under pressure, a deep desire to learn, and the ability to create and nurture lasting relationships with our TV, film, advertising agency, and record label licensees.

If you’ve always wanted to be a music supervisor, great! But this IS NOT the job for you – this is not a “creative” position. On the other hand, if you’re tired of hearing horror stories about songwriters getting ripped off or struggling to make a living and want to go to bat for them, let’s talk, we have just the opening for you.

Executive Assistant (Sony – Miami, FL)

Reporting to the Special Projects Manager, this temporary Executive Assistant position is responsible for a wide range of administrative and executive support related tasks. This individual will work very closely with the Special Projects Manager and will help support the office by answering phones, arranging travel, maintaining expenses, and processing invoices. The qualified candidate must be comfortable with different working styles and be able to work in a high paced, fluid environment.

StubHub Customer Service Support (eBay – Draper, UT)

We are richly diverse and embrace our unique contributions and individual differences. We live life passionately. We act as one team in pursuit of connecting people with the teams, artists and people they care about most. We’re bold, inventive and are constantly upping our game. And we’re looking for people who are fully dedicated to providing unique perspectives and are passionate about experiencing the world through live events. We hope you’ll join us.

Assistant Sound Engineer (Ordway Center for the Performing Arts – Saint Paul, MN)

The position of Assistant Sound Engineer is a full-time, non-exempt, position with the production sound department, and shall work together with the Head Sound Engineer in the accomplishment of responsibilities pertaining to the department. This position requires the employee to directly interact with other House Crew members, clients as well as Extra Crew members and requires a positive and supportive attitude as well as a strong work ethic both when working with the clients and Extra Crew members.

The work responsibilities, conditions of employment, and wage conditions of the Assistant are governed by a Collective Bargaining Agreement between the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Local No. 13, Minneapolis/ St. Paul, Minnesota and the Ordway Center for the Performing Arts. The position is also governed by all Ordway personnel policies for full-time employees, where such policies do not conflict with the Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Live Sound Engineer (A&J Productions – North Haven, CT)

Walk into a venue, turn on PA system in correct order. Set up the stage, and mix the band(s). Must have knowledge of signal flow through a console and PA system. Must be good under pressure and have your own transportation. Musicians preferred

Recording Engineer (The Mix Loft Recording Studio – Las Vegas, NV)

Recording engineer needed for sessions, Protools, melodyne, autotune, wavetune experience required. Flexible schedule. Pop,R&B, Rap, Rock etc. Please submit a resume and at least 2 mixes from 2 genres.

Sound Designer (PLAYSTUDIOS Inc – Burlingame, CA)

As we expand our portfolio of free-to-play apps, we’re looking for experienced and ambitious SOUND DESIGNER to create captivating audio experiences that delight our players and reward their deeper engagement. In collaboration with the Creative Team, you will design audio effects and music for our casual games, social casino games, metagame promotions, and live operations features.

As a self-starting professional, you will take pride in delivering the highest quality audio design for a wide variety of games and enjoy pushing your technical skills to new limits, with the support of your Audio Team colleagues. You’ll have a passion for play, a healthy respect for our players, and you won’t take no for an answer when it comes to making our games better.

A solid grasp of the principles of audio production, sound design and music composition is essential, as well as strong organizational skills and a passion for creating exceptional audio experiences.

Executive Assistant, Motown (Capitol Music Group – Hollywood, CA)

This Executive Assistant will provide administrative support to the President of Motown Records located in Hollywood, CA. The ideal candidate will have Music or Entertainment experience and have experience supporting an EVP, President or other high-level executive with discretion and confidentiality. Must be very efficient and highly detail oriented. Multi-tasking and working on tight deadlines in a high-pressure environment is crucial. No task is too small and no challenge too great. A “can-do” attitude is essential. In this vital role, you will serve as the right arm to the President as well as provide overflow support to the team and overall company. Your honed organizational and communication skills will be on full display as you work to facilitate seamless administrative functions and maximize productivity. The primary goals are to leverage the President’s time and manage a productive office environment.

Head of Country Music Programming (Pandora – Nashville, TN)

We are seeking an individual with expertise, experience and deep passion for country music; as well as a vision for country music across streaming radio, on demand, and custom content platforms. The person in this role will curate genre radio stations and on demand playlists, develop the country library, and create editorial content. The ideal candidate brings experience in terrestrial radio, digital radio, editorial and/or playlisting.

This Curator Programmer is responsible for country music on Pandora, the largest streamer of country music in the world. They will be responsible for creating new and innovative culturally relevant content programs, serving listeners across all tiers of service to fill programming gaps and fulfill all listener needs.

Bookkeeper/Admin Asst (Art’s Music Shop – Birmingham, AL)

Looking for a Customer Service person with bookkeeping experience (closing out registers, making bank deposits, basic accounting skills, billing/collections, taking payments, answering the phones)

This is a position that requires people skills, organizational and problem-solving skills, and a consistent attendance.

Full time employees quality for Health Insurance, Paid Sick Leave, and Paid Vacation Days.

Administrative Assistant (UMG – Woodland Hills, CA)

UMG Finance is looking for an administrative assistant to primarily support the SVP, Credit & Collections and secondarily provide support as needed for the Directors and Sr. Managers in the department. This person may also grow to handle lower level credit, claims and accounts receivables functions as needed to support the group during heavy workload periods.

UMG Finance encompasses all oversight of incoming and outgoing financial issues, applications and strategies, of which the Credit & Collections area is a major part of. It has historically prided itself in best in class services in collecting income for the company’s businesses – its labels and its artists’ commercial assets – digital, physical, streaming, D2C – while maintaining the best relationships and reputations with its commercial partners.

Executive Assistant, Premium Marketing and Business Development (Spotify – NYC)

We’re now looking for an awesome Executive Assistant to provide outstanding support to Spotify’s Premium Brand and Partnership VPs and their teams. This is a full-time position located at our New York office. Some travel may be required periodically.

In this role, you will provide administrative and structural support to the VP of Premium Brand (based in NYC) and the VP of Premium Partnership (based in London). Spotify is a very fast moving and dynamic organization so be sure to buckle up, this is an exciting role! You will play an important part in the effectiveness of the Premium team but above all, your work will impact the way the world experiences music.

Administrative Assistant, Operations (AEG Worldwide – Honolulu, HI)

The Hawaii Convention Center is located within walking distance of Waikiki, the Hawaii Convention Center is like no other in the world. Open to the outdoors – with terraces, lanais, courtyards, waterfalls, and fishponds – this remarkable facility combines the latest in cutting edge technology with authentic Hawaiian ambience. Our cultural diversity and legendary spirit of aloha encourage attendees to see the world in a new light, so it’s no surprise that people accomplish more when they meet here. Best of all, the warmth of Hawaii and its people continue to inspire, long after meetings have ended.

