5 Ways To Ensure Your Band Is Making The Most Of Instagram

Instagram has long been the go-to platform for anyone hoping to share photos and short videos of their lives with the internet, but in recent weeks the company has gone to new lengths improve brand relations and provide long-desired improvements… Continue Reading

Email Will Out-Live Social Media

“So what’s the next big thing online to get the word out?” The singer from a popular hardcore band asked me this recently. They’re no slouch, with 5+ albums and a few European tours under their belt. But most smart… Continue Reading

Advice: Stop putting more barriers between you and your fans

(Photo credit: Tracy Vanessa / Mezzic) In the 90s it was all about getting your music into big box stores like Best Buy, Tower Records, and Circuit City. Distribution wins! But those stores didn’t really care about your music or… Continue Reading

ADVICE: Six Tips For Improving Your Black Friday Sales

Hello, everyone! Thank you for finding time in your schedule to spend a few minutes with us. This week has focused heavily on ways artists can keep merchandise costs low while furthering their overall reach, and this post is a… Continue Reading

How To Receive 20,000 Plays In One Week Without Spending A Dime

Hello, everyone! We are happy to have you join us this afternoon. Our friend Lueda shared with us a story this morning about her recent promotional efforts that was so inspiring we felt we had to share it with you… Continue Reading