Band & Orchestra Sales (Strait Music Company – Austin, TX)

Strait Music Company, Austin’s oldest and largest full-line music store, is currently seeking an experienced sales associate for our Band & Orchestra department at our South Austin location (Ben White & Lamar). We are looking for someone who is passionate about music and people, a self starter/takes initiative and can think on their feet.

You will be responsible for selling and renting band/orchestra instruments, working with our customers to meet their musical needs, and for keeping the department stocked and looking good. Experience in retail or customer service is a plus and familiarity with band and/or orchestra instruments is a must.

Assistant, Digital Marketing Operations, Urban (WMG – NYC)

This role is a great entry point and stepping stone into digital marketing. This job is the intersection of creative, marketing, technology, operations and production; you will have your hand in a lot of different areas. You must be detail-oriented and able to multi-task, as you will be assisting many artist projects, and administrating a fast-paced, large, growing team. You will be the direct operational support for the urban digital marketing team across all aspects of a music release – you will also be working closely with product managers, our in-house creative design, development and video team, and artist managers to help bring artists’ visions to life.

The ideal candidate is interested in the day-to-day operational facets of a music release AND new technology. This person reads blogs (tech and entertainment) every day, installs every new app just to try it out, and has a passion for leveraging the Internet to drive artist careers and revenue. They live on social media, lifestyle blogs, and discover new music in interesting ways. They understand how to optimize content across social platforms, have a desire to learn the “nuts and bolts” of what it takes operationally to release music and videos. As the environment is incredibly collaborative, you will be assisting in digital marketing operations for the department as a whole as well, giving you insights into many aspects of the digital space.

Director (Alabama Music Hall of Fame – Tuscumbia, AL)

Reporting to the AMHOF Board of Directors, the executive director will have overall strategic and operational responsibility for the Alabama Music Hall of Fame.

Marketing and Sales Office Assistant Manager (Carmel Music Academy – Carmel, IN)

We are seeking an experienced Marketing and Sales Office Assistant Manager for our growing business. You will increase and maintain client count, create and maintain digital and social media marketing, and manage the day to day operations of the business.

You will craft compelling marketing messages to excel our client count. We work with clients throughout Hamilton, Marion, & Boone Counties specializing in music lessons for all ages.

The best candidate for this position will have 3 years or more experience in sales, digital & social media marketing, and office management. Work closely with director, office staff, instructors and clients. Build relationships with people of all ages, you must have a desire for working with people. Working in high end restaurant, high end retail sales, with parents and kids is the best qualifying experience you will bring to the position.

Associate Director, Artist Marketing (Spotify – NYC)

The Artist Marketing team play a critical role in defining and driving Spotify’s promotional strategy around new and existing music content. As a leader on this team, you will help build and shape marketing programs that acquire, engage, and retain priority audiences across new album releases, individual artists, playlist franchises, and beyond.

D2C Marketer (UMG – Philadelphia, PA)

ame House, a Universal Music Group company, is looking for a D2C Marketer to join our team in Philadelphia, PA. The D2C Marketer will work with our D2C Marketing and Creative Departments to strategize, manage, and execute digital campaigns for our clients’ e-commerce releases and promotions. You will have the opportunity to work with some of the most successful artists and entertainment companies in the world.

Assistant, Digital Marketing Operations, Rock/Pop (WMG – NYC)

This role is a great entry point and stepping stone into digital marketing. This job is the intersection of creative, marketing, technology, operations and production; you will have your hand in a lot of different areas. You must be detail-oriented and able to multi-task, as you will be assisting many artist projects, and administrating a fast-paced, large, growing team. You will be the direct operational support for the rock/pop digital marketing team across all aspects of a music release – you will also be working closely with product managers, our in-house creative design, development and video team, and artist managers to help bring artists’ visions to life.

The ideal candidate is interested in the day-to-day operational facets of a music release AND new technology. This person reads blogs (tech and entertainment) every day, installs every new app just to try it out, and has a passion for leveraging the Internet to drive artist careers and revenue. They live on social media, lifestyle blogs, and discover new music in interesting ways. They understand how to optimize content across social platforms, have a desire to learn the “nuts and bolts” of what it takes operationally to release music and videos. As the environment is incredibly collaborative, you will be assisting in digital marketing operations for the department as a whole as well, giving you insights into many aspects of the digital space.

Job Board News

Music Industry Job Board (September 4, 2018)

New openings:

Artist Marketing Manager, Urban (Fender – Los Angeles)

We are looking for a talented Artist Marketing Manager – Urban to join our global marketing team. Artists are the foundation for everything we create and our goal is to become best-in-class marketing partner to current and emerging Urban artists who are driving guitar forward in music and culture. Based in Hollywood, CA, the ideal candidate will blend their passion for music with their proven ability to: identify and build highly effective relationships with artists, managers and influencers; expand artist adoption; and support the development of integrated marketing initiatives and programs that elevate the artist and create demand.

Assistant, Promotions (WMG – NYC)

Provide exceptional administrative, project, and research support to the Elektra Promotion department.

Music Publishing Specialist (Discovery Communications – Knoxville, TN)

The Music Publishing Specialist is responsible for the registration and administration of the company’s owned music assets with domestic and international music performing rights collection societies. The role is the key daily operational contact for quality control of the company’s owned music assets.

Artist Services & Digital Media Assistant (Jensen Artists – NYC)

Jensen Artists seeks a career-minded individual with a working knowledge of classical music and/or the music industry to fill an assistant position. Some prior experience working, interning, or completing coursework related to public relations or the music industry is preferred for this entry-level position. Attention to detail, promptness, strong organizational skills, and excellent verbal and written communication skills are required.

Associate Music Supervisor (TouchTunes – Redmond, VA)

Our mid-level apprentice position for Music Services is designed to help support the team of Music Supervisors. This position is multi-faceted with duties ranging from administrative support to music cataloguing to Music Supervision of mid-level accounts.

Release Coordinator (Tidal – NYC)

TIDAL is looking for a New York-based Release Coordinator to help manage weekly music releases, ensuring smooth delivery of assets and in-app placements. This highly organized individual will serve in a highly cross-functional role as the main informational hub between editorial, marketing and social priorities, working closely with the Content & Editorial team.

Assistant II, Music Touring (CAA – Los Angeles)

The assistant will provide administrative support to a senior agent in our music touring department. The ideal candidate should be motivated, interested in the urban music space, quick-thinking and open to working in an environment where he/she is capable of performing administrative tasks in a fast-paced environment. Growth opportunities exist for top performers.

Income Tracking Coordinator (Sony – Nashville, TN)

Assist Income Tracking Department with license tracking reports and the discovery and recovery of unpaid or underpaid royalties in the US and Canada – This includes royalty line and license detail analysis across multiple income types, such as mechanical, digital (online and mobile), performance, synchronization, and others.

Audio Editor (Lockstock Publications – Miami, FL)

We are looking for an audio editor to edit, mix, and upload our podcast episodes on a weekly basis. We will upload the wav files to a shared drive. Applicant can do all work remotely.

Publishing (Victory Records – Chicago, IL)

Another Victory Inc.,, is seeking an experienced Copyright and Licensing specialist. The ideal candidate will have a minimum of 3-5 years expertise in music publishing administration, including registration of song titles, an understanding of intellectual property rights, dealing with Performing Rights Organizations and other licensees on all aspects of company copyrights. Additionally, the ability to creatively and successfully exploit our catalog and maximize copyright revenues with ad agencies, music supervisors, cable and television networks etc.

Managing Editor, Music (New York Public Radio – NYC)

As WQXR’s Managing Editor, Music, you will be responsible for all content on and its affiliated sites. You will work with the SVP, Music and VP, Programming to develop and execute on a content strategy that will serve WQXR’s existing fans and help develop new audiences for classical music with compelling and insightful coverage

The Managing Editor has proven themselves as an exceptional communicator with an incredible eye for writing and editing. They’ve got a knack for penning a great headline and matching it to an unforgettable image. They can spot a trend from a mile off and know how to break into those conversations while maintaining a brand voice. They have the ability to lead a creative team and a drive to experiment with new approaches to an old genre. They are versed in AP style, believe in deadlines and how to meet them.

Digital Media Coordinator (Music City Center – Nashville, TN)

Under the direction of the Director of Technology and working closely with the Director of Communications, this position will be responsible for establishing business with customers and advertisers, managing digital media software and all platforms, conducting quality assurance with customers/advertisers including daily monitoring of digital signage, advertising information and customer communications, as well as coordinating the activities of service resources, monitoring industry usage and trends, and establishing annual business goals and budget.

BullsTv, Seasonal Associate (Chicago Bulls – Chicago)

The BullsTV team is the unique in-house, mixed media production arm within the Marketing & Communications Department that produces and edits original content, including in-game, TV and social video content that gives fans a behind-the-scenes look at the team. We are currently seeking a dedicated individual with initiative and drive to challenge self to continually improve strategies. In this role, you will partner closely with our BullsTV team and assist in all aspects of production and editing by crafting industry-leading digital video content for online and mobile distribution by the Chicago Bulls brand. This is an opportunity to grow with us in a dynamic, collaborative, and fun environment while expressing your real passion for sports.

Manager, Digital Marketing & Creative Services (Capitol Music Group – Hollywood, CA)

Capitol Music Group is looking for a Manager Digital Marketing to be a part of the Caroline/Capitol Marketing Team located in Hollywood, CA who will oversee and direct aspects of day-to-day digital creative and online marketing management. Responsible for creating and executing marketing and promotional plans across all areas of online including all company portals and distribution partners, artist website, social media, new technology, CRM, SEM/SEO, third party lifestyle, and e-commerce. Also responsible for nurturing and leveraging relationships with our label partners, artists and their management teams, and for strategizing on the best digital campaigns for them. Required to set goals and manage campaigns in an effort to optimize reach and revenue. Additionally, will need to manage and interpret departmental reports and partner data.

A&R Coordinator (Capitol Music Group – Hollywood, CA)

We are currently seeking an A&R Coordinator that will provide support to the SVP, A&R. He/she will help maintain a very busy schedule, handle heavy phone traffic, and serve as a point person for the department. The ideal candidate will come from music or entertainment and have previous experience supporting an executive. Must be very efficient and highly detail oriented; multitasking and working on tight deadlines in a fast- paced environment is crucial.

Jr. Analyst/Coordinator (UMG – Santa Monica, CA)

The Strategic Technology arm of Universal Music Group’s Digital Strategy division has two main roles, (1) technical due diligence and (2) strategic technology and product development. Initiatives under product development are overseen by the SVP of Business Development and include stems, high-resolution audio, and spatial audio. The Coordinator / Jr. Business Analyst will be responsible for providing administrative support for the SVP of Business Development, as well as project management, catalog research, data entry (for the purpose of preparing products), analysis, and marketing event planning. Specific tasks will include identifying candidate tracks for inclusion in product initiatives, working with labels to source prepare the tracks, analyzing available content numbers and product performance, planning around product promotional events, and assisting in demonstrations.

Human Resources (Sony – NYC)

This individual will provide administrative support to the Executive Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer. The Executive Assistant will ensure the smooth and efficient operation of the office. This individual will oversee the day-to-day functions of the executive and handle a wide range of administrative and executive support related tasks. On the whole, the qualified candidate must be extremely proactive, resourceful, driven, accessible and mature. Further the individual must have strong analytical skills. Must have proven ability to work effectively in a confidential, high paced, fluid environment while maintaining a strong attention to detail with an eagerness to help the office be as successful as possible.

Music Product Manager (Discovery Communications – Knoxville, TN)

The Music Product Manager will oversee the company’s external facing production music library website and all corresponding content metadata associated with the music placed on the website. This position will also interact with internal and external program executives and select library music for placement in long and short form programs.

Director of Analytics (Townsquare Media – NYC)

Townsquare Media is seeking a driven, analytical thinker with a strong research background to support our sales organization and direct a team of researchers. Reporting to the SVP of Data Enabled Sales, this role will be responsible for the execution of all research requests and delivery of materials to our sales departments to increase revenue. The Director of Analytics must have well-rounded knowledge of syndicated research tools (such as MRI, Comscore & Nielsen) as well as Data Management Platforms & digital research tools. Additionally, comfort in brand research, persona-building and primary research is important.

Senior Coordinator, Copyright Administration (BMG – Nashville, TN)

This position supports the Senior Director of Copyright Administration with various functions related to the administration of BMG’s repertoire including, but not limited to, data updates (including, but not limited to song, royalty client and royalty rate data), rights research, royalty reporting and analysis.

Production Coordinator (AEG Worldwide – NYC)

The Production Coordinator will assist in all areas of production for venue events. The Production Coordinator will serve as the main point of contact for shows, communicating with staff, vendors, security and artist management. Additionally, the position is responsible for coordinating and advancing production needs and requirements for all shows, and oversees all stage and technical needs including lighting, sound, A/V, equipment and venue maintenance.

Licensing & Income Tracking Analyst (Sony – Nashville, TN)

The Licensing & Income Tracking Analyst will have the following responsibilities:

  • Work with Licensing, Income Tracking, and Information Technology departments to build and progress enhancements to internal systems.
  • Work with Licensing and Income Tracking Department Heads to maintain efficient workflows between the two departments.
  • Collaborate with Licensing and Income Tracking staff to increase efficiencies in achieving departmental tasks.
  • Collaborate with Licensing and Income Tracking staff to increase efficiencies in maintaining and tracking charting, sales and license data.
  • Oversee upload and maintenance of licensing data for physical, digital download, streaming and various other license types.
  • Evaluate, plan, and improve the efficiency of business processes and procedures to enhance speed, quality, and output.

Coordinator, Music Programming (SiriusXM – NYC)

Works with members of the music programming team to create superior radio programs as needed. Supports creative processes, content development and production. Exercises both creative abilities and technical skills. Edits materials and operates an audio board. May be assigned to more than one program and perform slightly different functions across channels.

Publicity Manager (Marbaloo Marketing – Nashville, TN)

Marbaloo Marketing’s Publicity team is seeking a full-time Publicity Manager. In this position you are responsible for generating and executing publicity campaigns with an emphasis on multi-platform features for celebrity & brand clients. This includes building narrative, high volume pitching and securing opportunities that are creative, cutting edge and original. We expect that you’ll utilize previous relationships, constantly pursue new ones and have the ability to manage multiple projects at once while remaining organized, detail oriented and professional. This role position demands a high level of time management, innovative thinking and large amounts of client communication. Strong knowledge of digital media and trends is required. Familiarity with online and print media advertising is ideal but not required.

Coordinator, Marketing Music (Netflix – Los Angeles, CA)

The successful candidate loves everything music. S/he spends his/her free time going to venues, searching the Internet for the next great artists, and studying musicology. S/he thinks having several different licenses (synch, master, mechanical, etc.) for the same work makes complete sense and doesn’t think twice about a 7-way split ownership for “a side” of a song. S/he thinks about how best to source, track, and organize everything that goes into the workflow of fixing music to picture.

The successful candidate will be someone who loves working in an environment where freedom and responsibility are tenets, and passion, innovation and curiosity are mandates. S/he will have incredible soft skills to compliment his/her diligent work ethic. S/he seeks an environment that places thoughtful efficiency over process yet s/he knows how to work with organizations or institutions that may not hold the same beliefs. This page outlines how s/he always thought a company should be run.

Job Board News

Music Industry Job Board (August 6, 2018)

New openings:

Digital Media Manager (Sony – NYC)

The Media channel manager will be responsible for end to end management of campaigns and reporting across US Brand Activation efforts and Sony Rewards Card Marketing. They will serve as subject matter expert for paid digital activation, steering, and optimization within the channel and will influence best in class operation through knowledge sharing and collaboration across the Sony Group Companies. This role is expected to deliver successful execution of People Based Marketing, leveraging the centralized marketing platform and database. As the primary media manager and channel expert, the media manager will work closely with internal brand, digital marketing and martech teams to deliver KPI’s.

Project Manager, Digital Marketing (AEG Worldwide – Dallas, TX)

The Product Manager-Digital Marketing will oversee marketing campaigns for hundreds of live shows and venues within assigned region. The incumbent will be in constant communication with regional marketers, Talent Buyers and local leadership in order to oversee execution of best practices across email, social, media buying, Customer Relationship Management, reporting, etc. The Digital Project Manager is responsible for training local marketers as well as managing multiple budgets at once and placing media that optimizes for right message, right time, right consumer, to drive ticket sales. The Digital Project Manager is responsible for reporting on return on investment / return on advertising spending, understanding success metrics, and leveraging centralized tools where appropriate.

Manager, NA Administration Services (UMG – Nashville, TN)

UMPG is looking for a highly motivated person experienced at supervising people, the role is responsible for the day to day management of team coordinator and administrators and the Copyright tasks and activities performed by North American administration on behalf of UMP NA business functions including, timely agreement data entry, the analysis, and correction of data errors with the aim of improving data quality.

Manage all Copyright tasks and activities that cover the end to end administration value chain, assigning to team co-ordinators and administrators based upon knowledge and experience, ensuring the successful delivery to internal and external clients.

Sr. Manager, Music Programming (Radio Disney/Radio Disney Country – Burbank, CA)

The Radio Disney Network seeks a highly organized and detailed individual to support the Vice President, Music Strategy – DCWW and General Manager, Radio Disney Network to support, oversee and implement Radio Disney’s music programming, label, artist, management and talent booking strategies consistent with Disney Channels Worldwide (DCWW) and The Walt Disney Company (TWDC) brand visions. Radio Disney is a 24-hour contemporary hits and country music network and the only broadcast radio destination that provides a dedicated full-service, multi-platform, engaging family audience experience. The network broadcasts across multiple digital, satellite, and terrestrial platforms as well as provides streaming playlist programming to the following, but not limited to, Sirius/XM, the iHeartRadio App, Spotify, Apple Music, the Radio Disney App as well as many others. Internationally, Radio Disney is also available throughout most of South Americas and Mexico via separate terrestrial broadcast.

Manager, Music Label Business Development and Partnerships (YouTube and Google Play – Multiple locations)

As a Manager of Music Label Business Development and Partnerships within the U.S., you will be responsible for providing ongoing business development and relationship management to YouTube and Google Play’s key U.S. label partners. In this role you will interact regularly with counterparts at labels, facilitating ongoing business and operational processes, resolving inquiries, and identifying and driving mutual business growth opportunities. You will also collaborate closely with internal teams. You will have exceptional partner management skills, a service mindset, and extensive relationships in the music industry.

Music Products Customer Service & Sales (Malletech Inc. – Neptune, NJ)

We are looking for a hard-working, self-starting individual with a special talent for organizing and executing multiple simultaneous projects. Most of all, we are looking for a passion to be involved in the sales, support and growth of the best keyboard percussion products brand in the world.

Clear thinking, efficiency, organization and tidiness is a must. Good verbal and written communication skills are essential as is computer literacy (MS Excel) and a desire for a life in the music business.Music industry experience is a plus, although aptitude and attitude outweigh experience. Starting salary commensurate with your previous experience. The opportunity to grow with experience and effectiveness is limitless. This is a full time position with benefits.

All interested parties please submit a cover letter expressing why you are applying, as well as a resume.

Customer Service Representative (CD Baby – Portland, OR)

If you’re excited by the idea of helping great independent artists make a living doing what they love without giving control of their careers over to companies that only care about the bottom line, then CD Baby is the place for you.We embrace the independent spirit within a supportive, casual and fun (but productive) work environment.

CD Baby team members receive competitive pay and a full benefits package including tuition reimbursement and public transportation subsidies. Don’t bang your head in a boring job. Begin your career in the music industry and get into your groove!

Label Music Business Development Manager (Facebook – Menlo Park, CA)

Facebook is seeking a Label Music Business Development Manager who is passionate about the changing music ecosystem, technology and supporting our goal of connecting people through social media, the mobile eco-system and business strategy. This role will support Facebook’s strategy and negotiations with music labels (both majors and independents), as well as collaborate with our product and media partnerships teams to ensure a coordinated and best-in-class licensing structure. The position is full-time and based in our office in Menlo Park.

Media Activation Specialist (UMG – Nashville, TN)

UMG Nashville & Capitol Christian Music Group are looking for a self-motivated Media Activation Specialist to manage and help support artist marketing efforts and the labels at large. The ideal candidate would be passionate about combining music and advertising in their everyday life and is highly knowledgeable on all digital media outlets including paid search, social, programmatic, display, video, mobile as well as emerging media and new technology platforms. This position is responsible for the execution and day-to-day management of all media buying for all of UMG Nashville & Capitol CMG Campaigns. Successful candidates must have a high degree of comfort juggling multiple types of work, while discerning key information across a high volume of client communication. Must be comfortable working flexible hours when needed to cover night and weekend client activities. The role would work directly with all marketing teams and will report to the VP of Digital Marketing (UMG Nashville) & VP of Digital Marketing & Content (Capitol CMG).

Assistant Manager, Digital Customer Marketing (Studio Entertainment – Burbank, CA)

The Digital Customer Marketing Assistant Manager will support the efforts of the Digital Customer Marketing team in the areas of account and project management, creative approvals, franchise planning, budgeting and execution of marketing campaigns. This role must be able to liaise with internal teams and represent the Customer Marketing team with external clients and vendors.

Senior Analyst, Global Artist Insights (UMG – NYC)

This role calls for an enthusiastic and pro-active team player and music enthusiast, who will be researching and tracking the audience of our artists, connection drivers, audience perceptions and engagement across key markets to derive actionable insights that are presented to the marketing teams in our labels, directly influencing release campaigns and media planning process. On the brand side, the candidate will leverage multiple data points around our artists to assist our conversations with brand partners, supporting labels and our central Brand Partnerships team.

The candidate will be heavily involved in projects from start to finish. There will be a heavy focus on data analysis and interpretation of results across several sources into exciting narratives.

Assistant, Urban A&R (WMG – NYC)

This person will have a lot of responsibilities in the fast paced dept that is A&R. He or she will be answering phones, handling expenses, managing schedule and travel for senior A&R. They may be asked to attend shows, monitor new artist, manage vast data of producers and songwriters spanning the entire globe as well as create decks and documents for artist presentations. While hours will be from 10-7pm, there is high probability that they will be active after hours. This is the definitive entry point for anyone interested in the creative music making process.

Music Programming Manager (Google – Nashville, TN)

As a Music Programming Manager, you are a self-starter who will ramp up quickly to build and maintain YouTube’s Music Programming on handsets, web and tablets. Based on your digital content experience, you’ll coordinate and launch effective online features and promotions. You will bring programming instincts, sharp analytical abilities, and impeccable oral and written communication skills.

Know the user. Know the magic. Connect the two. At its core, marketing at Google starts with technology and ends with the user, bringing both together in unconventional ways. Our job is to demonstrate how Google’s products solve the world’s problems-from the everyday to the epic, from the mundane to the monumental. And we approach marketing in a way that only Google can-changing the game, redefining the medium, making the user the priority, and ultimately, letting the technology speak for itself.

Artist Relations Manager (Soundstripe – Nashville, TN)

Your role as Artist Relations Manager will include but not be limited to:

Communication: You will be responsible for being in constant communication with your artists via email, group chat, phone call, text, etc. Whenever they need you, you’ll be there for them.

Scheduling: You will be responsible for managing your artist’s work calendars for musical collaborations, marketing events, and miscellaneous meetings.

Meetings: You will be responsible for planning and executing bi-monthly “burn-out meetings”. These are one on one virtual meetings with your artists to check up on them and ensure they’re happy and healthy.

Administration: You will be responsible for executing song administration from your artists. Song administration includes: uploading songs to the Soundstripe website, entering song metadata into multiple spreadsheets for multiple distribution platforms, and keeping track of how many songs each artist is turning in. You’ll be working with numerous artists, under numerous artist monikers, across multiple performing rights organizations, and every spreadsheet cell needs a scrutinizing attention to detail.

Growth Within The Role: We want you to get to know our team, our systems, and the people you’ll be working with every day. This role will evolve and change as time goes on, and responsibilities will adjust and grow. Flexibility and a willingness to learn are essential!

Playlist & Influencer Coordinator (Symphonic Distribution – Tampa, FL)

We are currently looking for a full time Playlist & Influencer Coordinator to join our team. Based out of our Tampa, FL location, this position will report to the Director of Client Marketing & Playlist Promotion.

If you have an encyclopedic knowledge of music in general, follow tons of playlists priding yourself on knowing all the best and newest ones and have always wanted to get paid for this skill, this job may be for you!

Our ideal candidate is constantly scouring the web for new music deep into the sub-genres of electronic, hip-hop, and/or Latin/urban music.

Music Analyst, Client Services (Nielsen – Oldsmar, FL)

Accountable for reference data input, client inquiries, quality assurance and data accuracy, end-to-end processing of music and label information across all Nielsen music platforms, distribution of chart and sales information to clients like Billboard, Sony, Warner and other majors.

Customer Success (Current Media – Chicago, IL)

The Customer Success position is a key member of the cross-functional product and communications team for the organization. This role will be essential to responding to questions and complaints via email that come in from a variety of communication channels, maintaining a support document with all popular questions and responses, as well as handling all GDPR compliance in regards to canceling user accounts from our databases. We’re looking for a customer support expert who doesn’t require a script to help our customers. Someone who can delight with promptness, thoroughness, accuracy and maybe an occasional pun or two. We want our customers to rave about their customer service experience like they already rave about our app.

Artist Representative (WBA Entertainment – Hermitage, TN)

Works on behalf of an artist to represent, promote, and sell their work. In many ways, they represent the business interests of the artist, whether by pursuing individual sales, publicity, or opportunities like teaching, events, or commissions for artists.

Music Manager (Blessed & Beasty – Atlanta, GA)

This position would report to both the CEO as well as the Operations Manager, however the applicant will be mainly managing their own career. This is a commission only role and the Music Manager will get a percentage of the paid bookings and other investments they secure. This is not a job, this is a career for the right person who’s looking to take control, as it has unlimited potential.

The Music Manager will need to be comfortable making decisions and providing not only feedback but ideas and solid plans to back the initiatives as well. The Music Manger will be responsible for making the business run effectively and efficiently, while keeping the artists busy.

The Music Manager needs to be self-sufficient and comfortable with making judgement calls as well as a brand ambassador for Blessed & Beasty. The Manager also needs to be comfortable with creating new business, market expansion initiatives, pitching the artist as well as creating sales.

Influencer Marketing Operations Manager (Mavrck – Boston, MA)

The Influencer Marketing Operations team at Mavrck sits within the Customer Success organization and is responsible for driving value for all existing customers, including Fortune 500 and Mid-Market brands. This includes working directly with the Customer Success Team Lead, Customer Success Managers, and Product Team on customer accounts to drive value and customer KPIs.

We are looking for a curious hustler who wants to contribute to the growth of a scaling post-Series A startup in a highly competitive Influencer Marketing industry.

Manager, Streaming Marketing (UMG – Nashville, TN)

UMG Nashville is looking for a self-motivated Manager of Streaming Marketing to help support the growth of streaming for all UMGN artists. This position is responsible for maximizing monthly and yearly digital streaming sales objectives by effectively promoting UMG Nashville’s diverse roster of artists to streaming curation partners, brand partners and third-party partners and influencers globally; ultimately fulfilling the vision of UMG’s internal streaming strategy for the growth of our artist and label brands across all audio and video streaming platforms. This role would report to the Vice President, Marketing- Digital Accounts and work closely with the UMGN marketing team to maximize streaming income.

Associate, CRM Marketing (Soundcloud – NYC)

As a CRM Marketing Associate at SoundCloud, you will be responsible for managing the execution and delivery of our email, mobile in-app and push notification strategy. Working with multiple internal and external teams, you’ll play a key role in campaign set-up, optimization and reporting as well as defining new areas of opportunity for our CRM lifecycle and content communications to our users. In this role, you’ll support acquisition, engagement, and retention efforts and have a direct impact on SoundCloud’s core subscription and revenue metrics.

Traffic Coordinator (Townsquare Media – Grand Rapids, MI)

Townsquare Media Broadcasting, LLC has an immediate opening in our Traffic Department. This position manages the daily preparation and maintenance of on-air logs utilizing careful and thorough management of commercial inventory while maximizing revenue. Responsibilities will include the daily use of software to schedule inventory in order to maximize station revenue, posting of daily logs and preparation and maintenance of reports. Initiate innovative problem solving and decision-making tools to achieve station goals and work with sales management and account executives to efficiently accommodate advertisers and maintain revenue. This position includes management of the continuity function. It also includes answering phones, greeting people coming into the lobby and facilitating prize distribution and various general office administrative duties.

Part-Time Music Researcher (BMI – Memphis, TN)

Occasional part-time hourly work with hours ranging from 0-25 hours per week depending on availability of assignments. Work consists of music and market research in businesses in various states. Assignments include onsite research in businesses during late evenings, including weekends, and may require travel and overnight stay. Assignments also require completion of detailed reports following on-site visits.


Young consumers boost legal music downloads and streaming

The Who had it right when they sang, “the kids are alright.” 

A new report out of the UK has revealed a few surprising changes in the way people consume media. Despite the overall rate of piracy remaining largely the same, there has been a notable drop in digital piracy among the 16-24 demographic. A 7% dip, to be precise.

The latest figures, from the Online Copyright Infringement (OCI) tracker, are published on British IP Day. The annual tracker measures the level of online copyright infringement in the UK. The UK has led the way in measuring online copyright infringement in this way with Australia, and more recently Canada, using the same method.

Additional highlights from the newly released report include:

  • The UK has a lower overall infringement rate (25% of online content consumers) than both Canada (26%) and Australia (38%).
  • Levels of infringement varied by content type. TV programmes recorded the highest levels of infringement (23% amongst consumers of TV), with music (18%) and films (19%). Whereas infringement of software has decreased from 26% in 2017 to 20% this year. Infringement of sports content was 21%.
  • An increase in the share of consumers citing convenience, quality, and fears of viruses/malware/spyware as reasons for choosing paid for services over free services.
  • 65% of those who consumed any of the six key content types during the past three months paid for at least some of it (an increase from 60% in 2017), this is partly due to increased spend on subscription services.
  • Amongst infringers, there was a decline in the use of BitTorrent software (from 11% of infringers in 2017 to 7% this year), while the use of Kodi remained relatively unchanged (used by 12% of infringers).

What does this mean for those of us in the USA?

The US does not commission piracy reports, but if we assume similar results would exist here then we can (at the very least) hope for a better future. If piracy is not a trend in younger generations then there is always a chance future musicians will not be plagued by the same type of theft those who have been working the last twenty years have experienced.

Piracy, it seems, could be a generational issue. Those who steal do so because it became normalized while they were still developing as consumers. If younger generations, those born on or after the year 2000, do not view piracy the same then it’s possible piracy rates will continue to fall moving forward.

In the meantime, musicians need to realize piracy is still a serious threat to their career and wallet. Join Haulix today and protect your new release from those who wish to steal it.

Job Board News

Music Industry Job Board (May 14, 2018)

New openings:

Administrative Assistant, Marketing (WMG – Burbank, CA)

The Marketing department is the chief holder of information on the status of an individual project (record or dvd) scheduled to be released into the marketplace. Primary focus lies in discovering effective advertising avenues, market research, dissemination of useful information to fellow staff members and partner labels.

Music Operator (Cleveland Monsters – Cleveland, OH)

Under the supervision of the GAME PRESENTATION DEPT. and MUSIC DIRECTOR, performs all music, sound prompt, and sound effect functions at CLEVELAND MONSTERS – AHL home games and Q ARENA special events (sport tournaments, corporate & charity events, Cavaliers-related events), in and outside of Quicken Loans Arena.

Classical Music Curator (Apple – Santa Clara Valley, CA)

Classical music fans are some of the most passionate music fans on Earth. Our Apple Music team is passionate about using metadata to create the best experience possible for music fans.

Administrative Assistant (Jam Industries – Bloomfield, CT)

We are seeking an Administrative Assistant to provide support for the senior staff. The ability to multi-task, while maintaining and managing administrative support, are essential to this position. The ideal candidate is self-motivated, resourceful, organized, detail oriented, and capable of managing their work load and prioritizing. This is an excellent opportunity to join a Music Industry company with competitive compensation.

Administrative Assistant (Beats 1 / Apple Music – Culver City, CA)

Beats 1 and Apple Music are seeking a dynamic individual to provide administrative support. The temporary assistant will be a collaborative member with a friendly work style. You will be especially well-organized, able to effectively multi-task & prioritize, and take initiative.

Festival Of Music Supervisor (Kings Dominion – Doswell, VA)

Manage Festival of Music specific details and Festival of Music team.

Executive Assistant, Head of Content & Programming (Vevo – NYC)

Vevo is looking for a music aficionado to provide administrative support to the Global Head of Content & Programming. The Content & Programming team at Vevo encompasses all things music, artist relations, original content, live production, and programming. A successful candidate will be self-motivated, quick-thinking, flexible, and able to juggle multiple and diverse responsibilities with a strong emphasis on organization and an unwavering attention to detail at all times. This is a demanding and fast moving position that requires someone who is able to keep to the rhythm of the team while exercising good judgment and significant initiative.

Cluster Programming Assistant (iHeartMedia – Louisville, KY)

Shadows and supports Program Directors for 8 station cluster in all aspects of radio stations on air experience including: talent, content, tone, programming, production, sound & theme, and online presence.

Board Operator (Radio One – Atlanta, GA)

To competently* and professionally* ensure technical quality of sound for programs originating in the studio from syndications or from remote pick up points.

Music Coordinator (CBS Television Network – NYC)

This position reports to the Music Manager of CBS Sports and assists the Production Department in creative and logistical music needs for CBS Sports programming which includes the NFL, SEC football, NCAA basketball and PGA golf. Must be available to work on weekends from September to April.

Coordinator, Development Services (The Philadelphia Orchestra Association – Philadelphia, PA)

The Coordinator will assist with prioritizing and organizing work systems for The Philadelphia Orchestra Development programs. These programs include but are not limited to Board, General Membership, Volunteer, Academy of Music Restoration and Ball, and Institutional Giving (Corporate, Foundation, and Government). Some of the tasks include, processing donations for Academy of Music and ball related transactions, individual, corporate, foundation and government gifts, stock gifts, transaction adjustments and memorial gifts, generating and mailing select gift acknowledgement letters, make changes to contact information on donor records and provide administrative support on donor accounts. The Coordinator will also assist the Senior Director of Development Services and the Development Services Manager as needed.

Administrative Assistant (UMG – Santa Monica, CA)

This role is for you if you are fast, organized, energetic, and self-motivated. The ideal candidate has a strong sense of purpose, a desire to contribute, learn, build, and be challenged. A high level of discretion is required in handling a variety of confidential material and information. Excellent organizational and critical thinking skills are required.

Part-Time Music Researcher (BMI – Cedar Rapids, IA)

Broadcast Music Incorporated (BMI) seeks team members who have a passion for delivering excellent customer service both internally and externally to those we serve. For 70+ years we have been a global leader in rights management. We are an American performing rights organization that represents more than 800,000 songwriters, composers and music publishers in all genres of music and nearly 13 million works. We are proud to have the responsibility of collecting license fees from businesses that use music. We then distribute those funds (royalties) to the musical creators and copyright owners we represent. Without BMI and the work we do, many of those we represent would not be able to live their passion and get paid for doing so.

Receptionist / Administrative Assistant (Townsquare Media – Billings, MT)

As an integral member of the radio station’s administrative support staff, the Receptionist position requires an outgoing personality and professional but friendly demeanor, with the ability to be flexible and multi-task in a busy atmosphere.

Assistant Event Photographer (Raw – Houston, TX)

RAW is now looking for an assistant photographer to aid in shooting quarterly events that include 60-70 showcased artists per showcase.

Manager, Film & Television Music (WMG – Burbank, CA)

Manager, Film & Television Music seeks out, makes contact and meets with film and TV Music Supervisors and Executives for purposes of marketing, recommending music and securing licensing and marketing opportunties to be used on their respective projects.

Event Manager (BMF Media – NYC)

Reporting to the Event Director with a strong dotted line to the Senior Account Director, you will organize events that will make an impact for a major agency client in the hospitality sector.. You will ensure events are successful and cost-effective, paying attention to budget and time constraints. Your fresh ideas and organizational skills are sure to make every event a true success.

Assistant Creative Services Manager (SESAC – Nashville, TN)

SESAC is looking for an Assistant Creative Services Manager to join our team in Nashville. The Assistant Creative Services Manager will provide excellent service to assigned SESAC affiliated writers (SAWs) and industry contacts by helping to facilitate creative and business opportunities through an understanding of music industry dynamics, and provide team support by coordinating and organizing schedules, meetings, events, and other special projects.

Culture Blogger (The Silver Room – Chicago, IL)

The Silver Room brand relies on community connections in store and online. Our online blog and newsletter is a channel our readers can rely on for information about what is happening in store, in the community and beyond. We’re looking for a writer to ideate, research and write thought-provoking pieces about Chicago, music, art, fashion and culture. The blogger will pitch 3-5 stories per week and write 1-2 original pieces per week and one store-related piece (new merchandise, fashion trends, event recaps, etc.).

In-Game Audio Specialist (LA Clippers – Los Angeles, CA)

Do you want to build an amazing NBA fan experience? Are you at the cutting edge of musical trends? Can you edit, mix and create audio elements that bring people to their feet? In-Game Audio Specialist will be responsible for all hands-on audio execution during Los Angeles Clippers games; including but not limited to audio engineering, music/EFX playback operation and all related pre-game preparation. Audio Specialist will also craft instrumental music scores for in-game and video use, including technical performer aspects of the game entertainment production to ensure its full potential of successfully providing the fans with the best experience. Ideal Audio Specialist will be well-versed in different genres of music; have strong experience with editing, mixing, and creating all audio elements for sports events, including dance team routines, mascot skits, in-game beats, hot time-outs, pump music clips, and creative music themes for on-court promotions. As an ideal Audio Specialist, you will also possess the talent and skill to read the energy of a large crowd and react/execute accordingly, and you will consistently create and implement musical ideas that provide a fresh, energetic, fun-filled and fan-inspiring atmosphere at all home games.

Music Assistant (Angel Diva Music and Acting – Woodland Hills, CA)

Established Los Angeles entertainment company Angel Diva Music is immediately seeking a part-time assistant. Seeking an enthusiastic and talented budding professional to assist with a range of several duties. Must be within 5 miles from Woodland Hills. Must be Non-smoking, and on time. Must be extremely organized and detail oriented. Must like dogs. A very friendly lab, retriever mix loves to go for walks.

Older posts (7+ days)

Creative Operations Assistant (WMG – NYC)

The creative assistant is an organized individual who does not get rattled easily. In a climate where artwork is needed more than ever, this role is geared towards making sure the team has all they need to focus on the design aspect of the artwork. We will be creating systems to make sure the workflow is as smooth and seamless as possible. You will be dealing with almost all the departments at the company to make anything surrounding artwork is on order. From contract and invoices to organizing and producing photo shoots, this is a great opportunity to make an impact in a great department at an amazing company.

Music Recording Engineer (MediaVision – Atlanta, GA)

Searching for experienced recording engineer that’s ready to take their craft to the professional level. Must be skilled in mixing, mastering, tracking, etc. Knowledge of Protools, Uad Plug-ins, etc. is a must. Professional environment with celebrity clientele, therefore, your skills and professionalism must be intact.

A&R management (Sun and Sky Entertainment – Atlanta, GA)

Sun and Sky Entertainment is looking for an experienced A&R and Artist Manager to manage new artists who have appeared on a TV talent show. Sun and Sky entertainment has launched a new TV talent show, that is airing locally throughout the U.S. on PBS TV stations and is expanding at a record pace. Our company has several divisions (TV Production, Distribution, Touring, etc) and is now looking to build a significant talent management division.

Executive Assistant (Nonesuch Records – NYC)

The Executive Assistant will be responsible for providing support to the President and Senior Vice President of Nonesuch Records.

Creative Personal Assistant (TBD – NYC)

Seeking an experienced Creative Personal Assistant with Music / Entertainment Industry experience in New York. You must be able to handle the very hectic schedule of upcoming events. Looking for someone who is proactive, highly organized always thinking many steps ahead. Organizational skills and proactive thinking are essential.

Music Manager (Salt Records – Zachary, LA)

Music Manager Needed!! Someone with energy and aggressiveness to help promote and manage a fresh new Hip Hop artist with a powerful life-changing message. Must be versatile enough to manage the business and the marketing side of things. Flexible hours, great pay!

Music Engineer (Davie Business Group – Aventura, FL)

Looking for a professional music engineer, someone that gets the job done and in a timely manner. Engineer must have atleast 3-5 years experience (2yrs min). Someone with an open and flexible schedule that may include weekends as well. based on your interview this position can be a part-time or full-time job.

Music Curator (Punch Bowl Social – Detroit, MI)

MC will work within the Punch Bowl Social database of music to curate play lists for all listed time frames and anticipated business volumes. MC must have a plan for the shift, and have the ability to adjust the plan based on evaluation of the time of day, crowd

in the building, etc. MC sets the tone and vibe for the restaurant and should have the ability to qualify the situation and react to the needs of the venue. This is a huge responsibility!

MC will work directly with the brand music director on evaluation of music, creation of playlist, execution of playlists, and best practices for the venue. MC will communicate directly with music director, and take direction from music director.

Music Curator (VNYL – El Segundo, CA)

VNYL is a music subscription that sends 3 new vinyl records per month based on our member’s personal listening tastes. We look to create amazing discovery and listening for our members.If you have a passion for music and want to work in a fast paced growing music startup, this is for you!Responsibilities: We select music for our members each month from thousands of different available vinyl titles to be the best match for each member’s unique music taste. We’re looking for you to be the voice of VNYL to the new generation of vinyl lovers.

  • Work with the Curation team to discover and evaluate great new music on vinyl.
  • Work to program our Spotify playlists with the best new music that suits our members.
  • Give each customer the VIP treatment of connecting the dots between their VNYL Member Profile, Spotify account, and other linked accounts to deliver new music on vinyl.
  • Be the face of VNYL to our customers, bringing new music monthly to them on vinyl.

Music Coordinator (BalletMet – Columbus, OH)

Coordinate all music and accompanists for the company, as well as academy.

Music Coordinator (The Salvation Army – Suffern, NY)

Music has always been an integral part of the Salvation Army culture. A great number of cadets coming into training today are not only new to The Salvation Army, but new to church culture and have limited knowledge of sacred music heritage. As leaders in The Salvation Army, future officers will need to be able to utilize music to enhance the spiritual and religious experiences for soldiers and those that enter the Army’s varied ministries. The Music Coordinator will equip cadets in these areas and in the implementation of the CFOT choral and instrumental programs.

Executive Assistant (BMI – Atlanta, GA)

Assists the Vice President of the Creative department by performing the following duties.

Assistant/Coordinator, International Marketing (UMG – NYC)

Universal Music Group is currently seeking an International Marketing Coordinator. This position is ideal for an up and coming Assistant/Coordinator with an interest/experience in the international arena. Candidates must be comfortable and capable of working with senior management, both inside and outside of Universal Music Group, as well as artists.

The ideal candidate will possess strong administrative, organizational and creative skills. Prior marketing and administrative experience in the music/entertainment field preferred. Candidate must have an innate passion for the music/entertainment industries and strong interest in International Marketing. The International Marketing Coordinator reports directly to the International Marketing SVP and interacts on a daily basis with the Marketing Team.

Marketing Coordinator (5Towns Records – NYC)

5Towns Records is looking for a Marketing/A&R Coordinator to join our quickly growing indie label. The label is funded by Steve Madden Ltd, and distributed through ADA/Warner, with a strong roster of female pop/electro-pop/alt-pop artists. The role is a combination of administrative tasks (invoicing, budgeting, timelines), marketing (marketing plans, sourcing creatives for music videos and photoshoots), and A&R (searching for artists for 5Towns roster). We’re looking for a candidate that has a hunger to learn about how an indie record label runs, and how to develop an artist from the ground up.

Live Audio Engineer (City Farm Presents – Brooklyn, NY)

City Farm Presents is an entertainment production and marketing agency created by the programming and hospitality team behind The Bell House and Union Hall venues in Brooklyn. For over 10 years we have played an integral role in the ever-changing worlds of music, comedy, and podcasts.

City Farm Presents is looking for live audio engineers for the summer season of The Bell House Series at Industry City. Venue is an outdoor stage with capacity from 325 seated to 800 GA.

Applicants must have 3+ years experience mixing in a variety of venues. Outdoor experience is a plus. Experience in music venue settings is a must.

Coordinator, Rights Management and Catalog Optimization (Sony – NYC)

We are looking for a Coordinator, Rights Management to join our dynamic (NYC) East Village office.

Reporting to Manager, Rights Management, the full-time Coordinator will be responsible for performing a variety of revenue-generating projects (mainly within YouTube), while providing high-level, internal support for our label managers, as well as clients and rightsholders, to ensure that content-related issues are resolved immediately. Specifically, we are looking for someone to own our entire Label Audit process from start to finish.

Broadcast Audio Engineer (Flowing Streams – Vero Beach, FL)

Flowing Streams has an immediate opening for a Broadcast Audio Engineer to oversee all facets of audio at our media content production center in Vero Beach, FL.

Specialist, Arista Promotion (Sony – Nashville, TN)

As National Promotions Specialist for Arista Nashville, you’ll maximize the effectiveness of the National Promotions staff who promote such artists as Brad Paisley, Cam, LANco, Seth Ennis, Tim McGraw and Fatih Hill to radio.

Entertainment Housing Coordinator (Road Rebels – San Diego)

The Housing Coordinator is responsible for working with entertainment groups independently and as part of a team. You are responsible for researching the best housing options in each city on your client’s itinerary and negotiating the very best rates and concessions. Expert negotiating and exceptional client service are an integral part of this position. You will be in constant communication with clients (who are on the road and are your primary contact with each group), continuing to build trust and partnership with clients is essential. If you are outgoing, multi-task oriented, flexible, and dedicated the Housing Coordinator position might be right for you!

Publicity (Victory Records – Chicago, IL)

Victory Records is an entrepreneurial, exciting and vibrant business and the #1 Independent Rock Record Label in the country. The company is engaged in the recorded music, music merchandising and publishing businesses. We are looking for a media savvy individual with at least 3 years of experience working with all media outlets at the national and regional level including print, TV, film, radio, digital and mobile.

Pro Audio Marketing Specialist (MEE audio – Industry, CA)

Combines direct and social media marketing skills to architect and enhance our social media presence, including interacting with influencers and potential customers, promoting brand-focused interactive and engaging content, and expanding opportunities for revenue.

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